CBC Interview With Neil Young and Daniel Lanois

A must see video interview with Neil Young and Daniel Lanois on the show "Q" on the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) by Jian Ghomeshi.
Interviewer Ghomeshi blogs:
"But I think what you'll hear in the UNCUT version of this interview, is Neil Young at his most candid. He is not overly emotive (he never is...) but he is very clear and honest. Some of his reflections on artistry are downright startling ('Don't think. The worst songs I've ever written happen when I think.')
Watch on CBC.ca Video Breakout Player.
And here's an audio recording of the full uncut audio interview: CBC.ca | Q | Neil Young & Daniel Lanois UNCUT Q Interview.
(Thanks Ed B., Brad L., Bill eA, BNB, Forever Young, Mike B, Keith W & everyone else submitting links!)
More on New Neil Young Album Le Noise.
I listened to it "live" and rather enjoyed it. Neil is a tough interview - usually not very engaging and you can often sense he would rather be somewhere else doing something else ... but still this is quite good.
Thank God Shakey is still with us, ya know? Still out there doing his thing. Man, It'd be great to sit down and have a few cold ones with Neil.
Great interview- interesting.
Am I the first anon is a while?
Nice interview, though the journalist is too young, maybe. Neil and Lanois seem relaxed and calm. Neil looked strong for his age.At least for these recordings, Le Noise is the combined product of the collaboration of two artists. Lanois would deserve more credit for this record.I listened to the electric songs on tour and I was not much impressed. On record, all these songs work, thanks to the Lanois sonics. Good!
Andrea."So Tired"
Wow. This is one of the best interviews I've heard with Neil for quite a while. Even when I watch this on the computer, Neil's stare is unnerving. The interviewer did a nice job getting both Neil and Lanois to open up. Interesting fact about the fisherman too. A must view.
Yes, Neil doesn`t make it easy! But he did relax into it after a while and talked very frankly and honestly. I love the fact that he`s now old and strong enough to create more mahem!
Hi Folks!
A very good interview with some tastey thoughts and facts relative to Le Noise. Liked the fisherman's tale as to the origin of that song. Can relate to the reactions of Lanois on the bike accident, had one myself recently, now treading a bit more thoughtfully.
This Le Noise production is excellent and true Neil inspiring stuff. Saw the show before it came out and really like the b/w videos and all from the same source angle really ties it together.
Ol Neil still sits on top the mountain and soars with the eagles on this. As he says. he's stronger now...and it shows
Hi SONY, nice to see you back! Bad news about the bike accident, take it easy.
Yes, the whole `Le Noise` experience has an almost surreal feel to it I think, with Neil in a sort of time capsule soaring through space and time. Lanois` sonics are incredible aren`t they, and the b/w videos add to that feeling and atmosphere. Just mind-blowing.
Thanks Jill, I have been taking it a bit easier. Nothing major, thankfully. Actually a fluke the way it and I went down. Oh well. Still smiling and still riding.
Glad Neil allowed the vibe and feel (and the house!)of Lanois to infiltrate the whole thing there. From 10 accoustic songs to 10 sonic songs. The art of a couple of masters ringing through.
Is that you easy rider?..do you require a doc?
how's it goin' Sony..haven't heard from you since "the rebellion"!
I was wondering where you have been....
out on a desert highway
he falls off a harley davidson
colliding with his facial hair and knees
he's an unknown legend!
..in his own lunchtime! lol
welcome back sony!
So, what do YOU think of all this Le noise?
I tried the doc
he shook me off
said nothun's broke
and began to scoff
I hurt a bit
from my ribs
to my foot
after 8 weeks
back on the hoof
...of my old steel horse
Le Noise is anything but noise! As I said above, This is to me ground breaking stuff. I just really like the thread of sound, visual, settings and theme that runs through the takes and the clips. This partnerhship seems to have inspired Neil to some new areas. Always loved the sound of that hollow body Gretch, The white falcon is the perfect compliment to old black. Just glad it's got that old Neil romp and action. A one (well, two) man wrecking crew. Having done some recording and working with mixing, etc. it is an eye opener to what engineering can do to steer the sound. And in this case, by using just whats already there is VERY cool. Some of the echos, etc. will not sit well with folks, but that's life. I think as a rock and roll DVD production this is excellent. It's the live studio show(case) of the album.
Yeah I agree about the echo echo echo..won't be everyone's cup of tea but I think the songs are strong enough for a Le noise tour!
No rest for the twisted I say!
Be careful of rhyme
we're in a different time
a comment's just fine
but you could be drawin the line!
the wheat after the rebellion
ahh peace! but don't tellanyone!
Rhyme is the reason
That, peace and love
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