"No Hidden Path": The Best Post-1970s Neil Young Song?

This past weekend Rolling Stone posed the question: "What Is the Best Post-1970s Neil Young Song?"
Lots of interesting nominations, including many songs from the 1970's (which dis-qualified) like "Powderfinger", etc.
Anyways, we nominated "No Hidden Path" from Chrome Dreams II. Why? Well, just because we were feeling the intensity in the moment. Especially after a particularly rewarding --yet vexing -- weekend here on TW with our ever amazing -- yet puzzling -- readers.
Isn't kind of funny how here we are in 2016 and folks still debate over how Neil Young really hasn't put out anything great since the 1970's? Or 1980's? Or 1990's? Or 2000's? Or 2010's?
Back to "Why No Hidden Path" from Chrome Dreams II.
Here's why....
From "No Hidden Path": Atomic Sunrise or a Nuclear Sunset? (via Uncut.co.uk London 3/6 review by Allan Jones):
And then there’s a show-stopping, simply colossal “No Hidden Path”, nigh on 20 minutes of it, Neil’s solos sounding like ruptures in the earth’s crust, fissures appearing everywhere, tectonic plates shifting and crashing beneath him. The stage now and the people on it are drenched in a burning golden light, that mixed with the red back-spots bathes the band in the burnished glow of an atomic sunrise or a nuclear sunset, I’m not sure which. As the song reaches towards an awesome climax, Neil stands facing the massive klieg light to the left of the stage, soloing into it, head thrown back, then lowered into it, as if he may at any moment be consumed by it, beamed up, the next stop presumably being the Phoenix Asteroid.More on Neil Young in London, England - 3/8 & 9/08: Concert Reports.
I have a feeling of being witness to some sun-cult ritual, a worship of light as the source of eternal renewal. It’s a spooky fucking couple of minutes, this bit of the show, and I am at a loss to even begin to explain how he wrings from his guitar the sound he makes in the song’s final, dying moments, which provokes much awestruck head shaking and how-the-fuck-does-he-do-that looks at anyone who catches my eye.
ps - apparently our comment on RS got spiked. Maybe the F* word?! Why do we keep fuckin' up???
Labels: neil young
This song is simply remarkable. In fact, beyond the signature opaque lyrics, which coincidentally I have tattooed on my arm, there is a moment in the song where it truly opens up musically, you can almost feel the clouds parting, and Neil coming up for air, discovering his own hidden path, a Beethoven symphony in reverse, from darkness to light. Powerful...personal....perfect.
to be honest thrasher... i would go as far to say as that i rate No Hidden Path as one of the best Neil songs of all time.... including the 70's work !
after hearing it on the CDII album from the very first time the hooks were sunk and i was slowly slowly pulled into the textures and layers of sound, imagery, phrasing of the lyrics... it all felt to me like it just worked into my skin and stayed there.
it was captivating.
then after attending the 2 gigs at London Hammersmith Odeon back in 2008(ish) the 2nd half of the sets that followed the solo rarities 1st half brought out the Electric Band.... the interplay between Ben and Neil on the 20 odd minute version took my away to somewhere very weird... it was deep and spiritual and stands the test of time as the moment that i can still vividly remember physically and mentally connecting with.... sounds weird i know but it was a deep moment.
i love no hidden path.... stands the test of time for sure.... i could wax lyrical for hours and bore everyone but right now.... this moment this hour... it is my most cherished Neil song since the 70s.
there is a caveat of course.... tomorrow my favourite post 70s NY might be Shots, the day after One of these Days, next week it will be Bandit... in a month it might be all of Le Noise again... its hard to call when there is just so much great great music from last 20 years, if you care to open your ears and mind and let it in !
But No Hidden Path is very very special.
Barry Cameron
No Hidden Path is one of the better sounding songs from 2005-2010, and was great fun to hear in concert (I was there for the final Hammersmith 2008 show, where the song was given a slightly abbreviated but still-impressive rendition). The version on Chrome Dreams 2 starts well, but doesn't really take off in the same way as the live versions.
Ben Keith was a great musician, but I always found his rhythm guitar playing a bit lacking in power. When I listen to No Hidden Path, I long for Poncho's crunchy, multi-leveled tone - the simple jangle of Ben telecaster doesn't provide the strongest of support for Neil's soloing. There isn't that chemistry between the guitars. It's a funny thing to say when he gets so much credit, but Poncho remains terribly underrated. Niko Bolas once went as far as to say "you can't do a Neil Young record without Poncho". When Poncho is there, Neil plays better, he gives more. Simple as that.
