Archives Open Thread Monday, 6/8/09

Here's today's daily open thread on the Neil Young Archives where you can post thoughts and questions.
Archives Guy seems to be checking in on occasion as time permits. But if you know the answer to folks' questions, please try and help out, to free up AG to focus on newer issues.
Got a report? Drop a comment below.
Another source of good answers to question is good old fashioned search. There is a search box on right about midway down. If you include "Archives Guy" (with qoute marks) and your question, it might just come up.
And -- as always -- see Everything You've Ever Wanted To Know About The Neil Young Archives But Were Afraid To Ask.

ps - As we mentioned recently, we're dealing with some heavy traffic here @ TW so apologies for slow loads. With the Europe tour and Archives, we have record levels of traffic from around the globe. Quite exciting if you're a data geek, you can watch TW traffic in real time (and always in right bottom sidebar.)
Just a friendly reminder regarding Archives questions.
It seems that temperatures are starting to drop after a hectic first few days since release. As mentioned above, there is a lot of info out there about all types of NYA questions and issues.
Please follow the above sources as a first step.
With that said, feel free to air your thoughts here. Try and be cool and patient and relax and breathe deep.
Lastly, we know there are tons of positive stories out there. But they're too busy enjoying NYA to post. But let us know if you come up for air something positive.
Otherwise, don't let it bring you down, it's only the NYA working out the kinks.
Smile on your brother.
peace & love,
Well, here's what's up in Canada so far...
After some Bank issues (they blocked the first order..??) so had to go thru that again. That was on 21/05 so like starting over I guess.
In the meantime I had received the Preview Disc...still love it!
Then with the re-order they send another Preview Disc after me trying to get that stopped...nope, sent anyway...that was 22/05 but "In Process" changed to "Shipped" 26/05.
That got here this Morning.
So with that in mind the Archives "Shipped" 01/06...that means, the Week of June 15th?
The wait continues "Back in Canada".
Archives Guy, I asked you a week or so ago if the set is limited edition, and you said no. I got an email today from Music Direct that says they have limited quantities available and that it will not be re-pressed (which also agrees with what an indie store owner told me his WEA distributor told him). So, is the set limited or now? I need to know if I have to go hungry and buy it now or can I keep waiting for a few months?
Anyone have success with the Pioneer BDP-120 and the Archives?
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to clear the glue on some of the discs?
Hi there.
A previous post said that they are expecting archives ordered from warners to take 2 weeks to get to canada its only up the road!Looks like a long wait for us in the uk and europe who ordered from WB i wonder if they've even left states yet.Does anyone know if import duty has to be paid on blu ray set into uk? aint got no archives got mashed potato
What is the hangup with the MP3s? Hsve the Blu-Ray set, am loving it, but now I want to work out to NYA with my iPod, and I can't!
What is so complicated here? ITunes is selling downloads of the whole set; why not just work out something with them?
One thing's for sure--the NYA server is going to get crushed when everyone tries to download the MPs at the same time. How will they prevent that from happening?
Love Neil and love the Archives, but for $280 I shouldn't have to check a site daily to complete the purchase.
Sorry to hear LIVE RUST.
I hope you're wrong. Last week I was just hoping it would come. Today I am expecting it to be here.
... still nothing. I can't take this shit anymore.
I sent a package about 3 times the size, from T.O. to California for $45 bucks CDN via UPS and it took 2 days..
And for $30 US I still don't have this set.
For less money I could send my own courier to pick it up from Warners, and get it back here in less than a week.
I still don't know why they couldn't just ship from Warners Canada in the first place.
Found the Music Scene rap but where is the video?
I know there has been chat to assemble a Wiki page to reveal hidden info & easter eggs. Has it been started, yet and where?
Ready for disc 03!
Thrasher, Lets start an ongoing thread here where we can post easter eggs etc. and share.
That way it's all in one spot. And if we don't want spoilers we don't have to look.
I just confirmed with my brother that he can order the blue ray set in for me AT COST!!!
So what was going to cost me $315 on is now only going to cost me around $150.
