MEGA-REVIEW: COLORADO by Neil Young & Crazy Horse | Alan's Album Archives

COLORADO by Neil Young & Crazy Horse
Release Date: October 25, 2019 - Pre-order now
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Over the years, we have regarded reviews from Alan's Album Archives to be indispensable for in-depth analysis of classic or neglected albums.
We are highlighting this review because Alan's Album Archives has compiled probably the most extensive collection of Neil Young album critical analysis anywhere. So here's an interesting look at COLORADO by Neil Young & Crazy Horse on Alan's Album Archives:
Neil sounds happier than I would have expected him to given the sad events of a year that saw him move in with a new love and lose the mother of many of his children (which does sound like a Machiavellian pact).Full album review with track by track commentary of COLORADO by Neil Young & Crazy Horse on Alan's Album Archives.
Rather than the guilt of ‘Storytone’ though Neil feels free to write his new wife love songs quite openly for the first real time and as a result there’s a sense of contentment and domesticity that we haven’t heard since 1978’s ‘Comes A Time’. In the middle of this turbulent record made in a hugely turbulent era personally and politically Neil can sing of rainbows and love with an innocence seventy-four-year-olds don’t normally have. Neil pays Darryl her own tributes in the way he once did with wives Pegi, Carrie and Susan, with the line to sum up her take-no-prisoners righteous soul ‘She walked like she knew where she was going’ to match the stability-and-brooms of ‘Harvest Moon’, the lust and confusion of ‘A Man Needs A Maid’ and the awed love songs of ‘Neil Young’ respectively.
Darryl brings light to a world of darkness, a rainbow of colours to an Earth that seems to exist in black-and-white and hope to a life that thought it was over and done already. Darryl is painted here time and again as a fierce fighter who knows her own mind but brings Neil a peace and tranquillity he hasn’t felt for a long time and a fairytale as she waited all those years to be with him without being disappointed in him. This album is very much her album in the same way that ‘Neil Young’ was for Susan, ‘Harvest’ was for Carrie and ‘Comes A Time’ was for Pegi, but naturally for such a known eco-warrior who knows her politics, it’s a record that’s concerned with the outer world as well as the inner world.
One of the big announcements made during the press junket for ‘Colorado’ was that, after fifty years of being a dual citizen, Neil is now officially an American. This is, if he doesn’t mind me saying so, a weird time to do just that. The official line is that Neil ‘got tired of not having a say’ in American politics and fed up of lambasting critics who wondered why he cared so much about Trump if he was Canadian. It is, I fear, a sign of the times. Nobody questioned Neil’s right to write about whomever the hell he wanted when Nixon was in the White House and even as recently as 2008 George Bush Jnr was fair game; it’s only now the Trumpies are in the house that people are as likely to check stranger’s citizenship rights and birth certificate before they check out your record collection. It seems odd, too, that Neil of all people should stoop to caring what the public thought of him just two years after gleefully kicking off ‘The Visitor’ with the line ‘I’m Canadian by the way…’ The politics of what’s happening to the world runs through the veins of ‘Colorado’ in more ways than just the title, even if it’s softer than the Trump pot-shots of the last couple of CDs. For starters, Trump doesn’t get a specific mention this time around though that’s clearly who Neil is aiming at with his tales of biased television reports and angry unthinking supporters.
See also FIRST IMPRESSIONS: 'Colorado' by Neil Young & Crazy Horse.

"I want it up as loud as it can go!" - Neil
Neil Young & Crazy Horse in the Studio
(Frame via film Mountaintop)
Also, see commentary on STREAMING PREVIEW: "Milky Way" on COLORADO, New Album by Neil Young & Crazy Horse.
#CrazyHorse4HOF, @CrazyHorse4HoF
Labels: album, analysis, crazy horse, film, neil young, review, songs, studio, tracks
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Thanks Scotsman.
Glad you weighed in on this. We do have a lot of respect for Alan's reviews as he's done some amazing work on dozens of Neil's album reviews track by track.
