Newcastle: Neil Young & Crazy Horse Concert Reviews - June 10, 2013

Neil Young & Crazy Horse
Photo by Tommy Jackson/Redferns via Getty Images
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From Neil Young and Crazy Horse – review | Music | The Guardian by Dave Simpson:
This baffling, bonkers, brilliant gig finds Young at his most mercurial, playing roles from electric stormbringer (Powderfinger, an unusually heavy Cinnamon Girl) to acoustic balladeer (sublime newies Hole in the Sky and piano-played Singer Without a Song). If there are themes they're environmentalism and the threats to idealism. Walk Like a Giant – illustrated with litter blowing across stage – is genuinely eerie.
Few other performers can summon Young's venom.
At times, he seems to be playing into his own personal prevailing wind as he lashes out guitar solos that are almost dreamlike. "Sing like you mean it?" he rounds on a heckler. "What the fuck would you sing for if you don't mean it?"
#GdnGig Neil Young last night was amazing. Diverse set played with intensity and passion. Certainly not a conventional set-list but wow!
— Greg Dimond (@GreekGinster) June 11, 2013
From Neil Young and Crazy Horse, Metro Arena, Newcastle, review - Telegraph By Neil McCormick:
Fans of the acoustic troubadour side of Young’s eclectic career had to make do with a short, sweet Comes A Time, in which he potently demonstrated how much music can be summoned up from an acoustic guitar and reverb-drenched harmonica. He strummed Bob Dylan’s Blowin’ in the Wind with complete conviction, evoking the hippie ideals at the heart of his ethos, and played a beaten up old piano for lovely new track, Singer Without A Song.
But for the rest of a two and a half hour set, what you got was four old men huddled together, grimacing, gurning and laughing as they pushed and pulled each other through an electric storm of groovy, epic, hypnotic rock.
The sheer howling pleasure of it was utterly infectious.
The quartet like to get onto a chord sequence and ride it out to the limit, with Billy Talbot’s bass snaking through the bottom, Ralph Molina’s drums swinging and thumping with a masterful blend of rock minimalism and jazzy expression and Frank ‘Poncho’ Sampedro attacking the centre with fuzzed up rhythm guitar, leaving their leader free to blow the cobwebs out with his extraordinarily expressive playing.
The tone of Young’s lead guitar was a wonder in itself, constantly shifting as he stomps pedals, going from high and wild to low and threatening, from leftfield atonal art attack to melodious shimmer.
Neil Young- 'Comes A Time' (Live At Newcastle Arena, UK, 10th June 2013

Neil Young & Crazy Horse will be performing tonight at Metro Radio Arena, Newcastle, England.
Got a report? Drop us a comment below.
Check Sugar Mountain for setlist updates and Chronological Grid, Recording Summary, Statistics and Extras.
Also, see Neil Young & Crazy Horse 2013 Concert Tour Reviews and the right, middle sidebar for continuous real time RSS feed updates.

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Labels: concerts, crazy horse, europe, neil young
Hey Thrasher, will you join european gigs in July or August. Was really hoping to get one of your nice shirts like Albert did in the C-Club, but I could´nt find you. Maybe I was too drunken. First time I saw you was Amsterdam.
The show has been finished for at least 10 minutes, and still no setlist! This is OUTRAGEOUS!!!
Hope you all had a great time!
Absolute bilge! I feel disappointed and cheated........ a twenty minute tornado of grunge on stage started the rot! And the abysmal acoustics at the Arena turned his better offerings to painful mush! Go home Neil.... And don't come back...,,,, you've had the dosh......, and Yes ..... You said it yourself enough times? youre a fuck_up!
Hahahah Ken wright, you are such an ignorant twat... This is what crazy horse is all about!
You meant dolt didn't you, cause a twat is useful!
Absolutely fantastic! The guys seemed really up for it and that transmitted itself to the crowd. The show is really well paced - a couple at the beginning to get people going, followed by some of the newer tracks , a more contemplative set of songs finishing with Ramada Inn and then the final run in of Crazy Horse at their best. I can understand that people might find it difficult to listen to at times and a bit self indulgent but this is Crazy Horse!! The set list was the same as Paris but with Surfer Joe before Mr Soul (I'm sure we'll find out but it seemed to last near enough 2 and a half hours and I can't wait to hear Poncho's solo on F*!#in Up!!).
Awesome night! Ken you clearly do not have a clue!!
Forgot to mention that Neil was singing along to God Save the Queen - this may cause a malfunction of Sugar Mountain's statistics!
Don't know what show ken wright was watching but he can disappear back up his own arse hole!
Utterly amazing show... Surfer Joe! Comes a Time! Only disappointment was not a single cut from Zuma. Oh well, fantastic atmosphere for 2 and half hours.
All I can say to Ken is....
People whom don't ride The Horse well soon get!
Poor Ken, you should have done your homework, the shows are all about loud, crazy, grungy, grinding dirgy rock and that's what Neil & Crazy Horse are all about. Of course Neil will throw in a few softer acoustic numbers to quieten down the hords whom only like to hear Neil acoustic...and Ken that is your problem, this was Neil Young and Crazy Horse concert and they were doing what they do best, great harmonies and long ballads with beautiful riffs, awesome feedback through the amps and guys, giving their all so that the majority of those whom know and understand can have the greatest time of their lives being there...Ken I think you should have been the one to go home!!
One of the greatest musical experiences of my life, I'm only 40, but a 20yr fan. The musicians on stage tonight are some of the finest on this ball of fun. Simply outstanding...
