Neil Young Despairs: "in my life, I have never seen anything like this."
Neil Young posts on his Archives (NYA): "in my life, I have never seen anything like this."
Today's Song of the Day is "Don't Let It Bring You Down" where the accompanying Post-it reads:
Don't Let It Bring You DownOne can only imagine the pain that newlyweds Neil Young and Daryl Hannah are experiencing after the loss of their home in Malibu, California. Their home was destroyed in the recent California fires which Neil has lashed out and lamented over to considerable reaction.
in my life, I have never seen anything like this.
lots of love
A special happy birthday to a loving friend and co-inspirer ✨✨.. @neilyoung ... Neil , I know I speak for my whole tribe of folks when I say you may have lost some houses , but you could never lose your home, which is in the hearts of we who love you always. 📸: Joe Martinez
— Lukas Autry Nelson (@lukasnelson) November 12, 2018
So our hearts and prayers go out to Neil and Daryl, as well as -- of course -- all who are suffering as Mother Earth weeps.
For Neil to ask us to "Don't Let It Bring You Down" takes enormous strength such as what we saw in 2010 when his beloved car LincVolt was very heavily damaged in a fire.

Foster City (CA) Fire Department fight Fire at Neil Young's Warehouse
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Here's what Neil Young wrote after the 2010 LincVolt car fire:
So now we pick up the pieces.
We are rebuilding. The reason we started this project has not changed. As a nation we are still excessively burning fossil fuels, doing damage to our planet that will hurt our children's lives and future generations as well. Our project is to demonstrate alternative energies for transportation that are clean. We're still in a race against time. On a project like this, setbacks happen for a reason and we can see that very well from here.
"Barn's burnt down. Now I can see the moon".
His strength, spirit and resiliency is truly inspiring.
This is a man -- who immediately after losing his "new" home with Daryl during his 73rd birthday weekend -- allows us fans a gift of a rare preview track to an unreleased version of "Mr. Soul" from January 1967?! The heartbreak and empathy are unbounded.
As my gift, on this my seventy-third birthday, I want to share this archives gem with you...
— Neil Young Archives (@NeilYoungNYA) November 12, 2018
This much madness brings too much sorrow...
Lastly, thanks to all for the thoughtful comments here on a painful subject -- no matter where one stands on the spectrum.

California Wildfire - November 2018
Notice anything "strange"* about this fire?
(use *disCERNment, as always)
Actually, we think Neil had this figured out pretty well back in 2013. On the Australia/New Zealand tour leg, Neil Young debuted a new song "There's A Hole In The Sky".
The lyrics -- while somewhat general and vague -- are quite specific that Yes, There's Definitely A Hole in The Sky. There's something happening here. The evidence was irrefutable then.