We did highlight this section because of the Susan/Pegi/Daryl angles which we found intriguing.
So you don't think "I Do" is about Daryl? hmmm. makes sense to us given their recent marriage. presumably they said traditional vows.
"thanks for making all this happen again" we would interpret falling in true love again. that magical feeling that only comes along when the sun, moon an stars align. So lightening struck at least twice for Neil and he's celebrating in song.
now we have heard others mention that it relates to Nils and Crazy Horse, but the title doesn't align, nor do lyrics directly.
btw, did you read Alan's full review?
That's a challenge for other blog readers here.
Scotsman's been doing a lot of heavy lifting lately. join in.
It's a beautiful song that is very open to interpretation, but I think Alan has maybe got the wrong end of the stick in this instance by assuming that Neil is singing to Daryl (Neil's wife and fellow activist) on "I Do". I think he probably also misinterprets Rainbow Of Colors, which is a little strange considering it is (as Dylan might put it) a very "honest" song.
"I Do" is a song that hints most strongly at a warm friendship uneasily paired with deep disagreement on the environmental/political subject, and the music is the soundtrack to that tension.
I think it is a magical, perfectly performed track and a real highlight of this album. But I also think it's a song where first impressions are likely to mislead, and the title "I Do" sends us all off on a wild-goose chase; assuming a link to marriage when the real subject of this song is someone else entirely.
And judging by that "thanks for making all this happen again" verse, someone not very far away from the Colorado sessions at all.
Thank you Thrasher (my comment with a minor edit reposted below). I did take the time to read Alan's review and liked it. I didn't necessarily agree with all of it, and thought I'd point out a couple of bits where I think he is slightly off-beam.
Re: I Do. A missing piece of the puzzle is that not all of Neil's friends from within Crazy Horse share his views on politics and the environment. Within that context, suddenly the song (and the "thanks for making all this happen again" verse) I think makes a lot more sense, and in a very crafty way.
I felt that I Do was directed to Daryl , but I suspect that it could be interpreted in different ways. Regardless of who or what it’s about, it’s a beautiful song and a perfect ending to a perfect record.
Here's Nils Lofgren on I Do:
"There’s a song on the album, “I Do”… You can hear us singing “Thank you for making all this happen again. We’re going to do it just like we did it back then.” That’s him talking about what I’m talking about. Can you believe it? We’re still standing all these years later, and creating something new. Ralphie is funny. We stayed friends all these years, very close. And he kept telling Neil that we had to do something new".
The giveaway that this is a nod to Crazy Horse is right there in those lines quoted by Nils: "We're going to do it just like we did back then". That's a very odd way to address your wife! "Just like we did back then?" Neil's only known Daryl 5 years. No, this sounds much more like the conversation is taking place between two old friends, working together again. And make no mistake, it's no coincidence that Crazy Horse sing harmony vocals on this verse. Neil is the master of these little touches.
And "I know you're not worried"? "You said they'll always be there"? Daryl is very much on the same page as Neil when it comes to environmental concerns, so of course she's worried.
This song isn't for Daryl, it's for the people standing around him, the musicians he loves, the same ones he has struggled to play with in recent years because at least one of them doesn't believe in the explicitly political songs Neil has been performing. How could that not be on his mind? The title of this track is a classic bit of misdirection, Neil Young hiding the real theme of this song in plain sight. And Dan is right, this song is a perfect conclusion to the record.