@Ken Wright. "And don't come back". That's just priceless man. Kudos. Four little words but oh so much amusement for so many!! Thanks again for stepping up and taking one for the ignorant. You sir are just a fuck up as are we all, but you just took it to another level. LOL. I haven't stopped laughing since I read that. "And don't come back....." bah ha ha ha ha ha!!! I'm on the floor here.
Outageous! How dare Neil play something other than what Ken Wright wanted to hear!
Fantastic gig, can't believe his energy levels.
Not really sure what Ken expected tonight - although I should point out that from where we were stood the sound was fine.
The sound was amazing, as was the entire gig - with theatrical bits and pieces thrown in by the aged roadeyes arguing on stage etc.
Great moment when some drunk twat shouted "sing it like you mean it Neil!"
Neil gave the crowd a look and said "Sing it like you mean it? Why the fuck would I sing it if I didn't mean it?"
The lads seemed to enjoy themselves tonight with 'fuckin up' lasting at least 20 mins and a supportive crowd who mostly seemed to know what to expect from the Horse.
So thrilled to finally see him in my hometown, wish I knew how his guitar can make so many insane sounds!
Thanks for coming to the Toon Neil, come back soon!!
Amazing night.....
Never seen Neil before but was impressed the only thing that slightly grated on me was every song had to finish with a grunge like gutair solo. I wouldn't mind it on a few songs but not on every single song you had a great Sony sung well lasting 5 mins then a crazy 10 min gutair solo maybe that's why there called crazy horse.great voice though.didn't realy understand the god save the queen at the beginning.
Ken's comments have made my day. Cheers ya saft twat!
I loved it. First time Neil has played Newcastle for almost 40 years (last time was November 1973!) and first time with the Horse. Those guys are playing together better than ever. But don't just take my word for it. My wife, not a person given to hyperbole or would acknowledge even a stitch of any Emperor's new clothes, simply said, as we came out of the arena, "Brilliant, best ever!"
I've been a Neil fan since he first rolled up in Mort ...... and I've ridden the Horse since the beginning ..... it doesn't stop me from saying what I think. Last night's effort was rank ..... and I feel real sorrow for those who never get to hear the real thing. The Newcastle Arena blows! And Neil is now ripping the piss out of his millions of followers .... just because he can ....and he knows it.
Great version of Blowin In The Wind and fantastic show all around.
Fantastic musically but set list was really terrible.
Waste of money tbh.
What a great blast!
Just everything you want and expect from Neil and the lads. Grungy distorted screaming feedback with brilliant rifs and harmonies and all at number 11!
Was I the only one on the floor to get a you know what?
Elf'n safety nightmare mate...
Ken you really just do not get the horse. The sound was amazing! It was a great set list. I never thought surf Joe and moe the sleaze could sound so good!
Who was on support? And what time did the gig start? Heading to Brum tonight.
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THe word that popped into my head last night was "Uncompromising".
They played every note last night like they meant it.
I saw them twelve years ago and though they were amazing but last night....
Wished they could have played all night
anyone there last night tell us the time they came on and went off please ?
Seen neil 12 times and he just gets better! Thanks neil, see you ln birmingham.
For those asking (like me)
Tonights schedule
Show times
5pm - forumlive opens for pre-show food, drink & entertainment
6pm - Arena doors open
7.45pm - Los Lobos
8.30pm - Interval
9pm - Neil Young & Crazy Horse
11pm - Show finishes
Having waited to see Neil Young for 35+ years, can't deny I was disappointed. I knew what to expect with the Crazy Horse sound, but the truth is he didn't know when to end his songs - they just went on & on. I don't think Crazy Horse did either. They just huddled around their master while he just over indulged. He could have fitted another 4 - 5 songs in if it were not for 10 minutes of feedback to conclude each lengthy track. Highlight was Comes a Time. And was it just me, or was he out of it at the end? Seemed to bring Rockin in the Free World to a premature stop and then have an arguement with the band on stage.
You know that Neil does his thing whether he is with Crazy Horse or not and maybe we would all like 10minutes less feedback for two more songs but those of us who were there in 73, with him all the way and back again last night know what to expect. The sound was much better than I thought it would be as the arena is a shed and a half. I though Love and Only Love was great to start with other highlights being Walk Like A Giant, Ramada Inn, Cinnamon Girl and Rust Never Sleeps. Comes a Time was good and I would have liked Roll Another Number to finish after Like a Hurricane but you get what you get. The energy from all the band was amazing - the force of nature had returned and with my whole family in tow again it was always going to be a memorable night. If it's the last time then we were lucky to be there and on the journey with him for so long. Thanks Neil - follow the muse, some of us know it and some of us get it and most of us will be there with you till the end.
Ken and gang SAFC 3-0
I cant fault the night for the musical mastery of the electric guitar. We got that in spades. But the set list was absolute crap. Unbelievably i sat watching my idol Neil Young, live in front of me and found tediom setting in, especially around the long winded finales to every song.Sorry Neil, the emperor has no clothes and i wont be shouted down by blow hards that last night was anything other than a major disappointment.
Peter. Having looked at the set list, what exactly do you consider crap about it?. I'm finding it hard to understand as its got classics, live favourites and obviously some new stuff. So what's your beef with it?
Thought I would write a few things on the show last night in Newcastle England.
Firstly as a fan it is always a wonderful experience to see Neil Young with any band but Crazy Horse just adds that extra edge.
This was my 18th time seeing Neil and my 12 year old son's first, so just that little bit more special to me. Now when I first saw Neil at Canada's Wonderland in Toronto 1987 it was life changing.
The Newcastle gig was not in the same league! Now I have seen Neil on many different platforms with many different bands and artists but the one thing that was missing was the fans in Newcastle.
