UPDATE: "It's A Victory for the Heart/Every Time The Music Starts"

Avatar graphic by Brand New Guy on A Gig's A Gig
From Hip Hop artist Russell Simmons, Founder of GlobalGrind.com:
Social media is the new hip hop, the new rock and roll, the new equalizer, giving voice to the previously voiceless, the sound and thunder for social justice, the intimate forum for honest integration, which the new [World] yearns for, even before it becomes a physical reality - it is what the new [World] yearns for, what it aspires to.
Just a quick update on the Thrasher's Wheat server migration or -- as we like to call it -- "It's A Victory for the Heart/Every Time The Music (and blog) Starts".
First, we would like to express our sincerest gratitude here for everyone who has been so supportive during the upgrade. Whether with supportive comments and emails or contributions it has all helped sustain us through this difficult and stressful transition. The support is deeply appreciated and gratifying and will help the blogging being done here on TW in countless ways.
We're very excited about the improvements to the TW Platform and think we're in a good place for the upcoming Neil Young "Twisted Road" Concert Tour.
Second, it does seem that all is now in order and we're about 98% of the way there towards completion. We were deeply worried after something went awry with our archived comments and they failed to appear with their respective posts. The thought of losing all of our great discussion with Archives Guy on NYA Q&A and so much more was nearly devastating. But we managed to get all of the old comments linked back up to their proper posts this evening and breathed another sigh of relief.
So thanks everybody. We couldn't do this without you.
This blog's for you.
Thanks for the graphic go out to Brand New Guy over on A Gig's A Gig!
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