Who are we talking about that has opposing views? Not trying to gossip, I've just never known about this
There are some decent insights in that review, but all the factual inaccuracies drive the editor in me crazy (not to mention the self-indulgent verbosity, though that's a separate issue). Pegi was his third wife, he never married Carrie. "The Visitor" wasn't his first album to miss the Top 40 on the U.S. album chart since the '80s, "Peace Trail" peaked at No. 76. Danny Whitten didn't OD in 1971, he died in 1972, and ATGR came before the first solo Horse album, not after it. Nils is 68, not 60. Neil didn't "move in with a new love and lose the mother of many of his children" (an odd turn of phrase, since he had one kid with Carrie and two with Pegi) in the same year, he and Daryl (with one 'r') got together in 2014 and Pegi died at the beginning of this year (and "swapping his old love for new with tragic consequences" perpetuates an ill-informed myth that she died of a broken heart). "Rainbow" wasn't the first single from the new album, that was "Milky Way." Rick Rosas wasn't "the bass player who played on more of his albums than any other," he appeared on eight releases compared to 26 for Billy, not counting greatest hits packages. (I could keep going, but after criticizing someone else for verbosity it's probably prudent not to.) Anyway, guess it all depends whether you're more of a "don't sweat the small stuff" person, or a "God is in the details" one. But getting a lot of facts wrong doesn't exactly help your overall credibility.
p.s. - And yeah, what the fuck was he trying to say about "Rainbow of Colors" (which actually eschews the British spelling)?
@Shakey: Ralph is a pretty conservative cat, who said in an interview last year, "Music, the arts in any form, are not a platform for political rants...we all know what’s going on in the world around go to be entertained, not to be reminded of what we already know." Still not sure I buy the theory that "I Do" is all about him, though.
Ralph's politics are very different to Neil's, and he is openly not a fan of the more political focus of Neil's music in recent years. Ralph is by all accounts a caring man, a Christian, but he sees the world in a different way to Neil.
I personally think this is great; that people with different views are still friends and bandmates and can accept their differences. We live in a society where the fashionable thing to do is see those we disagree with as enemies, when in fact our friends care just as much as we do: some of them just see things from a different perspective and draw different conclusions. There's not just a rainbow of colours, but a rainbow of views, as well.
I think with Living With War, Neil started to take his music in a direction that would have involved some rather half-hearted performances from his main drummer, the equivalent of an atheist being asked to give a sermon.
Oops - meant to say in my lengthier diatribe that Pegi was his second wife, not his third (as the reviewer states).
I think what happened is that when we saw the title "I Do", we all put two and two together to make five. It was easy to jump to the conclusion (based solely on two contextless words: "I Do") that this was a song about marriage, a song between husband and wife.
Neil loves Daryl + has just got married + "I Do" = this song must be specifically about Daryl. Bingo.
And then we finally heard the song. And we tried to hear it through that "marriage" lens. And it doesn't work. It's like a jigsaw with pieces that don't fit.
I'm reminded of the reports of early bafflement over Trans, before people knew of Ben's struggle.
And its notable that all the reviews bemoaning Colorado's lack of subtlety have failed to notice what is right their under their nose: they are seeing the crudeness they assume is there, rather than the subtlety that actually is. Forgetting that "subtlety" by it's very nature isn't noticable on first glance. This is the sort of stuff Neil has been doing with Crazy Horse for 50 years.
My first impression of "I Do" was that it could definitely be a love song, but equally about a partner as it is about the fans who have stuck with him all through the years.
More to come in my (not-so-mega) review Friday...
Nils Lifgren’s interpretation of the meaning of the song I Do sounds like HIS idea of what the song is about, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that is what the song is actually about. The lyrics can mean different things to different people, which is what makes it such a special piece. It’s open to interpretation like many of Neil’s songs.
I remember reading a interview with Bob Dylan where he was asked “what’s the meaning behind the song, A Hard Rain’s a-Gonna Fall, and Dylan says “well it’s raining.... Hard”. So I think only Neil knows what any of his songs mean and I’m okay with that. I prefer to allow the songs to mean whatever they say for me.
I agree 100% with Babbo...I couldn't read past the 1st paragraph because of the awful grammar & simply incorrect assertions...I'll take Scotsman any day over All Wrong Alan...
so no, Thrasher I didn't read the full review
@ Babbo - thanks for all the error checking. We have to admit that the verbosity got to us a bit as well and missed most of the fact checks.
But let's not throw Alan under the bus. As mentioned, the guy has reviewed more records than most folks have even listened to. And Neil's extensive discography is just a small subsection.
