MTV interview with Neil "Don Grungio" Young : August 1993 on YouTube
Neil Young MTV interview from August 1993 on YouTube.
This is the interview where Neil Young refutes the title "Godfather of Grunge" preferring the handle "Don Grungio" instead.
So who really is the Godfather of Grunge?
Nirvana's Kurt Cobain is often cited as the Godfather of Grunge. In October 1988,according to Rock On The Net Nirvana's first recording effort together resulted in a demo named 'Godfather Of Grunge' and the single 'Love Buzz/Big Cheese.' "
So does recording a song 'Godfather Of Grunge' truly establish Nirvana's Kurt Cobain as THE 'Godfather Of Grunge'? And where does Neil Young fit in the picture?
Wikipedia defines Grunge as:
"As a style of music, it is generally characterized by 'dirty' guitar, strong riffs, and heavy drumming. Grunge is also popularly referred to as the Seattle Sound."
In many ways, grunge music was to the 90's what punk was to 70's. Both grunge and punk were relatively short lived musical genres that had a much greater impact than their sales, radio play, and concert performances would indicate. However, critically, both genres were both hailed and disparaged as either the future of rock or an indication that rock was dead.
So just as Neil Young's 1979 release of "Rust Never Sleeps" marked a turning point in both punk and rock, so did "Ragged Glory"'s release in 1991 foreshadow the emergence of grunge. Ragged Glory's raging feedback was widely emulated and influenced numerous bands, including Nirvana, Pearl Jam and Sonic Youth among others.
The earliest written reference to Neil Young as the 'Godfather Of Grunge' was in December 1991, when Tower Records in house publication Pulse! published a cover article on Neil Young titled 'The Godfather Of Grunge Rock' by Steve Martin.
The album Freedom is considered to be one of the ten most important albums in the history of alternative music. Pagewise in 2001 said:
Despite what some Nirvana fans might say, this is the album that started it all. Neil Young is the grandfather of grunge.
'Freedom,' which Young released in 1989, was the first true alternative album. It seems a stretch to call an album by someone Young's age alternative, but the label is applied to the music, not the artist. The edgy guitar-driven songs on “Freedom” set it apart from Young’s other albums, which tend toward the mellow folk rock end of the spectrum. If “Freedom” is the first true alternative album, “Rockin’ in the Free World” is the first true alternative song.

More on whether -- in fact -- is Neil Young the Godfather of Grunge.
maybe he's really the grungefather of god?
Man that is a blast from the past!! Wow - anyone remember the name of that cute red haired anchor?? I think it was Alison something?? Good grief - that was when MTV was still (A)relevant and (B)played good music.
@SONY - good one.
@Jonathan - i think it was martha? Yeah, MTV would never run anythin on Neil these days, for sure. Or maybe he needs to do some hip-hop??
Thrasher - you must be thinking of Martha Quinn from the 80's. The woman in this clip was all over MTV during the 90's - and I hear Kurt Loder's voice in the clip. It's driving me NUTS trying to remember her name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, Thrash .. Thanks for posting that clip! It's getting harder to find interviews and news articles from the past that I've never seen before and this one is certainly one of them! Keep them coming, folks ... there has to be more out there and it's really a treat to see them. Thanks, Thrasher!
Tabitha Soren
here's some good Neil interviews, i love these:
Tabitha Soren....?????
they say the neon lights' are bright on broadway
it's taba tha
@BigCheif - your most welcome.
@jsc - thanks for the blast from the past.
@Rusted - thanks for the links! Hope you take my comments on your comments earlier in the spirit in which they were written.
Interesting to hear that Nirvana put out a demo called Godfather of Grunge. Kurt is a great songwriter, but he's not the godfather - he wasn't old enough. Neil Young is more like the Godfather of Grunge, because of his recordings and tours with Crazy Horse over the years, before the word 'grunge' was ever used to describe a form of music.
Other than Cobain writing a song called "Godfather of Grunge," i have never once seen him referred to as the Godfather of Grunge.
This nickname has typically been reserved for Neil Young - not Cobain.
Thrasher, what you been drinking in 2011?
Fk! have definitely opened up a whole new world for me. personally i love some of the obscure and rare clips that are posted or are accessible with these 2 social networks.
facebook..i discovered a whole new world to write inane,ridiculous commments and retorts..where everyone takes it tongue in cheek
you were right Thrash..there is a place where i can be the village idiot and people get it! lol
hey..i'll always love this mature,sometimes anally serious site and the amazing neil fanatics that i have had a giggle with, had a cry with, chewed the fat with..and I will always continue to visit enthusiastically to get all my Neil News and info..the site is amazing..and its interviews from the past that make it so enjoyable..i think its time to read shaky again!!
have great year Wheaties..especially you Thrash!!
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