MTV interview with Neil Young by Kurt Loder in 1990 on YouTube
Folks seemed to have enjoyed the recent blast from the past MTV interview with Neil Young, so we bring you another installment from the video vaults.
Here's a MTV interview with Kurt Loder from 1990 in "one of the most revealing interviews you will ever see from Neil Young, fresh off his epic Ragged Glory album."
YouTube - Neil Young - MTV interview with Kurt Loder - 1990, Part 2
YouTube - Neil Young - MTV interview with Kurt Loder - 1990, Part 3
Thanks RustedTelevision! Good stuff. namaste

MTV credits for "Last Words"
and remember, neil ain't nobody's personal jesus....
Thrasher -
thanks for posting my videos to your main page. Those videos sat buried on VHS tapes for decades until I finally took the time to convert to DVD (a laborious process to say the least).
I hope your viewers enjoy them as much as i enjoyed making them.
Any interviews with Neil are entertaining, and usually illumnating as to where it all comes from. I still think he'd be a good stand up comic
.."it's not hero and support"...
.."scream the big scream"..
he's a riot. I guess you do have time. Thanks Rusty.
@Rusted - thanks again, sincerely. Sorry on the little blowup the other day. all apologies.
you've assembled a nice collection of vids on your channel and would like to highlight more.
feel free to drop a comment anytime to alert us of anymore faves.
indeed, this Kurt Loder interview is one of the most candid ever.
I forgto one -
..."take this job and shove it"...
Water under the bridge Thrasher. You have a GREAT site....and we're united by our universal love for All Things Neil!
"WE just go for the feel"...
"feel drummer', feel guitarist. feel bass player"...we're a feel band"...don't spook the horse!!"
CLASSIC NEIL .CLASSIC!..thats why I love ya so!!
RUSTED!! are DA man!!
Glad you liked the Thrasher posted, I have a full playlist, with many more videos still to come....
CSNY playlist:
Neil's quote of 'don't rock the boat' and the following comments made me look up the lyrics of 'Days that used to be'. Never paid too much attention to them, but I should have… really some wise words in there
And btw: I agree, Neil should try stand up comedy!
any chance Neil had done a bump or two prior to this interview ala 'Last Waltz' fame? I can't remember ever seeing him this jovial...
Second night , Neil did this incredible version of 'Cinnamon Girl' I don't know how deliberate it all was, whether Neil knew or not—I was talking pictures in the middle of the centre aisle (believe it or not, on all four nights, I was never approached to move on, though I was sitting on my haunches, smack dab at the front of the centre aisle!), Suddenly in the middle of Cinnamon Girl. This beautiful blonde, in a vivid yellow mini-dress, came down the centre aisle dancing, very raunchily. Neil was weaving away at the front of the stage when he caught site of her. He went absolutely on fire. Talk about ants in his pants. He went absolutely wild, responding to her movements with movements of his own on both guitar and body! Absolutely exhillerating and incrdible guitar playing!. It only happened on the one night and I don't believe that Neil was expecting it, not according to his reaction! Tony Fahy
whoa Anonymous..i'd like to see that!..sounds great is it on video you can posy maybe? did you get through the thrash gates as unregistered and anonymous?
wondering doc
Cant seem to find these now. Could you repost somewhere or email how to get it?
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