Anyways. Fascinating interpretations on I Do.
Thanks to all for sharing. "We Do" appreciate so much.
i see on the NY archives website that NY has replied to a letter to the editor from Alan in Seattle :)
I thought Neil wasn't going to take the oath of citizenship until his birthday
@Shakeydave: I just finished reading the letter to NYA from Alan from Seattle and I’m confused that Neil responded that he wasn’t aware that people were still releasing Blu Rays. I’m buying Blu Rays constantly and it’s a big market so how sheltered is Neil anyway. I’m confused how Neil could be so out of touch. Maybe he was joking......I hope.
I think in many cases Neil and Bob don't even know what their songs are "about". In many cases there is no meaning at all, and that's a big part of the appeal: the song does it's magic and holds up a mirror to the listener's unique imagination. Whereas a lot of Neil's political/environmental songs are more avoiding of multiple interpretations, saying what they want to say pretty straightforwardly without leaving much room for imagination.
"I Do" is much more multi-layered, ambiguous, but I think there are lyrics there that just don't make any sense if being sung to Daryl ("I know you're not worried" and "I know you said they'd always be there", for example. If anything, Daryl is more of an environmental activist than Neil is, so of course she is worried, and certainly not complacent that everything will be alright).
I think the context of Neil and Ralph's outspoken (and very different) political views is as signficant here as the context of Kurt Cobain's death was to Sleeps With Angels, or LincVolt was to Fork In The Road, or the abortion debate was to Mirrorball.
And no, you don't need to know about any of this context to enjoy the records, but what it does do is unlock some extra depth to the songs that wouldn't even be on the radar otherwise. Knowing that the Gulf War was being fought during the Ragged Glory tour isn't essential to enjoying Weld, by any means, but it certainly gives those explosive guitar solos even more emotional resonance when you listen.
Not to sound pedantic, but only the title track of SWA was inspired by Cobain's death - the rest of the album was recorded beforehand (many months before, in most cases).
Babbo - Indeed, with at least some of the songs presumably intended for the collaboration with Booker T before Neil changed course.
My point was that knowing the context of Sleeps With Angels (the song) affects how you hear it. Knowing the story of Bruce Berry changes how you hear Tonight's The Night (the song).
Is it essential to the know the context? No. Can it be better to not know the context? Yes. Does it often add another layer to the experience? I think so.
@Scotzman : I completely agree that context is a valuable source for appreciating a song in a deeper way. In some ways I feel that Neil’s environmental songs are his attempt to shed light on the subject as opposed to ranting as some have suggested. Neil has always been a unique animal in that respect. One never knows where he may go next, including himself, which is why we all follow him so passionately.
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After a fallow few months Thrashers wheat is alive with the sound of opinions,,,, ha it is great fun taking a high up view on the threads and following some of the very interesting viewpoints and articulate comments from a bunch of guys that all love the same thing. Vintage output from Neil.
As much as i really do love trying to dissect at times, i give up as there isn't an answer. Nobody is out there to validate anyone's view on what song means what and for who and when.... and to be honest, i for one, I'm glad that doesn't really matter.
From the earliest days of Neil & me, his journey has existed inside me, my feelings, my thoughts, my experiences, my changes, my interpretations, my imagination, my grief and my joy, it's not a linear path.... the music transcends conventional timelines to my life but i know i can travel back and forth and always find what i need from the 60 years of treasure, to know at any point in time... there is something there to make it all make sense and work for me.
That is the reason i love this song, the reason i love this album, the reason i loved th hyde park gig.... all these feelings of my interpretation can wash over me over and over again and leave me feeling warm, never cold.
they will always be there when i come back to them.
To me... that is the beauty, that is the gift and i don't need to know anything else.
Bazzzzzzza -
I think there's a type of song that is very impressionistic and wildly creative, clearly not intended to be viewed as being "about" anything. There's no point dwelling on these songs in a literal way. Last Trip To Tulsa fits into this group, as does Just Like Tom Thumb's Blues.
