Archives Volume #2 Update & NYA Special Release Series

Homegrown - Unreleased Neil Young Album
Some rather hugely significant Neil Young news announced over on N Y Times concerning Archives Volume #2 and the NYA Special Release Series.
The NYA team, headed by Will Mitchell and Hannah Johnson, is digging through material supplied by numerous sources, including newspapers, writers, fans, bootleg audio collectors and photographers (special thanks to photographer/collector Joel Bernstein). Much work has been done and there is much left to do. Using the template designed by the late Larry Johnson, the whole team is pushing forward.
Special thanks to audio engineers John Nowland, Tim Mulligan and the team at Redwood Digital for the unbelievable amount of work that has been accomplished so far. Volume 2 promises even more content than Volume 1, with many unreleased tracks.
Four unreleased albums from this period are being rebuilt and will be available in the NYA Special Release Series. Chrome Dreams, Homegrown and Oceanside-Countryside are the three unreleased studio albums. Also from this period is the unreleased Odeon-Budokan live recording produced by David Briggs and Tim Mulligan.
These albums initially will be released in vinyl from analog masters as they originally were created for that format. So now is the time to get your new phonograph player. The new players, built with today's technology, are exceptionally good.

Vinyl Kills MP3's
While the unreleased Chrome Dreams and Homegrown albums are fairly well documented, the Oceanside-Countryside sounds intriguing. And the unreleased Odeon-Budokan live recording looks to be a particularly fine period of vintage Crazy Horse.
The news also raises some interesting questions regarding investments in vinyl playback technology. Note the news has no mention of Blu-Ray format.
Lastly, no mention of a Time Fades Away re-release. :( Maybe some one should start a petition or something....
Thanks Because Sound Matters!

Chrome Dreams - Unreleased Neil Young Album
1. "Homegrown"
2. "Vacancy"
3. "Homefires"
4. "Try"
5. "Star of Bethlehem"
6. "Little Wing"
7. "The Old Homestead"
8. "Pardon My Heart"
9. "Love Art Blues"
10. "Separate Ways"
11. "Deep Forbidden Lake"
12. "Love is a Rose"
13. "Daughters"
14. "We Don't Smoke It"
15. "White Line"
16. "Give Me Strength"
17. Frozen Man
18. Tie Plate Yodle #3
Chrome Dreams I
Side one
1. "Pocahontas" – 3:24
2. "Will to Love" – 7:11
3. "Star of Bethlehem" – 2:42
4. "Like a Hurricane" – 8:14
5. "Too Far Gone" – 2:41
Side two
1. "Hold Back the Tears" – 5:16
2. "Homegrown" – 2:20
3. "Captain Kennedy" – 2:55
4. "Stringman" – 3:32
5. "Sedan Delivery" – 5:22
6. "Powderfinger" – 3:23
7. "Look Out for My Love" – 4:06
(SOURCE: Wikipedia)
Some food for thought from No Depression - "Archives 2: Let the speculation begin" by Paul Cantin.
Labels: homegrown, neil young archives
The following are bumped comments....
Okay, the vinyl releases of the Archives Vol. 1 and Chrome Dreams were fantastic sound experiences. Music has never sounded so good and alive before.
So I am really happy the Archives team will continue with releasing the NY masterpieces on vinyl. Vinyl is the future!
Because Sound Matters
At 7/25/2010 06:22:00 AM, Anonymous Thos said...
COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is brilliant news!
Well done Neil and team (and please can they come out on CD too...?)
At 7/25/2010 06:24:00 AM, Anonymous Thos said...
I know it's a touchy subject Neil, but we really would love to see Time Fades Away included in this set - we all have it on bootleg and trust me, it's incredible. Would dearly love to hear it remastered and on vinyl, DVD, BluRay etc.
At 7/25/2010 07:22:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...
OMG, did they forget Time Fades Away?
At 7/25/2010 07:24:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...
The point is that the NY Archives team now thinks that vinyl is better than Blu-Ray... am I right or am I wrong?
At 7/25/2010 07:54:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...
NYA Special Release Series...
Yes, we already have the Performance Series and the Original Release Series and for Toast it originally was NYA "Special Edition".
At 7/25/2010 09:30:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...