If your reading this you know Neil doe's what he wants when he wants, and generally just pumps out fantastic music, concert after concert for decades. But Neil is human and reacts to the crowd as any artist would. I am afraid that it was difficult to feel the crowd last night.
At one point a fan screamed out, “Sing it like you mean it” Now, fans like that should only be allowed to buy tickets for the X Factor, not one of the best musicians ever! Neil's response to this most ridiculous outbursts was, “Sing it like you mean it! What the FUCK would you sing for if you didn't mean it”?
Of all musicians to say that too, Neil Young! I hope the guy who screamed that out reads this and takes the hint! I'll even buy him a single ticket for the next X Factor gig!
It is always a pleasure seeing Crazy Horse with Neil and last night was not any different! The way they just feed off each other with every note was fantastic. I can't fault the music or the band but it looked from where I was standing that it was a concert for the band preformed by the band.
They even at one point with a extended version of Fucking Up started to tell the audience to fuck off for 20 minutes and not even 4 men telling a bunch of Geordie's to Fuck Off, got the fire burning in there bellies! Crazy!
Neil and Crazy Horse tried to engage with the fans but it was obvious that it just was not going to be a top 10 gig for myself or my son.
I remember seeing them in Hamilton Canada back in 1991, Cortez the Killer, Wellfare Mother epic! Or when he played at the Fox Theatre in Detroit, I think for 3 nights on the trot and played most of Harvest Moon, 10 months before the album was released.
On stage to the left was an up-write piano, same one as last nights, on the right a Grand Piano and centre back Neil's famous Pipe organ. Not to forget a collection of acoustic guitars and banjos positioned in a a horse shoe shape around a small seat, table and microphone. It was apparent when walking into the Fox Theatre that night and seeing the stage it was going to be an intimate gig and that it was, I went back for more and saw all 3 nights.
Thanks guys for what was probably just a live rehearsal for you last night!
The next time all you Geordies see a White boat coming up the river, make sure you pay it the respect it deserves!
Exactly! The set list was awesome. Some live horse classics with some of the new songs that are epic Iive! The sound was great and they were in great form. Amazing night!
A contented blow-hard
Love and Only Love (classic)
Powderfinger (classic)
Psychedelic Pill (new)
Walk Like a Giant (new)
Hole in the Sky (unreleased)
Comes a Time (classic)
Blowin' in the Wind (cover)
Singer Without a Song (unreleased)
Ramada Inn (new)
Cinnamon Girl (classic)
Fuckin' Up (classic)
Surfer Joe and Moe the Sleaze (classic)
Mr. Soul (classic)
Hey Hey, My My (classic)
Rockin' in the Free World (classic)
three new songs
one cover of a classic
two unreleased gems
nine classics
The Horse were on top form.
Set list was excellent, can't understand why people complain, yeah everybody might like to see their personal favourites played but god they can't cover everything.
Will accept that Walk Like A Giant and F*ckin' Up went on a bit too long but this wasn't unexpected, it was Neil with the Horse.
Good to see the Roadeyes back out in force and loved the set up on stage.
Crowd took a while to get in to it but eventually got there, which is just as well as I doubt we will ever see Crazy Horse back on these shores once the Alchemy tour is finished.
I'm not Neil Young's greatest fan but know he can turn in a blistering performance. So I was looking forward to that. However, my husband is a major fan, so his disappointment, following NY's cynically awful show at Newcastle, was even greater than mine.
I'm with Ken Wright and Peter C - it was bad, we were ripped off.
So go on, shoot me - just don't make me go again.
Off topic news:
Neil Young kicks off Folk Fest on Sept. 4
Last night was incredible. The noise he got from old black was insane! The horse were brilliant. What a gig.
So what was awful about it Joanne?
The set list looks great, and completely as expected
So what was your hubby's gripe with ?
I'm not an uber fan. Enough of a fan to pony up my £54 (inc fees)in these tough times for a floor ticket.
Possibly the dullest show I've ever witnessed in my 30 odd years of gig going.
I respect the right of those for whom NY can do no wrong but this was tedious in the extreme. It felt like an endurance test.
Not all his fault though, a dreadful venue and little effort to air condition it. Good sound but woefully low volume.
Speaking to an Irish lady after the show, I totally agree with her remarks that it was over-indulgent and too heavy on the extended feedback outros. If this is what NY/CH are 'about' live, then I've tried it and it's not for me.
I'm not going to get into any setlist debate, you can't please everyone.
Bottom line for me was that if he was playing the same venue tonight and I was offered a cheap/free ticket, I wouldn't go.
Still love the records, I'll give any future shows a miss
Well last night certainly seems to have divided opinion - no great surprise as the man likes to challenge his audience. Here's my sixpennyworth, speaking as a massive fan since 1971 and having seen him many times.
Firstly the sound where I sat close to the stage was awful. The Arena is a soulless venue with hopeless acoustics generally. The set list was good - decent mix of old,new,noisy,quiet, whatever - and pretty much what you'd expect from a Horse gig on the current tour.
Were they up for it? Not if Neil's complete lack of stage banter (except to swear at one fan) and Billy's demeanour (back to the audience for ages) were anything to go by. Good chemistry between Neil and Poncho but definite tension at the end with Billy.
Sadly I feel that the interminable
feedback/solo/ending fests have had their day. He's been doing it for twenty-odd years now and it's boring. Similarly the attempts at light humour - scientists on stage - are wasted on everyone except Neil himself. 20 minutes of effin' up was just plain awful. Couldn't help thinking how many classics could have fitted into that time.