There are also songs like Down By The River or Powderfinger, which Neil describes as "just a scene": there is a coherent subject matter to decipher, but it doesn't have any wider meaning outside the mood of the song. And there's still plenty of room for the listener's imagination to go to town.
And then there is the sort of song that is specifically designed to be thought about in a very specific way; songs where there is little ambiguity and a clearly stated message. And the success of these songs tends to ride on the quality of the storytelling and the music. Otherwise, why do we need a song? It's easier and more informative just to read an article instead. So these songs need to be put across in a particularly captivating way. Early Bob Dylan was a master of this style, before moving on with equal success to the others.
I think Colorado mostly fits into this last group. The songs are often more multi-layered than others of late, but still feel they are trying to put across a tangible point, something specific beyond just a feeling or impression. Not as direct as A Rock Star Bucks A Coffee Shop, but very much different to Cowgirl In The Sand or Bad News.
In all cases, though, giving some context changes our appreciation of them (often for the better, I think, but not necessarily so). Knowing that Neil added Ohio to the setlist after Tiananmen Square in 1989 casts the song in a different light, and puts new emphasis on some of the other setlist choices, too. Knowing that David Briggs died gives us an increased appreciation of Big Time and of the album title 'Broken Arrow'.
This isn't about putting a strict meaning or interpretation on the songs, but instead giving us some extra information to work with as we try and appreciate them, bringing into the spotlight some layers to the art that may have gone unnoticed before.
Yes, you are right.
I am not contesting the need to have context, having the little snippets of gold of what could be in others eyes of no great meaning at all, certainly does help us paint the bigger picture and create a cohesive narrative to the direction and decisions we see the art travel in.
Although, that future travel from Neil is never accurately predicted, often only ever second guessing is possible and almost always we have to play catch up when we get it wrong and the pieces can pulled together as an after piece.
Maybe what i was trying to say is - we know Neil is wildly reactive to his surroundings, we know he is often on the front foot when it comes to setting the scene and we know that there is a great deal of connectivity between him, his art and all levels of awareness across his personal life, socio-political and wider deeper subjects.
All of this combines to give much greater context to single decisions, ongoing and recurring themes and more than anything else.... the bigger picture of travel.
I love reading about and learning about his undercurrent of uncertainty as much anyone but, i try not hang on to it too much when i am enjoying the first few months warming up a new LP - just like Colorado. I leave all the sub-context of past history at the door and try and soak into the new songs, immerse myself just as they are.
Leaving deeper thoughts to others and not caring for the who what where and why. If and when i pick it up later then great, but at the time...... shit.... i'm only second guessing !!!
and Scotsman, one more thing.
Doesn't each listen to Colorado just make you grin even wider and wider.
It's pure fucking awesome, and that is... without a doubt.
Colorado is an unsettling listen. It is good. But not as good as Psychedelic Pill imo
It is almost like a more honed Americana in its feel - a way for Neil and Crazy Horse to renew their acquaintance but with the songs in an unpolished and unfinished state. - She Showed Me Love is a good example - the extended jam is really no more than that, whilst the extended playing on Driftin' Back has a more structured and purposeful feel to it. And Poncho is missed despite Nils' ability.
Another Neil and CH album with the muse fully flowing would be great. He would need to forget about the distraction of POTR however.
Meanwhile in Australia Colorado appears not to have been released. It was supposed to delayed a week but none in the shops including JB Hi Fi, Sanity Music, Basement Duscs and Redeye Records. I contacted Warner Music Australia but nobody knows anything as to why there is a delay and when Colorado will be released in Australia!
I have a copy of the cd and vinyl that I bought on Amazon USA using expedited postage. I won’t be denied.
@ Bazzzzzza: YES!!!!!! Each time I play Colorado I smile for this album is amazing.
So many words here 'unsettling' ? I'll keep it brief. Colorado isn't very good.
Absolutely agree. Although Olden Days brings me to tears. It just drives home the reality that we won't always have Neil around. Not trying to be a downer. That's just the emotion it brings out in me. But the album as a whole gets better with every listen.
