


Neil Young's new release ""World Record" w/ Crazy Horse is now available for pre-order. Order here
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Saturday, March 21, 2020

Memories of Old Princeton Landing: All In A Dream, Neil Young & Crazy Horse Play In A Small Bar in Coastal California - 1996

Old Princeton Landing, Princeton-by-the-Sea, Half Moon Bay, California - July 2019
photo by Aer "H2OFace"

Last week, we featured a Comment of the Moment on the legendary Neil Young & Crazy Horse gigs at the Old Princeton Landing bar by Joseph.

The posting inspired many memories of the those gigs which seemed to be all in a fevered dream -- full on Neil Young & Crazy Horse "stealth concerts" in a tiny dive bar with barely 150+ squeezing in. Reports were that more folks were outside the bar than inside while the band played.

Here's a look at Old Princeton Landing, Princeton-by-the-Sea, Half Moon Bay, California from July 2019 by Aer "H2OFace".

Leaving Greendale Sign

Neil Young & Crazy Horse - OPL, 1996

Draft of Lyrics for "Sun Green"

Thanks so much for sharing Aer "H2OFace"!

Neil and Ralph's set-ups on the other side of the stage. The red box in the foreground is Neil's effects gizmo - 1996
(pic: Richie | CA)

"The Echos" (NYCH) OPL Stealth Dates - 1996

Rusties Lineup for Wristbands - 1996
Don and Jan Leary and Ken Schick snag the head of the queue for tickets

(pic: Richie | CA)

Some more OPL memories and reviews:

  • Old Princeton Landing, Half Moon Bay, CA Concert Review - June 6, 1996

  • Old Princeton Landing, Half Moon Bay, CA Concert Review - March 22, 1996

  • Old Princeton Landing, Half Moon Bay, CA Concert Review - March 21, 1996

  • REVIEW: 1996-05-09
    The Catalyst, Santa Cruz, California, w/ The Echos

    Santa Cruz Sentinel via Sugar Mtn

    So where exactly is Old Princeton Landing, Princeton-by-the-Sea, Half Moon Bay, California?

    Old Princeton Landing, Princeton-by-the-Sea, Half Moon Bay, California
    via Cardboard Analogue

    Also, see definitive Cardboard Analogue, which details the performances of Neil Young and Crazy Horse at the Old Princeton Landing bar near Half Moon Bay in Northern California during March-June 1996. (Thanks Ciaran for keeping the dream alive! Incidentally, we've always found the website name "Cardboard Analogue" very clever. It is a pun on Broken Arrow ranch's "Plywood Analogue" studio. Although, "Cardboard Digital" might be even more clever.)

    Liz (note TW 25th Anniv shirt!), Denis, Lee & Mr. W.
    Old Princeton Landing - 2016 Bridge Weekend
    photo by thrashette

    More @ Shirt of the Moment: Old Princeton Landing - 2016 Bridge Weekend.

    Also, see more OPL concert reviews @ NYAS Broken Arrow #63 | May, 1996:

    NYAS Broken Arrow #63 | May, 1996
    Cover Photo - OPL 1996 By Teddy Triolo

    "This is Greendale" Brochure
    Tomorrow's Town - Today (1948)

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    Thursday, March 19, 2020

    TONIGHT: Fireside Sessions | Neil Young Archives


    Setlist: (Thanks H2OFace)

    Sugar Mountain (outside)
    Vampire Blues
    ~~a message from the sponsor - water~~
    Love Art Blues
    Tell Me Why
    Razor Love
    Little Wing

    "Vampire Blues"

    Neil Young has announced a "Fireside Sessions" broadcast tonight, Thursday, March 19 per Times-Contrarian | Neil Young Archives.

    Neil writes that: "Daryl was up all night putting together our fireside session for you."

    Program should run about 30 minutes.

    More on Neil Young Announces "Fireside Sessions" | NYA.

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    World Premiere: "Leave The Driving" - RETURN TO GREENDALE by Neil Young & Crazy Horse | NYA

    "Are Protesters Terrorists?"
    Grandpa (Larry Cragg) & Grandma (Twink Brewer)
    Scene from RETURN TO GREENDALE by Neil Young & Crazy Horse

    via "Return To Greendale" World Premiere | NYA

    "Leave The Driving" (Chapter #4) from "Return To Greendale" will have its World Premiere in Hearse Theater | NYA today, Thursday, March 19.