There were several highlights - Powderfinger, Comes a time,RITFW - and so on but no this was not a top 10 gig and for those of us starved of Neil Young music locally since the City Hall in 1973 it was disappointing. We're maybe not gonna get another chance here and that is not a nice feeling.
Don't understand some peoples disappointment, I've seen Neil many times over the years and last night was fucking awesome!The twenty minutes of feedback and distortion at the end of practically every song may be a little self indulgent but that's what crazy horse is all about, if you don't like it, go watch status quo!I do agree with Martin Greig however, the crowd were giving very little back, as Los Lobos found when they tried to get them to sing La Bamba, but as for Neil and the horse, no complaints at all. Anonymous mentioned that it would have been nice to hear some tunes from Zuma, I agree.He has played danger bird a couple of times on this tour but alas, not last night.
It was a great gig apart from some piss head Geordie next to me who was louder than Neils fuckin feedback the twat! Why do twats pay £50 to see someone and fuckin talk all the way through the gig? Am sneakin a cattle prod in next time! Anyway, apart from knacker heed, well done Mr Neil and Crazy Horse, ya fantastic .
"So what was awful about it Joanne?"
OK Anonymous -or may I call you Anon? - I'm not the first to have been bored witless by the interminable feedback outros. Others have said that's what he does; fine, but does he need to do them every time? And for so long? He's better than that.
Next, both man and instruments kept going out of tune. I've not been to the Arena before and I note other posters have mentioned the poor acoustics so perhaps this was out of his control.
Another bad thing was the shameless encore-milking of a bored audience (I could see how the pit was virtually immobile for most of the gig - I'm sure NY could see it, too, and all he did to move them was play more of the same stuff that had left them dead already
I have no gripes with the set list; as someone else said, there will always be an omission that matters.
"So what was your hubby's gripe with?" As the greater fan, he could probably give a more educated analysis of what was wrong; suffice it to say he didn't disagree with my views on the gig. After the first load of feedback tedium, when the dead leaves were being fanned across the stage, I went to the bar for water (it WAS too hot there). In that short journey I met 6 people leaving in disgust. One said "That's not the Neil Young I've known and loved for years" so I don't think it is fair to dismiss them as ignorant of what NY is, as some other posters have done.
I'm glad other people didn't feel they had wasted their money but judging by the way the crowd escaped in the dark during the "will he won't he" performance after the encore, I think more were disappointed than otherwise.
It's a shame
I think a lot of the problem with the audience was that they thought they were getting Neil Young but instead they got THE HORSE !
Let the buyer beware...
Interesting comments so far. Here's my tuppenceworth:
1. Los Lobos were shockingly awful.
2. I was right at the back up in the gods and the sound was pretty good- all parts of the music was audible.this is an achievment in the metro arena.
3. Set list - good balance of old and new. Good to see an artist who isnt just relying on trottting out the same old hits like most.
4. Energy levels from this bunch of pensioners puts most young (no pun intended) bands in the shade
5 yes,, maybe a little less feedback would have been better-but crikey what a glorious cranked up racket they made! If you want to see sterile exact renditions of songs then go see Phil Collins!
6. as has been said several times so far this was a gig with crazy horse and not an acoustic gig, so no one should be surprised by the grunge slant.
7. Ive never seen him before so cannot comment on how good this was relative to other performances but I thought it was a great gig.
I don't want to be a set-list griper or anything, but those 2 unreleased songs are boring.
I guess Neil needs a rest or something during those 2 songs.
Bring back Twisted Road and ditch those 2 dogs.
Ah Neil you gotta love him - he's older than my dad but he's still veering off the road and taking us with him (oh wait dad does that too)
I was up in row Q with the senior citizenry - lots of whom were leaving - and I was loving it and hating it - sometimes all at the same time but that's what we're supposed to do right ?
If I want an old rocker to just come on and blast out his greatest hits I'll go to Springsteen instead.
Neil Young & Crazy Horse live - mostly great, nearly all LOUD, and admittedly a few bits that drag (to me anyway) - but thats what you get, this isn't a "Neil Young plays Harvest" tour.
Apart from some way OTT outros, the playing was great and NYs guitar work was the best I've heard in ages.
"Shameless encore-milking of a bored audience" and "cynically awful show" - really ???? - they played a 2.5 hour set loaded with classic tunes and stuff off the last album that sounded equally as good (or better - Ramada Inn).
Eat a peach !
Ken Wright & anonymous. Yes self indulgent at times. My wife 'quite' likes Neil Young and knows only his hits. She only knew around 5 of the songs. When walking out from the Arena she said to me "If he comes again I want a ticket" This, to me, is confirmation of the quality of what we had just witnessed. Are you both sure you were at the gig? As for the acoustics. I heard every note and every lyric.
Los Lobos are great! Forget their hit. They are rocking!
Don't miss them opening for Neil.
As another lady who went along with her husband as the major fan.We can only echo Joannes comments. As this was a surprize for him I could not help feeling his dissapointment. It was great to see NY after all these years of waiting and we knew it might be differnt to what we expected with CH with him.But for us it was over indulgant and sadly lacking of all the old tracks which it seems many of us would have dearly loved to hear.I agree most of the crowd were not behind him and now we know why.What a shame!!
Mick- Pretty much the same as my wife. Although I've seen him a few times, My wife never has.She is familiar with about half a dozen of his songs that she has heard me play ( of which he played all them last night) and she was totally blown away. She now wishes she had come with me sooner which can only be a good thing!!Surely, if you know anything about Neil Young and crazy horse then you know what to expect. Personally speaking,if he didn't drag out every song and drench them in feedback and distortion,I would have been disappointed.
