News of New Crazy Horse Album Gallops Around the World

Neil Young & Crazy Horse
The news that Neil Young is making a new album with Crazy Horse has both surprised and delighted fans around the world.
In our exclusive scoop last night from the Slamdance Festival, we relayed a report that has been picked on dozens and dozens of blogs, fansites, and mainstream media, including Rolling Stone Magazine.
From Neil Young Recording New Album With Crazy Horse | Music News | Rolling Stone by Andy Greene:
Neil Young is recording a new album with Crazy Horse, according to a post on Young's fansite Thrasher's Wheat – and now confirmed by Rolling Stone: "It's looking good," a representative for Young says. According to the fansite report, Young shared the news over the weekend at the Slamdance Film Festival in Park City, Utah, at an event with Jonathan Demme to promote their new movie Journeys. The audience "erupted in applause" when Young said that he was working with Crazy Horse again.
Multiple fans subsequently posted on Crazy Horse drummer Ralph Molina's Facebook wall to ask if the news was true.
His response: "Yes!"
According to the report on Thrasher's Wheat, Young said that he's already recorded one album with Crazy Horse and another is in the works.
The news was naturally hailed on the Rust group, on Facebook | ThrashersWheatNeverSleeps with 100's of likes and comments, and our Twitter feed exploded.
But it gets even crazier.
Rumors are now flying that Neil Young & Crazy Horse will headline Bonnaroo 2012, New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival and Lollapalooza.
The Pearl Jam - Ten Club Community, Widespread Panic forum, Radiohead message board and numerous other fan pages picked up the news and cheered.
Speculation is rampant on the news over on Steve Hoffman Audiophile Forum.

"Don't Spook The Horse"
So what do we think of all of this?
As the Lone Red Rider points out there are possibly 5 -- and maybe more -- albums ready to go from the Archives Team (Toast, Odeon-Budokan, Homegrown, Chrome Dreams, Oceanside-Countryside).
Could the completed CD be Toast?
So will 2012 be another The Year of The Horse??!! Imagine a monumentally, definitive Crazy Horse tour like we saw in 1996?
Of course, we'd all be happy with the CH 2nd sets we got in 2003/4 on the Greendale tour. Here's a sample.
Neil Young and Crazy Horse - Hey Hey, My My (Into The Black) - Live at Farm Aid 2003 - YouTube
Neil Young and Crazy Horse performs "Into the Black" live at Farm Aid 2003 at the Germain Amphitheater in Columbus, Ohio on September 7, 2003.
Smell the Horse, indeed!

Zuma Beach - 1975
Any new Neil = good news. It doesn't even have to be good Neil, as long as he's creating. (Don't believe me? Ask any David Bowie fan.)
Though I'd still like Archives Vol. 2 this year.
So the horse will bolt in 2012!
Old Neil's saddled up,
it's time to delve!
a Crazy rumour, we now know is true
It's spread like a tumour,
and stuck like glue
Neil's fans are excited
for this unbridled stallion
to gallop once again
shine like a gold medallion
it's been too long,
they've been out to stud
the smell is now strong
and it sticks like mud
It's got us intrigued
it's got us excited
it's been a long time
since the horse has delighted
So rusties and Neilers
hang on to the reign
the horse will be bucking
only the sceptics remain!!!
Wasn't the spring release the "Journeys" CD/DVD via Sony???
Good point! Without a new album all the 2012 money will go to Sony (for Journeys DVD) and Penguin (for the memoir). I do not think that Warner wants to give up revenue in such a Neil dominated year. Warner also wants a piece of the pie...
Congratulations Thrasher!
The full line-up of Crazy Horse hasn't backed Young on an album since Broken Arrow in 1996. That's a long time ago. Only one song came after that:
I understand the bar charts and Neil's quirk for capturing sound, but what is he talking about exactly? How is the recording industry holding back?
Isn't this personal preference for sound limited only by econimpics? For example, the quality of the equipment people have for playing it back in their cars, in the earplugs while exercising, or in their homes or college dorms?
The Crazy Horse news is in all national newspapers over here!
Neil is recording with The Horse again and when he thinks it is about time to deliver the new album(s) we only are going to listen to 5 percent of this fabulous new recordings. We are not interested in the other 95 percent because "technology" rules. iTunes is so easy for all of us: click, pay and listen to 5 percent of Crazy Horse and be happy.
Because Sound Matters
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"...we'd all be happy with the CH 2nd sets we got in 2003/4 on the Greendale tour."
Got that right, brother! Then again, it doesn't take too much to make me happy, in Neil terms. Get him and the Horse on stage playing spoons and kazoos, and I'm giddy like a schoolgirl.
Yes to that on both counts!
I thought Neil was quiet because he had been deeply engrossed in writing his book - he`s certainly a Dark Horse, but we knew that already. So I guess that`s still on course to come out later this year. Wow, it`s going to be one heck of a year for Neil, and for all of us too.
