A Look Back Down Neil Young's Very Twisted Road

Neil Young - Worcester, MA, May 21, 2010
Photo by Steve Babineau/Sports Action Images
With another Neil Young solo tour just announced for this Spring it seems like a good time to look back as we look forward.
For many, last year's Twisted Road tour was an exceptional experience. We saw folks writing in review comments after the concerts that they were "amazing", "epic", "brilliant", "primal", and "unforgettable".
Some longtime fans even went as far to say that the concerts were "one of the truly great shows that I have seen, definitely one of the best from Neil Young and maybe, just possibly the best one yet."
Some were even left literally "in tears" by the experience.
A comment by Kimball on the Nashville concerts summed it up this way:
I have no doubt that we're witnessing a tour that will stand up completely in 3 or 4 decades time.
Debuting an incredible seven (7) new songs each night, one can only ask whether any other artist from the '60's or '70's or '80's or '90's that is still touring, plays this many new songs in their setlists?
While the 2010 Twisted Road concert tour provided many musical highlights, there was an unmistakable melancholy hanging over the affairs which seemed to create even more of an edge than the usual for a Neil Young concert -- particularly on the early tour dates.

Photo by Tracy Woodward/TWP
The source of the 2010 tour's sadness was rooted in Neil having to hit the road shortly after the loss of his long time associate LA Johnson (1947-2010). The tour's 2nd leg conclusion was bracketed by the loss of long time musical friend Ben Keith.
Neil seemed to be bearing a very heavy load and he dealt with his grief by paying tribute to L.A. in the new song "You Never Call" (with a mention of his son Ben) as heartbreaking -- yet humorous -- a song he has written in years.
"You Never Call" really encapsulates the mood and tone of the concerts. The ghost of L.A. fills the room and seems to hover over the stage. One can only imagine how hard it must be to sing a song about a dear friend -- who you have known and worked with nearly your entire professional life -- suddenly dies taking your son to a hockey game.
'Cause you take him everywhere
He brain-to-brained me
He told me you are still there."

Photo Gallery by Ed Rode for Rolling Stone
In our review of the 2010 tour -- Expecting to See Neil Young (or Man Without A Net) -- we evoked an image of "Man On A Wire", a documentary film of a trapeze artist who walks a tightrope between the twin towers of the World Trade Center, in New York City in 1974. And somehow that image reminded us of Neil Young up there.

Up on the stage. Alone. Without a net. Trying to stay balanced between the two twin towers. One side acoustic. The other electric. Sometimes leaning left, sometimes to the right. A tension of whether he might slip. And fall.
Which way to go?
It was a nearly perfect balancing act between love and war. Electric and acoustic. Hey Hey My My. My My Hey Hey. Into the blue. Out of the black.

Photo by Steve Babineau/Sports Action Images
A comment by setlistthief :
The trilogy of “You Never Call,” “Peaceful Valley,” and “Love and War” is among the most powerful imagery and singing about loss and death I’ve ever heard from Neil. And unlike TTN, this imagery is fueled by cold stark reality, not tequila and dope.
Neil’s reached an age where the finality of death is informing his work in ways it never has before. Indeed, though he’s been surrounded by death and loss his whole life, it is somehow different now. To watch and hear a man struggling with that so eloquently is extraordinary. A privilege.
And for those of us who aren’t far behind, it will help us navigate that Twisted Road.
So while the Twisted Road Tour may not compare with TTN or TFA or Greendale tours in terms of shattering audience expectations, it has certainly caught many off guard as summed up on the official concert t-shirt "I said solo...they said acoustic".

Photo by Simpson!
We examined the diverse audience reaction we were seeing in our comments threads and asked Does The Twisted Road Tour Compare With TTN or TFA Tours? Or Greendale? It would seem for the die-hard fans, the fact that seven (7) new songs were being debuted was a joy to treasure.
We alluded to the similarities of the TTN & TFA tours and audience backlash and some agree that Twisted Road Tour does compare with the TTN or TFA tours in terms of audacity and audience shock.
A reality check from someone who actually attended some TTN and TFA concerts. Don "Ride My Llama" in Sacramento, CA (between he and his wife Jan have logged over 300+ NY concerts) agreed with our premise that there are similarities with Twisted Road tour and those 1970 tours that left most in the audience completely bewildered by what they experienced.