    "Leave The Driving"

    RETURN TO GREENDALE @ Balboa Theater, San Francisco, CA - Jan 28, 2020

    A premiere screening of the film RETURN TO GREENDALE by Neil Young & Crazy Horse was held at Balboa Theater in San Francisco, CA on Jan 28, 2020, where much of the cast and crew attended, as we reported.

    In January, a preview of the upcoming concert film of the Greendale Tour by Neil Young & Crazy Horse was featured on Goin' To Greendale | BENTLEY’S BANDSTAND | NYA.

    Music industry veteran Bill Bentley writes about his Greendale experience and seeing the film of the 2003 Toronto concert: ‘And that, dear listeners, is when the bells start ringing, the lights start flashing and the thrillometer heats up all the way to the top of the tube.'

    Sun Green (Sara White) and Grandpa (Ben Keith)

    Neil Young calls "Greendale" on Times-Contrarian | NYA "one of the biggest highlights of my filming life".

    Making Greendale
    Neil Young Filming Greendale Actors Grandpa & Jed

    But back in 2003, "Greendale" was one of the most controversial and divisive albums and concert tours of Neil Young's career. The importance of "Greendale" can not be understated - either in terms of Neil Young's body of work, nor its impact on his fan base. This is how we memorialized "Greendale" on Thrasher's Wheat Home Page in June 2003:
    With the arrival of Greendale in 2003 -- for us -- Greendale was like a sledgehammer to the anvil of truth and awakened this blog from it's post-9/11 dormancy. Because when Neil Young Sings Truth To Power, The World Listens.
    So let that soak in for a moment.

    This website was launched in 1996 -- about 24 years ago. It sort of languished with periodic updates until 2003. Then, with the theme of the "Greendale" songs coming into focus, we here were inspired to begin daily blog updates. At the time we said we would update the blog daily until the concert tours "Greendale" ended. But the tour kept going and going and going around the world, well into 2004, along with all the ancillary books, videos, films, etc.

    So we can safely say that Thrasher's Wheat would not exist today if it had not been for "Greendale". Period. Full stop.

    'She was welded to the eagle's beak
    sun green leaned into that megaphone
    and said, "truth is all i seek" '
    "Sun Green"
    by Neil Young

    As many of our long time readers here at Thrasher's Wheat know, we have long since declared: "The Inconvenient Truth of Greendale".

    Mainly this observation centered on the album's environmental call to action and it's plea to respect Mother Nature and all of her creations. But environmentalism is but just one of the many themes of Neil Young's 2003 album Greendale, which we once boldly declared "the most important album of 2003, the musical equivalent of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring".

    Greendale Graphic Novel
    By Joshua Dysart/Cliff Chiang

    The inconvenient truth of Neil Young's Greendale is that he was right -- and his message is even more relevant today than upon Greendale's original release.

    greendale flag
    Sun Green Was Right
    The Greendale Prophecies

    Sun Green (Sarah White, Greendale Film by Neil Young, 2003) + Greta Thunberg (Climate Activist, Born in 2003)
    Greta Thunberg and Neil Young's Prophetic Greendale: Sun Green + Julia Butterfly

    For some, 2003's Greendale was an incomprehensible disaster. From The Washington Post's critic David Segal on Year 2003 CDs, who labeled Greendale as the year's "most baffling critical swoon", Segal writes: "Neil Young's 'Greendale' is "a droning mess of a concept album inexplicably hailed as ingenious" and "a vanity project gone stupefyingly wrong".

    For others though, Greendale was hailed as a groundbreaking concept album similar to The Beatles' Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, The Who's Tommy or Pink Floyd's 'The Wall'.

    Greendale Officer Carmichael in the "compelling", "controversial" and "audiences challenging" concert opera "Greendale".

    Some critics went as far as saying that Young had broken new ground by creating an entirely unique art form -- the "audio novel". From New York Times article 'Have You Heard the New Neil Young Novel?' by Madison Smartt Bell:
    "Mr. Young has always been remarkable for his creative resilience, and this time he really has done something new, rendering into this combination of print and audio a novel that is surprisingly sophisticated and satisfyingly complete."

    Greendale @ Radio City Music Hall, New York City, March 18, 2004
    Photo by thrashette

    The inconvenient truth of Greendale is its uncomfortable confrontation with themes such as the power of mass media and global corporations, loss of personal freedoms and privacy, destruction of the environment, rampant fraud and corruption, an out of balance government and breakdown of the family. All of which we've detailed before here, here, and here.