"You know what they say.. they say it`s all good..."
I actually think the "1st" set of the Greendale tour was better than the second set in its own way. Neil was in such a groove and the whole production was beautiful. Words can't describe that show! And to see Ben up there, involved and so happy was inspiring!! It was one of the best nights of my life. It didn't hurt that my 16 year old boy was seeing his first Neil show!
They could of ended the show right then and I would've gone home happy but instead, after a short break, the Crazy Horse flag was raised high and you know the rest!! Insert shit eating grin here!!
I couldn't help but laugh when the asswipe behind me, as the second set began, yelled "now we get to see the REAL Neil Young". What a moron. God Bless Neil Young!! God Bless Crazy Horse!! Let's ride!!!!
And thanks Thrasher for all you do. You guys have been busy lately! And congrats on seeing your website mentioned in Neil stories across the web!! Well done indeed!!
Steven James (one excited old man)
Congrats on the scoop, Thrasher. I'm very happy to hear about Neil's recent announcements. I can't believe how many different things he has on the go right now. He's simply amazing! I presume he's still working on his book too.
Neil Young and Crazy Horse at Bonnaroo 2012 would be the greatest thing ever.
Oh BSM, that video with the musicians getting into the eldorado is hysterical. One of my best friends in the early 70s had a 4 channel- 8track in his '60 Deville. (BIG FINS & shout out to his older brother who owned the body shop & restored cars for a living. Nice dude!) Just follow Frank's car and that's where the party was!
Where else but Bonnaroo? It's gotta be an outdoor venue with lots of beer and young girls w/halter tops.
@Thrasher- I've been hanging out with various folks on FB and am convinced (from Ralph's comments) that the "completed" Crazy Horse album is indeed newly recorded and not one of the ones I had mentioned above.
Greendale was the wife's first Neil concert. She absolutely loved the whole thing. It was a thing of beauty from start to end. Neil messed up the first song and said somethin like "This is Canada, we can't #%&@ this up" And they started over. Man it was good. Easily my Fave Neil concert.
Please bring back the horse!!!
Neil Young and Crazy Horse are one of those bands, like the Beatles or the Beach Boys, that are BELOVED.
That's the word: Beloved.
I will welcome, with all my heart and soul, any new music from this great iconic group. I am practically in tears over the prospect!
Rescuing an Art Form!
Occupy Audio and get the sound back to the people. Musicians hear this. This is the 21st Century. We need to take our tones back. Give your fans what YOU hear. Figure out a way to do it. MP3 audio is the new radio. It should be free like radio. Our record companies need to deliver what we are making the way we hear it. Put pressure on them. Our music loving listeners deserve the best. Sell quality. It is possible. We can do it. Now is the time. Don’t be a slave to the Media corporations. Change what they are doing.
Give your audience what YOU hear. Let them FEEL it.
Thanks for listening.
That's a message from your beloved N.Y.
....and he got it right... as usual.
Right, why don't you just come out and say it, Neil?
It's not rocket science.
Crazy Horse is beloved, but I remember all the back up musicians on stage when they toured last. Rosas I recall was backing up Talbot on bass. Ben was behind Pancho. Different recordings from the albums reveal it wasn't always about the Horse, either. I mean they're there playing, but Neil had to add to the recordings to balance out their sound.
They sounded great during Greendale, but the only Horse I saw leading the wagon train was Molina.
It's like to see a lot of the old Horse up there, too. Nils, George, Stumpy & Curly.
Good call, MNOTR. But I love me some Rosas, so I am down with that. I wish he was in my back SEAT backing up my COMMUTE every day with some fat bottom.
I hate to barge in out of lurk mode, but this warrants it. First, hearty congrats to Thrasher for the scoop, and thanks for the years of Neil reporting and analysis. Second, regarding the news of a Neil/CH collaboration: YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
I (and a lot of folks) have been waiting for this since Broken Arrow (assuming that the new project will smack more of classic Horse than of Greendale, which is fine and all, but etc. etc. etc.) Yahoo!
Oh, I love Rick, too. And the Crazy Harvesters. The International Harvesters. And Ducks. The Blue Notes. The High Notes. Ponies. Those crazy-ass Saddle Bags & Mountainettes. The Boys Choir. The Girls Choir. The London Symphony Choir.
What about the Nils? Where does he fit in to all of this Horse news. Wasn't he part of that sound that we loved about Neil's garage band "back then?"
Greendale was "with" Crazy Horse but there were others, too, that contributed to that "sound" we love when Neil is ready to "talk" to his "rabid" fans.
Stephen and Richie should be pissed. And deservedly so.
Screw Richie and Stephen. Neil doesn't owe them nothing. Stephen wasn't surprised. He probably expected it. Richie was a little too happy for a preacher man. A tour would've ruined his life. Sex and drugs and rock and roll. Bring on the Horse!!!!!!!!
