ZUMA Payload for SpaceX Rocket: Is There A Connection to "The Visitor" in November?
In a last-minute change to SpaceX’s launch schedule for November, a mission numbered 1390 has been added with the code name ZUMA.
Aerospace watchdog site NASASpaceFlight.com -- which tracks commercial and government launches -- notes the ZUMA payload will be launched from a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket from the LC-39A launchpad at the Kennedy Space Center. The only information available concerning the ZUMA launch is that the payload belongs to Northrop Grumman, an aerospace and defense corporation. Some speculate that this could be a “black commercial” mission (a type of shadowy joint project between private commercial firms and government agencies) involving some new type of reconnaissance satellite.
Space Exploration Technologies Corp., or SpaceX, is an aerospace manufacturer and space transport services company founded by billionaire Elon Musk. Elon Musk is also the founder of Tesla, the electric car company following in the footsteps of entrepreneur Neil Young and his Linc-Volt hybrid project.

via LincVolt Continental | Facebook
With Neil Young regularly tweeting cryptic messages of late, could there be some sort of relationship between the SpaceX ZUMA payload and "The Visitor"? And was the visionary Nikola Tesla himself, actually "A Visitor", given the incredible discoveries which are just now appearing in the mainstream after decades of coverup?
"A Visitor"?
Nikola Tesla
Born: July 10, 1856, Smiljan, Austrian Empire (modern-day Croatia) - Died:Jan 7, 1943, New York City, New York, United States
And might the ZUMA Payload launch by Elon Musk using Nikola Tesla technology be a harbinger of "The Visitor"'s arrival, full disclosure, precipitate the impending "Big Shift", end once and for all the lies, secrets, illusions and usher in the golden age of transparency, peace and prosperity for all?
OK, seriously this may all be a bit of a stretch, but bear with us here, please.
Note that "The Visitor's" latest message accompanies the NEW VIDEO: "Hitchhiker" by Neil Young . This video is labeled as "Black Balloon version".
The November SpaceX’s launch could coincide with the arrival of "The Visitor". The launch will occur no earlier than 10 November 2017, which is close to Neil's birthday on Nov. 12.
Also note that Neil Young's new album "Hitchhiker", contains a track titled "Captain Kennedy" about another seafaring explorer. The SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket will launch from the Kennedy Space Center.
Of course, this all ties in nicely with Neil Young's new album "Hitchhiker" and it's extensive time travel themes. And recall, of course, that Neil renamed the band "The Rockets" as "Crazy Horse". (Also, see "Running Dry (Requiem For The Rockets)")
Neil Young & Crazy Horse 1975 album ZUMA, of course, contains the classic track "Cortez The Killer". The song is the evocative story of the European explorer Cortez "searching for that palace in the sun", while Aztec emperor Montezuma "often wandered with the secrets of the world".
And what are these secrets referring to in the lyrics: "often wandered with the secrets of the world"?
So Lincoln was assassinated by Booth in Ford's Theater on April 14, 1865.

John Wilkes Booth (15 letters) Ran from A Theater to a Tobacco Warehouse After Assassinating Lincoln (7 Letters)
(Lincoln was succeeded by Vice President Andrew Johnson)
So Kennedy was assassinated by Oswald* (*see The Day The Music Died) in a Lincoln Continental on November 23, 1963.

Lee Harvey Oswald (15 letters) Ran From A Book Warehouse to A Theater After Assassinating Kennedy (7 Letters)
(Kennedy was succeeded by Vice President Lyndon Johnson)
The Linc-Volt is a modified 1958 Lincoln Continental utilizing technology similar to Nikola Tesla technology.

Florida License Registration + Linc-Volt Plate
Secret ZUMA Payload for SpaceX Rocket. Elon Musk using Nikola Tesla technology. Blast off from Kennedy. In Florida. In November. Mission #1390. Lincoln. Lincoln Continental. LincVolt. Ford. Theaters. Cars. Rockets. connect the dots. open Up the "Tired Eyes".
"The Visitor" is coming... or already arrived ...

"Break On Through To The Other Side" Sculpture
"The Visitor"?
The Aperture Plaza
Photo by thrasher - September 2017
(Dedicated and unveiled on the day of the release of 'Hitchhiker'
Well, whatever you may believe, just remember -- "We're The Ones We've Been Waiting For".

ps - And -- of course -- everyone knows that Neil Young was the first man to walk on the Moon, right?