Photo by Ken Toney Photography
So here's just one of the many reactions to the tour from Dan:
I think the concept and expectation that every show, every tour, every album be great in the same way as the prior one is so clearly not reality, not possible ... Neil's trip is deeper than that, its more real, and its predictable in its unpredictability ... on that basis nobody should be surprised, or frankly disappointed, this is Neil doing what he's always done and what he'll always do and the fans accused of making excuses for Neil aren't so much suggesting they love everything about him and his music as much, I think, as they love him unconditionally and have learned to trust him and let him lead them on this lifetime journey of emotional exploration and the mature person I think realizes that life is not static, homogeneous, constant, the richness comes from contrast, variation, change, it ebbs and flows
Lastly, a parting thought from Michael D. Clark:
I have been to quite a few momentous Young shows in the last 15 years and I always hear one or two of these complainers who totally miss Young's genius while waiting for "Old Man" to be performed.
If this description fits you, let me save you some time: Throw your dream setlist out and go to the Young show without any preconceived notions.

Neil Young - Austin, 6-5-10
Photo by Alberto Martinez / AMERICAN-STATESMAN
walk with us...
For more, see Expecting to See Neil Young (or Man Without A Net) and Does The Twisted Road Tour Compare With TTN or TFA Tours?.
Also, see more Neil Young's "Twisted Road" Concert Tour Reviews.
Just got home from Lucinda's completely, totally, absolutely and undoubtedly amazing show at the House of Blues in Boston. I've been fortunate to see her many times since she came "out of the black" back in the 90's, and I have to tell you that this was one amazing hell of a show!! Her voice is nonpareil and her band is tight as hell. I still cannot believe how unbelievably good this show was?!
Dylan LeBlanc was the opener and he did an incredible version of Oh Lonesome Me that included a young lady who was very shy but had a beautiful voice (Marissa?). Thanks for that guys! And it was Dylan's 21st birthday tonight! Long May You Both Run....
So much happening now that it kind of boggles the mind...go ride the music!
I love Lucinda, too! I love to watch Lucinda, Bonnie, and Chrissy Hynde play their guitars. Another great guitar player to watch is Juliana Hatfield with Frank Smith.
Thanks, Thrasher for recalling perfectly this excellent and touching tour.
So Tired.
Life's Rich Pageant: Part One
You call it madness
But I call it love
--Russ Colombo et al
Share your lovin' and
You live so long
Live so long
--Neil Young
Tuesday's edition of The Boston Globe has the obituary for John Hay, the writer and poet who passed away on February 26 at his home in Bremen ME. Mr. Hay lived for ninety five years, but he never grew old. For sixty of those years, he lived on Cape Cod and wrote over a dozen books about the beauty and wonder of nature. The Globe piece by Bryan Marquard does a wonderful job highlighting the life and soul of this unique person, and it truly makes you want to stop what you're doing and read one of his books...and then read another one.
When I first read this profile, I was struck by the similarities between Neil Young and John Hay in their upbringing and in their complete and profound love of nature, a love and respect that has been at the core of their life and art. There is a total sense of wonder and awe for the majesty and mystery of the world we live in. Each one grew up immersed in the natural world and found their greatest happiness and inspiration there. John's father was an archaeologist at the American Museum of Natural History and his grandfather (also John Hay) was Lincoln's personal secretary and biographer, and also a secretary of state for a later administration. Neil's dad, of course, was a great writer and personality, and was a legend in his own country while Neil was growing up.
Spending his childhood summers at Lake Sunapee in NH, John "sensed that there was another world of deep and wonderful possibilities waiting for me outside" as he wrote in A Beginner's Faith. The title of that work alone speaks volumes about the man and his core beliefs. It makes me think of the primary teaching of Suzuki Roshi which is "to always keep your Beginner's Mind".
Bryan Marquard writes beautifully in his Globe profile about Mr. Hay: "In the sharp angled light, he looked beyond tomorrow to centuries hence. In the restless rustling leaves, he heard the roar of time."
Life's Rich Pageant: Part Two
In his obituary in The Boston Globe, Bryan also includes a number of quotes from John Hay's writing that are breathtaking in their depth and understanding of life and its mystical process:
"The winds join storm tides in carving away the cliffs and headlands of the Cape, and they are constantly reshaping its beaches. In terms of geologic time, this is a fast and relentless process. In another ten thousand years or so, this sandy and vulnerable land will be reduced to some outlying sandy shoals."
"...needs another language, and at the same time no language could really encompass it" from The Great Beach (describing his attempts to capture and describe Cape Cod)
"Silvery trees bordered gentle mossy roads, their tracks loaded with fallen leaves. It was all in a special Cape proportion, colored silver and gray, like the Atlantic, or the herring gulls, the clouds and the sky, or an old house that suddenly showed up in true style and balance, not to be imitated by any century but its own."
"Writing is my preference, and America's my destination."