For me it's very hard to pick a best song since the 70's. In my opinion the years 1988-1995 contain most of Neil's best music since then, so there are plenty of worthy songs in that period.
The best Neil song since 2000? That is far easier to answer. Without doubt, "Goin' Home".
You wouldn't know it from listening to the awful version on Are You Passionate, of course. But this is one of the few modern-era songs that is as brilliant lyrically as it is musically, as well-crafted as it is passionate and immediate. Check out the HD DVD of the version from Rock Am Ring 2002. Neil isn't so much performing the song as exorcizing demons (a theme that recurs through much of that show). The guitar playing is awesome and evocative, the lyrics razor sharp. The band is one of Neil's best ever. This is easily as powerful as anything from the 1970's. Wow.
that's a good call Scotsman... to be honest have never really given Goin' Home the time and listening it deserves... probably due to the duff Passionate album putting me off.
You raise a good point about Bens style on rhythm… my thoughts mainly focus around Hidden Path actually benefiting from Bens style of play in this regard... its a bit spindly and it feels like its just poking away in the back ground but that is exactly what I like about it on Hidden Path, the sound breathes and is light and is mobile… it can move around freely which I think is partly due to the less intrusive rhythm that Ben plays on the track.
It is a long way away from Poncho layers and you know what... I think that is fine.
Ben's picking, poking and skirting around things style probably helps Neil set a different tone for Hidden Path and does in fact sets that song somewhat aside in comparison to similar structured 'big effort' songs like Change your Mind, Love to Burn and even Goin' Home.
But anyway…. Most importantly…. I just need to now go and find some cracking version of Goin’ Home to plug into my ears for today. Cheers Scotsman !
Barry Cameron
Barry, great point about the sound "breathing", "moving around freely". I was going to express a similar sentiment but couldn't find the words.
With Poncho, there is always the sense that the song can move up to another level, that the instrumental can just build and build and build. There's that perfect chemistry between the guitars that we don't experience with any other guitarist. Ben's more bare-bones style is perfectly functional, but sometimes limits just how far Neil can go.
I remember seeing the broadcast from Madrid 2008 where at one point Neil gets a bit frustrated and manically gestures at Ben, indicating that he needed to step up a gear. Ben's instantly responds and plays harder; but there's only so much intensity and depth that he could get out of that jangly telecaster tone. Likewise, I attended the Hyde Park show in 2009 and had a great time, but there was the sense that some songs (e.g Hey Hey, My My, Rockin' In The Free World etc) were a bit underpowered, they needed that extra bedrock of sound to really get going.
Having said that, I think you are absolutely right that No Hidden Path is one of the better songs with Ben on telecaster, that occupies a distinctive class of its own. Thanks for articulating.
In fact, I'd say the immense sense of open space that you get on No Hidden Path (see Barry's comments above) is much preferable to the overly busy electric band sound we've heard In 2015/2016, where the soundscape is often muddled and compacted, leaving Neil's guitar very little room to truly soar.
Re: Goin' Home. For anyone interested, numerous clips from the popular Rock Am Ring 2002 show I mentioned are available in variable quality on youtube. But it's probably worth tracking down the HD dual-layer DVD version. It's a truly rewarding, magical, generous experience.
You need to watch it, not just listen. And yes, this music is instinctive, dreamy, hard-hitting, free-flowing. But far from effortless: Neil ages 10 years during Down By The River alone. That's the price of making great art. On Are You Passionate, some of these same songs are given the "off-hand" approach and fall apart miserably. Here, quite the opposite.
The sound quality of the broadcast is not as good as the image quality (you are much better off listening through your TV speakers, rather than your $$$ audiophile sound system that brings out all the flaws), but with a performance this exciting, it really doesn't matter. More, please.
Their Are Some Great Versions Of Goin' Home On The '01 Europe Crazy Horse Tour. Plus I Would Add Gateway Of Love To this Discussion. From The Same Tour. That Tour Was magical!
I'd have to really think about my favorite post-'70s Neil song. It would be easier to choose from '80s, '90s, '00s, etc.
To be honest, I haven't given "No Hidden Path" a lot of attention. Chrome Dreams II was/is such a schizophrenic album that it has yet to sink in. I enjoy the shorter songs at the start, and of course I prefer the "Ordinary People" from Bluenote Cafe. But this is what's great about TW -- it makes me think and reconsider things I've forgotten.
