NEW: "Shut It Down" (Official Music Video) - Neil Young & Crazy Horse
As noted previously here, our selecting "Shut It Down" as the Neil Young Song of the Moment on Thrashers Wheat was way too prescient, eerie, right on cue and ahead of its time for our level of comfort and mercy. (Thanks John Q. !)

"The Lonely Pope" alone in Saint Peter's SQuare
frame via "Shut It Down" (Official Music Video) by Neil Young & Crazy Horse
A new version of the song ‘Shut it Down’ has been made as a document of Earth’s reaction to 2020’s historic pandemic. The original "Shut It Down" video, directed by Bernard Shakey and dhlovelife, is from documentary film MOUNTAINTOP of the recording sessions at Studio in the Clouds for the album Colorado with Crazy Horse.
So, as we previously blogged, those prophecies by Neil Young just keep piling up. (There are no coincidences, recall?)
"(Have to shut the whole system down)
That’s the only way we can all be free
(Have to shut the whole system down)
Start again and build it for eternity
***When I look at the future I see hope for you and me***
(Have to shut the whole system down)
Working, working for eternity, working now, working now
Have to shut the whole system down, working now"
The song was actually written about one year ago while Neil Young recorded the album album Colorado and made the documentary film MOUNTAINTOP of the recording sessions in April 2019.
Billy, Neil, Nils, & Ralph - April 2019
In the meantime, "Shut it Down" has rocketed up the Charts on Cashbox to #13.
Some ask, why bother with the prophecies of Neil Young?
Well, fair question, we suppose and it seems kind of obvious. But -- for those who just love to bash all things Neil, all the time -- here's why knowing the future is helpful today.
(Really? Do we really need to spell this out?)
Why not just check out the Greendale Prophecies or Neil Young's time traveling into future and back with messages in his songs. so pay attention, now, this time, please?

Sun Green Was Right
The Greendale Prophecies

Sun Green (Sarah White, Greendale Film by Neil Young, 2003) + Greta Thunberg (Climate Activist, Born in 2003)
Greta Thunberg and Neil Young's Prophetic Greendale: Sun Green + Julia Butterfly
More on album Colorado , film MOUNTAINTOP and song "Shut it Down" by Neil Young & Crazy Horse.
Neil Young News: Film Review of the Moment: MOUNTAINTOP by Neil Young & Crazy Horse
— ThrashersWheat (@ThrashersWheat) January 15, 2020
PHOTO: Neil Young & Crazy Horse in the Studio
(Frame via film Mountaintop)
---@NeilYoungNYA @CrazyHorse4HoF @nilslofgren #CrazyHorse4HOF
Also, see:
- FIRST IMPRESSIONS: 'Colorado' by Neil Young & Crazy Horse
- MEGA-REVIEW: COLORADO by Neil Young & Crazy Horse | Alan's Album Archives
- META-REVIEW: COLORADO by Neil Young & Crazy Horse
In the meantime, Keep Calm and Keep on Rockin'!
Also, see "I don't know who wrote this, but it's beautiful" | Neil Young Archives.
ps - now can you feel that #BigShift happening?! If so, interested in learning more about preparing, coping and thriving while undergoing #BigShift?
See Liberty + Comfort + Mercy Arrive + Eagles Soar, Wolves Retreat.
Also, Separating the Wheat From the Chaff ... or... REAL From the Fake (No Joke).
More truth as we prepare ourselves for "The Children of Destiny" to arrive.
Lastly, Keep Calm, No Fear, & Keep on Rockin'.
Be the wheat!
it's for The Kids, afterall ...
Labels: @CrazyHorse4HoF, @nilslofgren #CrazyHorse4HOF, #BeTheRain, #BigShift, #disCERNment, #DontSpookTheHorse, #MayTheHorseBeWithYou, #MoreBarn, #NoFear, #StayCalm, neil young, neil young archives, song
Well, why bother with Neil Young's prophesies? In U.S. culture and politics, does anyone bother much with the truth? The systems Neil seems to be singing about are all interrelated and, at some point, the people in my Midwestern town just might realize that they don't need a Ford F 250 to pick up groceries. It is hard to miss the movement backwards since Trump began his campaign and took office. Trump has accelerated all the interrelated systems that cause ecological, social, and cultural damage (actually, even for those it "benefits"). I listen to Neil Young for so many reasons but this much has always been true: he has always been honest, as an artist and a person, and now he has grabbed on to the truth about self-inflicted damage to the world (in all respects). He sometimes sounds like a crank because he won't speak in half-truths or make compromises. We are reaching a breaking point, there is no doubt about it and it is the poor and marginalized who are hurting the most (as always) and what exactly is the Trump administration doing about any of it? Indeed Neil, shut it down, shut it all down.
“Good times are coming, I hear it everywhere I go. Good times are coming, but they sure are coming slow”.
“There are no problems, only solutions”
“Looking for a leader, to bring our country home”
“no need for greed or hunger”
“My problems may seem meaningless, but that don’t make them go away”
“Life is what happens to you while you’re making other plans”
“I sing the song because I love the man”
“Power to the people”
Peace 🙏
“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character give him power.”
―Abraham Lincoln
Thanks so much to DHNY for portraiting Roma - yeah that's Italy you all know - in the Shut it down vid.
We are locked down , yes and I still believe there's too many human beings on the road. The road to Colosseum is empty in the video and the wonderul staiway of Spain Square (Piazza di Spagna) is shown emty as well. I don't knos how it will be AFTER, but I wish I could be the boy strumming his guitar at his window, seems a typical Italian building
Who knwos if he knows he's on a NYDH video :-) ??
Fireside Sessions 3 coming tonight on NYA.
Peace 🙏
Yes, fellow Neil freaks, I agree with all of your posts above. I loved the John and Neil conversation Dan. Abner, you’re right 100%. And, what I try to focus on during my daily “practice” time each day is the opportunity we have in light of the horrid challenges we are dealing with worldwide. We, as a species, do not take care of each other or Mother Earth. Period. Yet now, the virus knows no borders, no side of the aisle, no socioeconomic group as different than another (I realize that certain demographics are not faring as well as others, but that is part of whet I’m talking about. The virus doesn’t pick). The virus, if we as a species are smart enough to figure this out, can give us the chance to hit the reset button. To raise our collective consciousness. Raise the frequency across all man/womankind. Learn to take care of each other. And RE-learn how to take care of Mother Earth.
DAN, you quoted one of my top 10 favorite songs (oh thank Creator I went to Antwerp). I’ll add this:
“The World is turnin’, I hope it don’t turn away....”
Stay healthy everyone!
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