Contrails? Chemtrails? Geo-Engineering?
Frame via "Already Great" (Official Music Video) by Neil Young + Promise of The Real
Even more so now. What it is, isn't exactly clear...
Be the rain. Be the wheat.
peace & love
Zollhafen / Nordmole, Mainz, Germany 28 July 2014
Photo by Takahiro Kyono | Flickr
(Click photo to enlarge)
Labels: archives, neil young, song of the day
We are healing the Earth, we are Saving The Earth!
CFC bans are helping to heal the hole in the ozone layer. The Ozone Hole is Closing according to NASA and the United Nations. Earth’s protective ozone layer is finally healing from damage caused by aerosol sprays and coolants, a new United Nations report said.
UN, "The ozone layer had been thinning since the late 1970s. Scientists raised the alarm and ozone-depleting chemicals were phased out worldwide.
As a result, the upper ozone layer above the Northern Hemisphere should be completely repaired in the 2030s and the gaping Antarctic ozone hole should disappear in the 2060s, according to a scientific assessment released Monday at a conference in Quito, Ecuador. The Southern Hemisphere lags a bit and its ozone layer should be healed by midcentury."
From NASA in January 2018, "Looking forward, the Antarctic ozone hole should continue to recover gradually as CFCs leave the atmosphere, but complete recovery will take decades. “CFCs have lifetimes from 50 to 100 years, so they linger in the atmosphere for a very long time,” said Anne Douglass, a fellow atmospheric scientist at Goddard and the study’s co-author. “As far as the ozone hole being gone, we’re looking at 2060 or 2080. And even then there might still be a small hole.”
This much madness over the California Fires brings too much sorrow but our attention should be on The Real cause of the fires. California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection determined After extensive and thorough investigations, that four Northern California wildfires in last year’s (2017) October Fire Siege were caused by trees coming into contact with power lines. The four fires, located in Butte and Nevada counties, are the first fire investigations from last October to be completed.
The November 2018 fires appears may also be the fault of PG&E. PG&E said it notified the California Public Utilities Commission of the failure of some of its equipment in an electric incident report on Nov. 8. The report said the failure began at about 0615 hours. The fire is reported to have started at 6.33 a.m., according to Cal Fire. The ultimate cause of this month's fire has not yet been determined. WBUR in Boston aired a program with California Fire experts on The Manmade Causes Of California's Endless Fire Season. BTW, No one mentioned direct energy weapons.
Thanks for the drop by brother Hounds.
well, yes, on a positive note we're healing the Earth and saving The Earth by reducing CFCs, sure. But whatever that positive impact might be, there seems to be too many offsets going on.
Koyaanisqatsi, as they say. As you know, Koyaanisqatsi -- the Hopi word meaning "life out of balance". There's a breathtaking film by the same title from back in the 80's.
right now, it's all about the awareness of Koyaanisqatsi. even back when this film came out and our eyes were being pried wide open, denial was still strongly prevailing.
many continue the sleep walk. neil fans are some of the most "awoke" folks we've known in our life. our obligation is to build awareness. some call this 'raising your vibration' which leads many to roll their eyeballs over the new ageism phrase. whatever you want to call it vibration, shifting, enlightened, we care not.
because, WT1sWBWO.
Thrasher - I like that you are here giving, delivering against the forces that be - but to allude to conspiracist theories that the latest California wildfires are the result of geothermal bombs set off, well - that is too much, just too much. I'm sure you will continue to propose these possibilities but I feel if you want to be news, speak truth, not loonyism - just my opinion
paul dionne
Thanks Paul. sincerely.
As Stephen sang in FWIW: "There's something happening here. What it is, ain't exactly clear"
We agreed then. And now. Do you? If so, doesn't that make Stills and The Buffalo Springfield "conspiracy theorists" since 1967? You're either in this boat or not. Can't be both here. That would be hypocrisy, right?
In the linked article above, the following by Fire Investigation Officer of 38+ years, regarding MetaBunk (a known shill site):
"Please explain how the fires started in the first place & why the roads are clear of debris, also explain why we don’t see any evidence of any porcelain in the videos of these fires. Also, please explain how a plastic garbage bin in the driveway of a leveled house is still in tact. Plastic wheelie bins aren’t wooden, so please explain this anomaly in another video.
As a firefighter & Fire Investigation Officer of 38+ years, I can honestly say I have never seen any fire behave like this, nor have I ever seen this type of fire aftermath .. I mean clean roadways? houses burnt to the ground where not even the toilet survives? Unheard of. Anywhere. Ever.
Something is very suspicious about these fires.”
(we implore readers to use disCERNment, as always)
You know, labeling someone a "conspiracy theorist" is validation. Labeling someone a "conspiracy theorist" avoids even attempting to de-bunk. See "The Smear: How Shady Political Operatives and Fake News Control What You See, What You Think, and How You Vote"
Labeling someone a "conspiracy theorist" is the tell tale sign of an operative shill at work. Nice, although we think you're better than this standard setup/knockdown technique. congratulations. So we think we just outed you.
do you really not understand why bad things happen to good people?
or -- more importantly - why bad things almost never happen to bad people?
The flak is always heaviest while over the target.
open up the tired eyes, our friend...
Such loss of life and property is heartbreaking....sadness
Koyaanisqatsi Is a film that needs revisiting NOW as we are all about to finally Wake Up. It’s a important education for ALL. Including the president of these UNITED States of American.
The Sacramento Bee Newspaper has heard about The Direct Energy Weapons talk and writes a response to Keep It Real, because that’s how the problem gets solved, not by chasing ideas created by by Too Much Sorrow - Regards, HTH.
Illuminati, government, lasers: California fire conspiracy theories are wild — and wildly implausible
There’s little to no evidence to support most of their claims, but that doesn’t stop blogs, forums, YouTube channels and other outlets from sharing sensational conspiracy-theorist explanations in the aftermath of tragedy.
Venture down the wrong path of Google or Wikipedia searches and you may find yourself in the thick of some alternative explanations for California’s deadly wildfires. Very, very alternative explanations.
Here’s just a sampling, most of them relating to last year’s fires. For reasons relating to their credibility, we won’t link directly to stories making claims of questionable veracity, but all theories listed below have been shared online by at least two different conspiracy enthusiast outlets.
A number of theories emerged following last year’s fires claiming that the burn patterns seen in some photos could only be explained by targeted lasers, which must have been operated by terrorist groups, the U.S. government, aliens or some other agitated party. These lasers, supposedly, were shot at California from either planes or spaceships, perhaps unmanned drones, for reasons that were not entirely clear.
Some have claimed that California’s recent wildfires were planned efforts by clandestine groups, such as the Illuminati or the New World Order, either as a show of force or in an effort to distract the mainstream media. A few websites claim the lasers from the above conspiracy theory are an Illuminati product.
Extrapolating from reports that the 2017 wildfires destroyed expansive marijuana farms, some alternative news websites claimed (with little evidence) that drug cartels from Mexico or South America may have played a role in sparking some of the blazes.
Let’s quickly move on to the part where we debunk most of these claims.
Cal Fire has not yet determined the cause for the Tubbs Fire, which reportedly killed 24 people, but the state agency did determine a cause for most of them: 16 other Northern California fires last year were found to have been linked with Pacific Gas and Electric Co. (PG&E) equipment, including sagging power lines.
No Cal Fire investigation has shown any indication that drug cartels, Illuminati or aliens played any role in sparking or spreading last year’s deadly blazes, or any other wildfire in state history of significant size or destruction.
As for the lasers, conspiracy theorists had asked: How could it be that while some houses burned, the surrounding grass and foliage appeared perfectly fine? It must be the work of trillion-plus-watt laser beams raining down from the heavens, those theories said, linking to photos shared on the news.
But as Science Alert reported last December, there’s no evidence that this is the case, or that “direct energy” weapons have ever been used to start a wildfire. Science Alert further explained, with the help of biologists, that those strange patterns could be explained by the erratic natures of fire and wind, as well as moisture on wood preventing some spots from burning.
In other words, none of these out-there theories related to 2017 or 2018 wildfires has been proven true in any way.
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