I couldn't be happier and I can't wait for it to arrive.
I'm also in Canada, but the Archives arrived today. Considering how big both the US and Canada are Im glad it only took a week to get here. I've spent the last six hours going through everything, and im of course not even close to halfway done. So far of all the videos I liked Neil's "Fuck the audience" video. It reminded me of when I saw him in April a guy near me was yelling "Rockin in the Free World!" as Neil came by. Neil just gave the guy a "fuck you" type of look and didnt play that song. I loved that. I love the sound quality on these blu rays. For the live albums it sounds as if Neil is right in the room with me, well worth the price. I did buy Massey Hall and the Fillmore East CDs and will now part with them. I'm going to give them to a friend now that I have the blu rays and will soon have the MP3s.
I just realized last night I can navigate from song folder to song folder using the arrows beside the "back" button on the lower left of each folder.. small but SIGNIFICANT interface goodie!
This set just keeps on GIVING! Fave cut so far: "Bad Fog Of Loneliness". Sweetness.
Hey Anon from Canada.
Where in Canada do you live?
Was it shipped from
And did you have standard shipping?
Just got my Blu-ray archives set from Amazon........ and 2 of the corners of the box are crushed !
Poor job of packing Amazon ! Now I have to ship it back and wait all over again......
Hello fellow rusties, here in the UK it still a waiting game!! no idea when it will arrive, what state it will be in, will we have to pay import tax? nothing!!
i ordered off the site in march, had preview disc, but waiting for the holy grail!! it should have been a worldwide release on the same day!! i now wish i'd ordered from amazon uk, its cheaper and i would of had it today!
i cant take anymore!!!!
I'm developing an Archives page which will detail every disk and every feature, including the location of the eggs. It won't be on Wiki or on any established site. But it will be out there. Look for the first part in about 2 weeks....I'll report when ready..and will probably send it out to a select few for proofing before going live....
I am also authoring a "History of the Archives" page. Purely Web1.0 stuff as what my capabilities are limited to...
Well since I was suffering from a pretty big case of insomnia and boredom last night, I decided to create my own fantasy track listing for the next volume of the Archives. I tried to stick with the original vision of the Archives (mixing released and unreleased material), added 12 hidden tracks, and stayed within 10 discs (although my track total is 139 instead of 116). Anyway, after an hour or so of tinkering, I came up with a version I really like, so I posted it on the rust list to get some feedback. Anywho, here it is:
Ya, I'm just saying, it might be more fun finding the easter eggs on your own. Most are really pretty easy to find, I think. Before you start Googling or forming a wiki and so on, why not just take your time and browse around and have fun while listening to the wonderful music?
I'm just saying. ;)
Hi guys!
Been drinking tequila (my passion -- after NY!)and hunting for Easter Eggs. Found a few cool ones!
Hey, If you are into gourmet tequila and want to watch me review and drink on a vid-stream go here:
and lemme know what you Think! -- Now back to the Archives..
To the other Canadian Anon.
I am in Timmins, Ontario. Which is pretty much as far north as you can get in Ontario, (not counting the forest) so if they can get it here this fast im sure it should be in all major cities at least. Yes I did order from and used standard shipping. I also only had to order once, I dont know if that made a difference though.
Pretty cool story about The Squires and the now-legendary 45 single produced by Bob Bradburn
OK, I just ran across my first (and hopefully last) issues with the Bluray set. I'm using a PS3 with the most updated firmware. All are on disc 1 (the Buffalo Springfield disc):
Track 1 - Flying on the Ground is Wrong - the Dick Clark interview video will not play.
Track 6 Mr Soul - the Hollywood Palace video will not play.
Track 13 The "I didn't have much to do with this" audio track skips.
anyone else with a PS3 notice these problems?
I spoke to a rep at WEA and she said they'd send out a replacement disc, but I dunno, the problems seem like more of a programming/compatibility issue than a pressing error on my disc.