I prefer Goin ' Home and Bandit. There're others from Prairie Wind quite remarkable
So Tired.
light a candle ( FITR) > "touching" Neil
ordinary people (CD 2) > "anthem" Neil
ramada inn (PP) > "headphone rocker" Neil
over and over ( RG) > "radio play rocker" Neil
unknown legend(HM) > "radio play" Neil"
I recently picked up a vinyl version of Silver and Gold and my wife and I would both like to stick our necks out for "Razor Love" as the best post 1970s Neil Young song.
The high tempo snare beat on that song makes every other instrument seem like it's being played so slooooowly and that sets up a really beautiful contrast that really hooks you for the whole song. The beat which moves the song really allows the piano to come in and drop just a few notes, that even though they're not over stated, really stand out and have a lot of impact.
I also love the singing - it's very laid back, and yet because of the space offered by the instrumentation stands out and is focused. "I got to bet that your old man, became fascinated with his own pla-a-a-an." Also you don't hear Neil draw out vocals very often, and he does it so effectively here, it really allows me to appreciate him as a vocalist in a way that I don't instantly pick up on in many other songs. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan of Neil Young's voice but in Razor Love you can really hear him doing things with his vocal (trying to stay behind the beat, drawing out words etc...) that make the vocal on that track really stand out. Not to mention, the words are beautiful.
If there was a Neil Young and Crazy Horse show happening on one side of the street and a Neil Young solo and with the Stray Gators show happening at the same time on the other side of the street I'm probably lining up for the Crazy Horse show 9 times out of 10, but for the best song and the most captivating song in the last 35 years, my pick is "Razor Love".
No Hidden Path is a great song - better than what some critics insinuate. I had the great good fortune to be three rows from the stage during a stop on the Chrome Dreams II tour when he played a great 20-minute version at Northrup Auditorium in Minneapolis. Sublime. But the best song since the 70"s...I must disagree.
Songs post 1979 that I would put in front of it:
Love and Only Love (IMHO, this is his best since the 70's)
Goin' Home (the live versions of this song are amazing, even with the minimal guitar work)
Rockin' in the Free World
I would also say that Ramada Inn is comparable with No Hidden Path.
This is not to detract from No Hidden Path. It is a great song and one best appreciated live.
regrets to be off topic, for those who care, from a recent Graham Nash interview:
Back to music: is there any chance CSNY will play together again, given the very public spat between David Crosby and Neil Young? You seem to be the guy who can get everybody on the same page.
I’m not sure I can undo this one. This one is a deep one. You can’t insult Neil Young personally like that and hope to get away with it. And I told David that he was wrong to have said that and that he should jump on it and try and figure it out with Neil. But he waited about a year, and that’s way too long, and he did it publicly on The Howard Stern Show, apologized to Neil. But it was way too late. Hey listen, I’m the guy that wrote “Wasted on the Way” because of all the songs that I wish we had written and had sung and had been together enough to make more music than we did. But I guess it’s what it is. I mean if CSN or CSNY never play another note of music, then that’s how it is.
entire interview (with a few other references to Neil):
Razor Love
Change Your Mind
Rockin' in the Free World
You and Me
From Hank to Hendrix
Distant Camera
Roger and Out
but for now, I'd choose: Flags of Freedom
church bells are ringin'
the families stand and wave
some of them are cryin'
'cause the soldiers look so brave
looking straight ahead-
like they know just where they're going
past the flags of freedom flyin'
have you seen the flags of freedom
what color are they now?
do you think that you believe in yours
more than they do theirs somehow?
when you see the flags of freedom flyin'
Powerfully moving lyrics with a simple catchy melody and vocal that just keeps
moving forward, layer after layer. Like an innocent campfire sing-along led by your cool hippie uncle as he strums away, wryly imparting a lesson he hopes you'll someday understand.
Have you seen the flags of freedom flyin'?
Take my advice
don't listen to me
+1 on Flags of Freedom
the LWW album grows in stature: Roger and Out is devastating. NY's eye is unblinking on LWW.
My vote was Ramada Inn. When I feel NY is singing about himself it strikes a chord with me. I haven't sensed that in one of his songs since the '70's.
Looking forward, I would like to think the best song since the '70's is coming up on this next album.....Oh, I know...why go THERE?....but it is what has started all this great chatter here lately, which I am thoroughly enjoying!
And this particular conversation has thrown "It's all one song" right out the window.
As it should be!
I saw the LWW tour and people yelling at Neil to fuck off. Stills looked nervous.
Crosby and Nash appeared to dig it.
I'm a vet, so pretty much anything from that record scores high with me.
But I do love to turn up the live version of NHP and just melt into it!
