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Saturday, January 18, 2025

Comment of the Moment: "big change is coming" by Neil Young & The Chrome Hearts

 "big change is coming" 
by Neil Young & The Chrome Hearts
(Video Frame via Official Video)

Yesterday, January 17, Neil Young dropped a track from his latest album titled "big change is coming".

In addition, an Official Music Video was released featuring the band  The Chrome Hearts waving the U.S. of A. flag and marching to the beat.

All of which brings us -- obviously -- to our Comment of the Moment on "big change is coming" by Neil Young & The Chrome Hearts by Dan:

Throughout Neil’s career he was borrowed elements from other songs that he has written. 

This isn’t a criticism, but simply an observation. And I have always enjoyed his occasional songs with familiar themes and chord changes. It’s kind of like his signature in a way, and this new track has several different reference points from his past.

I don’t watch music videos when previewing a new song. Because I’d rather let the song stand on its own merits. And I really like the fact that the lyrics aren’t telling you what to think, it’s just observing what’s coming. And the riff is definitely catchy.

I’m looking forward to hearing the whole album in context with the other songs. Neil has always been a great sequencer of his albums, and depending on where each song lives on the album, tends to enhance both the song before and, the song after. This is one of many reasons why I love listening to complete albums. The artists lays out the tracks with a very specific theme, or intention.

But for now; judging from this one song, I’m actually pretty excited about this new album. So hopefully we won’t have to wait too long to hear the whole thing…… soon.

Peace to all……..and here’s hoping for the best, but expecting the worst. 🙏

“Without deviation from the norm, progress is impossible “

Frank Zappa

"A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials".
Seneca (ancient Roman philosopher)

Thanks Dan for the comment, being here and sharing.

For us, the big takeaway is the preparation for change. Awareness of the ongoing #BigShift.

Just as  A Big Shift is coming to the Neil Young Archives, everywhere we look, we hear folks tuning into the accelerating Big Shift. Certainly, a rather major shift in thinking at Neil Young Archives and the newspaper Times Contrarian. Again, this is not merely politics or religion we speak of.  This is fundamental ... our core essence of spirit and soul. Humanity in an age of technocracy.

Earlier, we said that at the risk of saying "told you so", Here Comes "The Big Shift" and the  corruption of mainstream media is blatant and dangerousit is sadly ironic that this all comes so late in the game for those who should have been paying attention. But, better late than never.  (More on the intersectionality of politics, art and the media.)

Stay tuned, consciousness and awareness are coming! Thanks for the heads up Neil & Hearts!

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At 1/18/2025 12:31:00 PM, Blogger thrasher said...

Disclosure is coming.
And no, this isn't a political/religious event. We're talking about Truth and Reconciliation.

At 1/18/2025 03:18:00 PM, Blogger Dionys said...

I don't know for the life of me
Where you come up with that stuff.
Truth and Reconciliation?
The American voters and their billionaires
Just decided they want anything but...
And they own the place, the internet
And the change, the stock exchange that is.

At 1/18/2025 04:22:00 PM, Blogger thrasher said...

ahhh, our dear friend Dionys, we fear you misunderstand here.
Afterall, who could possibly be opposed to Truth and Reconciliation?
Only liars and crooks. And we KNOW you're definitely not in those categories.

At 1/18/2025 04:59:00 PM, Blogger Abner Snopes said...

I have to weigh in with Dionys on this main point: the U.S. voter does not seem to want anything even resembling the truth. We voted for a malicious buffoon.

At 1/18/2025 05:51:00 PM, Blogger Dionys said...

Ah, I've been with the professors and they've all liked my looks
With great guys here I have discussed liars and crooks
I've been through all of F. Scott Fitzgerald's books
I'm very well-read, it's well-known
But something is happening here and I don't know what you mean
when you say Truth & Reconciliation
Am I Mr. Jones?

At 1/18/2025 08:48:00 PM, Blogger Knowledge Nomad said...