Great News but very confused. I love vinyl but what happenened to blu-ray as the future. I spent well over a thousand for the Archives Volume 1 and I.m extremly happy with it.Now this. I'm so confused but still thrilled that those fabled albums will be released(what's Oceanside-Countryside)?
Great News but very confused. I love vinyl but what happenened to blu-ray as the future. I spent well over a thousand for the Archives Volume 1 and I.m extremly happy with it.Now this. I'm so confused but still thrilled that those fabled albums will be released(what's Oceanside-Countryside)?
7/25/2010 09:30:00 AM
Blogger andrea1bianco said...
Oceanside-Countryside were the solo recordings before Comes A Time, recorded at The Triad studios, Florida.Reprise advised Neil to add more instruments on it. Lost In Space, Pocahontas were there too.
Andrea."So Tired"
7/25/2010 09:41:00 AM
Blogger Matthew Lintzenich said...
OMG, the legendary Comes-a-Time-Sans-Instrumental-slathering WITH Pocahontas!!!
AAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!! (has a heart attack)
I guess I'm investing in a record player if there's no plans to release these on CD...
7/25/2010 10:20:00 AM
Blogger Matthew Lintzenich said...
So Toast is slated as a 'special edition', Chrome Dreams I, Homegrown and O-C will be available on vinyl and hopefully CD shortly thereafter...
NYA2 is supposed to contain Time Fades Away 2...
But still no word on an official re-release of Time Fades Away 1, which is what we all really want...
Neil, man, come on! I mean, I'm jumping for joy about Oceanside-Countryside, but I'd still love to have a nice CD copy of TFA(1).
ShittyHorse said...
Damn right!WOO-HOOO BRING IT ON! LOVE VINYL- NOTHING IS BETTER! I expect there to be some backlash here but really, what kinda Neil Young fan doesn't have a turntable? (JK) But really, Neil sounds BEST on vinyl. Those first four reissues SOUND PHENOMINAL! Its great to see that Neil can finally release these records as they were meant to be.
I CANT WAIT FOR THESE RECORDS! THANK YOU Archives Guy and Archives Team and NEIL! Cant wait.
PS- hint hint- The Original David Briggs TONIGHTS THE NIGHT! ON VINYL! hint-hint ;)
Thanks for the good news Neil!
You also think vinyl is better, isn't it?
By the way: that Willie Nelson shirt you are wearing on the road is kind of nice but what about a new one for the third leg of this tour? Here's one for you:
This is really great news, especially as I just got myself a nice B&O system. I am sure CD, DVD and Blu-ray versions will follow though.
People... settle down... Time Fades Away isn't forgotten... it's just not an "unreleased album", like the ones listed in the news item. It was released on vinyl...
All in all, exciting news!
CD, DVD and Blu-ray versions will follow when the Archives Vol. 2 will be released?
Released in time for Christmas I hope??????????????
Love that Homegrown cover! Can't wait to have that one in my hands with a 12 inch size.
As someone who jumped head first into Archives Vol 1, i will very, very patiently let the dust settle before putting any cash down on Vol 2.
I bought a Blu-Ray Playstation ($450), i bought Vol 1 Blu Ray ($300), I bought a hi-def TV ($1500)......and I don't play the BluRay version nearly enough to justify the cost. Plus, i had earlier purchased Fillmore and Massey Hall CDs, which i bought again when i bought the Archives.
I can guarantee you I won't plop money down on a turntable, and also buy these new albums.
Does anyone notice a trend here? Neil is packaging - and then re-packaging - these releases in multiple formats to maximize the $$$'s consumers will spend.
Fool me once, shame on you.....fool me twice, shame on me...
I'll wait for these tracks to appear on Napster or some other free site....and enjoy the immensely.
Eat a peach,
A while ago I was thinking about all those release in different formats. From that day I simply call myself a collector. That makes life much easier because a collector really wants to have the whole thing complete. So, no worries anymore about double or triple purchases.