    "Everything You're Looking For" - Bandit

    Greendale Sign

    POP. 25,810

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    Wednesday, March 18, 2020

    Comment of the Moment: Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Old Princeton Landing - 1996

    Old Princeton Landing, Half Moon Bay, California
    Image via Cardboard Analogue

    The Comment of the Moment is the legendary Neil Young & Crazy Horse gigs at the Old Princeton Landing in Half Moon Bay, California in 1996 by Joseph:
    greetings and salutations...

    i have decided to approach this subject via this site given yr obvious propensities. i have been a fan for a while, i went on tour with neil and crazy horse back in 1970, i think but it could have been 1971? but anyway...i have been listening to a particular show over and over...which nobody else i know is even aware of.

    the date is 4/14/96.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    yup it's an opl....old princeton landing show...and to me it seems to warrant some kind of collective acknowledgement for it's heavy magical content....which is yet forthcoming.

    this is without the shadow of a doubt, to my ears anyway (and i'm a musician now for over half a century...): the absolute best example of what neil and crazy horse could deliver live. i know there are other prime examples, needless to say, but why is it that nobody has even heard this show for the most part, and why do i feel so compelled to even bother you with this crazy notion? that it is inexorably the best recorded neil and crazy horse live? yup, in a hole -in-the -wall bar with 200 person capacity...

    therefore it should be italicized so all you other folks might perchance hear it also. maybe you already know but i would love to hear whether it is even on yr radar. at that time, i was embroiled in acupuncture school in santa cruz, and my friends told me that these shows were about to commence, but i was in wicked exam mode and couldn't rationalize driving up to the venue on a night before the giant mf exams. i did manage to see the catalyst show in may which was great but that venue is so damn years later i found these shows had been recorded well, and this show, the one with the very long pocahontas, and the very long cortez....has been emblazoned on my brain.... my question to you.... is have you heard this show from start to finish?

    my email is

    thanks very much for yr site, and yr patience.....
    yrs, joseph
    Thanks for memories Joseph!

    Neil and Ralph's set-ups on the other side of the stage. The red box in the foreground is Neil's effects gizmo
    (pic: Richie | CA).

    Some more OPL memories and reviews:

  • Old Princeton Landing, Half Moon Bay, CA Concert Review - June 6, 1996

  • Old Princeton Landing, Half Moon Bay, CA Concert Review - March 22, 1996

  • Old Princeton Landing, Half Moon Bay, CA Concert Review - March 21, 1996

  • Also, see definitive Cardboard Analogue, which details the performances of Neil Young and Crazy Horse at the Old Princeton Landing bar near Half Moon Bay in Northern California during March-June 1996. (Thanks Ciaran for keeping the dream alive! Incddentally, we've always found the website name "Cardboard Analogue" very clever. It is a pun on Broken Arrow ranch's "Plywood Analogue" studio. Although, "Cardboard Digital" might be even more clever.)

    Liz (note TW 25th Anniv shirt!), Denis, Lee & Mr. W.
    Old Princeton Landing - 2016 Bridge Weekend
    photo by thrashette

    More @ Shirt of the Moment: Old Princeton Landing - 2016 Bridge Weekend.

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    Tuesday, March 17, 2020

    NOW PLAYING: "Shut it Down" Video by Neil Young & Crazy Horse | NYA

    "Shut it Down" - MOUNTAINTOP
    Hearse Theater on NYA

    As noted over this past weekend here, on Tuesday, March 17, the "Shut it Down" video will screen in Hearse Theater on NYA.

    The video, directed by Bernard Shakey and dhlovelife, is from documentary film MOUNTAINTOP of the recording sessions at Studio in the Clouds for the album Colorado with Crazy Horse.

    Neil Young & Crazy Horse

    So, as we previously blogged, those prophecies by Neil Young just keep piling up.

    The Neil Young Song of the Moment on TW last week was the prescient and ahead of its time "Shut it Down" from the album Colorado released in November 2019. (Thanks John Q. !)

    "(Have to shut the whole system down)
    That’s the only way we can all be free
    (Have to shut the whole system down)
    Start again and build it for eternity

    ***When I look at the future I see hope for you and me***
    (Have to shut the whole system down)
    Working, working for eternity, working now, working now
    Have to shut the whole system down, working now"

    The song was actually written about one year ago while Neil Young recorded the album album Colorado and made the documentary film MOUNTAINTOP of the recording sessions in April 2019.