"Walking puts me on the right level with all I have been missing in our world."
"All of us are drawn to the sea's edge as to a fire.... What an exalting thing it is to see those waters dancing with silver castings from the moon! Even in our careless, civilized state, drinking beer, watching driftwood burn...there is something in us that wants this brilliance, this barren waste."
Brian's obituary also includes many wonderful quotes from John's children, friends and fans:
"He was a very private man and never wanted to compete in any sort of writer's marketplace. He was really quite focused on being in the natural world and writing." Susan Hay Burroughs
"He was a good conversationalist and quite a charming person when he wanted to be. But socializing wasn't his priority, and he could be quite solitary. The natural world was his passion." Charlie Hay
"...a very fine writer, one of our best in the field." Peter Mathiessen
"John Hay is one of the world's handful of very great nature writers. I love his books with all my heart. The thing that people don't notice about his writing is how real and wild it is. I can only conclude that he had something of the mystic in him." Annie Dillard
"John was one of our greatest writers, and I am quite certain that his work will outlast that of the more famous nature writers of our time." Christopher Merrill
John Hay was a true believer in the beauty and the splendor of the Twisted Road. He experienced life at its fullest and immersed himself in the timeless moment. His writings are a testament to his beautiful mind and soul, and he will live on in his art and memories. I'll think of him when the alewife are migrating and the stripers are running the beaches, when I'm walking on Nauset and when I'm relaxing in Brewster. Thank you for sharing your life and world.
I am the Ocean
--Neil Young
I saw your face
In the drifting snow
In the drifting snow
--Patti Smith
This piece is dedicated to the memories of Courtney Norbury and David Foster Wallace...we shall live again....
Thanks, as always Mr H! Good stuff.
We'll have to check John Hay. Appreciate your always opening our ears & eyes to vistas & muses...
Have to admit I'm really hoping the upcoming Twisted Road Tour will feature significant content from Le Noise, but half thinking Neil will take a page out of his regular playbook, throw a curve ball and change things up ... When I go see Neil I try to leave my expectations at the door, but would be thrilled beyond belief if this segment of the tour is similar to the prior one.
Dan, I was thinking the same thing. I also hope this is a continuation from last year, but realize that Neil might easily change things up...and that will be awesome too. I'll try not to check the set lists so that I'm surprised when I'm there...who am I kidding, I'm not gonna do that!
And thanks T for the kind words. Always a joy to talk about great artists and spread the word. Speaking of "vistas & muses", John Muse is the goalie for BC's Hockey team...not sure about Vista's position or what team he plays for (ha ha). Keep on rockin'....
Speaking of that, I'm seeing Muck and the Mires perform tonight. Steven Van Zandt has named them the Best Garage Band in America; reminds me of the mid 80's tours when Neil and Crazy Horse were "the third best garage band". A friend of mine calls them "the missing link between The Beatles and The Ramones". Should be great...saw them once before a few months ago and they give 100% to rock and roll. And they're going to SXSW for any of you lucky folks heading to Austin next week; tonight is the sendoff show.
Hey Mr Henry. Glad to hear you enjoyed the Lucinda Williams concert so much. I love her as well. I have orchestra seats for her May 1st show in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Alway enjoy reading your posts.
I think it's pretty disrespectful to write this article and not even mention the death of Ben Keith as a major event that will continue to be felt. LA Johnson was a great guy, but he was not the collaborator that Ben Keith was to Neil. Ben's death seems to already have been forgotten here, as proven by the lack of any mentions of him at all and the fact that his tribute was taken down from the top of the page. It should be put back up permanently.
Easy there Adam - Thrasher clearly respects and loves Ben Keith and his musical kinship to Neil's legacy as much as any die-hard fan would, should, and does. There are many links on this site that take you to many different places - all kind of like a door into Neil's journey that as fans, we can take with him. Thrasher has NEVER been disrespectful to Ben Keith. Period.
Perhaps a new song about Ben will be revealed on the upcoming tour - perhaps not.
Peace and love and I hope everyone got tickets and seats that they are pleased with - can't wait!!!
Hi Sandy! I'm sure you will love Lucinda's performance...she has taken her game to a whole new level. Her words and music are pure poetry and her voice is a national treasure. Right now, I'm wearing a T shirt from Wednesday night's show that reads "Yeah, We Are Blessed". My feeling is that we're in a true golden age of music right now and are very lucky to be here and able to experience it...enjoy!
To Adam, I'm sure there was no disrespect meant to Ben and his memory. The tour lookback is done within the context of that timeframe, and Ben was still with us then (physically that is...he'll always be with us through his music and spirit). As Neil said in Greedale, "it feels like there's a big hole....".
