Larry "L.A." Johnson: Hard To Forget

Larry "L.A." Johnson: 1947 - 2010
Today marks the 2 year anniversary since Neil Young's long time film maker and producer Larry "L.A." Johnson passed away. He was 62.
To say that it was a terrible blow to Shakey Pictures and the Neil Young community is a vast understatement. "L.A."'s contributions to the Neil canon are immeasurable and he is still missed tremendously.
Neil Young said in a statement:
"He never lost the eye and ear of an original artist, one unafraid to listen to himself first. Even more, he also kept his playful spirit and sense of humor, the things that sparked his heart for a lifetime spent doing what he loved best: listening to music and making movies."
Johnson was one of the original East Coast guerrilla documentary filmmakers in the 1960's. He worked on the legendary "Woodstock" film of the 1969 festival and was nominated for an Academy Award in the sound category.
It was at Woodstock where L.A. and Neil Young first met. Johnson went on to film CSNY at the Fillmore East in 1970 and produce Neil Young’s first film Journey Through the Past.
From Youngtown Museum, a tribute to L.A. by Trevor Hosier:
Some guys are just hard to forget. I don’t know about you, but occasionally Ive found life allows for the rare opportunity of crossing paths with some very interesting people… some may have special skills or talents, some funny perhaps, some just have a personal quality about them that…well,…you just like them right from the start. Larry Johnson was one of those people. I only met him a few times over the course of several days but Ive been thinking about him as days draw closer to the second anniversary of his passing… January 21st., 2010.
More of Youngtown Museum's tribute to L.A. here.
Larry "L.A." Johnson and Neil Young
Also, see Larry "L.A." Johnson: 1947 - 2010.
Labels: Larry "L.A." Johnson, neil young
Does the L. A. Johnson film of CSNY at The Fillmore in 1970 still exist? If so is it obtainable?
I imagine his kids are missing their Dad a whole bunch. It doesn't matter how old you are when they go, they always take a part of you when they die.
Check out this photo, I really think you should use this, it´s so great:
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That film was so great because for the first time we got to see inside Neil's head. Up until that movie coming out when it did, all we had to go on was the music, the liner notes, and cover art from the Lps.
Thanks to Larry & the boxed archives & a very nice relative I have my own copy.
Nice photographs there, Anon. Thanks for sharing.
You Never Call is Neils tribute to Larry.Performed on the Twisted Road tour in 2010,2011.I attended the First show of the tour in Albany,NY., and the next day in my hometown Buffalo,NY.Went to the final show in Toronto on 5/11/11.Can't wait for the blue ray release hopefully in April.Most fans at the Toronto show thought it was a tribute to Ben Keith but in my mind I new it was for Larry.A great song to one of Neils best friends. Keep On Rockin, Soldier Steve
Saw the premiere of Neil Young's Journeys at Slamdance yesterday. You Never Call is in the movie and is accompanied by a tribute to L.A. Johnson. Neil and Jonathan Demme were at the showing and made brief introductory remarks. Promised Q&A afterward, but didn't make it because schedules were disrupted by weather. (Finally getting some snow in Utah!)
Thanks for the update and sounds like a very cool time. Can't wait to see Journeys...the Boston premiere of Trunk Show a couple years back now was memorable and rocking.
And glad to hear the snow gods have found you again...still a bit day-to-day here in the eastern mountains. I remember flying out of SLC a few winters ago at sunset, with the mountains all around and the lake underneath...might have seen God smiling at me from behind. Thanks again!
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