Archives Open Thread Friday, 6/12/09

NYA Riverboat Disc
Here's today's daily open thread on the Neil Young Archives where you can post thoughts and questions.
Archives Guy seems to be checking in on occasion as time permits. But if you know the answer to folks' questions, please try and help out, to free up AG to focus on newer issues.
Got a report? Drop a comment below. No registration required.
Also, see The Neil Young Archives for FAQ's and tutorials.
Again, feel free to post here your concerns and questions. But also try and resolve through your distributor. If you ordered from WB site, call 866-430-6230.
Another source of good answers to questions is good old fashioned search. There is a search box on right about midway down. If you include "Archives Guy" (with qoute marks) and your question, it might just come up.
And -- as always -- see Everything You've Ever Wanted To Know About The Neil Young Archives But Were Afraid To Ask.

ps - As we mentioned recently, we're dealing with some heavy traffic here @ TW so apologies for slow loads. With the Europe tour and Archives, we have record levels of traffic from around the globe. Quite exciting if you're a data geek, you can watch TW traffic in real time (and always in right bottom sidebar.)
pss - We've just established reciprocal agreements with Amazon Canada and Amazon UK. If you're still looking to order NYA (or anything by Neil, Blu-Ray, etc.) via Amazon, please consider using links on right. Thanks! You'll be helping to support Thrasher's Wheat and keep the servers cool now that hell has frozen over.)
Anything new to report on the 320kbps MP3s? And how those who already downloaded the 256kbps MP3s can get them?
I have a couple of comments/questions for anybody who knows the answer.
Is there any timeling for the release of the first four remastered albums? Will they be CD/DVD packages like Neil's other recent releases or will there be a CD/Bluray option, too? This leads to my next question...
Given Neil's well-known (and welcome) emphasis on sound quality, what possessed him to introduce the new remasters as MP3 purchases??????
Thanks! Now, back to the Archives....
I'm guessing that he didn't want to release the remastered CDs at the same time as the Archives. Why cannibalize his own sales?
FWIW, I bought NYA archives, but I still need MP3s so I can get 'em on the iPod for the gym and the car...
Honestly, I love good audio quality as much as anyone. But allow me to state for the record that those of you who are hung up on the concept of the 320kbps MP3s versus the 256kbps MP3s that are currently available are needlessly stressing out over something that will be barely perceptible in difference. I would challenge just about anyone in the world to pick one from the other in a blindfolded listening test.
Let's be real here: MP3 is convenient, it plays on your computer, it plays in your iPod. But experiencing the Archives based on a set of MP3s is like driving the Indy 500 in a Yugo. You're on the right track, but something's... missing.
So, in my humble opinion, I don't think it matters at all whether they ever release 320kbps versions of the MP3s. If they do, great, huzzah, yay. If not, it'll encourage me to find all the more time listening as it was meant to be heard, in high resolution glory.
Actually, I can't get any of the MP3 files to download. They start to download and get hung up and freeze with "less than a minute left." Anyone else having this problem?
I bought my bd set from one of the local shops in Newcastle Upon Tyne in the UK.
The packaging on the first and last discs is damaged.
I contacted Warner Bros as advised on these pages and the Archives site by email on to request replacements.
The reply was as follows
Dear Customer:
You have reached the Online Customer Service Department for questions regarding internet orders and questions related to the online store.
We are sorry but we are unable to assist you with your request. You will need to return the items to the store where you purchased them for replacements.
You might also try checking our websites FAQ's for more information.
Warner Bros Records Online Customer Support
I can understand why this reply was given but as I live in the country that has little or no copies of the set it is not possible to do this.
Does anyone have contact details for Warner Bros in the UK or advice as to who I should contact please?
By the way the set is phenomenal.
zejt asked Archives Guy for some help with the 80029906 error message on PS BR players. I've been getting that, and a "Video cannot be played, 80029940)" error on half my discs. According to Sony, these usually refer to a failed or failing disc drive and/or blue laser. Ouch!
I tried a system rebuild of the PS, but that didn't help. Then, I noticed that some of my discs have heavy fingerprints and smudge marks on them right out of the sleeve. BR is fairly sensitive to that sort of thing. I've never had trouble with it before, but I've never tried to play such a complex BR discs before either. Not sure how the discs got so smudged (no scratches, though), but a quick cleaning resolved the problem and the discs now play fine. Hopefully, they'll continue to.