I've got a real problem with the glue on some of my discs on the CD version. Should I try and get a replacement or are there ways to sort this out? I'm sure i've seen a few other people mention this same query - has anyone managed to resolv it?
MP3 downloads are up and running.
How come I didnt get that artwork featured on the Website? I hear at least one dude did. Did anyone else?
Here is the link for mp3's...
Dave in Newfoundland
This is more precise...
Sorry I messed up the link...
Got my MP3s now. Downloaded with ease. I swear, I'll only keep them around for emergencies. The 24-bit, 96kHz audio on the DVD set is too amazing to compare with the ultra data compressed digital trash of MP3 files. Anyway, go get them. They're ready for you if you want them.
As reported, the MP3 download has gone live in the past hour.
We expect the servers to be very busy in the next few hours, so plan your downloads accordingly.
I have done the download as one batch and also and individual discs. As a suggestion to help your bandwidth and enjoyment, try downloading them a disc at a time. After yo have one disc, you can listen to it while grabbing the next one.
On a standard "household level" DSL downloading takes a little under an hour.
To save a bunch of questions, these are 320kbps files and the track listing is the same as the Archives V1 CD edition.
There will not be MP3 downloads of the hidden tracks on the DVD and BD editions. BD-Live music downloads will not be offered as MP3 files, not now or in the future.
I suggest that you do some listening tests on good soundng speakers and compare the quality of the 24 bit 192kHz archives tracks against these MP3 files.
-Archives Guy
You can't mix PATRON with the Archives.....
You just can't.
yes....I swear I've never heard better sounding digital then on the archives. It's unreal. Thanks Archives Guy, Neil, and Download Team.
Any word on the sales of the archives? Are they right on target or doing better than expected?
To 9:10 PM Anon. Here is some help re: GLUE, originally posted last Wed. It's easily fixed. You don't need to send the disc back.
This is for the READABLE side of the disc. For the print side, I suggest just scraping it off (lightly). CHEERS!
For GLUE issues:
Removing glue from CDs is simple and easy. If a klutz like me can do this, you can too.
Get a little isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) and a non-abrasive cloth. (Toilet paper is okay but do NOT use a paper towel.) Wet the cloth with the alcohol and rub the spot GENTLY, circular motion. In about 30 second the glue will come right off.
I did this to the 3 CDs that had a bit of glue. Glue is now gone and they play fine.
-- David
OK, I just ran across my first (and hopefully last) issues with the Bluray set. I'm using a PS3 with the most updated firmware. All are on disc 1 (the Buffalo Springfield disc):
Track 1 - Flying on the Ground is Wrong - the Dick Clark interview video will not play.
Track 6 Mr Soul - the Hollywood Palace video will not play.
Track 13 The "I didn't have much to do with this" audio track skips.
anyone else with a PS3 notice these problems?
Archives Guy;
Why wasn't the Jenice Heo "Harvest" oil painting print included in all sets of the Archives?
Its a great interesting piece of art. I'd like to get prints of her whole Neil series. Great stuff.
Her and Mr Gary Burden (legend in his own right) always do a great job with design.
I picked mine up @ Borders for free; since it was not included in my Blu-ray box set from
I'd like to pick another up for my father for father's day, Borders would not give me another.
Anyway you could help me out?
Portage & Main:
Recent experiments and test dispute your statement. :-)
For Volume2 it is in fact highly suggested.
Sh*#tty Horse-
MUCH better than expected.
Disc 1 issues on PS3:
I'll check it out and get back to you.
Glue issues:
Call customer service and get replacements.
You shouldn't have to be cleaning glue off your CDs.
A quick shout out to Timmons, ON
Any town that gives the world Frank & Pete Mahovlich, Walter Tkaczuk, and Shania Twain can't be bad.
Portage & Main:
Patron doesn't go with ANYTHING! Horribly over-priced WATER is what it is!
Check out my "Tequila-Fight" videos & reviews here:
Mebbe I'll do a vid review while the Archives are blasting away in the background!
Downloading the WHOLE ARCHIVE right now! YEAH! Time to pop another cork on some Casa Noble single barrel repo!
