REPORT: New Crazy Horse Album Recorded

Crazy Horse
Ralph Molina, Billy Talbot & Frank "Poncho" Sampedro
MusiCares Honors Neil Young - Los Angeles, CA - 1/29/10
Photo by Joni Milken-Noah
UPDATE: This TW exclusive has been re-confirmed by Archives Guy as essentially accurate. Possible Spring release...
This weekend, the Master Class at Slamdance Festival featured Coffee w/ Neil Young & Jonathan Demme for their new film Journeys.
A report from the coffee with Neil and Jonathan event by Bob & Kim C. reveals a stunning announcement...
... Neil Young has been recording with Crazy Horse . One album is complete and they are working on another.
No mention of content or time table.
Neil did talk about a group of Americana songs that he had recorded as well with a youth choir...and the Horse. When he spoke of recording with Crazy Horse again "the crowd erupted in applause".
Also, Bob & Kim C. report that:
- Neil mentioned that a 4th film with Demme would make the effort a "4 wheel drive not a 3 wheel drive".
- Neil has been writing songs recently and happy with the effort.
- No mention of Buffalo Springfield.
- Wants to finish his Lincvolt movie....after 5 years of work.

So will 2012 be another The Year of The Horse??!!
Or just some old TOAST?
In other Slamdance news from Neil Young journeys to Utah with new concert film - MSN Movies News:
PARK CITY, Utah (AP) -- Neil Young recalls how his first concert film with director Jonathan Demme was a lush, stately tribute to country music.
He says their latest, "Neil Young Journeys," is more like an electric bolt, with a "grinding, blinding beauty to it."
"'Journeys' is so different from `Heart of Gold.' It's like the other side of the universe," Young, 66, said in an interview alongside Demme. "'Heart of Gold' was a massive production with great caretaking to present this whole image of this forgotten style of presenting music, in this great old chapel of country music. ...
"This film we just made is so opposite of that. It's just one person. The sound is completely different and the attitude of it is different. The look is different. ... The sounds are kind of enveloping. You get to move way inside, whereas, `Heart of Gold,' you're way back, going, `Oh, it's beautiful seeing it from the back, seeing all these beautiful people, these great musicians.' And this one here, you're like inside my instrument, inside the distortion of the guitar. There's nothing in the way."
"It's more distorted and funky. It's a little bit more in your face," Young said. "It's like zooming in on something, losing everything that's usually around it, and you're just losing everything else. There's no bass, no drums, there's no other guitars, there's no other voices, there's no synthesizers, there's no echo. There's just this thing. It's a big sound, because you're right up on it.
It's like a fantastic voyage into your guitars."
"This whole world of cars and music, that's a big chunk of Neil's DNA. He's all about cars and driving and music in motion," Demme said. "I don't think we had any discussions. It was just like, well, we're going to Canada to shoot the concert in Toronto. Obviously, we'll drive down there from Omemee and take a look and see what's changed, and kind of just discover the past in the present. The same way the songs are very often kind of reflective. ...
"It put a lens up to his life. He's a medium for all of our lives. Certainly, our generation, whatever Neil's been singing about for the last 40 years or whatever, it's like, `Thank you. That's exactly what I was feeling. You've put it into words and music.'"

