BREAKING: New Crazy Horse & Neil Young Video Streaming NOW!!!

"Horse Back"
Engineered and mixed by John Hanlon at Audio Casa Blanca Jan 6, 2012, assisted by Mark Humphreys and John Hausman
Video by Ben Johnson
Music by Crazy Horse
UPDATE #4: Obviously -- or maybe not -- this isn't a stream of a new album. Post title updated.
UPDATE #3: Footage includes lyric sheets for "Gallows Pole", "Clementine", "This Land", "Oh Susanna".
UPDATE #2:Twitter / @rdvdijk: @ThrashersWheat : " not an album.. two jams of old songs (Fuckin' Up and Cortez The Killer). VERY COOL!"
UPDATE: This appears to be some sort of preview / "ARC-like" collage of sonic snippets and studio footage.
Toast, named after a defunct recording studio, "Toast" is "perhaps one of the most under-estimated and deceptive Crazy Horse records of all time, with many songs originally discarded, and then re-recorded with Booker T. and the MGs."
The 37 minute Neil Young and Crazy Horse jam preview also includes a mashup-alternative "Cortez" take with wonderful, loving closeups of various sorts of vintage audio gear.
This video footage is definitely for the rusty audio tech geeks out there. ;)
New Crazy Horse & Neil Young

More on New Crazy Horse Album Recorded.

Also, see News of New Crazy Horse Album Gallops Around the World.
Smell the Horse!
Labels: album, crazy horse, neil young, toast
Sweet sound. Is this Toast?
Ooooohhhhhhhh yeah!
excited, but NY page won't load properly
can't open it
I hope they announce live shows soon. My wife and I are ready to go wherever, whenever. A ny and ch show would be considered a once in a life time event at this point. In a recent post someone mentioned the 2nd sets on the greendale tour. Saw it 3 times. I'd pay whatever I had to to witness this again. Come on boys, saddle it up and let's ride. P.S. Just get within driving distance of Ohio, thats all I ask. Thanks.
Thrasher- thank you for all you do. It's funny, I come to ur sight everyday to get my ny news first. Not Neils. That's saying something! Thanks!
Awesome. Sounds like the Horse is warming up! :-D
It sounds genuinely amazing. Neil's work is always great... But this... this is playing from the SOUL! Incredible.
Davie from Scotland
So excited. CRAZY HORSE!!!! Sounds like Cortez toward the end. Can't wait to hear it all. Neil come close to Indy.
This sounds great! I can't wait to get my hands on a CD! 2012 is going to be a fantastic year for NY&CH fans!
One of the labels on the console in the video says "Briggs" on it. Not sure what that means. It could mean that this is something that was made prior to Briggs' death, or that could be there as a way to honor his memory. One never knows.
All I know is that I am very excited by this!!
I just wish Neil would stream the sound without the video. It keeps "loading" for me, and chopping up the audio stream because my computer just doesn't handle streaming video well at all.
holy shit...that's what you call "gear porn"! love it!
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Thrasher - another cool screen capture for you at 22:53 - a separate dial for "Vocals" of Neil, Ralph, Billy, and PONCHO! Amazing to see it's definitely the full Horse recording! :-D
ok - 38 minutes+- of goods. can watch over and over again. very cool. camera not too shakey. looks like he's letting us know what it takes to get the 'full' audio sounds, the other 95%.
let's put it to rest...this is new neil young and crazy horse. you can hear the age in neil's voice on "cortez", and the camera work is too sharp to be 10 years old. damn. good stuff.
Sounds like a lot of older songs being jammed out as a medley. Bits of "Tonight's the Night" and "Cortez the Killer" peeping through at the start. Fantastic anyway whatever it is!
Why would the video footage have ANYTHING to do with when the audio was recorded? Neil's release logistics have never exactly been very linear... New Horse or old Horse, bring it on!
well, if it's new audio it would follow that the video footage is new as well, since the recording clearly shows vu meters in sync with the audio. and it's new audio (at least "cortez" is new) so there you go. of course i wouldn't put it past shakey to fuck around with timelines! but this time i think it's all up to date and current.
now, if you'll excuse me, i have to change my shorts.
Those guys are having a good time warming up for something new. Sounds pretty cool and loud on my horn speakers.
Just got to the proper Cortez part. Oof!
The lyric pages certainly support the comment about Neil having recorded Americana with the Horse - we can see at least This Land and Clementine...