Hope this helps.
Mike H. Little Rock, AR
has anyone found the stills/crosby alabama vocal overdubs film clip yet? i'm starting to think it didn't end up on the set.
Robert, I also have the same problem. First and last disk covers are damaged ... the problem is that the box holding them is too small. Design issue!! They obviously had to be forced in by the assemblers. I live in UK, but bought from NY web site so how I would return it to the store I bought it from is beyond me! Also my book is split slightly on front and back seams. And is it just me or is everyone finding that once the book is out of the shrink wrap and returned into its slot its impossible (almost) to get it back out again?
Fabulous joyous wonderful content :-) Its just a pity they screwed up on the box design quality :-(
thanks Mike H. of Little Rock.
I took your advise and cleaned and the disc played fine till I tried the timeline. The PS3 fails to bring up the timeline . All I see is 2 white pins and clicking those freezes the player.
W.B.are shipping a replacement disc.They have responded to all my inquires.
God you guys are right I'll need to grow my fingernails at least another 2 inches to allow me to pull any of the blu ray covers out! How are you meant to get them out WITHOUT damaging the packs!!
On a seperate issue if we in the UK have a problem with a disc and DIDNT buy it from Warners - how do WE get a replacement - Archives Guy can you help me out on this?
Thanks -
Nice work Zak.
To Stevo: Try turning the (open) disc holder box upside down and shaking it - mine came right out.
I bought mine from a UK indy too, and my actual big box is damaged on the ourside (big dent in the corner) and on the inside (the flap top lid is cracked open and very thin on the hinge - scared to open it incase the top of the box comes off!)...
No idea who to contact... The e-mail contact that AG left told me to contact my retailer, but they have no stock left...
Any ideas? I'd hate to think that us in the UK are given second rate customer care, just because of where we live.
YES!!! Came yesterday with a £50 customs charge...
first impressions.. look great, look a bit closer.. having problems with 4 of the discs, the buffalo springfield disc is mis-shaped, and wont read at all!!
binding on book is shit, one side has already come away!! its only been 1 day!!
£230 plus and extra £50 to get it through customs, £300 for a PS3!! its an expensive hobby following neil!! oh well at least the PS3 works, even if neil quality control doesnt!!
Hey Archives Guy what do people in the uk do with faulty discs and book that ordered them from Warners?
stephen UK
I only have one blue pushpin. Are there more yellow? All the other are white
Is the BD-Live working? I've only been able to download I Wonder and that was on the preview disc which I received a few weeks ago.
I got the MP3 downloads straight away. They are at 256kbps and I agree with Zak, only Mr Spock could tell the difference between 256 and 320, so what's the point in moaning about it not being @ 320?
I love the NYA but I must confess that I'm a bit disappointed that the BD-Live (audio) material can't be transferred to a PC/Mac for iTunes etc. Seems to me the BD-Live is fun but a bit of a red herring if I can't transfer the audio to my iPod :-(
Downloading old and recent concerts on BD-Live seems to me a great idea but it's kinda useless if I can't transfer to iTunes.
And I thought the quality of the CD's were great in Volume I. Then I got to my DVD's! WOW! Looking forward to someday getting to the Blu-ray set.
I appreciated UKStevo1971's comment on "my precious." I refer to my DVD set as "Baby Pet," and I usually pat it as I go by my book/music case on my way to the kitchen.
It's a dream come true to be able to fall asleep/awaken to this music. There's an incredible intimacy in having someone's voice singing in your ear.
I'm so glad I decided to purchase the CD set in addition to my DVD set.
I find myself listening to Disc 0...a lot! What early treasures are on this disc!!!!!
And yet, the CD's only begin to tell the story, so I'm thankful for my DVD set. Grateful to have the weekend to really "plow."
The book is also a masterpiece!!!!
It truly is all about the music, and I'm one happy person!!!!
Thanks again Neil and Archives Team (and Thrasher, too)!!! I sure love you guys!!!!
Marian M.
My problems have started now too! My Disc 1 also is somewhat bent - I guess from the discs being so crammed in the damn box! It doesnt register to play - AG who do i call if i have a problem my reailer has run out of stock - can WB help me.
TO ALL THOSE HAVING PROBLEMS WITH TAKING DISCS OUT - ETC - DAMAGED SLEEVES. what i have done now is take JTTP and Disc0 and put them in the NY stash box - that way they stay safe and I can get the other 10 out with ease - just wish for the money the box had been better planned - volume 2 i guess huh?