Don’t worry Sad Andy you’ll always have Harvest.
Julie- I agree with you, though I think the importance of The Muse can be massively overrated. Following The Muse can easily become an excuse for an artist to let herself off the hook. That seductive voice in our head telling us to eat another cookie might be The Muse, as well; maybe we're just greedy.
Meanwhile, a builder can have all the quality raw materials in the world - he stills needs to get down to work and actually build something. What a great Neil Young record really needs is intensity, focus and persistence, battling away until he gets something great, and I think there's plenty of that spirit in Colorado.
It does feel like, as with Americana, Colorado opens the door for the next one.
Not sad Andy really. Realistic Andy - happy for all the fans here but deep down you know it's not very good - promise of the horse disappoints.
As threatened, here's my take.
Hello Rusties!
I'm the original reviewer at Alan's Album Archives. Sorry I am so late to the 'party'. I had to rest after publishing my review so only just found out it had been reprinted here (thanks Thrasher for your support!)
Of course all lyrics are open to interpretation so not everyone will see them the same way. I don't claim mine are the only interpretation - that's why my site is 'Alan's Archives' not 'The Definitive Guide' or similar. The only person who really knows is Neil, but Neil hardly ever talks about his songs and inspiration so that's where sites like mine come in.
I did read that Nils Lofgren quote re 'I Do' but it seemed to make more sense regarding the marriage than the band. I read that Neil met Daryl a long time before 2014 (I think it was an Iraq war protest and that was a 'meeting' which wasn't their first one) so the idea of a 'friendship' dating back years makes perfect sense. 'Thanks for making all this happen again' sounds like someone who thought they would never fall in love again to me. Plus they met on a protest. I can see why Nils took the song that way as being about the Horse but I doubt Neil's the sort of guy who sits round the console room going 'hey I wrote a song for you guys!' and he certainly wouldn't have told him he was wrong if that's what he thought. Plus wouldn't Neil choose to write a more, well 'Crazy Horse' type song if he really meant it to be about the Horse? For me the jigsaw fits perfectly.
'Rainbow' was the first single over here, we didn't get 'Milky Way' till the week of the album I believe. I meant Rick was Neil's most regular bass player besides Billy, sorry I should have made that clearer. I never suggested that 'Goldrush' was before the Crazy Horse' album - but Neil's not on that so it's not the last time they'd all played together.
My site is one readers tend to love or not, depending on how much they like reading. There are already lots of wonderful sites out there that are compact though (Wardo's is particularly excellent I think) and not many that are my length. I write as an escape from feeling poorly so the longer and more detailed the better from my point of view. Some readers really love that, but it's not for everybody, just as not every album is for everybody, nor would I expect it to be.
And yes each listen to 'Colorado' does indeed make me grin wider and wider!
Thanks for the chat! Best wishes to all 8>)
In reply not 1972 - 1973-79.
@ wardo - thanks for link. posted @
so neil review #62?! impressive. right up there with Alan's Archives. a rare club to be in, for sure. that's a lot of album reviews to write. thanks neil.
speaking of Alan's Archives ....
@ Alan's Archives - 1st, thanks for visiting.
as you see, the TW crowd can be a bit rough at times. rusties -- as you well know -- can be real sticklers for facts and truth and all those sorts of values.
and you as well being in that rare club of reviewing nearly the entire neil discography. (our good buddy E2F has reviewed the entire neil discography, as well, and you may want to check out someday @ )
good point on Nils interview on 'I Do' regarding the marriage than the band.
the reason we chose the section to quote that wee did was that you tried to tie together the relationships w/ Susan, Carrie & Daryl to albums, which we found unique.
glad to hear that 'Colorado' makes you GRIN (get it?!)
don't be a stranger around TW. come back and share.
here's a teaser ... think 'Colorado' will make your list of 2019 best albums???
- Keep up the writing Alan - enjoyed reading your review.
Long-time readers/writers here will know that me disagreeing with them is nothing particularly out of the ordinary.