No one on this planet plays better (side by side) with Neil & his music than Stephen Stills, Mike McCready, Carl Broemel, Patterson Hood, David Rawlings, Anthony Crawford. Tom Petty & Mellancamp, too.
Thrasher, in that Farmaid '03 video you picked, Poncho just stands their like a big old teddy bear and wang-wang-wang-wangs it the entire time. C'mon. It must be unnerving for a real guitarist to look up on the stage and go, "WTF, Neil? That's all it takes to play with you?"
A gorilla would be more interesting.
Mother,I'm starting to slowly get the impression that as musicians, you don't think too much of the horse...I've seen Neil actually admit in interview, that as musicians,collectively crazy horse aren't perfect..... but isn't that the attraction? raw and untamed when complimenting Neil?Crazy horse allow Neil to go off the tangent so to speak and Yes, there are some songs where perhaps Rick and Anthony could have musically played better but there are a majority of classics that are indellibly branded with horsehooves so to speak.
each to there own I suppose..thats what makes being a Neiler so just don't know what you are going to expect next.
I'm starting to suspect that Billy Ralph and Poncho play LIKE Crazy Horse when they're IN Crazy Horse but maybe they stretch their "chops" a little when they do other things...
good suspicion asg..I know what you mean...sorta a musical cohesion
it's like Neil is the gel and the wick for the horse to whinney
I remember the tour with Booker T and the MGs. Probably the best played Ragged Glory material I have ever heard. But, something was missing......The Horse. They aren't technically sound, but that energy with Neil cannot be duplicated.
In about 48 hours it did go from "Neil Young Recording With Crazy Horse" to "Neil Young to release two new albums with Crazy Horse".
In the old Canadian dictionary of Neil Young the words "recording" and "releasing" do not have the same meaning.
So why are they recording two albums anyway?
And what do we have to think about "One album is finished"?
I'd rather hear some new material, too. I mean even garage bands get better over time.
Make a believer out of me on this "simplicity" of backbeat bullshit so Neil can go off and do his Neil thing. All I expect is the same continuum of progress, too, for Crazy Horse.
Mother: I see Nils as a moment in time, to be honest. His high-water mark was "Speakin Out." (And a really high one, at that.) Never again did his work move me. If he could somehow recapture even a slice of what was in him in 1973, I'd be all ears.
Oh I wouldn't totally disregard Nil's experience with Springsteen's E-Street. Or his little collaboration with Lou Reed.
I think Nils is very much gifted as a musician. I'm sure that's what Neil saw early on.
Hey, if you haven't already catch the DVD, "Nils at the Birchmere" when you get a chance... What talent! And I could totally see him back with Neil & the Horse !
Actualy this "leak" about the Crazy Horse return was a ploy by Elliot to try and guage in advance how much he can possibly get away with in ticket prices this year.Slick.Oh, of course it's not true ! But when you see tickets for $ 400-500, think twice. Greed is greed.It's comming.
Wow - complaining about potential ticket prices before an album release date or tour dates or prices are even announced? Really?
Looking back on the Continental tours and the Twisted Road solo shows that I saw, I'd say I got more than my money's worth to see Neil in those settings...what's money anyway but a man-made concept used to exchange goods and services?
Money isn't real...Neil's music is...
Hey, if you don't like the ticket prices, then don't buy a ticket. I would personally pay some serious money to see NY and Crazy Horse once again, as they happen to be the most ferociously epic band of all time. Nobody else sounds like them. Thus, their prices will be higher. If you don't want to pay high prices, then go see some hack band.
-Big Old Rig
Big Old Rig is a wise old rig
You fall in it face first ! You guys are too serious,but every idiotic comment on ticket prices simply ups the future price. I never saw so many people wanting to therow more and more $ away.
It's a cult mentality.
black or white
either or
carefree money
consumer whore
Carefree and reckless
rich and poor
grabbing close-fist
consumer whore
old big rig
4 on the floor
pedal to the metal
consumer whole
Any word on a DVD release for Trunk Show
This is great news! Neil has played with many backing bands but for me with Crazy Horse things just move to another level - that safe ground is abandoned for something a bit more unpredictable, and I think Neil pushes things further than he does with other bands.
Bring on the Horse!
Also am I the only one around here getting a bit tired of the 'lets have a dig at Crazy Horse they aren't great musicians' comments.
Have you tried playing just behind the beat like Molina has to do while doing harmonies?
and the rest of band strike me as up there with the pros - would you rather have mega egos on bass like Flea and is the Edge any better at what he does than Sampedro who at least he knows more than a few harmonics.
So get off the back of the Horse, stop spreading the rubbish myth (like they did with Ringo) and enjoy Neil's best band ever!
good comment Pete
Okay, Pete. You da man. I did in fact listen to Talbot's album a while back in the record shop. I asked them to play it for me. It was pretty dark but most of the guys there gave it a thumbs up for it's musical improvisation.
Good god.
Head to the homepage immediately
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