The issue with the vinyl releases is that the whole vinyl industry is getting more professional and takes it to a higher lever. They are capable of making the best pressings on 180 or 200 grams because the people buying vinyl prefer a better sound above the crappy mp3 sound. Quality matters. The quality of the sound of the recent NY releases on vinyl is phenomenal. And... the record players also are getting better. With the best record player you can listen to the most shittiest records from the eighties in full bloom. So yes, I personally think it's a good statement from Neil and the Archives team to release these albums on vinyl first. BecauseSoundMatters
Hmmm, there's definitely a conspiracy goin' on here!...Vinyl is a plastic and plastic is a derivitive of oil!
So Neil is gunna endorse the oil companies?
looks like i'll be goin under the house and salvaging my old pioneer turntable..i knew I get a use out of it again...Can you buy blu ray styluses yet?
just my opinion
I wanna see Trunk Show damn it.
Neil Fans - TIME OUT!!!
If you think Neil is going to release these unreleased albums in ONE format only, think again!
I guarantee he makes these available in a digital format as well.
If you don't want the album format, DO NOT buy it - simply wait for Neil to release it in MP3 format.
No need to pay for these releases two or three times.
I don't necessarily see this message as saying Neil is abandoning Blu-Ray.
"Using the template designed by the late Larry Johnson, the whole team is pushing forward."
The template Larry designed was for Blu-Ray, to create the navigation and interaction of music and visual content.
And the fact that TFA is not specifically mentioned ... the message on NYTimes was about albums which were NEVER officially released. TFA was officially released, just never officially on CD. So while I don't want to make interpreting this simple message into translating the Rosetta Stone, I don't think the message excludes the possibility of Blu-Ray or TFA.
Of course, it's Neil. Anything could happen.
Hmm. I seem to remember an announcement in the spring of 2008 that stated that the Archives would ONLY be released on Blu-ray. People freaked out. Guess how that turned out...
I am an audiophile, but I've never been a huge fan of vinyl, mainly because of the difficulty in playing them and the inevitable degradation of the media. I'll hold out for Blu-ray, myself, but will be happy to own vinyl if there is no other choice.
neil will sell it in multiple formats, i personally guarantee it.
He knows he has plenty of die-hard fans who will buy an album in multiple why not take advantage of their pocketbooks?
Neil would love to make some money off his record sales....he must be tired of touring at this point.
I can't wait for these releases! but i will buy them once, not multiple times....that i am sure of.
I remember last year I posted a comment on here hoping that when Odeon/Budokan was released it would be part of special edition series , as it was set to be released in the 70's. The Blue Notes live album from 87/88 will hopefull fit into the same bracket.
These were both certainties ( in my opinion anyway) for the performance series, now we get two more for the period 73 - 91
As for the format ... everyone needs to take a chill pill. It did say released on vinyl "initially".
I agree I want TRUNK SHOW on dvd
"... So now is the time to get your new phonograph player. The new players, built with today's technology, are exceptionally good."
please elaborate?
see... 'AG' said "play some vinyl today"
(or something like that) so i went to play my old Time Fades Away (w/Poster) & dusted off the old victrola and let's just say she ain't what she used to be/never really was . . . and broke . . .
so players does one like these days and why ?
just askin' - cause I'm also old enough to remember what we absolutely hated about vinyl back in the day and there is that oil thing
old sound man
i am a big vinyl fan, and am glad he is doing this... but... was anybody else bothered by the "Dreaming Man" LP? It should have been a double LP. Each side is about 25-30 mins long, which is far too much. As the sides go own. you can really start to hear the quality deteriorate. The fact that the source is digital is irrelevant to this aspect of it. For somebody like Neil, who typically puts a lot of effort into making his releases sound great, to make such a basic error, was quite surprising (and disappointing) to me.
I personally like the pops and farts you get from old vinyl.
Still play my old TFA copy too but I'm an old cat and really don't mind oil based technology.
Too many have died for us to have it.
I gotta honor that.
As far as the new turntables and other tech that goes with them, you can spend tens of thousands of bucktavos on the new shit.
I'll stick with my old set up...
It's old but it's good....
Like any other primitive would.