Each to their own but personally I thought it was a great gig in Newcastle last night.
The sound towards the front was excellent. No complaints at all about the venue apart from the temperature - it was like a sauna in there.
It's hard to tell what is happening behind but I did get the impression that the crowd were pretty quiet.
Expected setlist with the bonus of a terrific Surfer Joe added in. In my opinion the only weak points were Hole In The Sky and Singer Without A Song...not bad songs just not as strong as the rest of the set for me.
I would happily buy a ticket just to hear Walk Like A Giant and Ramada Inn every night. Truly amazing!
Hopefully more of the same in Glasgow on Thursday.
Thanks to all for your comments.
What a range of opinion & reaction. For us, this is what makes following Neil so fascinating.
So it sounds like it must've been a perfect concert based on this range of opinions?
With both acoustic & electric, quiet & soft, new & old songs, that's what Neil's concerts have practically always been. A little something for everyone, if you will. Again, a near perfect setlist and not some random grab bag.
How can one man perform a concert and folks come away with such diametrically opposed opinions? That is the mystery & beauty of Neil.
btw, we just love these little British idioms like 'twat" ;) Keep'm coming!
Mixed feelings about this one- some great stuff, some awful stuff.
The guitar playing and energy were amazing. I didn't enjoy any of the theatrics (scientists, lost girl, ...) but appreciate the effort. The band, though perhaps a little indulgent a times, really rocked.
However... the sound is the arena was pretty poor (not Neil's fault), but mainly the whole thing just seemed a but flawed- Neil Young doing massive gigs with very expensive tickets/merchandise/drinks. And then for the finale he sings Rockin' in the Free World. For me it just doesn't fit.
It's better to burn out than fade away?
Oh, and Los Lobos didn't seemed arsed one bit.
First gig on the isles, all those dodgy comments! must be weather related...Respect don't expect art...(although we might have deserved a huricane for that particular gig)! Need a crow of people but i can't face them day to day
I have been following NY&CH since I was in high school in the San Gabriel Valley of California. First concert, which is strange, as I surely could/should have seen him before sometime in the Los Angeles area. Or really anywhere in California.
I was at the rails just in front of the 'desk'. I LOVED God Save The Queen. I was really hoping they would play GSTQ from Americana. I figured the UK would be the place for that to happen. However by the second verse I was cheeky and started singing 'My Country tis of thee.'
I knew when I showed up at the arena and was speaking with folks near the front of the queue that not everyone had the same passion for NY that I have. I think that showed in the response of the crowd. I was dancing and rocking through the whole show. I was right up front, as I said, but didn't see a lot of response from others present to the music. I thought the audience was lacking passion and enthusiasm, from where I sat. Hoping to attend the show in Rome, so hope the Italians are more animated.
I admire NY for so much that he has done- the songs about issues, LincVolt, Waging Heavy Peace, PureTone.... Our world is a better place for he has given us artistically, musically, socially and environmentally.
I expected the music to be focused on what NY&CH wanted to do. It has always been thus. I expected that they would play the same two chords over and over more than a few times.
To the person who made reference to leaves on the stage before 'whole in the sky' it was rubbish. Literal rubbish (trash for our American friends). I got the connection with the whole in the sky and the rubbish. And sadly the mess with what's going on with the pipeline in the great white north (aka Canada).
I can not take the time now to go into all that I liked about the pieces that were played. But I will say I started to cry with Blowin' in the wind but was a blubbering idiot for 'comes a time'.
I do like Ramada Inn. Maybe having been to the Ramada Inn helps. :)
As to Los Lobos, I think a band from East Los Angeles is going to have a hell of a time getting much response out of an audience of northern Brits. No offence meant, but I do not think that the cultural connection would be there at all. I liked them and they brought back some nostalagia for me to my university days in SoCal. Parties etc.
The above is a very positive review.
I'm off to see Neil on Saturday in Dublin and then London at the 02 on Monday. I love the guy, but I am not blind to some of his failings. For me, one of those failings has to be the unnecessarily long endings on a number of his songs live. I'm 31 and have seen him perform about 5 times so far (highlights - Hammersmith Apollo '08 and Glastonbury). Now, I am all for the wild and distorted endings to songs, but in moderation though. Surely I can't be alone in thinking that if this approach is taken to most songs in the set then, ultimately, it is diminishing the impact of; a) the song that preceded it and; b) the effect of having the grunged out ending in the first place? It becomes predictable and not exactly a statement of worth (or is this the Alchemy/Arc tour??). I think that to do it for a couple of songs in the set is reasonable and serviceable on the art, the audience and the artist alike. To do it for every song does not serve all, each or any. That is my opinion anyway. I'm still looking forward to the shows, but I have some valid reservations based on this feedback. Sometimes the comments on this site can be too slavishly loyal. On the other hand, some comments can also be disproportionately abrasive and unhelpful. There is such a thing as fair criticism that is reasonable. One that encourages a dialogue and not vitriolic out-of-hand dismissal.
That's my bit anyway, for what it's worth.
Its interesting reading reaction to the show in Newcastle last night...having seen him in Windsor Ontario at the beginning of the tour in the one friend who never been to a NY concert loved it and compared him to Oasis,another friend didnt like it all...and i ,who have watched Neil for a long time now..sat and smiled.
what would Crazy Horse be without the long extended solos and endings?
you want Heart of Gold? go sit in the car where youre comfortable.
you want predictable ...go see Elton John..hes great in concert too..and you know youre going to leave entertained..and theres nothing wrong with that
we all endured Neils awful albums in the eighties,ive sat through concerts of his I didnt like either...but you see the difference is...we all go for the Hurricanes,Cortez,Hey Hey My My and the quiet ones
Will to Love,Needle ,and the excellent Interstate I heard the other night...
he is unpredictable,he can be infuriating..he can also be brilliant and very exciting....the best artists are...John
Martyn,Jimi Hendrix,Joni Mitchell...they were always their own people...