    Billy, Neil, Nils, & Ralph - April 2019
    photo: dhlovelife

    In the meantime, "Shut it Down" has rocketed up the Charts on Cashbox to #13.

    Some ask, why bother with the prophecies of Neil Young?

    Shut it Down
    Climate Rally - 2019

    Well, fair question, we suppose and it seems kind of obvious. But -- for those who just love to bash all things Neil, all the time -- here's why knowing the future is helpful today.

    (Really? Do we really need to spell this out?)

    Why not just check out the Greendale Prophecies or Neil Young's time traveling into future and back with messages in his songs. so pay attention, now, this time, please?

    greendale flag
    Sun Green Was Right
    The Greendale Prophecies

    Sun Green (Sarah White, Greendale Film by Neil Young, 2003) + Greta Thunberg (Climate Activist, Born in 2003)
    Greta Thunberg and Neil Young's Prophetic Greendale: Sun Green + Julia Butterfly

    More on album Colorado , film MOUNTAINTOP and song "Shut it Down" by Neil Young & Crazy Horse.

    Also, see:

    COLORADO by Neil Young & Crazy Horse
    Release Date: October 25, 2019 - Pre-order now
    (Please shop locally & independently. But if you can't, we appreciate your supporting Thrasher's Wheat by clicking this link. Thank you!!!)

    In the meantime, Keep Calm and Keep on Rockin'!

    ps - now can you feel that #BigShift happening?!

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    Monday, March 16, 2020

    Neil Young Announces "Fireside Sessions" | NYA

    Neil Young has announced a series of "Fireside Sessions" will be streaming on Neil Young Archives.

    Performing in the Rocky Mountains while his wife Daryl Hannah films, Neil writes: "It will be a real homework - a few songs, a little time together ."

    Look for details ... coming soon. July?! :)

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    Willie for a Nobel!

    Willie Nelson for Nobel Peace Prize
    for Farm Aid and his work on
    alternative fuels, and world peace initiatives.

    Farm Aid

    Go Farmers Markets!

    "In the >field< of opportunity
    It's plowin' time again."

    Silverline Communications

    (Home of the FarmAidians)
    Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada
    (519) 737-7979

    This blog supports free speech!

    Demand justice for Aaron:
    Support "Aaron's Law" and inquiry into his prosecution

    (... he didn't kill himself either...) #AaronDidntKillHimself

    Induct Neil Young & Crazy Horse
    Into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

    Please Help Support Independent Media &
    Non-Corporate Advertising
    This Blog's For You!

    The Hypocrisy of the Mainstream Media

    It's Been Called The
    "Missing Link" in the Ditch Trilogy


    Sign the Release "Time Fades Away" Petition
    Join The 10,000+ Who Have Already Signed


    Neil Young Appreciation Society

    Sugar Mountain

    Neil Young Setlists
    Rust Radio


    Bands Covering Neil Young songs


    Official Neil Young News Site

    The Bridge School

    The Bridge School Concerts
    25th Anniversary Edition

    **100% of Proceeds to Benefit Bridge School***

    The Essential Neil Young

    Fans Favorite Neil Albums

    Top 50 MP3
    Neil Young Song Downloads

    Top 10 Best Selling Neil Albums Today
    Support Thrasher's Wheat
    via Purchases from:
    United States - us.gif
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    Germany - de.gif

    Neil Young Songbook Project

    In the fields of wheat

    "Children of Destiny" will NOT be harvested
    However, the chaff will be burned by unquenchable fire

    Neil Young + Promise of the Real

    Europe 2016 Tour Dates

    2015 Rebel Content Tour

    Neil Young & Crazy Horse
    Alchemy Concert Tour Reviews

    Fall 2012 N. America Tour
    Spring 2013 Australia/New Zealand Tour
    Summer 2013 Europe Tour

    Europe Summer 2014 Concert Tour
    Neil Young & Crazy Horse

    Thrasher's Wheat Radio Supporters Go To Europe

    Neil Young Films

    2010 MusiCares Honors Neil Young

    Features Elvis Costello, Crosby Stills & Nash, Sheryl Crow, Josh Groban, Ben Harper, Elton John, Norah Jones, Lady Antebellum, Dave Matthews, James Taylor, Keith Urban, and others.
    Proceeds from sales go to MusiCares,
    which helps musicians in need of
    financial and medical assistance.