Vinyl is the greatest format for music, HANDS DOWN. I bought DREAMIN MAN on vinyl and CD. I love um both but I got to say- the vinyl is way better than the CD, I listen to that LP a lot. Sounds awesome. I have a new player and I listen to old records that are mint and new records that are 180 to 200 gram vinyl. They sound amazing. I did not come up on records- I came up on Cassettes CDs then MP3s. When I first heard a good record on a good player- I was blown away. You will find that music fanatics listen to vinyl. Every real music-head I know owns a record player. Its a great hobbie- you find real TRESURES for a few dollars at a flea market or tag sale. There are two record stores in my town alone, and others around. I have original records from the fifties to today. The Records keep better than CDs, but they require love and care. CDs I have from the 90's, which were cared for, are flaking and don’t play. If you have a record that is cared for and cleaned regularly and played on a good player with a good cartridge and stylus, it will last a lifetime. In the age of convenience we are losing track of the quaint and the quality, not to mention love and passion. Okay, it takes a little work, and you gotta actually FLIP IT OVER (!) but as any addict will tell you, the ritual is like half the fun of it. Everyone wants 5000 songs in their fingertips at their disposal, which is all fine and dandy, but that convenience comes at a price. Most people forgot what music played at home SHOULD sound like. MP3 are God AWEFUL. I challenge anyone to play an MP3 of a song then play the vinyl version of that same song- a clean copy on a decent will hear an enormous difference. I own and MP3 player for work- I get headaches from it and find myself getting sick of the music I love. After an MP3, good ole vinyl sounds like floating on a cloud where every detail, every note and every nuance is heard and enjoyed- smooth and soothing. Even punk rock and metal records sound superb.
I’m speaking from experience here and not trying to sound pretentious or like some music snob, but if you LOVE music, if you enjoy putting something on, sitting down and listening, consider buying a record player. Some are really expensive and some are very reasonable and of good quality. You can also get ANYTHING on vinyl (unless it’s rare of course) all new albums are put out on vinyl now- again.
I think Neil and the archives team had Neil’s first four records premastered, repressed and were blown away by the quality and resonance of new vinyl (again). I think this is a great decision on their part to release these records on vinyl- as they were originally meant to be heard. Neil wants his music to sound like this.
Homegrowns alright with me.
Thank you Neil!
Archives 2! I've been waiting for this for years...Vinyl is well known as the best sonically. CD would be nice also..Mr.Young will be in Milwaukee this coming Friday..Can't Wait RJ
In the UK this year, turntables have been outselling CD players...
I am a bit confused by some of the posts. What has Time Fades Away got to do with unreleased albums like these three?
I just hope TFA is included with Archives Vol II or finally gets a CD release/vinyl re-release...
Speaking of Neil Young Trunk Show, it is showing twice on August 18, 2010 at Jacob Burns Film Center in Pleasantville, New York.
I've got my tickets!!!
Marian M.
After a good night of sleep and sweet chrome dreams I was thinking...
What is going on with the Archives Volume 2?
"Much work has been done using the template designed by the late Larry Johnson".
Which actually means that Vol. 2 will be presented in the same formats as Vol. 1. Blu-Ray, DVD and... CD and Vinyl versions in the Original Release Series.
The difference between Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 is the amount of unreleased material and in this case unreleased albums. These unreleased albums contain a lot of songs that were released later on the "Original Releases" like Rust Never Sleeps and American 'Stars 'n Bars. So, the NY Archives team could decide not to release the unreleased albums and simply put the unreleased songs of these albums on the Vol. 2 Blu-Ray. In this case we save money because we don't have to pay a lot of bucks for Pocahontas about 3 or 4 times.
Since there always has been a lot of debate about Chrome Dreams and Homegrown I think a majority of 'fanatics" prefer the release of these albums in their complete and original form. Therefore we get the unreleased albums on vinyl and they later put the unreleased songs from these albums on the Blu-Ray Volume 2.
The other option is that they give us the analog form now and the digital form later when Volume 2 is finished. In that case we buy the albums twice Once analog and later digital. The complete versions of the unreleased albums will be available in Volume 2. This is already an improvement compared to Massey Hall which I own one time analog and three times digital (plus the free mp3's that I never listen to).
Vinyl Rules!!! BecauseSoundMatters
archives vol 2 from 1973/1980 will have. time fade away vol 1;2 in the box set
We got over the whole "I spent so much money on the archives," blah blah blah like a year ago. Where have you been? And you didn't have to buy the 1,500 dollar TV, and the two previously released live CDs were included FREE OF CHARGE, you didn't pay for them twice.
these unreleased albums better be available on CD OUTSIDE of vol. 2, because I couldn't afford vol. 1 and likely won't be able to afford vol. 2, and I'd certainly love to be able to buy those albums at standard album price instead of bootlegging them from my friends who bought the archives.
