Trunk Show Film Screening Dates

Neil Young Trunk Show — a concert film directed by Jonathan Demme, will be screened in the following cities:
Beginning Mar 19:
New York, NY — Sunshine Cinema
Los Angeles, CA — Nuart Theatre
Cambridge, MA — Kendall Square Cinema
Detroit, MI — Maple Art Theatre
Philadelphia, PA — Ritz
Seattle, WA — Landmark Theaters
San Francisco, CA — Landmark Theaters
Berkeley, CA — Landmark Theaters
Chicago, IL — Music Box Theatre
Washington, DC — E Street Cinema
Denver, CO – Chez Artiste
Beginning Mar 26:
Portland, OR – Cinema 21
Minneapolis, MN – Landmark Cinema
Also, Neil Young Trunk Show will be release on both Blu-Ray & DVD later this year, according to Reprise Records.
From » Blog Archive » AFI Fest Review: NEIL YOUNG TRUNK SHOW:
Demme utilizes a variety of camera angles to go along with his disjointed “scene” order. Overall, the performances are filmed up close from either the view of a lucky audience member at the front of the stage or actually on stage with Young and his band. However, Demme also throws up ALL angles up at once giving you the different perspectives of someone watching from the back of the house to the side to the front. I found this to be one of the most interesting parts of the film because, as a frequent concert-goer, it was fascinating to see what the show felt like from the last row to the first.
I am not a huge Neil Young fan and admittedly, it did affect my overall enjoyment of the film. So if you’re not a huge fan, you may want to skip this one. If you love Neil, GET YOUR TICKET NOW. As a fan of all things electric and loud, I did love the guitar riffs he goes off on. It wasn’t until after the screening that I realized the solo for “No Hidden Path” was 20 minutes long. Even as a non-Neil fan, I was sucked in and honestly would have told you that solo was maybe 10 minutes. Having that immersive experience in a theater without being at the show itself really speaks to Young’s showmanship and raw talent.
Also, see Young and Demme Discuss Trunk Show Movie and Trailer for Neil Young Trunk Show Movie.

Photo by Thrasher
Also, see concert review of the 2007 Philadelphia shows at which the film was shot.
The trailer look amazing. I'm relieved to read that this film will be available on Blu Ray. Hope all Neil's films will be released in high def. So far no showings close to my home, but I'll be buying the Blu Ray as soon as it's released.... can't wait!!!!
Though no showings nearby my place either, I recall a secondary release of Heart of Gold a few years back which ended up in town, so just another line on the wait list. Seems 3 years is a looooongggg time between when it was filmed and now being released. Alas, a BD solves the wait problem (depending on relase date). Having been to the show in Buffalo, it's not as higly sought after as other options (ie Toast, ARC 2, album in progress,etc.)
Whoa, How lucky am I...a special screening at the Cronulla Cinema complex in my home town in Sydney!!
I'll be in the front row!,,,
Yeah, right....I wish
doc down under
I just hope the Blu Ray includes a high resolution 2 channel mix as well as a 5.1.
Hey,just watched the promo..
Sony!, whoa...CINNAMON GIRL!! how lucky are we!!..
I am so lookin forward to seeing the camera angles!!
give us also some europe dates, please, but also looking forward to the bluray disc!!!
Hey Doc and all the other Aussie fans.
Just been in touch with Mickey from Inclusive PR re: plans on bringing Trunk show to Australia. He said "Not yet, ...with no plans at this time."
correction: actually, it's playing at coolidge corner cinema in brookline, ma (not kendall sq) and jonathon demme will be there for a Q&A session.
it might also be playing at kendal sq but i don;t think so. correct me if i'm wrong. All I know is I got tickets to coolidge corner and am really looking forward to the movie AND hearing what Demme has to say!
Wow doc.
Cronulla Cinema! I Wish! That would be amazing. It would be good to meet another Neil Tragic around here. Especially one my age (21).
Dave! 21 and a "Neil Tragic"! in 2010...I'm impressed!
What happened to Bloc Party or Empire of the Sun?
Fly the Neil flag with pride my son
no matter how much peer group pressure you're gettin'. lol
P.s. I'm workin' on it! Neil at Northies in 2010!!
The trailer looks pretty cool. I hope the set-up is similar to Heart of Gold, some interviews and backstage footage before (and/or after) the show and not in between songs, like on the last Waltz, that just kills the rhythm of a concert. The camera angles fit the electric set very well. Will get this in BD for sure, I did not buy a ps3 and a HDTV for the archives alone! Too bad we may have to wait for December for a home video release, that's a full 3 years after the actual concert!
Trunk Show w/ Cinnamon Girl - just what the Doc ordered! This will fun, as was the concert.
..this will BE fun!
I saw this movie last month at Lincoln Center (NYC), and am going back for more.
It's showing this Friday at Jacob Burns Center in Pleasantville, NY with Jonathan Demme there for Q & A. If you can get there, you won't be disappointed!!!!
They're also showing Heat of Gold (double feature)!!!
Also, I was there at the Palace for the Sunday night show (December 16) on this tour, and experienced the ultimate.
To be able to have this recorded is a great gift to us!!!!!
This movie is a MASTERPIECE!!!
Thank you, Mr. Demme!!!!!
Marian M.
Sorry for the typo!!!!
It's "Heart of Gold."
Marian M.
@Sigma6: I second that, to me 5.1 (and now 7.1) does not make sense. First of all, resolution is wasted to create extra channels, as the same overall bitrate will have to carry 4 additional channels. Second of all, I only have two ears and when I'm watching a movie (or a concert), what I'm watching is in front of me, so having sounds come up from behind me does not make any sense, not with movies and even less so with music. Nothing beats uncompressed 2-channel PCM, be it at 48, 96 or 192 kHz. Maybe with 3D for movies it will change, but for concerts, never. I mean, initially people where baffled by the need/existence of stereo too and some people still question its merits.
Hey Reprise, what about the vinyl Dreamin' Man????
I was at the actual Philly show this was taped at & can't wait to see it. I think the drunk sitting next to my daughter regrets passing out /falling asleep in his chair but can now watch the movie to see what he missed!
i would prefer a 2-disc pack with the movie on blu-ray disc for playing at home and the soundtrack on audio cd for the road...
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