How about worst post 70's song? That would be a real challenge. So many to choose from. A huge list.
Love No Hidden Path but I'd put
Sample and Hold
Cocaine Eyes
Love and only love
Change Your Mind
Going Home
Ramada Inn and She's always dancing all above it. He's had some great songs in the last 15 years or so.
Change Your Mind
It's hard to pick a single song from the last 35 years, but one that's been on my mind recently is Don't Take Your Love Away From Me. I loved it when I first heard it on Lucky Thirteen, but the version on Bluenote Café is even better. I never tire of hearing this song.
Crime In The City, Change Your Mind, It's A Dream, No More, Shots (Just to name a few)
Nash & Crosby not speaking.....who cares?
The future of Crosby, Stills and Nash was thrown in doubt this weekend following comments Graham Nash made to a Dutch magazine where he declared that his days in CSN were likely over due to a rift with David Crosby. To make sure nothing was lost in translation, Nash also spoke to Billboard to confirm, saying, "In my world, there will never, ever be a Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young record and there will never be another Crosby, Stills and Nash record or show.
Graham Nash
Graham Nash Weighs In on Neil Young, David Crosby Feud »
"Right now, I don't want anything to do with Crosby at all. It's just that simple," Nash said, although he wouldn't elaborate on why he's upset with his longtime band mate. "I was letting Crosby be who he is. I let people play their hand in front of me, and I let him do it and then I make a decision."
However, while talking to Dutch magazine Lust for Life, Nash held nothing back while slamming Crosby. In the interview, Nash blamed Crosby for first sparking a personal feud with Neil Young, which likely spelled the end of CSNY, and then behaving in a manner that made Nash question CSN's future.
"I don't like David Crosby right now. He's been awful for me the last two years, just fucking awful," Nash said. "I've been there and saved his fucking ass for 45 years, and he treated me like shit. You can't do that to me. You can do it for a day or so, until I think you're going to come around. When it goes on longer, and I keep getting nasty emails from him, I'm done. Fuck you. David has ripped the heart out of Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young."
Crosby eventually apologized to Young for comments he made about the rocker and his girlfriend Daryl Hannah. "I was completely out of line," Crosby said. "I have screwed up massively. Daryl Hannah never wound up in a Texas prison. I'm screwed up way worse than that girl. Where do I get off criticizing her? She's making Neil happy. I love Neil and I want him happy."
After Crosby's initial comments, Young all but dismissed any chance of a Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young reunion. "We were together for a long time. We did some good work. Why should we get together and celebrate how great we were? What difference does it make?," Young said. "It's not for the audience. It's not for money, either. When you play music, you have to come from a certain place to do it and everything has to be clear and you don't want to disturb that. I like to keep the love there, and if the love isn't there, you don't want to do it."
"How can I not be sad? Look at the music we probably lost," Nash, who releases his solo LP This Path Tonight on April 15, told Billboard. "The truth is, after being totally immersed in me and David and Stephen and Neil's music, I'm done. I've had 10 years of it. Leave me the fuck alone. I need to concentrate on me now."
Read more: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/graham-nash-i-dont-want-anything-to-do-with-david-crosby-20160308#ixzz42Lnf7U12
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I agree, I saw him at Finsbury Park and it was epic. Gateway is incredible, I have the Fuji Rock version on my best of as it's the only decent version out there. Love To Burn is another great song. I'd love a decent copy of Finsbury Park, Cortez, Powerfinger and Hurricane, I've Been Waiting to kick off too. Bandit is another classic too, that lovely low dropped tuning. Neil is like Bowie, hung up by their own classic material when it's going to be impossible to turn out classic album after album and realistically it's going to be the odd classic song or 3 on a good album. I do think NY has become a bit slap dash with his albums lately, I'd admit I've not given them as much attention as I once did. Le Noise, Fork In The Road, Living With War all left me a bit cold. Psychedelic Pill showed glimpses of some fire but I wonder if he needs a really strong producer to force him to do more than one take or remind him that he's already played those chords on the album. Tough being a legend!
I'm pleased to see a lot of love for Change Your Mind, and am really pleased that several songs from LWW are getting respect (though while writing this just saw Csjd71 was left a bit cold by it).
Flags of Freedom
Roger and Out
to me stand with Neil's best work ever. Lyrically, musically and emotionally. LWW was/is an incredibly strong album. After the Garden, Restless Consumer, Shock and Awe, Living with War are all very solid songs as well.
It's a shame that the worst song on the album "Let's Impeach the President" is the song that got most of the attention. Even so, it still has enough wacky charm to amuse and engage me from time to time.