To all those who are suffering right now, my prayers are with you. Life is the most wonderful thing there is, and it's a blessing to wake up each morning, breath the air and walk through this world.
Words are kind of failing me now...our brothers and sisters in Japan are in my thoughts. So I'll just leave you with this link for one of the greatest songs ever written. Laura was terminally ill when this was recorded, and I feel it was her goodbye to this world...listen to her voice and you realize she's already moved on to the next one.
"O Creator, listen, forvgive and have mercy."
--Tohono O'odham Prayer
@adam - as you know, we've paid huge tributes to Ben here.
As you recall the TR tour began not long after LA's passing and YNC was the result.
Ben's passing took place at the conclusion of Leg #2. Leg#3 was the g4G leg, not TR.
check your timelines, my friend
but just to be clear, there was no disrespect of Ben by not mentioning his passing.
solidarity & namaste
"...everything is in flowing change. Nothing exists but momentarily in its present form and color. One thing flows into another and cannot be grasped. Before the rain stops we hear a bird. Even under the heavy snow we see snowdrops and some new growth."
--Shunryu Suzuki
Having said that Mr. H.:
Hello fellow Neil-Heads and Thrasher himself! I can not begin to say how Totally STOKED I am about Neil's seemingly fast decision to tour the Twisted Road for another leg, on the East Coast again, no less! After a particular ROUGH winter, this is some very well received good news, and I've purchased my tickets for Providence, R.I., Neil show #17 for me- 2nd go round that very twisted road. This time I went for the economy seating on the presale, which went fast. I'm just thrilled to be able to attend.
I've kinda been on hiatus from Thrasher's Wheat just a bit, but I have been watching, lurking in the darker and rougher regions of the web (no, not the kinky stuff) where I've met some really interesting people who are into collecting vinyl records as much as I and others who are as interested in writing as much-if not more- than I. I have also discovered these past few months that there IS GOOD NEW MUSIC being made out there, and you just have to dig for it a bit. My record collection has grown exponentially in this time- (including the TRUE,TRUE completion of my Neil Young vinyl LP collection- including Dead Man, Lucky Thirteen, Eldorado, Where the Buffalo Roam Soundtrack- so I now have every album that Neil has released on vinyl! There are A LOT!) My love for Neil and his music, along with Thrasher's Wheat has not waned a bit- I'm sure my absence wasn't really felt but none the less I am glad to be back- glad Neil is coming back, and I missed interacting with everyone here! Hope everyone looks forward to more of my long and rambling comments!
@SH - good to see you back in the saddle! Nice to hear you're set for Providence.
we'll be looking for your full color report!
don't be a stranger and share your new finds.
vinyl is final...
Hey SH, it's great to be hearing from you...I always enjoy reading your comments! Sounds like you've been doing some cool stuff and getting through the New England winter...have to say that after a tough first half, it's been kind of like last year's, with no snow and warmer than usual temperatures.
I'm sure Neil's show at PAC will be a classic. That's such a great place to see a concert! Brings back lots of memories for me. Neil's show there is almost exactly 40 years to the day from my first show there: Van Morrison with His Band and Street Choir. That was only the 3rd or 4th big concert I'd attended and it was absolutely epic, with six encores. Other memorable nights include a number of Allmans concerts, starting with the 2nd show they did after Duane's passing. So enjoy Neil and the entire night--you deserve it and I'm sure you will!
Interested in hearing what kind of good new music that you are into. I agree there's a lot of great stuff and you just have to search it out a bit. I've raved before about some (e.g. First Aid Kit) and right now I'm really loving Smith Westerns (kids from Chicago with a real jones for classic Beatles and glam era rock) and Best Coast (they're kind of like Belly playing The Shangri-Las greatest hits). A couple nights ago, I saw a great triple bill at the Rosebud for a $5 cover, so you are right: there's lots of good live music out there if you dig for it.
Also some excellent stuff lately from the veterans. New REM album is incredible; PJ Harvey's latest is deep and musical at the same time; Lucinda's new one Blessed is amazing; and I'm loving Gregg Allman's new solo album, which is mostly traditional blues...one of the songs on it "I Believe I'll Go Back Home" was already an old tune when Dock Boggs recorded it back in 1928. And The Celestial Septet at ICA was the perfect combination of new, old and timeless, with Nels Cline's trio joining Rova Saxophone Quartet.
So anyway, good to hear from you!
ya know shitty..I missed you..i enjoy your "rants" as I do everyone elses. i too love this site anbd only comment infrequently these days!
have found other avenues to vent my 'inane' and ridiculous comments
and ya know what..they actually think i am slightly funny lol
glad to see the horse back!..