This is why Massey Hall and Fillmore were available OUTSIDE of vol 1., I suspect, as well, because then those of us who cannot afford a huge archives package can still get our hands on these releases.
matt, my vol 1 on cd cost 69 dollor at best buy with 8 cd that not to bad.
Zuma, I know the CD version was definitely more in the affordability range - but did your vol. 1 CD package come with Massey Hall and Fillmore? If I recall, those were only included in the DVD and Blu-Ray releases, right? Or am I wrong?
matt, yes massey hall,fillmore was in the cd archives vol 1.
In that case, Zuma, that makes it a bit more palatable - though I do suspect the releases will all be individually available.
I've never been a detractor of any of the boxed sets with regard to price. They're all quite well-priced when you break them down, considering everything you get with them.
My concern is simply being able to get the releases individually.
I love the performance series, and am hoping the rest of those plus the unreleased albums and re-releases all see the light of day individually.
Including TFA1 (though should TFA2 be an archives-only component, I won't complain).
Based on a lot of comments from Archives Guy, I bought the Playstation 3 as my BlueRay player (has built-in wireless, etc.). It IS a great player, but....
it crashed and died 3 months after getting it with minimal use (no worries for me, it was under warrantee but a hassle). Here's the deal on why this happens (a lot, apparently) - Playstation is classified as a toy by the US Gov. and as such, cannot use lead-based solder. The non-lead based solder is susceptable to affects of heat from normal use and soldered connections can become loose. I had to ship the whole unit in for repair and lost all my downloaded info from the Archives I.
Old Black
Okay, for my money, all I want on the Archives 2 is Briggs' version of Tonight's the Night. I'll leave it others to compare/contrast 3 different versions of Pocahantas - give me raw tequila-soaked sincerity every time please, and make it a double.
-Jim in DC (Keep 'em hoppin...)
Crazy Rusties,writing more about the container than the content...
Dear Thrasher , what songs are likely to be on each album? Thanx!
@Chris - updated post with possible track listing
I've only been a Neil fan for about 2 years (more like, aware of Neil, as from the first time I heard Harvest, I was hooked), but I've already built up the entire Neil Young vinyl collection, from the first Buffalo Springfield album to Dreamin' Man and everything in between. News of albums like Homegrown and Chrome Dreams, not only finally being released but ON VINYL just blows my mind. To me it's like the magnitude of being there when something as brilliant as "On the Beach" or "Tonight's the Night" was released, heading to the record store and picking it up, and hearing it for the first time. I really can't wait.
Thanx Thrasher,
What an amazing set of tunes!
I envy people you just discoverd Neil like Jordan S. did and i did when i was 24 (Harvest also, in the jungle of Goa,India where some backpacker had brought cassettes).Now i'm 40 and Neil is still my musical hero even after i heard greats like Harper,Drake and Elliott Smith.
Thanx Mr. Young for so many songs on the soundtrack of my life.
Chris from Québec City.
It's hard to speak about the Homegrown tracklist, because it did never really happen. McDonaugh himself lists too many songs for a single record.We can speak correctly about the Homegrown recordings or the Homegrown sessions. Sure many tracklists were tentative planned.Neil and The Archives team are rebuilding now a possible record.Mazer and Neil added to the aforementioned list Mexico, Kansas and Florida as final tracks.Anyway in 1974 Neil wrote more than 50 songs!Many of these were recorded.Mediterranean, Barefoot Floors were recorded too, though not probably for Homegrown.
Andrea."So Tired"
FINALLY some GOOD news!!Thanks Thrash and thanks NY Post.
Rancho Relaxo
When asked on Rust when we would see these releases, Archives Guy responded,
"works in progress...won't be this year"
glad to read and see the cover of Homegrown...I published that on my book released back in 2006 in Italy..Neil got his copies...countryside and oceanside...they talked about this on Shakey would be interesting hear Ride My Llama with Crazy Horse and the Zuma original track-list ...and hear the ORIGINAL TONIGHT'S THE NIGHT recordings...Neil, AG are you out there???
