A Full Moon & NYA BD Live #5

There's a full moon risin'
Let's go dancin' in the night
We have a full moon.
Check your Blu-Ray player for latest Neil Young Archives download - BD Live #5 (and #6)!
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pretty interesting downloads,nothing earth-shattering, but appreciated nonetheless.
I'd love to see Neil step up and give us some really cool downloads, stuff that i know is buried in the Archives but for whatever reason he's choosing to keep buried - ie, KQED studio outtakes from 1970.
Really, really cool stuff. You can listen to one of the tracks here: http://hypem.com/artist/Neil+Young
Scroll down to "Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere" KQED.
Whaddya Say Neil?
Johnny Rocket!
I love getting texts on my mobile phone now... Oh the strange looks...
Full moon and a jumping tune, now you don't have to ask.
I've got to hand it to Neil's crew for this one. Not that I don't already have these tracks (although not in HD, I assume they were digitally mastered from a source higher up than the Motown box set CDs), or that the music is all that groundbreaking.
But I'm sure it was no easy thing to get the rights to these from Motown, and I give full props on that count.
Great to see BD-Live back up and running though, no matter what it may be.
agreed, as long as we get 3 - 4 a year, I'll be thrilled... and hope 1 each year is a nugget !!!
Wikipedia lists these as 16bit/96khz. I do not know who provides this info to the wiki. But I think this indicates that Neil doesn't have the master tape or it would have been 24 bit. It's probably just upsampled from the CD it seems. The best source available?
@lone red rider:
I demuxed the files, and I'm almost certain that they are 24bit/96khz, but I could be wrong (I'm at work right now and can't check). It is slightly suspicious that a nice, clean studio recording would not have been mastered at 24/192 if the master source tape were available.
You may have seen that I asked AG on Rust about whether they were sourced from the master tapes or not, and I've received no response on or offlist, so I can't confirm, and AG would certainly be the one to know the answer to this.
It should be mentioned that the penalty for posting a transcode on the internet is losing a nut, so I hope that the Archives Team wouldn't do such a dastardly deed. It's kind of dishonest, and I'm sure the audiophiles among us would have been perfectly satisfied with CD quality or 16/48 files with the explanation that the original masters were not available from Motown.
Also, by my count, this is at least the SIXTH BD-Live offering, not #5.
0 - I Wonder (basement 1965) released along with Archives on June 2.
1 - I Wonder (basement 1965) with NYA Post Informer (7-3-09)
2 - Here We Are In The Years (2009 mix) (7-28-09)
3 - Cinnamon Girl (Fillmore East) (9-15-09)
4 - Mr. Soul (Hollywood Bowl) (10-5-09)
5 - The Rent Is Always Due (11-2-09)
5.5 - Shakey Fanfare Ringtone (11-17-09)
6 & 6b - Mynah Birds Single (2-27-10)
Thanks PD.
I guess I didn't count the BD that came with original June release.
This isn't the only BD live not at 192k, right?....from the file sizes can't we infer that Mr. Soul is also 96k? Perhaps due to the quality of the ancient source tape, it just didn't justify the extra required bandwidth to do them up at 192k. I don't know...
Yes. Mr. Soul is also 96khz.
BTW, I just checked and the Mynah Birds tracks are 24 bit/96 khz.
How come I can't find this update? I put in the BD and it said it was downloading. Now I can't find it.... Am I missing something here?
Disc 1 of the BD-set (that's the Buffalo Springfield stuff) Early Years 2 and then go to the timeline, at 1966 you'll find a blue pin (if your player is connected to the internet) that has the latest download. If you look carefully there is also a digital post-it on the timeline that says Mynah Birds sessions.
By the way, this BD-live caused me to encounter the PS3 Y2K10 bug ;)
Fortunately, my BD-live stuff is all there ;)
Thanks Harm! The roommate had disconnected my PS3 without me knowing. I have it now. Great stuff.
Amazing.. I was on a flight yesterday from sydney to home sweet home and on my last 3 hours of my painful flight I decided to have a stretch at the back by the toilets, as you do..
then comin' out of the darkness was this guy with a t-shirt resembling Neil on his recent 2 year amazing tour.. shocked as I was I could not let this fellow pass me by with out some acknowledgment
" hey, that's Neil right?!"
and of course it was.. so we spent a good hour or so talking about uncle Neil and the joy's he has brought us. We basically both had to admit we love all of Neil's work.. especially 80's Neil. Both proud owners of Archives Bluray we got very excited about the updates we missed being on holiday and we both knew what we were going to do as soon as we got back home. He was reading Scott Young's "Neil & me" and I was reading the Bible "Shakey" neither of us had read each others book so I'll be reading that next and I'm sure he'll be looking up "Shakey". we also touched up on some geek stuff and how behind we both are but that's the joy of Neil's body of work, always finding something new. Not forgetting the force feeding of Neil to our girlfriends He He and how nice it is now they suggest some tracks to play for them. So hopefully I'll see John at the next Neil show.. Thanks John for making my flight home enjoyable :)
I can't get the Shakey Fanfare ringtone to work on my Mac. Anyone else have this problem?
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