There are different kinds of political art. What has to be avoided, at all costs, is a pure conflation between art and political commentary. If the lyrics of a song are supposed to have some relation to the poetic then those lyrics must be the result of a poetic process. As I listen more to Colorado, I am wincing at some of the lyrics and I have noticed that Neil speaks his lyrics instead of singing them: this looks like the effect of conflating the art with political commentary. Neil is not addressing the aesthetics of our politics. Hence, the song After the Gold Rush is just so much better, categorically better, than anything he was written about our environmental problems in the last twenty years.
Thanks for the link Thrasher. An impressive collection of NY reviews indeed. Good to see the Springfield and CSNY sets are there too! Neil has certainly kept us busy down the years.
Funnily enough I'm just putting the first draft of my review of the year together and yes, so far 'Colorado' is indeed in 1st place for new releases (with 'Tonight's The Night At The Roxy' in 3rd). This could all change though as there's a whole slew of new albums out in November. They would have to be pretty special to beat 'Colorado' though.
While your pun is still making me 'grin' is there a thread on here for Nils Lofgren? I'm intrigued to hear what other readers think of his work. I recommend 'Damaged Goods' for anyone whose run out of NY albums to buy (which, admittedly, can't be many people!) It's kind of the 'Sleeps With Angels' of the Nils catalogue and not enough people know it so I like to give it a plug where I can.
Thanks Flying Scotzman! I wouldn't expect anything less than being held to account by a NY crowd. I'm near the end of an almighty long run of reviews which is probably why a few mistakes crept into this one. Hopefully after the next month my bands will give me all a break from writing again!
Take care all, nice to chat 8>)
@ Alan's Archives - good deal on 'Colorado' & 'Tonight's The Night At The Roxy'.
Please be sure to let us know when your 2019 list drops.
Regarding a thread on here for Nils Lofgren, we've had a few recently. Check;
Also, see Nils Lofgren's comments on working with both Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band and Neil Young's Crazy Horse @
Also, the master thread on More on Nils Lofgren and Neil Young:
Nils & Neil is definitely a long running & fascinating love story...
I want to say sorry for my last comment. Interesting how Neil Young frustrates me. I somehow want a song like "For the Turnstiles" but I'm not sure what I want and it is not up to me. I have been there for all the incarnations and yesterday I just got pissed off at some of the lyrics. Equally frustrating in the sense that I am continuously engaged in the same efforts on a very small scale (I work on sustainability in agriculture). I suppose I am too old now for hero worship, which is the way I always was with Neil. Strangely, as I get frustrated I tend to admire him even more- for his spirit and his heart. Sorry again, if my last comment was intemperate.
Thanks Thrasher, interesting links indeed, I enjoyed reading those. The Neil 'n' Nils partnership is an interesting one indeed! 8>)
@ Abner - no apologies necessary.
we all know that feeling all too well when emotions get out ahead of our typing.
it really takes a lot to offer up "sorry" out here in the lands of wheat & chaff. something we've worked on ourselves with our dearest thrashette.
peace & love
@ Alan's Archives - glad you enjoyed the Neil 'n' Nils links! Looks like more to come in 2020.
Thrasher, not so much my emotions as my thoughts. A great biography of Faulkner, "Ten Matchless Years" reminds me of all this. Ten years of inconceivable achievement. Neil was similar.
Still unable to purchase in Australia almost 2 weeks after release. At least I can listen to Colorado on NYA
Thanks Thrasher for the traffic and Alan for the kind words!
I like the album and find it comparable to Prairie Wind, Are You Passionate? and Sleeps With Angels. I wonder why my favorite musician stubbornly refuses to use outside producers? What Jack White could have done with this album. I would also love to see all of Crazy Horse involved in writing and singing. I can't imagine the final product if Nils and Neil wrote together or if we could get some of that gritty work of Ralph and Billy in Wolves. How about a couple of songs reminiscent of Billy's last album. You might end up with the true follow up to the Crazy Horse debut. Wow. That would be a mind blower.
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