More Crazy Horse To Come Says Neil Young: Concerts + New NYCH Album
Per a response to a Letter to the Editor on Neil Young Archives, "Lookout Management is looking at booking Crazy Horse for about 10 shows as I write this."
And the Neil news just keeps getting better every day.
Neil Young has written 5 new songs for a Neil Young + Crazy Horse album!
btw, Crazy Horse concert flags should be issued. All in favor say "Aye!"
More importantly -- and obviously -- rock and roll can never say die.

Neil Young Says "Alchemy: Probably The Last Crazy Horse Live Album"
via Neil Young News on Thrasher's Wheat
But wait a second. What was that sound going down? Didn't Neil just say last October that "Alchemy: Probably The Last Crazy Horse Live Album"???
The times they are a changing and all for the better, all along the watchtower.
The Joker and the Thief rendezvous this July + The Band That Gets REAL.
In a comment by Unreleased Albums of Neil Young & Crazy Horse by Ken:
With Tuscaloosa the next release, and Homegrown to follow, maybe the outline of NYA Vol. 2 is becoming clearer.Good questions Ken! Thanks. Folks, let us know thoughts on Tuscaloosa -- or whatever Crazy Horse thoughts are running out of your mind -- down below.
Always risky to hazard a guess, right? But if those albums are "stand alones", that leaves Odeon-Budokan, Oceanside Countryside, Chrome Dreams and Boarding House to be folded into NYA Vol. 2. Maybe he won't put them all in, or he'll put in two and also include Roxy and Songs for Judy. It's Neil. You never know. In a letter he said Odeon-Budokan is going into Vol. 2.
One thought that occurred to me last week is that Tuscaloosa IS TFA 2. It has Buttrey on drums, and it has different "new songs" (then). Still waiting for the release date, coming "soon". I am not surprised that NYA Vol 2 is pushed back to Xmas.
Why bring it out sooner when you can bring it out later? It also gives Hanlon time to work on Chrome Dreams and Boarding House, if they are being included.
Also, Nils Lofgren interview on his return to Neil Young and Crazy Horse on Rolling Stone:
Nils Lofgren breaks down how his unlikely return to Neil Young and Crazy Horse came about and what the future might hold
— Rolling Stone (@RollingStone) March 28, 2019
Nils Lofgren breaks down how his unlikely return to Neil Young and Crazy Horse came about and what the future might hold:
They managed to make to make it to Winnipeg without freezing to death or calling in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to rescue them. And once again, Young wanted the shows to be spontaneous. “He said, ‘I’m here with my old family and friends and I don’t want to even write a set list,'” Lofgren recalls. “‘Let’s just figure it out as we go. But don’t think. You guys rehearsed hard in South Dakota. Just don’t think. Let’s go and have an experience.’ The first night was a lot of rockiness in and out and the second night, man, we hit some groove and it felt kind of like flying or floating. It was very cool.”
The future for Neil Young and Crazy Horse is very unclear. Young has many shows on the books during the next few months, but all of them are either with Promise of the Real or solo. No explanation has been given for Poncho’s absence from the recent run of shows, but if Young decides to call up Lofgren again, he’ll be there. “It’s been a beautiful opportunity to play with dear friends that are still alive and well,” he says. “Look, I hope there’s more, but I’ll take it a gig at a time right now.”
but just a song before we go...
Also, see CONTEST: Uncut Magazine: Neil Young & The Legend of Crazy Horse - May 2019:

"I'm tapped into the source!"
Neil Young & The Legend of Crazy Horse
Uncut Magazine Cover - May 2019
Induct Neil Young & Crazy Horse into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame!!!
Labels: album, archives, concert, crazy horse, neil young, tour
Just play Americana. RS postponed. Damn. Its been since 06 in Las Vegas. I was looking forward to Phoenix 5/7. as we get older fewer things to look forward to. setback.
I wrote that in, haha.
Stoked they’re making them.. hope the horse comes to Indy!
I might have to buy a flag.
5 new songs - at 25 minutes each that's enough for a double album! Cant wait until next CH and NY disc.
I can only hope that some of the shows are in Europe, can't wait for new album.
Saddle up to jaxfl ny&ch.
I think NY &CH should be in Hall for any Niel infused Band should Be
Headed to 3 POTR shows, but definitely looking forward to smelling the horse on this one! Gonna be great. Open the doors to the barn!!
Maybe Live Alchemy & a NYCH flag (and/or Jolly Roger) bundle?
prob too late fer RSD this year, but maybe not fer an Archives Exclusive......
Hi Thrasher, As excited I am about new music from Neil and the Horse, I urge you to post the YouTube video of Geta Thunberg that is on NYA Contrarian front page for those who have yet to subscribe to NYA. This young lady is just breathtaking with her calm and relaxed presentation on climate change. Brilliant on every level and more important than music at this time.
With respect and love,
Dan Swan.
Peace ✌️
That’s Greta Thunberg, not Geta. Sorry.
Neil just answered a new bunch of letters at NYA--Letters to the Editors
Oceanside-Countryside, mentioned before, is still in the pipeline.
Two short quotes:
"Tuscaloosa is an album that will be as close to TFA as I will get."
"The real 'Homegrown' album is coming out after Tuscaloosa."
@ Dan Swan - thanks and good points.
Yes, we've been pretty focused on NYA music news of late and we'll try and work in various T-C items as we can. But as you see directly below, we've now got Oceanside-Countryside, Tuscaloosa and Homegrown to write about.
lucky for us to have such meaningless problems!
although that doesn't make them go away...
@ Ken - thanks for heads up. Once the April Fool's stuff calms down, we'll post on Oceanside-Countryside, Tuscaloosa and Homegrown.
With the history on these unreleased albums, most folks initial reaction is to assume it is a joke. But we think we know better.
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