If you left Newcastle last night not happy..thats your issue..not Neil Young and Crazy Horse.
We were very disappointed. Neil Young seemed to be interested in himself and only himself, and his guitar playing. The sound quality was absolute rubbish, to be fair. But too many grunge soslos...endless noise!Maybe we were wrong to want to hear some gentler and more melodic songs. I think he is maybe reinventing himself as a guitar virtuoso...ain't gonna work. Will never go to see him again, very let down.
I went last night along with my Dad. He's a huge fan of Neil and his work, and I could tell there was just a tinge of disappointment for him.
As he said in the car: "When he plays with Crazy Horse, he gets crazy."
He knew what to expect in that sense, and ending the way he did gave us a nice father son moment which made the fee alone worth it.
I went into this a bit more cold. Bar a greatest hits compilation and a few dabbles with early albums didn't know his catalogue extensively.
The only issue I had was with his decision to finish songs with the same drawn out method. It felt like more songs could have been accommodated.
I'm honest enough to admit I wanted a few of the acoustic classics just so I could have those moments, so for that I can't really lament him.
I do wonder if part of that didn't rub off on the crowd. He only said one thing to us all night. I'm not saying let's have a Q&A but a bit of back and forth is nice. I guess in that sense he lived up to his reputation as doing whatever he wants.
I have no context for Young and his live shows, but it was nice enough.
He *is* a guitar virtuoso, and last night's gig was one of the most enjoyable I've been to in years. I love the fact it was an entirely different kettle of fish from the NY&CH gig I saw in Glasgow in 2001. Powderfinger was sublime, Walk Like A Giant was a triumph, Comes A Time was emotional, Fuckin' Up was funny... Loved it.
I was in Paris and Brussels. I'm 32 and it was my first neil's shows... finally two of the best concerts of my life!! A real sound experience as I were expected.
Ramada Inn in Belgium was maybe best song I ever heard live. So intense, so emotional, so strong, magic...
The sound of the Old Black is pure beauty.
What people were excepted? A firecamp gig?? No that's the CRAZY horse, a wild animal with blood on his mouth, the most beautiful volcano..
Those four guys dont try to be what they've been, to act as it was 30 years ago, but four friends who are making a piece of art.
Travelled 250 miles for that gig and I wasn't disappointed one bit. Last saw them in 2001 at Birmingham but was miles from the stage. What I liked about Newcastle was the fact you could get close up to the band and that made it a much more intense experience. Yes, you could criticise some aspects but, like several have said here, that's what Neil and The Horse are all about. Loved every minute of it. Come back again soon.
Thrasher, what's American for "twat"?
Lots of things in life are a matter of taste and we respect opinions that are different from ours. It's the absence of respect and appreciation for the artists and the intolerance in some of the comments that make us sad. We haven't been to Newcastle but to Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Berlin and Brussels so far (with Cologne, Stuttgart and London to come). Especially on this tour we felt that the guys are putting all their heart and soul into their singing and playing. Our suggestion is: Let's be thankful for what we get and let's enjoy the moment.
Truly amazing show. The first time I have seen Neil and Crazy Horse. Why has it taken me 40 years? I'm 58 but felt ancient in the audience of these over sixties. Their enthusiasm and passion rolled out over all present. Am off to the store to catch up on all the tunes I have been missing.
I'm so excited for my first date with Neil & the Horse in Glasgow! I do have a slight worry regarding the anthem though - I really hope they know that although God Save the Queen is the official national anthem of Scotland as part of the UK, it's unlikely to go down well and they'd be much better off with Flower of Scotland?
I haven't been (yet), but based on what i get from Neil fans in Scotland...some LOVE his loud music with the Horse. Some hate that and love his acoustic and quieter band music. Some don't get Neil live, just like certain album HOG and Harvest. I like them all and think Neil live is an extreme experience that lingers on. The negatives...sometimes the sound is too loud and not that well balanced for the venue.....but I judge against Steely Dan live. Neil + the Horse are MAX on raw energy, fun, emotion....all the stuff Rusties love best. But then NY fans might not's a funny old world. But who really cares? Neil live at 67....terrific!!!!!
Unlike most, or even all posters on this site, last night's gig was my first ever with or without The Horse so to be fair I have nothing to compare it to. If, according to some of those who've been to numerous NY concerts, last night's Newcastle gig was a disappointment, then I can't begin to believe how incredible those 'better?' gigs must be!
As for acoustics, I've yet to hear a great sounding arena & as for the sound mix last night, you weren't sat or stood where I was because it was as good as I've ever heard in such a venue, or any venue for that matter & I've seen some major acts. Fact is, the sound can never be uniformly good throughout a venue.
Some comments (fortunately very few) on this site are laughable. I'm sure we'll have disgruntled fans burning NY cd's & tearing up their collection of tour 'T' shirts 'in disgust. NY & CH put on an amazing show last night, maybe a bit self indulgent but what's wrong with that? It's art for heavens sake. IT IS by nature self indulgent. Quote "Go home Neil & don't come back". You may just get your wish, but of course that's of no consequence to you because you're now an ex fan. Your loss. As for quote "I feel real sorrow for those who never get to see the real thing". Don't lie & don't patronise others by making out that you have some exclusive 'special experience'. Me? I'm just glad I finally went to see him & now won't bemoan my loss when he stops touring. You? obviously have deeply ingrained preconceived ideas about what YOU want from a NY concert. That doesn't give you control of an artist - almost implying some form of ownership by expecting him to restrict himself to your idea of what NY & CH should be. By your standards his creative, artistic process would have ceased to exist years ago.