Whoo Hoo!
Clearly Lippy is a "high resolution" tequila guy, 'cause many of us enjoy Patron (the MP3 of agave). :-)
AG- How often can we expect the Archives Insider Post to be updated online? (I know BD Live will send notifications)
Is it possible to save these AIP's as additional content for the BR Archives?
And if I could be so bold, when's the next BD-Live d/l scheduled to be released? I'll have to say you whetted my appetite by saying it was one of your favorites, so naturally we're all curious...
Awesome Archives Guy! So, are you saying Vol 2 is in fact in the works as we speak...please have some TTN Live shows! as much Rusty Kershaw as possible! WOOOHOOO
The best thing for TTN and On The Beach is is Cuervo Gold and a Honey slide!
Ag: today all the stuff on disc 1 that wasn't working for me yesterday is fine. Very strange.
Anyway, thanks so much for all your hard work & you should be very proud of this product. Hopefully more artists will use the Archives model as a template for their own catalogs.
FYI: The mp3s are 256 kbps not 320.
First, thanks to everybody involved with the Archives. I'm having an absolute ball exploring the Blu Ray.
Slight glitch with my mp3 download, though: I'm missing two tracks. These did not show up in the zipped folders I downloaded:
Disc 1 track 4, "What Did You Do To My Life?"
Disc 7 track 10, "Are You Ready for the Country?"
When I clicked on the questions/technical support page after discovering this, I got the following message:
"Access denied
You are not authorized to access this page." (Since the actual downloads just went live three hours ago, that's understandable.)
Any help Archives Guy can give as time permits would be appreciated. Thanks!
I was able to play the Dick Clark interview and other items listed as problematic on my blu-ray disk just fine. I have PS3 firmware 2.76.
AG: Am I supposed to be able to see the Neil Informer articles on my PS3? Can't find a link to them anywhere in my kit...
At least the MP3s are 320k. Still, that's only as good as flushing the toilet a couple times before drinking out of it. You can tell Neil I said that too, he'll understand.
Slight glitch with my mp3 download, though: I'm missing two tracks. These did not show up in the zipped folders I downloaded:
Disc 1 track 4, "What Did You Do To My Life?"
Disc 7 track 10, "Are You Ready for the Country?"
I'm missing these as well.
What a joke this is--good thing the discs themselves are so good.
not 320... they're 256 and 44.1 khz
Shi++y horse -
Maybe Archives 2 can come with a jar of honey slides in the stash box?
I'm sure the recipe will be included in at least one of the discs.
yes, 256 indeed. No Flush! missing two tracks out here too. so how's this going to work?
It looks like the downloads page is down again. It'd be nice if the crew there would just stop worrying about deadlines, take their time, and really make sure everything is right before going online.
thats what we're for...quality control. Mp3s suck throw them away! seriously dl them for posterity and then put my DVD back on cause it breathes.
Actually, Re: my 12:03 am comment
--False alarm. Sorry about that. For some reason, Safari was taking me to the page. Luckily I have two browsers on this thing (which is why I am able to ne here, typing this apology right now now)-- Firefox took me straight there! Currently downloading.
So, sorry again--false alarm--my fault Sorry...
Archives Guy - I'm missing the same two tracks as listed by others above. Let us know how/when this is resolved, thanks!
Finished downloading, dragged the files into my itunes, and I'm all set to go! I haven't actually played anything back yet, but all the titles appear to be present and correct, contrary to the problems others have had.
D.I. Kertis - do you have all 125 tracks including "What did You do to my Life?" and "Are you Ready for the Country?"
My MP3 files also unexpectedly came in as 256 kbps.
No missing files for me.
> Slight glitch with my mp3 download, though: I'm missing two tracks. These did not show up in the zipped folders I downloaded:
> Disc 1 track 4, "What Did You Do To My Life?"
> Disc 7 track 10, "Are You Ready for the Country?"
Both have a question mark in the name, could it be that whatever unzipper you are using has not recreated them due to that?