Here's a clip of the upcoming film Neil Young Journeys. (Also, titled Neil Young Life).
Report from Neil Young Journeys Film Premiere in Toronto.
ps - Trunk Show will be released
Labels: album, crazy horse, neil young
Wow...Saw Neil in Milwaukee on the Twisted Road Tour.Been waiting for this for years...Go you guys!
Archives Guy has been listening to the album so it can't be far off.
Crazy Horse 2012
A world tour on the cards.....
Dream up, dream up let me fill your cup with the promise of a band.
aaaah! Mother will be soo stoked!
I smell it!
Saddle Up Neil!..before the horse has bolted!lol
I saw it coming ... after reading LVs blog :
"But while we’re on the subject …
“All poets are crazy. They have to be.” Ernest Hemingway said that. Something like that.
“You have to go on and be crazy. Craziness is like heaven.” Jimi Hendrix said that.
“A question that sometimes drives me hazy: Am I or are the others crazy?” Albert Einstein.
“Crazy Horse.” I said that. What? Just telling you what’s on my mind, Blog. Like always.
x LV "
just great!!
Love, Liza
AmaZing CraZy NewZ !
X= love
Y = Young
Z = CraZy Horse
ExZited !
Wow & wow again!
Bring it on Neil!!!!!!!
I wonder who has been producing...Niko Bolas?
I doubt Lanois would be on board but who knows???
Awesome... I am so stoked for this. Bout time the Horse were brought out of retirement.
I have to seriously doubt that we'll get a Neil and CH album any time soon.And a tour ? I'd say 100-1 odds in 2012.Yeah I'd love to hear and see Neil and CH again, but what happened to Buffalo Springfield ? DO you seriously have expectations just because Neil has supposedly recorded some tunes with CH ? Who knows what he will feel like doing next week !
Not knocking him at all.I just don't have such expectations.Maybe we'll hear the new recordings on Archive 7, released on Neils 85th birthday.
Can I dream? NY & CH tour of the recent reasonable size venues? He already has done the research. I'll pay any price, go anywhere......
I need some help with context. Is this new album (or one of them, anyway) The Horse Plus a Youth Choir singing Americana???
Anyone know if Pancho is involved to cut through the BS and make this sucker ROCK?????
This is such exciting news! And the fact that Neil and CH have got together, worked up songs, and have actually recorded one album and are working on another, tells us that the chemistry and magic are still there. The muse doesn`t do him wrong.
And judging by what Archives Guy said about listening to the album it won`t be long coming out. (But don`t hold your breath folks, we`ve all been here before...).
So does this mean Archives Vol. 2 will wait till 2013?
i sure would like that poster.c
What does:"4 wheel drive not a 3 wheel drive" mean? Shar
Don't Spook The Horse, sure looks like it's got everybody excited.
Bring it on.
"Already recorded one album"...that could be a reference to Toast. And the new recordings could be this thing with the Boys Choir. And who knows if Pancho is even involved. Seriously. This report is so vague that it's hard to know really what is happening other than some configuration of the Horse appears to be recording with Neil presently.
I'm just waiting for real info. And I'm hoping the new songs stand up. But I'm still thankful that Thrasher does what he does, here :-)
I sure hope there are DVDs in the offing for these two movies.
Someone post a link to where Archives Guy mentions he's listening to the album. Haven't seen this yet
"Okay Crazy Horse, man, rekindle the spirit of people, the spirit that is diminishing..." - from the "Groovy Injun" from REEL INJUN.
Archives Guy said this:
Been listening to what I hope is the next album release... coming out later this spring. :-)
there you go...
It seems the description of Toast, though the youth choir...Those tracks had a backing female choir...
Two records with CH, this is great news!
So Tired
more new neil from Sundance:
The idea of seeing CH w/ Neil live this year is as exciting - if not more - than seeing the Twisted Road solo shows...
Here's another nice picture of NY and JD at Sundance:
Were any of you actually at the coffee with Neil? Any more specifics of the Crazy Horse comment????
Thrasher. Can you tell us exactly what AG confirmed? Or are you making the leap that the note AG posted to Rust actually referred to a new album with Crazy Horse?
As you know there are possibly 5 and maybe more albums ready to go from the Archives Team (Toast, Odeon-Budokan, Homegrown, Chrome Dreams, Oceanside-Countryside).
The already completed CD being discussed could be Toast, afterall and not necessarily anything newly recorded. And the the new recordings with the Horse....Maybe they're new enough that they might not even have crossed Archive Guy's desk yet.
@LRR - good q.
Just to clarify -- although still very cloudy -- here's the interpretation.
We posted this last night based on an eyewitness report.
Since then, we've learned privately that AG has confirmed the veracity.
As followup, folks have pointed to the rust post by AG linked above.
Now, it is putting 2 & 2 together to say that the recent CH recording is what is being considered for Spring release.
All of that said, knowing how these things work, anything can happen.
Lastly, IMHO, if Neil dropped this info in public, we will hear something and it will become a reality... someday... ;)
Hell Yeah, we missed you guys ! DAMMMMITT
thanks Thrasher. This is great, hope there is a tour.
Time to saddle up the horses!
Am I hallucinating? I clicked on the "On Tour" link on Neils website and some dates came up. No locations, just dates.
Yeah man, things like that happen on Neils website.
.... the dates come with icons of a full moon instead of an icon of a wild and crazy horse....
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Ralphie's confirmed on FB that Pancho is, of course, involved... Great news IMHO.
Sorry, The dates on the "On Tour" are infact for 2012 full moons. Doug S. Warsaw N.Y.
Thrasher, they've also confirmed it on Rolling Stone, where this very site is also mentioned:
Now, no one piss off neil in the mean time please. This is great news for Neil fans.
The pattern is that when you don't hear much from Neil for awhile it means something's going on.
Happy 2012!
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... I've been conversing with Ralph for the past several months ... Boy, Talk about a 'Poker Face'. Of course, I realize his loyalty is of the utmost importance. If the rumors are true about the possible headlining of Lollapalooza, Bonnaroo, and the New Oleans Jazz Fest, sounds like we've got a 'Year Of The Horse'#2 for 2012! We all knew it was just a matter of time, however, Neil's concept of time and our's are certainly in a different zone! .... Exciting times for sure to be a Crazy Horse Fan!
Of course, as Neil has said before, "the new trump's the old"! No telling, however, when the 'Trunk Show' and the 'Neil Young Journey' will ever be available for the reckless consumer! I think he's just making sure that he has enough context for future Archive projects!
sorta agree with your last line Chief.... there is a lot of projects goin' on with Neil and a crazy horse album is the icing on the cake....just innaresting to know when we can get to eat it!
Hope this news is true,i have seen neil three times live but never with the horse!!waaaaa! this would make up for the end of the world in december ha!
I look back on this news release from early 2012 and can't believe where it has all led much more than just smelling the horse...we have been and are still riding it!
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