Facebook Revokes Our Admin Rights to Willie Nelson For A Nobel Campaign

Nobel Peace Prize for Willie Nelson for Farm Aid | Facebook
Today, our administrative rights on the Facebook page Nobel Peace Prize for Willie Nelson for Farm Aid were terminated.
The page still remains active and continues to operate normally, now with over 10,000 supporters. But as the page founder and creator we can no longer post updates to the page ourselves.
The reason for the termination was "due to a violation of the Pages Terms of Use." After reviewing the Terms, we do not see any obvious reason for our rights termination.
Some of the possible violations include "authorized representative of the subject of the Page." But, as you can see above, on Willie Nelson's official Facebook page itself includes an endorsement from WillieNelson.com of the
Nobel campaign.
In addition, a Facebook search shows that there are dozens of active campaigns for various entities for a Nobel Prize.
So if this is OK with Willie and there are dozens of similar FB campaigns, why were our rights terminated? Furthermore, if the page itself has some type of Terms of Use violation, why is it still available? Our other FB pages Thrasher's Wheat and Gigs For The Gulf continue to operate normally.
Naturally, there is no recourse or appeals process with Facebook.
So if anybody out there has any suggestions, please drop a comment below or email us:
ps - as you can tell, we are pretty serious about this effort. If you think this is a joke, please review Willie Nelson's accomplishments on the left sidebar of the page.

Have you recently leaked thousands of secret State Department cables to your website, by any chance?
Good one PD. ;)
"Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep"
Well, not sure if this has anything to do with it or not, but on the news this morning, there was a story about these 2 college students who created a facebook page for an actual person. For her profile picture, they had a picture of a cow, under interests, things like eating. You get the idea. Anyhow, they (FB) received some flak because these people were posting under a persona which was not them. So maybe, since it is a Willie Nelson page, and TW is not Willie or a representative of, then that is why they won't let you do it. So some innocent people will have to pay the price for those who take advantage. I don't know. It may have nothing at all to do with it.
Thanks Sandy.
Yes, it seems like its something like this.
But this is not an official Willie Nelson page or purport to be. And it is OK'd by Willie.
If you look at similar sites for Nobel candidates, they seem to be setup similarly. As in individuals showing support for Michael Jackson, Julian Assanage, etc...
Well it might be interesting to see if any of those sites suffer the same fate.
There are forces out there who don't like what Willie stands for. He smokes pot. He has openly challenged the official version of 9/11 and he is opposed to the ever growing trend of corporate farms. There is a move afoot to control what is on the internet and I'm sure that those who run Facebook are feeling some heat from those forces.
Could be many complaints from Slaughterhouse Sue Wallace of Wyoming and her BLM buddies , they hate Willie for supporting Wild Horses & Burros & cause he fights against horse slaughter. They are ALWAYS up to dirty tricks, lies and spreading disinformation. Willie is on their hit list . Slaughter House Sue, BLM, & the Welfare Cattle Ranchers would be very upset if Willie won the nobel peace prize !
We can still post his pic/request for him to get the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE ALL OVER FACEBOOK !
Dirty Tricks only serve to energize my efforts !
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