I saw the same "?" issue on those MP3 tracks, so I switched over to WinRar which automatically renamed the offending files.
Hmmmm... both "What Have You Done to My Life" and "Are You Ready For the Country" MP3s work for me
Disc 1 track 4, and Disc 7 track 10 are missing for me too.
They don't show in the downloaded zip file. I downloaded the whole collection btw, not an album at a time...
Any ideas how to fix this?
OK - fixed it.
Downloaded WinRar as a previous post mentioned, and that sees the missing files that Winzip doesn't. They have question marks after the file names, and the program changes the name by adding an underscore at the end of the file name. Just change the name back to what you want, and add them to your folder for importing...
Files not coming in at 320 ...
I keep having issues with the downloads. Five times now I've been trying to download and they just keep freezing up during the process. Twice, I was able to get to about 35% before the freeze occurs while the rest of them hovered around 3-8%. I don't know what's causing it. I'm using Firefox on a Mac. Anyone else having the same problem?
I've had the same problem with downloads stalling...tried multiple times to download both the entire set and individual discs, and each time the download has failed to complete. Now I'm getting a message that I've reached the download limit for the file, even though none of the downloads has completed. I'm on a high-speed connection so this is very surprising. I'll try to contact customer support tomorrow and see if it can be fixed.
Using WinRAR worked; the two "missing" tracks are there now.
Thanks everybody!
It's very frustrating here in the UK to hear about you all enjoying the Archives. Like Diana Ross - I'm Still Waiting!
Come on WB where's my copy?
Has anyone got anything to say that's not MP3 related? Just for a little change of scenery? This set was never about MP3s. It was a nice gesture to offer them, but see where it's got us.
I agree geordie guy it is very frustrating WB could have sent pre ordered archives out at least a week early they took the money off my card ages ago.Are we liable for import tax here in the uk on the archives?I'm getting so impatient i looked online last night to buy blu ray set ,amazon dont seem to have any stock and on they wanted over £400!
Funny Archives story... I received my Blue Ray copy last Tuesday, but like a few of you I don't have the PS3 yet - my wife has two sisters with young children and both of their husbands have the PS3 - so I've hooked myself up with 5 all night babysitting jobs over the next month and a half - My inlaws love me!!! Thanks for helping out on the domesting front Neil Young Archives!!!
Hey Western River... great job putting together your dream Archives, Volume 2 - I look forward to Vol. 2 even more than Vol. 1 since there are plenty of fantastic unreleased songs / version from that era. I wholeheartedly agree with your idea of leading off the entire set with "Lookout Joe" - I still consider that song to be Neil's funkiest, deadliest out there - my favorite song on TTN - and so overlooked. I'll give the rest of your archives a glance to see what other impressions emerge - one minor note, I believe it's spelled "S-H-A-K-E-Y"
- Joel, er, I mean Jim
I know how you feel dolbero / geordie guy, I am in the same boat. WB shipped my blu ray on the 1st, but it has still not come through to Cardiff yet! I'm hoping it will be this week.
At least I have been able to download the songs from Napster so I can hear them. After listening to the preview disk I can appreciate the superior sound quality, though that doesn't matter for my daily compute and listen to my mp3 player. That being said, the remastered versions of much loved songs do sound great, even on my trusty Creative Zen.
doh, I meant commute!
the other day I asked if anyone knew where the film of neil, stills, and crosby doing vocal overdubs for Alabama was, and somebody said they thought it was on Journey Through the Past. but I dont remember seeing it on there. unless I overlooked it, if somebody else knew of another place where it was I would appreciate it.
ukstevo.... there has clearly been a problem with supplies to the UK and etailers seem to have been hit hardest. I ended up cancelling my order with amazon yesterday and paid £30 more to get one from hmv on the high street. On another forum, people in your situation are being given a july 10 revised shipping date, but I am not convinced amazon know for sure what is going on.
Thanks windfall - do HMV stock this!! in blu ray????