Got my Blu-Ray copy from Amazon US this morning ($238 plus $9 for expedited shipping). It took the Archives barely 5 days to hit Spain. Luckily, the set slipped by customs and I was charged no taxes and fees.
The Blu-Ray plays fine on my 6 year old computer using a MATSHITA BD-CMB UJ-120 Blu-Ray player. It's a slim USB player which you can get for $70 or even less.
Tried PowerDVD 9 -using the latest patch- with no success. I'm told that the disc is not valid or something along those lines.
TotalMedia Theater 3 seems to run fine, but the mouse is disabled.
A free proggie which might work is Media Player Classic (the Home Cinema version). I don't think it handles BD-Live, but the main interface seems to work.
ZoomPlayer might work as well, but I need to tweak the settings a bit before I can confirm this.
Archives Guy, if you're reading this, you might want to get in touch with me. Let's say I found a "hole" in the Blu-Ray set. My email is cirerita at hotmail dot com
I am getting very impatient for new BD-Live Downloads!!! Archives Guy teased us last week and now I'm watching the kettle... Boo. Soon I hope. Soon.
Once and for all:
If I get BD or DVD can I or can I not get Mp3 access to download the music into my Ipod? So many mixed and confusing reports...
Absolutely, I can attest that the Blue Ray version comes with a card that allows for a complete download to mp3 and then onto the ipod ... i did it and it worked well ... i downloaded it disc by disc as AG suggested and it went off without glitches ... I cannot personally attest to the DVD set but AG said it would also come with a 'free' download of the archives material. The only thing you cannot download is the 'hidden tracks / eggs' and the JTTP which is a movie.
Regarding packaging design:
I've heard a lot of complaints, but I have had absolutely no problems at all with my packaging. The disc cases were in the box tight when it arrived, but holding it upside down with a quick shake loosened them sufficiently to pull out the first time, and then I followed another poster's advice to put them back in with half of the spines facing inward so they all fit better.
My stash box slid out smoothly, all of the discs have come in and out of their cases smoothly, no glue issues, the book doesn't even smell too bad. I guess I just got lucky.
BTW, I love how the large box, and the small box lids all have little magnetic things to keep them closed. A small thing but it shows care for quality on the design side.
Thanks Marian for the kind words.
See you down the road on the rail!
Kind of off-topic, AG, but I was wondering....
Is there a new Buffalo Springfield box in the works?
I keep getting this message when I try to download the MP3s. "You have reached the download limit for this file. Please contact the site administrator if this message has been received in error."Phone support says they can't help me. AG, what should I do?
Archives Guy,
Why is Sea of Madness edited? It is shorter than the version on the Woodstock original vinyl - missing the first time they go into the bridge (All I need is your sweet sweet lovin ..." On the LP verison they go into the bridge after the first verse. BEFORE the second verse (I stood at the crossroads etc).
Any onfo? was a wrong master used on the woodstock transfer to CD? neil decided three bridges was too many? No idea?
80029906 error message:
Our smart guys have told me that this is a player error message and can indicate a dying BD drive or laser in the player.
The message- Video cannot be played, 80029940
is again a player error. There have been reports that turning off the HDMI 'super white' range setting fixed it
For clarity, the player's in question are PS3 not PS2, right?
no on the BS box set
we're moving on to the 70's.
Sam on the the stills/crosby alabama vocal overdubs film clip.
I think you are only going to find that in the Archives trailer. It is an out take from JTTP.
When I heard Sea of Madness from did sound edited to me. I guess it's not only me....
Yes brand new PS3. I'll try you're suggestion Archives guy after I finish getting off on Topanga 1. thanks.
Release of BD-Lives comes from direct orders from the top. While a bunch are ready, the launch button hasn't been pushed.
Currently, "I Wonder" is the only download that is available.
Society has become very impatient as a whole and demands instant gratification, instantly.
It is more Zen to allow things to come to you, rather than to push.
Sea Of Madness question-
no idea.
Today will be the last f these daily ARCHIVES OPEN THREADS here on Thrashers Wheat.
Thrasher has been very generous in hosting all of this at his own time and expense....and deserves a huge thank you from the community.
Help him out in any way you can.
I'll still poke around avery now and then to answer questions as they come up, but it's time for everyone to move on.