Take my advice
don't listen to me
LWW was ok but I just didn't find the playing to take off like it does on Love To Burn or to be as melodic as Gateway. I can still remember the moment he started playing it towards the end at Finsbury Park, it's a bit of an anomaly of a NY song, it has sort of a surf guitar intro and a really great lyrics and structure, how it missed the final cut on that album is beyond me, especially as weaker songs had made the record. Maybe he hasn't captured if yet but would be great song to hear.
Gateway of Love is cool. Has a spacey, surf psychedelic improvisational feel...
- goin home (unbelievable when i first heard it 2001)
- i'm the ocean (a monster)
- harvest moon (a classic)
- rockin in the free world (the classic)
- unknown legend
- and so on ....... safeway cart, piece of crap, razor love, distant camera, crime in the city, ordinary people, .......
oh my god :-)
So many great songs and comments! Thanks to all. Lucky us. And the gems just keep rolling in thru the decades.
Here's the latest Comment of the Moment:
road of plenty(unreleased)
Regarding the off topic post, this is interesting to me because recently, on the thread about Nash's upcoming album, some of us were discussing how Graham Nash has always been the CSNY PR man, smoothing over conflicts and maybe even sugarcoating at times. So I appreciate hearing what sounds like a pretty honest perspective from the man. The narrative was always that Crosby and Nash were close friends, in which case I'm sorry they're friendship seems to have gone down the pan. But I can't say I'm surprised. On the rare occasions when I hear anything from Crosby, he's been coming across like a loudmouth for a while now. I can't remember the last time I read an article with his name in it and wasn't tempted to groan. I have no clue how he is in everyday life (although sending "nasty emails" is not a sign of good character), but things he's said in the public eye give the impression of someone who has little self-control and poor judgment. As Nash suggested, publicly insulting Neil and Daryl Hannah was just not a very bright move, andy it's mind-boggling to think he may have thought he was helping.
That assessment may sound scathing, but really, it's sad and sometimes upsetting to read this stuff. I wish him well, because I think he's troubled. And the frankness of Graham's comments has me looking forward to his album. And with that, I'm safely back to thinking about the music!
I think I was one of those who chimed in about Graham's peacemaker role and character within the group. While it's sad that it appears Crosby has abandoned his truest friend, it's nice to hear Graham showing some backbone.
Still, I don't think we've heard the last from CSN(Y). Maybe the recent dissension will lead to some inspired music.
Take my advice
don't listen to me
that moment in 'No Hidden Path' where the sky opens up & the song really takes flight...."no more darkness.....no more wasted time..."..."there's a cold wind...blowing through my mind..."....I know this might sound crazy but that part reminds me so much of a passage in 'The Fountain of Lamneth' from Rush's Caress of Steel released in 1975....& that's an awesome comparison to me.....
Change your mind
Topanga Daze-- Yes, I think you were. Until this new interview, I would have characterized Nash's comments about CSN&Y as sincere but wishful. When Nash calls it a day, maybe it really is time to reevaluate where things stand.
Interestingly I just picked up Wild Tales on vinyl today. I look forward to listening that in the weeks before This Path Tonight's premiere.
Not so relevant to the theme of the responses , but WOW , just had the pleasure of four hours of dusting off the LP's and enjoying scratchy ....... On the Beach , American Bars an Stars , Hawks and Doves ...... honey ta the ears Eh !
Gots ta say lads , these are Classic !
John EH,
A good way to spend 4 hours if you ask me:
Got rock & roll
got country music playin'
if you hate us
you just don't know what you're sayin'
Hawks and Doves is on my list of Neil's top 5 most underrated albums. It's incredibly solid and varied, with just enough Neil quirkiness to bring a smile to my eyes every time. Politically and emotionally evocative. It all reminds me that for all of his inconsistencies, he's also incredibly consistent with his large overarching themes and concerns.
On the Beach is an all-time great which I listen to every month or so. 'Nuff said.
American Stars and Bars hasn't been spun here in a while, but it has more than a few fine moments. Pulling it out of its sleeve now...
Take my advice
don't listen to me
Much after the fact but heard "No Hidden Path" yesterday, and man oh man, that riff. So I made a Spotify playlist with 20 answers to the post-Rust song question, but with "No Hidden Path" as I'm pretty sure the best one.
Have to say that I don't think "Roger and Out" quite gets there, or "Change Your Mind," either. I think they're both good examples of Young's lyric-writing betraying his songwriting. He's got some mood going in both songs--and then he makes a couple of poor word choices that break it.
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