Yup, all the lyric sheets seem to be for the Americana songs. Here's a list of the ones I could recognize/decipher:
This Land Is Your Land
She'll Be Coming Around The Mountain
Oh My Darling Clementine
Oh! Susanna
Gallows Pole
Gotta Travel On (Done Laid Around)
Can't wait to hear how The Horse plays these!...
Some of the channels on the board are labeled Dave. I wonder if Dave Matthews helped out on the traditional folk album? Makes sense especially after what they did at the latest Bridge show.
Still taking it in... sounds like we might be in for a release with traditional folk songs together with (Toast era?) jams?
Gave my family a bit of a start when I ran from the bedroom (having read the post title on my laptop) to the study, slammed the door, plugged in my better headphones into the desktop computer, popped open a can of Guinness and grinned like a fool for 37 minutes straight!
Great start for the weekend, eh?!
Also, lots of chatter over on Facebook | ThrashersWheatNeverSleeps ... if you're into that sort of thing.... :)
I'm thinking Neil and Crazy Horse at 2012 Bridge School already.I go up to show ever year this would be sweet.
so we're getting americana songs..will we get the youth choir? I hope they dont crap all over the horse!
This may even be even bigger than the Wilbury boys.
Okay, you guys made a believer out of me. You can go home; welcome home boys!
Thank you Preacher Man!
I was so moved by the music that I popped a hershey kiss into my mouth without taking off that little white strip of paper so when the streaming ended I'm feeling this "something" wadded up in my mouth.
Chocolate & Crazy Horse. Hmmmm. I like it!
I can't get it to stream on my PC, asks me to download a file. Any tips or ways to get to play on my PS3 so I can pump up the volume? BTW - long time reader of thrasher. Great site.
Fantastic sound, whatever it is. Neil and the Horse are flying! Heavy, solid but loose, flowing and dreamy, just how we like it..and I can never hear too many variations on the Cortez theme.
I can`t say I`m a techno nut but I loved the video, I just wanted to step inside and have a good look round.
Thanks Thrasher, thanks Neil, thanks CH!! Can`t wait to hear more...
Sound is real big, but also these pictures!
Thanks Neil, thanks Thrasher!
Greetings from Germany.
If I ever had any doubt about My favorite Neil Song I sure don't now. As far as I am concerned Cortez is the best song ever written by anyone.
oh yes - and not least ...
thanks Mr Thrasher, glad you stuck around
old sound man
Listened a first time through the Harman Kardon speakers on my laptop : sounded just great.
But now, with Sennheiser headphones and volume open : WTF !?!?!??!! This is an incredible soundquality. Neil in my right ear, Poncho on the left, Ralph in the middle,on top of my head, and underneath, all over the place, floats Billy...
Cortez is yet another version of that timeless epic, classic song. But here Neil's voice add a fifth dimension. It's just IN the music, and you can almost see him get closer to or further off the mic. It's like Neil and the Horse are giving me a personal concert in my living room, and I have the honour of sitting in the center, in every corner is one of the members, and I turn very slowly round, so i can see each face, but especially hear every single note, every turn and twist in their approach...Just listen very carefully at around 6.18, and hear the different layers of voices in the word "Legends".
Don't know if this is a teaser for the new album. Seems more likely that Neil is demonstrating here what "Quality of Sound" really means. He really shows up the other 95%. This is....real live music.
Thanks Thrasher for all the work you do, all the news you gather and share.
THANK YOU Neil, for ALL you give us. Long may you run.
Think I just have to correct myself. I think Neil is indeed giving us a clue about the new album, but, not only about the songs. It's also an indication on what to expect on sound. Sorry, forgot that in my previous post.
The Horse?!!!! Yay - there IS a God ...
Gotta Love Neil and his cryptic messages. This sounds to me like he is getting the horse out of the stable!!!!
I think you're right. I was so lost in the music and sound that I overlooked the techie aspect. In having the camera caress the warmly glowing analog equipment, name tags, and the lyric sheets, we're being reminded that it's about the songs, the people - and the sound.
The medium makes me curious though. Neil's been promoting high-res audio... but my guess would be the stream is normal low-res net audio - can someone more technically inclined verify this? However it may be, I can't wait to have my hands on the album and feed it to my tube amps via my Benchmark DAC!
