Photo of the Moment: Neil Young asks "Who's Gonna Stand Up and Save the Earth"?
Zollhafen / Nordmole, Mainz, Germany 28 July 2014
Photo by Takahiro Kyono | Flickr
(Click photo to enlarge)
The Photo of the Moment is Neil Young in Mainz, Germany on 28 July 2014 asking the essential question "Who's Gonna Stand Up and Save the Earth"? (thanks Roel for the meme!)
The answer? "We are."

Gulf of Mexico Coast - Summer 2010
More answers for "Who's Gonna Stand Up and Save the Earth?" here, here, here, here, here, here and here ... or at least a few starting points...
Labels: neil young
Going for a degree in Environmental Science I have 1 goal in life - Do something so profound that helps mother Earth, that I get the opportunity to meet Neil and have him shake my hand in mutual respect.
.... Neil is just coming back from the "Scorch the Earth" Europe tour. I have it from reliable sources that the single "There's a hole in the sky" was actually first titled "There's a hole in my wallet but I don't give a F@#$k, I will burn fossil fuel so I can fill it up!". The title was changed by his handlers for some reason.
Am I the only one that feels Neil has turned into a tired old circus clown?? Ya Neil, play Heart of Gold one more time for the gizillion'th time!
Jason Smith
Well I dreamed I saw the knight in armor coming....
No, actually I had a dream last night Neil was teaching me a new song and wanted me to open a show with him playing it. Couldn't get the chords right so he said "here, play my guitar instead"
All in a dream, all in a dream.
I hope we can save this Earth, but we may be past the point of no return. Our generation may not see the end, but it can't be that far off. Lennon said "the way things are going they're gonna crucify me" Sounds like the reaction to Neil's campaign. Of course that happened to someone already who paid the price to move against the grain.
I see Neil is playing his that's something I haven't seen him play in a long time.
I encourage you not to live in fear, Mother Earth has a way of adjusting to any imbalance both big and small. New species will thrive and some will become extinct. If we have some "Dinosaurs" taking more then what they need, in one fell swoop Mother Earth will start with a clean slate.
I encourage everyone to buy their music locally. Music that comes in fancy packaging, large stadiums and music that is flown half way across the world is probably no good for you. Buy music which produced locally and is served up at you local coffee shop in a brown paper bag!
Dinosaurs like Neil Young, David Susuki, Al Gore, etc.... have mastered the art of picking your pocket so they can live the opulent life style we can only dream of. Remember what these Dinosaurs have done to the earth last time around!!!
Thanks for keeping this an open forum Thrasher, so all point of views can be heard!
Jason Smith
You are an absolute just made a post that is ridiculously ignorantand has no basis in fact...and no relationship to facts !!!! Go sound stupid somewhere else !!!!!
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Neil's been an environmentalist for a long time:
"Go to the country take the dog, look at the sky without the smog, see the world, laugh at the farmers feeding hogs, eat hot dogs"
Have a hot dog, Jason.
No need for name calling. My mussing's obviously hit a cord with you or you are a relative/ Handler of Neil's and have taken my comments personally. Either way I do apologize for upsetting you.
Is he really and Environmentalist? Or is he a Salesman selling a product/brand that he has created? Anyone can sing a song about the environment and claim that they are an environmentalist, can they not? You can sell a lot of product when you claim you are "Green"!
By the way, I don't eat hot dogs, I eat fresh chickens raised in my back yard and sell locally.
"Local Music is Better, Bumper Stickers" should be issued!
Jason Smith
@setlistthief - well played (golf clap)
Actually, here's a pretty good video about Jason Smith...
For Who the Bell Trolls
Thanks. Thrasher, and thanks for the link-fascinating stuff.
Jason-"Here we are in the Years, After the Goldrush, Mother Earth, Natural Beauty, Piece of Crap, Be the Rain, Light a Candle" to name a few. And don't forget the LincVolt project or decades of Farm Aid.
It's impossible for any of us to be totally pure-I buy my free range chickens at a farmers market, too. But a truck burning gasoline transported that chicken there. But it is a start. I think Neil is sincere, doing what he can to practice what he's preached since 1969.
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