They were on stage for well over 2 hours. Have you any idea how utterly exhausting that is? Well it's physically & mentally draining. The most effort some of last nights moaners will have made is to raise a glass to their mouths & click a few computer keys after the show without putting their brains into gear. NY & CH were clearly thoroughly enjoying themselves last night & gave incredible value for money. The chemistry between those guys is amazing as was clearly evident through my binoculars. Maybe the moaners all read that as laughing at the audience! The band were loving it - not bad after all these years. Long may you run Neil & co. Your true fans loved it.
Agree with Jen regarding the national anthem for Scotland. God save the queen might not go down too well. I hereby nominate Cowgirl in the Sand as Scotland's new national anthem. This year does mark the 40th anniversary of the last (only) time Neil's played it here... How can they resist?
My real preference is for a show that balances the loud rock with acoustic solo the Edinburgh 2008 show. That was sublime and the sound was great. SECC may not be ideal for acoustics or atmosphere...but we have the Horse to enjoy here in the UK....don't be denied!
I really can't agree with the comments that Los Lobos couldn't be arsed last night.
They weren't getting much back from the audience but from where I was they looked like they were enjoying themselves.
The drummer was clearly a man who loves his work. He had a broad grin throughout the set and was interacting with the audience constantly.
I thoroughly enjoyed their set as did those near me judging by the dancing and reaction after each song.
I would also echo the comments regarding playing the national anthem in Glasgow. It absolutely has to be Flower of Scotland or else the Horse are in for an interesting "welcome".
I have to say I've enjoyed reading the comments on here. I love Neil Young and last night was my first gig. I thought it was a quality gig, particularly given the Arena is such a rubbish venue. This was a gig for purists and so can appreciate that many will have been disappointed if they were expecting a greatest hits set. The new stuff sounded great and I liked the mix of songs. Liked the two new tunes. The sound was fine where I was and I thought the crowd were quiet. I had an annoying loud bald geordie also talking away non stop. I personally don't mind the long songs and guitar solo's although there were a few occasions when it was a bit self indulgent and OTT. However, on the whole a thoroughly enjoyable gig.
Neil is God
Cultural connection?!!! How f***in dare you. Do you think we are cultureless and in a 60s timewarp up here?
Emperor's New Clothes!!
Anon... not sure if you're being ironic or not.
Honestly, East LA is a long way from Northern England, culturally and literally speaking. I loved Los Lobos. I thought they were fab- but I could see they had a hard slog trying to get the audience to get into their groove. I was right up front. I enjoyed it a lot. I danced through most of it. But when the lead singer tried to get the audience to sing LaBamba he failed rather misreably. If he'd been playing in LA, virtually everyone would have known it and joined in.
I agree too that Los Lobos appeared to be enjoying their performance. The drummer, as was stated, looked quite happy. :)
The concert for me was phenomonal, and I made some new friends out of the night- so it is all good.
As for the God Save the Queen- am I the only one who knows he made a kick ass recording of this for
"Americana"? I totally thought he'd play it as an opener or an encore. He's made reference to why he made the recording. He's proud to be part of the Commonwealth. But he does tag on 'My Country 'tis of thee' at the end of the track.
Keep the love flowing folks.
Support bands are allways on a hiding to nothing. As for the cultural connection would the pogues do any better in east la? When you criticise northerners you fall into the old stereotypical cliches. The audience which was drawn from all over the uk hadnt come to see los lobos. Los lobos have been to newcastle many times and have gone down brilliantly with audiences. Its just that ny fans arent necessarily los lobos fans. Aye thankyou cheers tim
When a ticket says Neil Young & Crazy Horse, you're gonna get what you don't expect.
That sums up this tour that started in the States last year, then ripped through Australia & New Zealand, leaving fans & twats stunned with disbelief.
The fans left each show glowing with satisfaction. I was there for two Australian shows & they were simply brilliant. An aural & visual feast.
The Hogsters left each show wondering why he had Crazy Horse backing him for their expected Harvest revisited tour.
Neil's music has moved on from that time & if you want a "Journey Through The Past" fire up up your turntable & stay back in the dark ages with "Harvest".
"Ramada Inn" to me, is just like Neil said about "Four Strong Winds" in the movie "Heart Of Gold". "I just can't get enough of it."
"Are you kidding me, you're gonna blow them out of the water...they won't know what hit them"
--Alan Arkin in Little Miss Sunshine
"Life is on the wire; everything else is just waiting"
--Karl Wallenda
Geordies are lame, conversely NYCH is decidedly not.
Neils not a crowd pleaser which - long term - is what pleases the crowd!
Did anyone else notice any 'unpleasant' crowd behaviour a few rows from the front stage centre?
Another review from the Newcastle morning daily, the Newcastle Journal
Tremendous evening. Saw Neil in 73 in Newcastle, 2001 in Sheffield. Both good gigs but this time he really rocked! Crazy Horse support his work superbly.
Sorry y'all had some unmet expectations at Newcastle. I can't imagine seeing Neil and CH and being disappointed. It's where they are, and they are sharing themselves with their fans wholeheartedly. It's when you place expectations on a creative artist that you will always meet Mr. Disappointment. The artist(s) follow their muse, ours to take or leave. Maybe some of you who were so disappointed will take a lissen to the latest performances and think differently, maybe not. In any event, I wish it were me who had been able to attend any one of these fantastic Euro shows, you who got to do were Lucky!