    "There's more to the picture
    Than meets the eye"



    Neil Young FAQ:
    Everything Left to Know About the Iconic and Mercurial Rocker
    "an indispensable reference"

    Paul McCartney and Neil Young


    "You can make a difference
    If you really a try"

    John Lennon and Neil Young

    "hailed by fans as a wonderful read"

    Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young:
    The Supergroup of the 20th Century

    Director Jonathan Demme's Exquisite film "Heart of Gold"

    eddie & neil
    Eddie Vedder and Neil Young

    Revisiting The Significance of
    The Buffalo Springfield

    "The revolution will not be televised"
    ... it will be blogged, streamed,
    tweeted, shared and liked
    The Embarrassment of Mainstream Media

    Turn Off Your TV & Have A Life

    "Everything Is Bullshit" +
    "Turn Off The News"
    Turn Off the News (Build a Garden)

    Neil Young 2016 Year in Review:
    The Year of The Wheat

    Kurt Cobain
    Kurt Cobain and Neil Young

    Neil Young's Feedback:
    An Acquired Taste?

    Young Neil: The Sugar Mountain Years
    by Rustie Sharry "Keepin' Jive Alive in T.O." Wilson

    "the definitive source of Neil Young's formative childhood years in Canada"

    neil & joni
    Joni Mitchell & Neil Young

    europe 1987.jpg

    Bob and Neil

    So Who Really Was "The Godfather of Grunge"?

    Four Dead in Ohio
    kent state
    So What Really Happened at Kent State?

    The Four Dead in Ohio

    May The FOUR Be With You #MayThe4thBeWithYou


    dissent is not treason
    Dissent is the highest form of patriotism

    Rockin' In The Free World

    Sing Truth to Power!
    When Neil Young Speaks Truth To Power,
    The World Listens

    Emmylou Harris and Neil Young

    Wilco and Neil Young


    Bruce Springsteen and Neil Young


    Elton John and Neil Young

    Lynyrd Skynyrd and Neil Young


    The Meaning of "Sweet Home Alabama" Lyrics

    Neil Young Nation -
    "The definitive Neil Young fan book"

    What does the song mean?

    Random Neil Young Link of the Moment

    Bonnie Raitt and Neil Young

    I'm Proud to Be A Union Man


    When Neil Young is Playing,
    You Shut the Fuck Up

    Class War:
    They Started It and We'll Finish It...

    A battle raged on the open page...
    No Fear, No Surrender. Courage

    "What if Al Qaeda blew up the levees?"
    Full Disclousre Now

    "I've Got The Revolution Blues"

    Willie Nelson & Neil Young
    Willie Nelson for Nobel Peace Prize

    John Mellencamp:
    Why Willie Deserves a Nobel



    Love and Only Love

    "Thinking about what a friend had said,
    I was hoping it was a lie"

    We're All On
    A Journey Through the Past

    Neil Young's Moon Songs
    Tell Us The F'n TRUTH
    (we can handle it... try us)

    Does Anything Else Really Matter?

    "Nobody's free until everybody's free."
    ~~ Fannie Lou Hamer

    Here Comes "The Big Shift"

    Maybe everything you think you know is wrong? NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS
    "It's all illusion anyway."

    Propaganda = Mind Control
    Guess what?
    "Symbols Rule the World, not Words or Laws."
    ... and symbolism will be their downfall...

    Brighter Planet's 350 Challenge
    Be The Rain, Be The Change

    the truth will set you free
    This Machine Kills Fascists

    "Children of Destiny" - THE Part of THE Solution

    (Frame from Official Music Video)

    war is not the answer
    yet we are
    Still Living With War

    "greed is NOT good"
    Hey Big Brother!
    Stop Spying On Us!
    Civic Duty Is Not Terrorism

    The Achilles Heel
    Orwell (and Grandpa) Was Right
    “Emancipate yourself from mental slavery.”
    ~~ Bob Marley

    The Essence of "The Doubters"

    Yes, There's Definitely A Hole in The Sky

    Even Though The Music Died 50+ Years Ago
    Open Up the "Tired Eyes" & Wake up!
    "consciousness is near"
    What's So Funny About
    Peace, Love, & Understanding & Music?


    Show Me A Sign

    "Who is John Galt?"
    To ask the question is to know the answer

    "Whosoever shall give up his liberty for a temporary security
    deserves neither liberty nor safety."

    ~~ Benjamin Franklin


    (Between the lines of age)

    And in the end, the love you take
    Is equal to the love you make

    ~~ John & Paul

    the zen of neil
    the power of rust
    the karma of the wheat