Will they dare release "So Tired" on NYA2, or, will that have to wait until NYA3? Andrea must be even more tired... :-)
That's cool that Hannah Johnson is continuing her father's work.That is LA's daughter Hannah right?The path continues.
Rancho Relaxo
Yes, she is, and yes, that's pretty cool. It's one big family over there and the Neilfather has to take care of them all. No wonder he's always working, working, working, day in day out. Peace. BSM
It seems we forget very quickly how totally accommodating Neil Young and the Archives team were the first time around. The Archives were available in Blu-Ray, DVD, CD, MP3. We also got a preview Blu-ray if you bought the DVD or the Blu-ray version because Neil & team so stood behind the blu-Ray and wanted everyone to experience it. I suspect that move had more to do with the sheer quality of the blu-ray and excitement they had for the format and product, than the extra hundred bucks the blu-ray set costs.
Also, every disc of Vol. 1 was available individually to you could pick and choose what you wanted should your budget be limited. Someone here suggested the free Mp3 download card and they took that up as well. Also, (BIG THANKS TO THRASHER HERE) Archives Guy was available everyday, before and after its release, for questions about the box set, Blu-ray and DVD players, how to buy it, how to work it and just about every other crazy question or Zany request made, AG did his best to accommodate. (Is AG Will Mitchell??) Oh, lets not forget the tutorial offered on-line as well.
All in all I have never purchased a product where the designers were so helpful, that was SO accommodating, so well stood behind, and SO DAMN GOOD.
What Neil and team put together the first time around was monumental. Their main interest was helping the fans buy it and ENJOY IT as best as possible. They know what they are doing. Trust that EVERYONE will get the music which ever way works best for them.
Once again, 2010 is a GREAT YEAR to be a NEIL YOUNG FAN.
Ben Keith, R.I.P. :(
Here is a tracklisting I found on the web for an Odeon /Budokan Bootleg DVD ...
looks pretty damn fine if its close to this ... but I'll be getting it whatever the tracklist is anyway
Mellow My Mind
Too Far Gone
No One Seems To Know
Country Home
Don’t Cry No Tears
Drive Back
Cowgirl In The Sand
Lotta Love
The Losing End
Tell Me Why
Human Highway
Down By The River
Cortez The Killer
The Old Laughing Lady
You know, sometimes it doesn't pay to be too much of a rustie... All these years, snatching up every bootleg I could get my hands on, "Pushed it Over the Edge", "So Tired", "Hitch Hiker", "Interstate", "Gateway of Love", the multiple variations of the same great songs, always better live (like the Odeon/Budokan bootleg that I play from time to time), the list goes on and on... and always dreaming of the vast vaunted archives that lays out there somewhere, somewhere in the dungeon at the ranch there must be a mother lode of unreleased songs that did not make it to bootleg. Songs that Neil decided were great but would not see the light of day until he was good and ready. What a rude awakening to find out that, in general, the bootlegs ARE the archives (come on, name me a bona-fide rustie who does NOT own a boot of Chrome Dreams? or Trunk Show?). Granted, the sound quality can be made a whole lot better on the official archives, and that might be worth the price of admission. But, to me, it is a bit of a letdown. Let's hear that Briggs' version of Tonight's the Night will be in NYA2 (at least that one doesn't permeate the internet landscape), let's hear about some previously unreleased song that has NOT been on a bootleg (besides "Aurora"). In retrospect, I wish Neil had been more of a control freak than he is accused of being - he could have kept me away from all of these fantastic bootlegs all these years. then, at the release of the archives, I could be a little like Jordan S; instead, I feel like a kid who got up in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve, looked through all the presents under the tree, then went back to bed knowing full well what was in store for me in the morning - then having to fake the sense of surprise. Oh well, at least it will be better quality.
-Jim in DC
Jim, the studio Homegrown recordings are almost all unreleased. Along the years Neil has revealed many songs during his live performances, but many originals (the first, original studio versions) are unreleased yet.Neil has recorded at least a record for year, so you can't imagine hundreds of unreleased tunes, but you can wait for many great,alternate versions.Sometimes our expectations are sick.Anyway, the Shakey book has explored in deep the Archives secrets.So I'm excited as a child about the Archives projects. The first Vol. was really excellent.