What a tease of a love letter from Neil. I just woke up (here in Hong Kong), and am still floating on the water with Cortez. It took me back to the last time I saw Neil at Hyde Park, closing my eyes, turning my face up to the summer sun, and letting Words wash over me. With Ben gone, it may have been the last time we heard Neil play the song with a band? I just hope it wasn't the last time Larry got to play the banjo on stage!
This is fantastic! sounds F....n cool.
He comes prancing across the water
with his stallion and drum
Dancing across the water
with the horse, now no one's glum!
The wheat all gather round now
they've been waiting for such a while
Old Neil has saddled up now
and he's coming back with style
the horse are jammin' hard now
Old Neil's got the reigns
just wonderin what's this vintage?
but I see no one complains
so don't ya think he oughta
not tease us wheaties anymore
just come out and tell us Neil!
is it a new album? What's the score?
what a killer,what a killer
what a thriller,what a thriller
Holy Shit!!! I'm sorry but did anyone else get chills when they zoomed in on Old Black?! Will this be on NYA Vol. 24?
They sound phenomenal...this is totally new, no doubt. The Horse still got it!
Thank GOD Neil, Billy, Ralph and Poncho are still with us! There is nothing...and I mean NOTHING like the Horse- like Sonic Youth meets the Grateful Dead meets Coltrane meets the Stones...fuck, I don't know, its the Horse! Bring it on SOON!!!!! Thank you Neil!
Thank you Thrasher!
Love it love it Love it!
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I held my breath when we stroked old black and my heart skipped a beat as we hovered over Neil’s red board. Help… I seriously can’t say more to express my feelings now without careening into erotic drivel!
The idea that the Horse was active made for an innaresting Saturday. I say this because I listened to the feed whilst loading up the car for band practice. We played a few of our songs, then we tore thru "Don't Cry No Tears" and "Powderfinger".
These guys don't spend as much time on the web as I do, so I didn't want to tell them, but even though we got the chords right, having heard how it's supposed to sound, we could only pretend.
I look forward to any new album from Neil. If it's got the Horse, great. If it's got someone else, I'm sure Neil has his reasons. I'm just glad he's still around; long may he run.
After seeing videos of Neil with Buffalo Springfield at Bonnaroo you just knew he needed the Horse. Tour of the Year 2012. Bring it!!!
Totally blown away ... like unexpectedly running into an old friend you thought you might never see again ... Neil's so darn creative, the medium is truly the message! and for fans what a message it is!!! The journey continues ...
Demme & Young interview Part 2 of 4 up on Slamdance Film Festival, Park City, Utah from last saturday.
No I'm not asking
Much of you
Just sing little darlin'
Sing with me
--First Aid Kit
End of the world my ass...year of the horse indeed....2012 is starting off with just some amazing music w/ new GBV and Lion's Roar in January alone...and check the "Folk Music" Grammys for maybe the best five ever...but go w/ Steve Earle...One Sunday Morning s/b song of the year (IMHO of course)...and right now my word verify is "revelica" (cannot make this shit up)
Sang along tonight to Dixie Chicken and "all the boys in the bar" was around a half dozen, with a couple gals thrown in...sounded very sweet if I do say so
My dog walked up the road yesterday and the two horses in the small field, one dark maple brown and one a beautiful dapper white, came up at a gallop to greet him
"two horses came up at a gallop to greet him" this a sign Mr Henry?" do you think?
The more I listen to this, the more I question how recent this recording was. The older Audio gear that is videoed is in perfect sync with the percussion and guitaron the needles.Either Neil is showing just how good a sound you can get from this equipment even to this day or its an older jam session with all of CH. Is Darth Malt's comments on the money suggesting or questioning if it's jam sessions that make up Toast?
don't get me wrong I'm lovin' it as much as everyone just questioning its currency.
bring it on Neil
Doc - If it is a version of a song that we as fans have never heard before, then it IS current.
I love Cortez. Always have. Always will. I hope Neil adds the missing verse with the Horse:
"...the ship was breaking up...on the rocks...and the sandy beach was soooo Close..."
I must be missing something as I still can't see the relevance of the video material with when the audio was recorded. What prevents me from taking a track recorded in 2000, playing it back in the studio today and shooting video while I'm doing it?
Having said that, I don't care whether it was taped yesterday or ten years ago, it's great material and I can't wait to hear it all. In any case, we KNOW the Horse has been in the recording studio recently, whether the music on the video represents those takes or earlier material, it looks like we can look forward to it soon!