How bout hmv online? Anyone else uk give me a heads up - thanks!!
stevo, hmv in southampton had 4 copies; winchester had none. I hear plymouth did not stock Blu ray either. HMV online does not have the blu ray, and I get the impression that most etailers are out of stock (badlands, spin, the mighty amazon).
The best advice I could give you is to ring around any bricks and mortar stores within range!
OMG the price for the DVDs went up! Amazon is now at $250 -- the DVDs had been $199...
UK guys - I just spoke to about 10 HMV stores all of whom are saying the supplier has said they have discontinued the blu-ray boxes!! I would appreciate warners or archives to give us UK guys a heads up - I thought a pre-order with amazon was bullet proof! Someone help and respond!!!
Just been told by most bricks and mortars HMV stores that the Blu Ray box has been discontinued! What is happening in the UK - please archives guy or a Warner rep get back - I thought amazon was bullet proof as a pre-order!!
Please someone HELP!!!
The UK part of Warners distributes their product to UK shops and online retailers.
They clearly totally underestimated the amount of Bluray sets needed over here.
We are a shop we ordered a number of copies but were sent none by Warners. Amazon's price was unrealistic compared to the Warners dealer price i.e. they were making no profit, but they are a large enough company to do that ... but obviously Warners couldn't supply them or HMV either.
We ended up ordering wholsale from the US to get our stock but we have now sold out of Bluray too.
However I don't believe it is deleted as we can order more wholesale from the US but they will cost us more per unit to import than Amazon sell at !!
Hopefully stocks will arrive at the bigger stores soon. It's not Neil's people who are at fault here but something in Warners UK distribution set up.
I think the Alabama recording clip is on the North Country disc. Have not got to it yet, but read on Human Highway site. Enjoy
- Jessie James
Steveo -
check out ebay UK they have some blu-ray sets listed.
what's up with pricing on these sets? Amazon and DeepDiscount claim the "list price" (before discount) is $349.99. Borders claim the "list price" (before discount) is $433.99. Why is Borders list price so much higher than others? I ask because I've got a 40% off Borders coupon...
Archives guy I'm in the UK and did not get my expected blu-ray set from Amazon UK today. I walked into Reflex in Newcastle Upon Tyne at lunchtime and nabbed the only set, immediately cancelled the Amazon order, which judging by the emails regarding release will be on or near the twelve of never.
This is fantastic, the audio, video and user interface are spot on. It is Christmas morning in my living room and I'm jittering with excitement and adrenalin. Compliments to one and all.
The packaging on two of the discs is a wee bit mangled on the spines. The discs are Disc 0 and Disc 9, both being flattened and rolled over on themselves. This is annoying though understandable. Due to the tightness of the box the Discs nearest the edges are at risk.
You have advised customers in the States to contact Warners Bros with issues of this sort. Who should customers like myself in the UK contact to obtain replacement sleeves?
Many thanks; by the way the set absolutely rocks!!!
To all UK guys waiting on orders. I regularly buy box sets from the US and YES you are liable to import and a number of other duties. You will pay duties anc customs charges (normally about £9 per £100 value) - and then another £9 post office handling fee!! So for blu ray you probably looking at a delay at customs and an extra £30+ when it arrives! Warner are very very unlikely to have marked a value of under $30 on it and gift (the ONLY way to avoid customs duties)!
On a good note I rang every HMV south of London and managed to reserve the ONLY copy on blu ray I could find in Bristol - im picking up on Saturday - thanks god!! I had to pay £199 (£30 over the Amazon pre order price - but Amazon were telling me I could expect in mid - July - f*** that!!!).
Oh archives where art thou?
Keep on rockin in the free world !
Lee asked:
.I. Kertis - do you have all 125 tracks including "What did You do to my Life?" and "Are you Ready for the Country?"
Yes. I specifically checked the tracks you asked about and I've got them.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Greetings All-
I've been tweaking my new hardware (Samsung Blu-Ray BDP-S3600 and Yamaha RX-V465 amp) in search of that elusive 24 bit/192kHz sound. The sound and separation are AWESOME, however, I'm wondering about 5.1 surround sound ???
Rust on. David
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