Andrea."So Tired"
You're right, I am like a petulant child who wants the biggest birthday cake ever, or nothing. However, there are many great cupcakes out there; and, as you suggest, the various songs on Homegrown that have never been released (e.g., Vacancy), and possibly different versions of the ones that have (e.g., white Line, Deep Forbidden Lake) should be enough to slake my thirst or sate my hunger. As for Archives 1, I remain somewhat disappointed - I thought there was more material, and it would have been better if Neil had not pre-released Fillmore and Massey Hall (those, for me, were the core of NYA1).
Take Care,
And light a candle for Ben.
Jim in DC
these are the songs for Ocean side/Country side (the source is 99% sure but cannot quote it)
Like Goff said, I don't nearly play the Archives enough to justify the PS3, new HDTV and Blu-Ray set. Then again, had I bought the DVD set, the same would have been true, but I would not have forgiven myself for missing out on the BD-live. Anyway, I also own a turntable and many of Neil's classic stuff on second hand vinyl, which, although it sounds very good, I don't nearly play as often as their CD counterpart (not that I have decent equipment anyway). So I'll wait for the CD version of the special release series. Moreover, new vinyl is real damn costly, AND I want to by Vol. 2 on Blu-Ray. Finally, I think it is a good call to release Chrome Dreams and especially Homegrown seperately, as they are complete albums in their own right. Oceanside-Countryside is more like an alternate Comes a Time (or Give to the Wind), right? Or rather a Comes a Time... Naked. Can't wait!
Was it a double record?If this track list confirmed, great information.Anyway, Neil spoke about Pocahontas and Goin' Back too on the Shakey book.Some of those songs were played at the Boarding House just before the Comes A Time release.It seems more a personal compilation than a real recording project.
Andrea."So Tired"
In reply to the comment with Oceanside-Countryside track list:
Don't know who your 99% source is but they aren't even close.
I'm sittin ' here looking at the master tape reels and am pretty sure they tell the true story.
-Archives Guy
In reply to:
"The point is that the NY Archives team now thinks that vinyl is better than Blu-Ray... am I right or am I wrong?"
We have ALWAYS thought that vinyl sounds better than Blu-ray.
-Archives Guy
Thanks AG for stopping those jokes.
Andrea."So Tired"
since i see archives guy floating around here...are we going to be getting the Briggs version of Tonights the Night? any other nuggets you wanna throw our way?? thanks again, as always.
Those of you who think the vinyl version of dreamin man sound better amuse me. Dreamin man was originally recorded digitally at CD quality (that's why it hasn't been released at 96kHz or higher like other archives releases). So if you bought the vinyl version, you just took a cd quality digital recording, and then added all of the negative aspects of vinyl (noise, pops, degradation over time) to it. Hope you enjoy it.
There is some real scientific fact behind the "vinyl is better" concept, but there's also a whole lot of psychology. It sounds better to you because you think it should, for the same reason that people in medical studies frequently get better when given a placebo.
Pretty sure the Homegrown tracklisting is inaccurate, as well.
Okay, Archives Guy, I've seen this list for Oceanside/Countryside, is this in the least bit accurate? Unlike the last post, I have 0% confidence... :-)
Country Side:
The Old Country Waltz
Country Home
The Old Homestead
Hanging on a Limb
White Line
Ocean Side:
Midnight on the Bay
Ocean Girl
Big Waves
Through My Sails
Evening Coconut
Would love to hear what you have to say...
-Jim in DC
Why is it easier to get secret information on the war in Afghanistan than it is to find out what exactly will be on NYA2?
"I'm Living with War every day...."
I know there might be no point in me asking this.But I'm a gonna ask anyway.Pretty sure I read Neil saying something about Rainbow '73 and Atlanta '76 being released.Is this still happening?Included w/Archives vol.2 perhaps?
Rancho Relaxo
I have some comments on the sound of Dreamin' Man on 180g vinyl.
I just listened to my copy, and have no issue with the sound towards the end of either side. To the person who found the sound degraded, is it possible the problem is with your turntable (specifically cartridge) setup?
