"A BUNCH OF SONGS": Neil Young's Latest New Album Recording w/ Crazy Horse
Neil continues:
"We are so happy to be back in the barn, a barn built to replace the 1850s barn that had collapsed in exactly the same place, high in the mountains of Colorado! It’s an exact replica of the original, built with Ponderosa pines by Ted Moews and his great crew of artisans. It is magic inside."
Mark Humphries is handling monitors and -- in a big surprise -- Technician legend Larry Cragg "The Welder", is handling the guitars and amplifiers again.

Thematically, a post-pandemic album seems to be on the horizon.
Says Neil Young:
"These are new times, with new songs and feelings after what our world has been through and continues to face.
This music we are making for our souls. It’s like fresh water on a desert. Life is going on."
So, quite reassuring and gratifying news and somewhat of a relief for many. to hear that these 2020 themes will have a soundtrack by Neil & The Horse.

Reflecting on Reflections
Photo by Gijsbert Hanekroot
Neil's message on "The focus, a gift" continued with a rundown on all of the projects he has
completed and will be releasing over the next year or so. Most of the
release details have been previously shared. See Neil Young's planned release schedule for 2021 and 2022 plus Neil Young's DVD & Official Bootleg Series release schedule.
In 2020, Neil Young said that "We Are Going To Book This" on "Chompin At The Bit - Crazy Horse Barn Tour" | NYA. But things changed ... yet again ... or changed your mind, much, eh?

Neil Young & Crazy Horse:
"3rd Best Garage Band in the World"
~~Bill Graham - The Cow Palace, Daly City, California, Nov. 21, 1986
Saddle up. Ride on. Fearlessly, gallop from the pastures into those old dusty barns. There will be a very warm rusty welcome awaiting.

Induct Neil Young & Crazy Horse
Into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Labels: #CrazyHorse4HOF, #DontSpookTheHorse, #MayTheHorseBeWithYou, #MoreBarn, album, archives, concert, crazy horse, neil young, recording, tour
Needless to say, this is wonderful news. Anytime there is an opportunity for new music from Neil Young & Crazy Horse is a reason to celebrate. I’m convinced that the songs will be a reflection of what we’ve all been experiencing, and who better to deliver the goods.
“ All Hail The Horse “
Peace 🙏
Looks like about nine of em, if each board has one song each. Too bad the resolution is is juuuuuust a little too low to make out any words yet. We see what you did there, dhlovelife!
@ Dan - #AllHailTheHorse indeed!
@ tomatron - yep, quite an intriguing nugget.
so the next question is will Crazy Horse be Neil's band @ Farm Aid. We had been leaning heavily towards Lukas & POTR.
but now ....
Revised release schedule at NYA for the rest of the year.
And you can probably pencil in A Bunch of Songs for November.
There's a lot of lyrics on those boards. Neil must have some stuff to say. I'm very excited.
Really excited by this new album !!! And a Crazy Horse one !
Beside that the release schedule has changed. Main information: Carnegie Hall is still scheduled but not the 5 other bootlegs. Very sad.
Toast, Noise and Flowers still in 2021.
@ Nimrod - yeah, lots of words from neil. always good.
and yes, maybe he does have something to say about 2020 and Year of The "Shut It Down".
maybe if he had never written that song ...
careful what you wish for. but @ least he did try and give a heads up to folks about the warning sign on the road ahead of the impending #BigShift.
therefore, at least most neil fans & tw readers weren't caught off guard by 2020 & had a chance to prep and brace ourselves.
@ Phil - thanks for sharing updates here. Guess the vinyl backlog impacts are reverberating and rumblin' ?!
That is sad about the release schedule. Pressing plants were already booked right before the pandemic, and increased demand has got them all backed up. Hopefully the current schedule reflects a realistic timeline. I bet getting that ORS circa ‘90 on the shelves for the holidays is of high priority!
While I somehow do have a recording of the Bottom Line concert and also an obscure Ducks Tape, I am a little bit disappointed about the delay in the release in their official version. The other official bootlegs will cover an era already extensively documented.
On the new project: will there be a farewell song to the big lie president? Or is that irreconcilable with Neil Young's Style?
@ Dionys: I don’t think the delay will be more than several months past what they originally expected, and after all we’ve already waited upwards of fifty years for some of these shows to be released. The good news is that they are already mixed, mastered, and plated, so they just need to get them pressed, and we will see them sooner or later.
As to what Neil may say in his new songs; your guess is as good as mine, but I feel that he has some serious fire in his belly over the past few years about a lot of things, and I personally can’t wait to hear what he has to say. This should be an emotional experience for sure, as he did say they were making music for their ‘souls’. Speculation is a dangerous pastime, but I feel good about the possibilities.
Peace 🙏
Regarding the release schedule, I wish they would simply separate the vinyl releases from the NYA, Download & CD releases. The world-wide vinyl capacity issue is not going to get resolved quickly. They've already delayed the Bootleg releases at least 6 months.
Agreed, Dan. Cause for celebration. I liked the last album, Colorado, a lot. I will think of Neil when I see Canadian Geese flying. The Earth is heating up big time. I am sure we can count on some rousing environmental anthems to be included.
- Alan in Seattle
Indeed. Bring it on, all in good time. Thanks, Neil Young! Alan
Now that there is a delay in the vinyl bootleg series why not release Archives Volume 3 this year.
@ Dan - we agree that speculation can be more dangerous than useful most of the time.
esp in matters involving nuclear warhead etc.
but, like you say, this is really all in good fun and pretty harmless.pastime, we also are getting strong vibes similar to the LWW era.
we knew neil was recording during the early stages of yet another planned invasion.
and bot did LWW upset folks even more than Ohio ever did.
while we're not looking for another LWW on the 2020 topic, maybe this will all be about the post Shut It Down spirit and how we really need to have a better discussion about our collective futures here on EARTH.
something beyond the trivialities of BitCoin, etc.
so. what are you feeling in terms of titles?
we sent NY a LTE awhile back on the song Shut It Down. We suggested a new song called Open It Back up. neil's response was priceless -- as always.
Full moon tomorrow night. Time to start laying down those new tracks!
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