one giant heart attack for the rust community."
Astronaut Neil Young
Born on November 12, 1945, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
(Click photo to enlarge)
(See NBC News Mistakenly Reports the Death of 'Astronaut Neil Young' - National - The Atlantic Wire.)
pss - As always, please use disCERNment or -- as we like to blog -- Separating the Wheat from the Chaff ... or... REAL from the Fake, because "Red means run, son, numbers add up to nothing".
Labels: neil young, zuma
tin foil hat alert.....
More facts in the Neil, ZUMA, PaceX rocket, Visitor commection to consider:
1. The Apollo 11 crew consisting of Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Command module pilot Michael Collins splashed down safely at 12:50 p.m. EDT on July 24 about 900 miles southwest of HAWAII in the North Pacific Ocean while seated inside the Command Module Columbia.
2. PARDON MY HEART references satellites;:
“It's a sad communication with little reason to believe
When one isn't giving and one pretends to receive.”
3. DANGER BIRD. Rockets are referred to as Birds and of course Danger Bird is a cut on ZUMA. But more important;y Neil alludes to the reusable nature of Musk’s rocket: “Danger bird, he flies alone. And he rides the wind back to his home.”
4. THROUGH MY SAILS appears to be an allusion to the launch of the satellite payload carried on ZUMA. perhaps the true mission of the satellite is hidden deep in the satellite’s programming, hidden from the satellite during its development and manufacture, but the satellite will become conscious and ultimately aware of this deceit by its creators.
“Still glaring from the city lights
Into paradise I soared
Unable to come down
For reasons I'd ignored
Total confusion
What will happens to the satellite when it gains consciousness and disCERNS this deceit? Perhaps a BigShift away from its military industrial complex creators’s mission to one of its own creation serving the ultimate good for the people of earth whom it is looking down upon from orbit.
5. Neil’s performance often sounds best while working with a Buzz on. Buzz Aldrin was the LEM Eagle’s Pilot.
Thanks HtH!
Very good to see you using disCERNment here on TW. You clearly appreciate the spirit in which we separate the wheat from the chaff -- the REAL from the fake.
And never forget Winterlong ...
We waited for you, Winterlong. You seem to be where we belong. It's all illusion anyway.
Or is it?
Record Store Day's Black Friday celebration next month includes Neil Young's 1992 album, Harvest Moon, which will have a special double-LP vinyl release for its 25th anniversary.
November 24 = Black Friday
1992 album = 25th anniversary
Harvest Moon = ZUMA Payload
Young (5 letters) = Tesla (5 letters)
HitchHiker = The Visitor
Kennedy = Florida
SpaceX = Young = ZUMA
X ... Y ... Z
marks the spot
("numbers (& letters) add up to nothing")
It was town like Florida in the fifties, buildings eight stories high, except for a few ten stories and one fifteen right in the center of town. The whole place sparkled with clarity. Everyone was wearing colorful clothes. People drank coca colas through straws on street corners. Men were gliding in gliders above the streets, turning corners between the buildings and soaring up alleyways. It was unbelievable. I said "Hey, how do those guys soar around the city like that? It all looks too good. Why don't they crash into the buildings?"
Just then one of the gliders crashed into the fifteen story building in the center of town. The man came tumbling head over heels through the air like some sort of wounded superman. He tumbled dead towards me. With me on the parking lot were a young couple. They were walking together in conversation, looking up, the noticed the tumbling man. He fell on top of them making a sluggish sound on the pavement.
Off to the side of the three dead bodies I noticed a baby wrapped in a pretty red blanket. I picked up the child and put it (I don't remember if it was a boy or girl) in a car parked on the street. A crowd was gathering around the parking lot. A beautiful lady came towards me on the street. She looked inside the parked car. "That's my baby in there" she said. "No", I said, "This baby belongs to that dead couple on the parking lot." "No, you're wrong" she said, "What happened to them?"
Neil Young's new online Archives to stream on his high-fidelity service, XStream Music.
SpaceX Rocket = XStream Music
Here’s the current environment surrounding for Payload Zuma’s scheduled November launch:
We have hundreds of communities of burned out basements in Counties North of San Francisco, ravaged by the worst wildfires in generations. We have had three devastating hurricanes this year striking the southeast United States. One wiped out the utility infrastructure of an entire Island leaving millions without clean water, power and food. We have science deniers and corporate not water protectors running the Environmental Protection Agency. Scientists there are being denied clearance to participate in environmental conventions to share their research with colleagues in their fields.
Phys.Org published in February 2017 this discovery:
Temperate earth-sized worlds found in extraordinarily rich planetary system
Astronomers have found a system of seven Earth-sized planets just 40 light-years away. They were detected as they passed in front of their parent star, the dwarf star TRAPPIST-1. Three of them lie in the habitable zone and could harbor water, increasing the possibility that the system could play host to life. It has both the largest number of Earth-sized planets yet found and the largest number of worlds that could support liquid water.
Could Payload Zuma, a black project run by the Federal Government, really be anything but a cover for the silver spaceship flying In the yellow haze of the sun? In November will There be children crying and colors flying All around the chosen one? The loading will begin and Zuma could be Flying mother nature's silver seed To a new home in the sun. It may not all be in a dream.
@ HtH - Very interesting. Elon Musk founded Paypal.
Zuma Payload. Payload. PayPal.
As for other rocks floating in space? We'll stick with EARTH.
Could There be a bailout of earth coming and it’s not for me? Or are we the ones we’ve been waiting for?
@ Jonathan - anything specifically here you would care to rebut with links? if not, we'll just assume you're trolling TW and ignore.
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