Thrasher, bless his heart, likes to throw out cryptic messages about some undefined Big Shift. It's like the proverbial "they" that is often alleged to be at the root of all nefarious activity. Anyway, out here in LA, the Big Shifts I worry about are those underground or winds during fires. As for politics, there are plenty of very real dangers to be concerned about without summoning oblique Big Shift. We can name them and organize to counteract them. Climate change, inequitable distribution of wealth, atomization of society, militarism, etc. etc.

Btw, I like the new song. Better than just about everything off the last 2 albums, except Chevrolet.

At 1/18/2025 08:51:00 PM, Blogger the rider said...

Neil writes about modern problems in our world, such trying to save the earth and democracy. But a lot of these types of new songs that he writes have a good message, but many of them aren't that great of a song. But the old stuff of his with these themes was killer material like Ohio, Rockin In The Free World and After The Goldrush. Green Is Blue is a good recent song about being environmentally conscious, and I think Help Me Lose My Mind is a great way to show the dangers of the conservative minded brainwashed masses who support the recent red wave of fascism. What works about that song and Ohio is that they capture a feeling and it isn't just a simple slogan song like a lot of his new stuff is with these sort of themes.

At 1/18/2025 09:12:00 PM, Blogger The Metamorphic Rocker said...

In future, I think I'll take a leaf from Dan's book and listen to new songs sans video first... the song has energy, which is certainly a good sign. On reflection, it's a good fit for the times: lots of bellowing, little specificity. Talk about jangling your nerves! An ode to the unknown and the unknowing, I guess.

At 1/18/2025 09:21:00 PM, Blogger The Metamorphic Rocker said...

Who needs specific, practical solutions when "truth and reconciliation" are sure to be coming any day now? Some people talk big to avoid showing what they're actually made of.

At 1/18/2025 09:41:00 PM, Blogger Fort Mac said...

Very interesting to see Neil Young , carrying an American flag . As of Monday , Canada will be at war with all Americans that continue to threaten invasion. No idle threats , this will be war . Any Americana in Canada is a threat to our Sovereignty. We have fought fascist aggression and will continue . There is no glory in times of War , when those die , in defence . Keep a close eye on your embassy in Ottawa , and yer Americana Hockey stars in the NHL . This will be a long war , you are all targets now .

At 1/18/2025 09:47:00 PM, Blogger Dan Swan said...

@Thrashers : I appreciate being singled out. Always a surprise actually.

As to the Big Shift… I went to a women’s right rally here in Boise Idaho. And Idaho has a government trapped in the 1800’s, as well as being unable to join the rest of us in the 21st century. The abortion ban here is one of the strictest in the nation, and our congressional representatives have been working hard to eliminate any freedoms we still have left here.

One of the speakers (who I can’t remember her name) had some interesting observations. She said that many of her friends had said that our founding fathers would be rolling in their graves if they could see what our country has become. Her response was that she “begged to disagree”. At the time when our Constitution was adopted, black folks were only considered as three-fifths of a person, women couldn’t vote, and even a white man couldn’t vote unless he owned property. All the men who drafted the constitution had slaves, and were considerably wealthy individuals. So no, they wouldn’t be rolling in their graves. They would definitely recognize it.

We now have an incredible opportunity over the next four years to make a difference in our country, but it will require all of us to step up and be heard. We’re fighting billionaires who have complete control of most of the information that comes out, and they intend to dismantle as many freedoms as possible. Because they already have all the money, so now they want all the power…….So we definitely have our work cut out for us.

But as I was reminded today; the darker it gets, the brighter our light. So this is no time for hovering in fear. We need to take back something from these billionaires that belongs to us, and that’s our freedom. Freedom isn’t given; it’s earned. And none of us can just sit back and wait for someone else to do the heavy lifting.

The Big Shift is coming from those who are willing to do their part. Big or small things can make for change, so whatever works for you is great. At least speak your truth, and learn to listen. Because if we all do our part (big or small), then the SHIFT will definitely hit the fan. Just because they have all the money doesn’t mean they have all the power. Just remember….there’s more of us than there are of them.

To quote John Lennon : “so….apathy didn’t work….so what. We try again”

Peace to all 🙏


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