To the person who claims it was recorded in 'CD quality sound' but provides no source (which amuses me), do you know what unsourced information from an anonymous poster is worth?
I also wonder if you've heard both the vinyl version and the CD version. I have.
Hi Archives Guy - thanks for the good news re Archives 2!! Please can you confirm it will be on Blu Ray again - im playing this set still to death and only invested in blu ray and a PS3 as neil said this was the best format - i get feelings from some comments this format may not get continued in future?
Please set the record straight - and are talking early 2011?? PS Please please please TFA the original and Brigg's TTN.
Stevo I don't think you need worry that they will drop BluRay. It's an increasingly popular format - basically, it can now be considered mainstream - though mainly (obviously) as a carrier of video. And it's obviously the best format for what clearly the best available format for what they're trying to do with the Archives. DVD cannot compete with that: resolution aside, in terms of a lot of the capabilities of BluRay, like menu navigation, DVD is limited. (No disrespect intended to the people who bought the DVD set. It's just that this was primarily a BluRay release, and we all knew that by the time it hit the market.)
Obviously, don't take it from me, this post is just a placeholder until Archives Guy gets back to you. But I think your concerns are unfounded.
Like you, I can't wait for Vol. 2.
Hey Neil' it's simple dude, not all people have bottomless pockets ok, so Archives 2 in ALL formats, forget the 'Because Sound Matters' about 'Because my fans matter' that sounds better huh?
Who made who Neil? Just a thought...oh and archives 2 for Xmas 2010 would put you back on my Xmas card list :)
correctly made vinyl is wonderful, there are some awful "re-pressing" out there as well - this new 180g revival should be incredible
and I'm hoping to replace my dead turntable so especially where the NYPost was saying some of the new ones may be worth considering . . . does anyone have any specific reccomendations?
To anonymous who wanted a source for my statement about how dreamin' man was recorded, I was in fact remembering a comment from right here on thrasher's wheat made by Archives Guy
"There will be no DVD or Blu-ray versions of "Dreamin' Man.
This release is CD, vinyl and iTunes only.
Recorded during our "We Like To Record Digitally" phase, there is no analog master for this record, therefore no Hi Rez transfer for BD or DVD.
For those of you thinking ahead (or back as the case may be) about NYA Vol2...production is in full swing and the content is AWESOME. The sheer volume of unreleased songs in Vol2 is staggering and a joy to listen to.
-Archives Guy
You can find his comment at
Additionally, its well known that Neil whole heartedly embraced digital recording - for a while - before turning against it and proclaiming digital to be crap. Back in 1992 digital recording typically meant dat tape, which was 48kHz 16 bit at most (44.1 khz was far more common, because that is the sample rate of cds, and thus the resulting recording can be transferred to cd directly without additional resampling being required).
I didn't mean to sound quite so much like an ass in my previous post (sorry), but as an audiophile, music lover, musician, and engineer specializing in signal processing, it is a matter of both personal and professional interest to me, and as I said it does amuse me.
- Nate 42
Accoring to this page
archives 2 will be out before the end of 2010 !!! Any truth in that Archives guy?
2010!!! WTF!!! Someone confirm please!!
Can't wait for NYA2. Going to be way better than NYA1 is my gut feeling.
It seems that there was talk about
releasing a Performance Series of Neil & the Horse from Atlanta '76. Is that on hold for now?
Elliot Roberts now says 2012.
Andrea."So Tired"
Isn't it so frustrating how little information we have on this archives box set? As for me I will be buying the archives 2 in DVD format. I don't have a blu ray player and I don't plan on spending money on one just to play the darn Archives vol 2 box set. I bought all 3 live cd/dvds that are included on archives vol. 1 and I've heard the tracks from the first box set. All I care about is the songs, the dvd 24 bit audio and the videos. My record player broke last year, so it will be a while before I get around to buying any vinyl. :(
For me, the cost of buying a blu ray player and spending the extra hundred bucks for the bluray archives volume 2 box set is not worth it.
I would also like to add that instead of plopping down hundreds of dollars for an archives blu ray box set and HD tv, I can spend that money instead on my own music, such as recording sessions and musical equipment. Hey, I got to live my dream just like Neil's living his.
OK bring em on, I'm ready fer em now
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