The new MP3 thing will be happening over the weekend and there will be a program for those want to upgrade from the 256 kbps files to "that ever so much better 320 kbps files".
Those with incomplete downloads will also be taken care of.
In the new download, the disc numbering has been corrected and file names have been fixed to avoid the issues with WinZip and such.
When the download is announced, I suggest that you don't all rush in there like Walmart customers the day after Thanksgiving.
If I was you, I'd download in some off hour when the server load is lighter.
Also, try downloading a disc at a time. Instead of relying on your connection to be stable for an hour, do it in 10 minute chunks.
more info for you soon.
-Archives Guy
Hey Archives Guy,
The individual Blu Ray disc are starting to leave a whole different impression on my mind. I'm really digging the order of the discs and their song order. It hit me right away on North Country. Love the selections with this chronology set up.
Back to Topanga
Far out.
thanks Thrasher and Archives Guy for your support
I got my DVD version of the archives when they came out last Tuesday. I have so far only managed to get through the first 2 discs. I've accessing it through the archives filing cabinet so I don't miss any of the extra stuff. I am 24 and have been a Neil Young fan since I was about 13 or 14. I know the history of the archives (the waiting) and I must say that so far it was worth the wait. The time this must have taken to put together whilst, recording albums, touring and ill health in the last few years is a great achievement. I live in the North East of scotland and I am now counting down the days untill I go and see Neil in aberdeen. This will be my 6th time seeing Neil. If he manages do give us a show half as good as the one I saw in Edinburgh on the last continental tour then we are all in for a treat.
For thos einterested in the whole MP3 thing. If you want to have audio tracks from the archives without downloading MP3s you can download a programme called audacity which will record via your soundcard as you play the DVD. The downside to this is that it has to be done in real time and you have to either do 1 track at a time or go back and edit once the whole disc has been recorded.
This is something I have done for the Silver and Gold and the Heart of Gold DVD's. The tracks can then be burned as wav files to CD or converted to MP3 for your portable players.
I can only imagine how much time Thrasher has spent keeping these threads as clean and orderly as possible. I hope he is rewarded properly (not that it's any of my business)!
A standing ovation for Archives Guy and Thrasher for all the info, one on one, time, effort and general "putting up with us all" attitude.
Thanks so much for what has been unprecedented access to an Artist and the Crew involved in this, the first of it's kind! Here's to not simply going thru Volume 1 but what is to come...Loving it all !
Hoping for my Delivery next week...and finally seeing the release of those "Gems" I got a sneak peek at!! :o)
You have the patience of a saint (albeit a Patron-swilling one). Thanks for all the help, and to the whole team for a great Vol. 1 - let's do this again in a year or two.
p.s. - Go Wings!
Just realized - I guess your tequila habit makes you a Patron saint!
I keep getting this message when I try to download the MP3s. "You have reached the download limit for this file. Please contact the site administrator if this message has been received in error."Phone support says they can't help me. AG, what should I do?
Since no one, including the Warner "help" line seems willing to help, I'll just head over to Pirate Bay to download the stuff.
Sad customer service at Warner.
It's a High Holy Holiday....Game 7 Stanley Cup Final.
At this very moment for several hour there is something MUCH more important than the Archives.
The Cup IS in the house.
wishing for Pen 3-2 in OT....but knowing the odds.
-Hockey Guy
Love the Blue Ray Archives.. have no compared MP3 to Optical blue ray to 192 through analog.. absolute easy to hear difference between each.. wow... Amazing.. thanks Neil and team....
AG, you've answered several of my questions (posted as Anon and then Jammincrowe)... thanks so much for making this experience even more enjoyable.... You've been great.. don't be a complete stranger...
Hope you are enjoying Game 7...
I started reading Shakey after I worked my way through Blu-ray's 0 and 1. If I found the Archives immersive before now the feeling has increased several fold. In the early part of the book there is mention of many of the early tracks. Is this the first time these songs have been available? Awesome to read about them and then give them a good listen.
I can't rave enough about the Blu ray set. I have never heard digital music sound this analog before. That's the only way I know how to put it. I have gone from being an admirer of Neil Young to a full fledged fan.
"Today will be the last of these daily ARCHIVES OPEN THREADS here on Thrashers Wheat."
Archives Guy, thank you for dealing with months of questions. You did a great job, and I'm sure a lot of extra sets have been sold after people were able to find out about it here. You put up with a lot of shit too, more than anyone should have to accept.