Mylove for anything neil and his music has never waned..and never will!
p.s. Keep on bloggin' in the T world!!
Great to hear from you Doc...hope that you're doing well. Neil Young Nation is stronger than ever.
And congratulations to the UConn Huskies: Big East Champions 2011. Five wins in five days, last one at the magic time 11:11
Mr Henry (Class of '79)
Just was reflecting on this pre-order and felt compelled to say how much I appreciate Neil and his people making such a thing available for fans. I think its amazing -- Being able to buy a ticket for less than $100 to see Neil perform in front of a couple thousand people in a small theatre and being able to order tickets form the comfort of my PC and to not be rushed (the pre-sale went on for a couple days). Being able to see Neil in such a small venue solo is always a DREAM and just wanted to express a deep sense of gratitude and excitement about the upcoming tour and how seamless it was getting a ticket. I just feel like the longer I'm a fan the more satisfying the whole experience gets ... I've probably listen to Le Noise 50 times or more now and its a such a gem ... just can't wait to see the 5/1 Tower Theatre show, which is the only one I can get to this tour, and after completely missing the last TW tour (was out of the country for much of it) just cannot wait to see Neil again... Its just a great, great time to be a NY fan and throw in TW as a place to gather and appreciate the whole scene ... I remember reading a quote from Neil saying that all the stadiums and playing on the back of pick-ups, all the years of touring, now the reward is playing small venues and as a fan I'm feeling the same way. This is epic Neil what a fabulous gift we've got!!!
Hey, Dan1 ..Thank you for sharing your thoughts of gratitude and excitement over your recent experience purchasing tickets for the upcoming show. It was so refreshing to read something as positive as your post after reading so many negative comments lately on Neil's Facebook page from so-called Neil Young fans grumbling and whining over the ticket prices being too expensive for the average fan. I recently shared the same gratifying experience as you when, from the comfort of my P.C. chair, I purchased 4 pre-sale tickets for the May 4th Detroit show for myself and my three kids which for me is like a dream come true. How do you put a price on that? I too have to be selective these days in this economy as far as managing my finances, however, to pass on an opportunity to see Neil perform at my favorite venue and to share that experience with all three of my kids in the most intimate setting was not even an option. I realize people are frustrated during these troubled times and while other priorities may not permit some the luxury to spend their money on entertainment, my resentment goes out to those who place blame on Neil for "raping" and "ripping off" his old loyal fans who can no longer afford to see him perform as if he's cashing in!
Great comments from Dan1 and Big Chief (as always). It does seem that Neil has been working his whole life to reach this impossibly high level of artistry; glad we can all be here to witness it in person.
"Sometimes I think setting higher goals...not lower but higher ones...you need a really big idea to get yourself off your butt. You need something big."
--Jimmy Webb
I'm just a chorus boy
Lost in my own time
Expecting the least
Demanding the most
--Tobin Sprout...Courage the Tack
Thanks for your kind words! Hope you and your kids have a great time, how cool to share such an experience with your kids.
What can we say, the whole ticket price thing has been discussed ad nasuum, I've been to these small venues and EVERY SEAT IS A GREAT SEAT ... I bought tickets for Tower Theatre and there was a 69.50 pre-sale ticket ... I'm careful about how I spend my money too but fact is If the lowest priced ticket were $125 or $150 I'm certain the shows would still sell out. So, I consider the ability to buy a sub $100 as a pure gift ... in fact, if not for the under the radar pre-sale a lot of us would be facing the horrible prospect of having to contemplate paying $200 on stub hub (and since seeing Neil is priceless I'd be paying that) ... the right way to judge this is on supply and demand and the fact is that without a pre-sale 69.50 ticket would be gone in 2 seconds and real fans wouldn't get tickets ... comparing to what mainstream people pay for entertainment today, if people pay $100+ for a football game along with 75,000 other fans, I'll pay that for a 2,000 person venue any day of the week and I think its a far better value than seeing a Madison Square Garden Neil show for $35 not that that would ever happen anyhow ... bottom line, yea it stinks things are so expensive these days but with these tickets the price is more than fair.
For Akiko
Oh so much sadness
World is stopping
How can the pictures go on?
Where is my mother
Where is my father
Where am I
World is watching
Watching while watching
How is this happening
Why is this happening
Once I was happy
How can this happen
Once there was nothing
Now there is everything
How is life everything
"This much sadness, is too much sorrow..." - Buddy Miles
@adam - fyi, updated with a nod to Ben.
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