"Music was reverberating off of the haystacks at the Harvest Barn" | Neil Young Archives

International Harvesters
L-R: Anthony Crawford, Spooner Oldham, Ben Keith, Karl Himmel, Rufus Thibodeaux, Neil Young, and Tim Drummond - June, 1984
photo by Joel Bernstein via Neil Young Archives
35 years ago, "music was reverberating off of the haystacks in 84’ at the Harvest Barn", as Neil Young tweets. So, "Get Back to the Country."
And 43 years ago Waylon Jennings cut Neil Young’s “Are You Ready For The Country”.
43 years ago Waylon Jennings cut Neil Young’s “Are You Ready For The Country” at Hollywood’s Sound Labs, with steel player Ralph Mooney adding some flavor. #MusicIsLegend pic.twitter.com/5PRU0eeDrG
— Larry Pareigis (@larrypareigis) March 25, 2019
Music was reverberating off of the haystacks in 84’ at the Harvest Barn. Get Back to the Country.
— Neil Young Archives (@NeilYoungNYA) March 26, 2019
Where music lives https://t.co/zqvB0oZKEh#neilyoung #neilyoungarchives #nya #internationalharvesters #music pic.twitter.com/N5iK57tW9U
Maybe we aren't ready for the country just yet?! Maybe ready for the school...
More on A Treasure - Neil Young & The International Harvesters.

Neil Young & The International Harvesters
(See TW's Meta-Reviews)
Labels: archives, international harvesters, neil young, reviews, waylon jennings
What does that mean "someone's match is off?"
International Harvesters tour 1984
Waylon ready for the country 1976
Harvest (Are You Ready for the Country) 1972
because it's time to go
Thanks Nate. Should be "math". corrected & appreciated.
But now that you've checked the math for us, it all makes complete sense now on the dates.
clearly, we've ready for the country for too long.
old ways are hard to change
"Are You Ready for THIS Country?"
Perhaps Neil is recording another country record. Would be refreshing for a change.
Hello Thrasher,
Men in cowboy hats in San Diego suddenly play a Neil Young song on stage and everything changes!!!
Nitro Express Is the name of my friends (Jim Pulsifer/Lead Guitarist) country band in San Diego.
This performance was totally unrehearsed and spontaneous.
I thought you might find it interesting.
Take Care,
Randy Vaughn
Hippie Dream Productions
San Diego, California
PS... It’s been years since I logged in and posted to your website (I’m a little rusty); perhaps you can link it in one of your daily emails or otherwise make it appear on your website for me… It’s definitely worth watching for any Neil Young fan....Thanks Thrasher....RV
Anybody know anything about
Neil Young
Time Fades Away Tour
DC, 1973
Gray release, released in December.
@ Randy - cool. thanks for sharing. we'll try and get u here on TW and share.
the Hippie Dream lives!
@ Ken - nothing specific, nothing new, another bootleg of a bootleg of a bootleg ...
Do bootleg recordings on microcassettes from the 1980s and 1990s of Neil young concerts not off the sound board hold any interest or any kind of value to people these days?
Or are there just too many of these recordings done by other people… When does a bootleg become valuable both financially and historically
I recorded all the Neil Young concerts etc I attended from 1986-1996 Of course this includes the INSANE Neil Young and crazy horse at the epic Pacific amphitheater near Los Angeles in 1986… this was the landing on water era
It was a stunning concert you arrive expecting a big rock ‘n’ roll show but Neil comes out alone for like an hour and just plays all acoustic classics
At one point Neil Young says when I get big I’m going to get an electric guitar… A clue to what was about ready to happen and that was crazy horse coming out to join him on stage For over two hours
They had to drag Neil Young off the stage he came back and said I’m going to keep playing, I’m going to keep playing until they go broke!!!!
I think the venue owners turned on some of the lights to stop the concert something like that But Neil wanted to keep on going
Finally at the end of their final encore I believe it was Billy Talbot saw a pack of hot blondes and jumped into the the front rows and he started wading into the crowd towards them and the other bandmembers had to grab him and literally drag him back on stage
Somehow I wound up with a VIP backstage pass and after a briefly encountering Elliot Roberts and Neil I was all alone walking up the big exit ramp to go to my car
And in this big stretch limousine was full of people many of them sticking out of the roof of the limousine … And to my surprise when they saw me walking alone with my guitar one girl yelled out… It’s all about Jesus!!!… You really can’t argue with that…but I just thought that was surprising to hear that coming out of THE limousine leaving an acid trip Neil Young concert
I remember hours before the concert started I was sort of sleeping in my car in the rain and some guy walked by and said ...these people have no idea what they’re in for… And he was right!!!
The first time I saw Neil Young was on his 30th birthday (party) he performed in Miami at a park in 1977
Unfortunately I didn’t have a recorder with me for that concert
So what do you guys say about bootleg recordings and their financial and historical value are they only valuable when they’re recorded directly off the soundboard? Or if it was otherwise some extraordinary historic event that only happens once at one venue?
Take Care
Randy Vaughn
Hippie Dream Productions
San Diego, California
PS.... I wish you guys could’ve heard Neil Young and crazy horse play some of those better landing on water songs in concert back then… It was a trip!!!...It blew my mind!!!....A full throttled LSD 25 Trip!!!… I remember some city slicker next to me he saw my guitar which had its own seat he thought I was somebody important and handed me something of Great importance and value I grabbed it I didn’t know what it was and I ended up dumping out a big load of high grade cocaine onto the ground, I was supposed to stick it in my nose and snort but no thanks; I’ll stick with the original!!! By the way I finally did get my big ass greyhound tour bus I actually ended up with two of them. Now it’s time for other people to bitch at me for having what they don’t have for a change. (Smiling).
@ Randy - all we can say is that you've trunks of memories to share here.
let's see if we can work out some way to share the neil stories here on TW.
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