Just to qualify my lovely wife's use of "disappointment" with the show - Ok there was a lot of stuff I could have done without but I've just been listening to some mixed tracks and thought Wow! I've seen them do that live! So long as Neil and the boys are happy playing it and keep on doing it is the main thing. You can't please all the people all of the time. Looking forward to a more acoustic set next time though.
Why did you bother turning up in the first place Ken it's obvious that you don't know how a Neil young and crazy horse gig works
If you wanted clean acoustics and soppy simpering crap go see the Eagles. Neil Rocks and Monday he was awesome as we're crazy Horse Somebody mentioned an unusually heavy Cinamon Girl. God haven't they heard the original. I do agree the crap acoustics at the Arena spoilt the sound but if you've been watching and listening to Neil and the horse regularly since the early seventies as the rest of us have then you woid realise that this was classic Neil Young. Most of the arena only came for Heart of Gold I'm so glad you they get it They didn't deserve it because they were all wearing cardigans.
Sure the last 10 minutes of Walk like a Giant were tedious but I've been watching Neil since 71 and understand that's just what he does Get over it go for a pint or a pee when he starts pulling his strings off and thank god that you heard the first ten minutes of mind blowing classic Neil young. You still Walk Like a Giant
You are a Giant thank you for Monday at Gateshead. Long May You Run
Finally Dylan would have been proud to hear what you did to Blowin in the Wind.
My name is Charlie by the way.
My 4th NY gig and my first in my home town of Newcastle. I saw Neil in Finsbury Park, Hyde Park, and Hammersmith Odeon and this was as good as any. We can all pick at imperfections, but i'm amazed at some of the comments about the sound - up in the stands it was absolutely perfect. Some people are never going to 'get' Neil, but for proven fans who have seen him previously and have an upcoming gig, you are in for a real treat.
As a massive NY fan ( and a girl to boot !) I thought he and the band were awesome ...I have been to 12 shows but this was my first one with The Horse....anyone bitching about not getting Harvest or a greatest hits set obviously has no understanding of the man, how he thinks or operates. In the excellent 'Don't be denied' tv documentary, Neil very openly talks about how for him, its all about the music and he admits how he often leaves people behind. But he does tell us that if we dont like his current incarnation to stick around as he'll come back round ...and he does ! I almost couldnt believe I was seeing someone I've listened to for 30 years in my home town ...for me, it was a huge night, I sang, I danced and had a blast ! One off the bucket list for me...thanks NY ...Long may you run Sir x
it seems as if I'm out of step with the rest of the (free) world on this one. Maybe I'm just getting old before my time. There are those out there which are trumpeting this as one of the best gigs they've ever seen and that those of us who wanted a more "definitive" set just dont get Crazy Horse. Well I saw NY & CH in 1982 and it was so much better then - they played "Trans" tracks plus many of the classics. Why couldn't they play a more balanced set on this tour ?? Yes I know NY will do what he wants...wonder if many of you would have been as enthusiastic if you'd seen him on his Tonight's the Night tour....
Another good review found here:
Oh ken it's so sad . Neil young is awesome it's you that have changed Comes a time when you settle down. Get your carrdy and slippers on and start watching antiques roadshow . Or you could keep the faith dig put your Cuban heels grow your hair long "again" throw out the cardy and get back on the horse .
Keep on Rockin. The world ain't free anymore but Niel keeps fighting for us all Long mAy he run
Charlie again
simon the fireman here Saw Neil young on Monday My third time ,went with My son and both son in laws been waiting since 1973 to see him at Newcastle . He did not disappoint me but think he should post a warning when he is with crazy horse he is like marmite,(vegemite for ozzies)you either like it or hate it, fortunately I love his music in any of its myriad forms i did warn there would be guitar diversions and i did laugh to myself when the applause started and i warned my group to wait because there was a while to go but for some of the others at the venue maybe cut the feedback to 10 minutes a song.A dream fulfilled Thank you Neil felt 18 again not almost 60.
I thought it was a superb gig. Sound was perfect (I was stood near the front, in the middle, so maybe that's why.)
I like watching and listening to musicians playing music, but I suppose if you think music is meant to be 3-4 minutes long, then I suppose you wouldn't enjoy NY's 20+ minute beasts. I thought they were great.
And to clarify the "Sing it like you mean it" business- a fan behind me shouted it as a joke. Neil heard it and started laughing, and then his comment was a retort. Some pompous people seem to have been too busy feeling above it all and hard done by to appreciate a light hearted moment.
Loved the whole concert!
Wow. Neil young the Judas hey! I wished he'd shown up with the Shocking Pinks to piss some of you right off! And I bet you'd have all loved him playing TTN twice but maybe not 30+ years ago!
Music evolves, musicians evolve just enjoy what they give you. It was my forth NY gig and the first with CH I got what I expected in spades. People were maybe naive to what to expect "he was born to rock he'll never be a crowd pleasing acoustic troubadour star" all the time! I'm a 32 year old fan who can honestly say I find nothing wrong with any album from any era, except 'Are You Passionate' but became a fan via the obvious albums of 'Harvest' & 'After The Goldrush'. I think what I'm basically saying is, Neil has a greater understanding of what makes his music amazing, better than me.
Totally agree Scruggs, it's the suburban wives who learned to pretend in that dreadful Geordie audience that just got on my nerves expecting Harvest etc and felt deluded when they didn't, hope he plays T BONE for 45 minutes in Liverpool.
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