Penguins win the Stanley Cup!!!!
Neil Young Archives V1 are released!!!
Mercury comes out of retrograde in 2 days!!!
Summer is upon us.
What a great time to be alive.
-Archives Guy
Off he goes, on his trusty steed,
Riding off into the horizon
Off...into the sunset...
Who was that stranger?
OOOHHHHH....Thaaannnk yoooou Archives Guy!.....Thank YOU!!
Archives Guy, not sure if you have come across this. I have a Full HD Plasma TV that can accept a 1080p signal. When I turn on the PS3 (with the latest firmware) the TV details that it is receiving a 1080p signal, however as soon as I start one of the NYA's discs (I have the Blu Ray edition) the TV details that it is receiving a 1080i signal, quite strange. Any ideas?
the Sea of Madness question, it says in the tapes database that the version used in the Archives is a "JN Remix." I'm not quite sure who "JN" is, but when he remixed it, he probably took out the first bridge. I don't mind it; I always thought 3 bridges was a bit much, myself.
John Nowland?
I live in the uk and placed my pre order on on 30th of may, amazon's stated release date was the 8th of june, a week after the official release date. I was informed from amazon that there was then stock problems and now it is still currently stated as "tempererily out of stock". Did actually ever have the item in stock? has anybody recieved there Archives from yet???
I'm still yet to hear anything from amazon. But from what i can gather they are waiting for their distributor who are in turn waiting for the manufacturer.
With the problems i've heard of concerning missing items, glue issues, duplicate discs etc (and now smudge marks) can it be fair to assume that the manufacturer has any current stock on hold to double check contents, ensure quality is maintained & up to the required standard or is this simply a case of the initial supply simply not meeting the demand.
Any info would be great. thanks
Cancel your Amazon UK order and order from Amazon US. They have it in stock. It will cost around the £175.00 mark and then potentially £40.00 to £50.00 more if the Post Office apply customs duty, but that doesn't always happen. I order lots of stuff from the US and customs is a lottery on occasions.
More money but you will have the set mid July at the outside, normally standard shipping is a fortnight, though you could go expedited to speed it up or Priority International courier where the import duty is paid up front and you will have by next Friday. On the current exchange rate you're looking at £235.00.
Good luck.
It's only cost me £170 including 1st class pastage on my current order from amazon UK, i'm not gonna cancel and pay an extra £65 to get it mid july? i'm sure i'll get it sooner if i just wait for amazon uk. Are you a UK customer?? Has anybody in the UK recieved "Archives" ordering from amazon uk yet? has this been a common problem elsewhere (other country's/other on-line retailers?). It's really frustrating, i've been waiting for this since I was 18!! & 15 years later to come so close and have to wait just that little bit longer is killing me.
Happy as hell - spent 4 hours today on disc 0 - bought a ps3 online and blu ray set at HMV in Bristol £199.99 - no glue, book and discs fine!!! Its amazing I could spend my life on this - its just god gotta play mustang again - anyone who bought DVD or CD - god you are missing out - a new download due soon with 5 parts i hear!!!!
Yes I'm a UK customer. After Amazon Uk let me down on Tuesday I bought a copy in Newcastle Upon Tyne from Reflex simply because the projected receipt date is unknown. I then ordered up another copy for a friend from Amazon US which has shipped. Yes it's more than expected but it's on the way.
Has anyone in the UK that ordered from recieved their set yet?
Sigma6, the video is encoded as 1080i. has a review and mentions that fact. This probably means that Neil's team shot the video with "prosumer" equipment or otherwise couldn't quite justify spending money for 1080p camera gear. Oh well. The video still looks dandy. :)
Archives Guy said:
"Sam on the the stills/crosby alabama vocal overdubs film clip.
I think you are only going to find that in the Archives trailer. It is an out take from JTTP."
Then what's it doing in the trailer? Why go to the trouble of putting something in a trailer (advertisment) for a product you're trying to flog when you know full well it's not even on there? Nice one.
I haven't bought the package yet - still deciding on whether the DVD version is worth getting (I don't have BluRay yet).
I purchased one song from the iTunes store, "The Ballad of Peggy Grover".
I heard something odd on the track - there's a skip or some other problem at around 0:44. I'd like to know if this is a fault in the AAC file I downloaded from the iTunes store or is it also on the CD/DVD/BluRay.
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