To my mind, this is new material, you can hear the sound of the recent Neil's solo (No Hidden Path area, rusty sound as usuall). Well, the Holy Horse is back. We missed the guys, this is a beautifull day !
I love Neil so much, this is a brillant idea to show us what needs to get that sound in addition of these fantastic musicians. Through my speakers at home the walls are shaking a bit and that's the spirit !!
I'm shaking a bit too at the idea of the horse with Neil again.
Thank you Neil for that unexpected gift !
"Horse Back"
Engineered and mixed by John Hanlon at Audio Casa Blanca Jan 6, 2012, assisted by Mark Humphreys and John Hausman
Video by Ben Johnson
Music by Crazy Horse
Everybody's talking about the Horse. Thanks Trash !
Every time I`ve listened to it so far I`ve heard a whole new dimension to it, wow. The way I`m seeing it today it`s a message from Neil to tell us that, yes, the Horse is back, and yes, they`ve still got the spook and magic going on.
Watching the video feels like a privileged peep into the heart and soul of Neil`s musical HQ, and I too felt chills when the camera rested on Old Black.
Judging by `Oh Susanna` at Bridge, this album of Americana is going to be something pretty amazing with the power of the Mighty Horse behind it..
I know it`s looking ahead but I wonder whether they`ll do a few shows first to `test the water` so to speak, like he did with BS? I hardly dare hope, but a world tour with the Horse this year would be mind blowing!
click on credits under the video, it reads:
"Horse Back"
Engineered and mixed by John Hanlon at Audio Casa Blanca Jan 6, 2012, assisted by Mark Humphreys and John Hausman
Video by Ben Johnson
Music by Crazy Horse
Again ....Real Music from earth
What a cool look - and listen - on the "inside"!
Bag, I never read the credits of when it was engineered and mixed...
Jan 6th 2012!..well, Neil's voice on Cortez still sounds sublime..looking forward to the release of an album thats for sure!
Ya know it's still going on, right?
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Now I'm curious about "Gallows Pole." Jimmy & Neil playing together for a new album. That would absolutely send me over the rainbow. In fact, play the whole damn second side, guys!
Everything is old, battered, but somehow still humming with life! "Fuckin' Up" and "Cortez" as an extended jam, certainly feels like a warm up with something familiar three days before a full moon (also note some hints of the extra effects of LeNoize.) Very interesting with the Americana stuff, as well as what appear to be two new songs, "Ontario" and "Love and Wall," if I can read his scrawlings on the yellow legal pads. This is really something!!!!
Yes it will be the year of the Galloping Horse leaving no paths hidden. Go back the past thirty plus years and see when Neil plays with the Horse: early, mid and late 70's; mid 80's; early 90's; mid 90's; last time in 2003. What was happening each time? First term president running for reelection! Has anyone mentioned this before? And the more desperate the situation, the more they play fucking great ready.
Anyway it should be astounding times ten...I'm even thinking some huge stadium dates with Radiohead. Think of the jams with Neil and Johnny Greenwood!
So yes doc, I'm hoping the horses know something...they sure seem content.
...and you know the small End of the Trail statue they show after the fade into Cortez, around 20 minutes in? I have the exact same one, so that's gotta seal the deal (whatever the deal might be)
Amazing, wonderful news. Too good to be true, but true. NY with BS is nice. NY with the Horse? Nectar from the gods!
Love that the stream repeats, guitar at 26'33, 29'53, long Cortez outro, video throughout ( humans), Joe from TO's songlist, Mother Nature on the Run: could it be that's about somethin' other than just an aftersomethin' in your system once you've been satisfied after somethin' good's happened?, ShittyHorse: No because they began at 0'00 & Yes because they lasted till 37'05, Paznow thank heavens as I was beginning to think myself a pervert watching some great porn - I'm not the only one!, Mr Henry's observation at 1/29/2012 09'54'00 PM, I'm alive to hear this & see what's goin' down.
Always a pleasure visiting this site, always a touch of class in everything this man does. Just the right amount of everything to get his statements across. This is simply superlative, a wonderful culmination of his past work & great indicator of things to come. Whatever follows, particularly with this fine group of musicians, will be immense, heartfelt & poignant. Just like this stuff.
As I see it, everything is possible. New album with Crazy Horse, a tour in America and later a tour in Europe. Just like Bruce. And most preferably a concert in Finland, too.
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