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Guess what?
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... and symbolism will be their downfall...

the truth will set you free

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war is not the answer
yet we are
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"greed is NOT good"
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Stop Spying On Us!

The Achilles Heel

“Emancipate yourself from mental slavery.”
~~ Bob Marley

The Essence of "The Doubters"
Speak not because it is safe, but because it is right.
— Edward Snowden (@Snowden) February 11, 2017

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Even Though The Music Died 50+ Years Ago,
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"consciousness is near"

Peace, Love, & Understanding & Music?

To ask the question is to know the answer
deserves neither liberty nor safety."
~~ Benjamin Franklin

(Between the lines of age)

And in the end, the love you take
Is equal to the love you make
~~ John & Paul
the power of rust
the karma of the wheat

Just want to say a big thank you to Archive Guy for his time and patience in answering everyones questions on what will be an awesome release!
Cheers :-)
AG -
has it been challenging to find an usable LIVE Buffalo Springfield?
Random thought that doesnt require a response....
(it'd be nice if a virtual joint could be added to the Archives, so i could get high and pretend i'm chilling at Broken Arrow Ranch)
Carry On....
Johnny Rocket!
After 20 years of waiting the countdown to the Archives has me filled with excitement particularly after seeing the demo of North Country.My question would be about the few Neil Young released songs of the period not included (Losing End and Out On The Weekend).It would have been obvious to Joel and Neil that there were these tiny gaps that prevented the Archives from being complete.Were they left off because there are killer live versions of them to come on Volume 2?Are they hidden but not even on the hidden tracks list to make their inclusion more of a surprise?I hope that at some time in the future the team doesn't make a announcement that they have just realised they were left off and will be sending them as BD Live updates.That would be too cute by half.Finally what time period will Volume 2 cover , will 4 volumes cover Neil's whole career and is the number of discs in Volume 1 necessarily going to be the same in later volumes
BS question-
Hello. I asked this question in another thread and will give it another crack.
I had been operating under the impression that the BD-Live downloads could be obtained for any portion of the timeline by inserting any disc. However, based on how the Timeline works for Vol. 1 and the manner in which BD-Live files are encrypted, I'm now one must insert the disc for the particular portion of the timeline getting the download. Am I correct? If so, what happens if, say, Disc 6 has a new download but I don't play it for awhile? Will I be notified if I play any of the other discs first or will I just have to occasionally play each disc?
Anon questions
I've addressed the questions about what tracks aren't on Vol 1 more than enough times. We fully realize what was and was not included in this release.
If something was hidden or a surprise, why would I reveal the answer in a public forum?
The time periods and number of discs in each set cannot be revealed at this time. There are 5 volumes in the works. In addition we have the NYA Performance Series of live discs still to come.
-Archives Guy
Sorry I missed your question. It was sandwiched in between a bunch of my answers.
The BD-Live files show up on the Timeline regardless of the disc inserted.
In a similar manner, when a new download is available (for any disc time period) a message appears when any disc is inserted.
The only exceptions here are the 3 live performance discs and the Journey Through The past disc, They do not have the active Timeline or BD-Live functionality.
-Archives Guy
I recently upgraded my stereo/tv etc - I got a samsung LCD, with a free samsung BD-P1500 Blu Ray Player. I think in a comment many moons ago you indicated testing on this model was ok so far or something similar. Just wondering whether you can provide any more info on this model support for the Archives and any limitations. My understanding is that I can update firmware for this over the net, but cant download content like Neils BD live updates, even though it supports BD Live 2.0 profile. That being the case how do I get the bd live downloads - It is usb 2.0 supported , but I would still need to get bd live update onto the usb stick somehow, also as an example what is the file size of the bd live file for the extra version of "I Wonder" . Have already ordered the bluray version at neil's site, so if I have to get a new player so be it. I just hope our current exchange rate holds against the us dollar till early June!! Thanks in advance. Cheers Mick (Aus)
Thanks, Archives Guy! No worries about missing it the first time around. I'm just a tech nerd who asks too many questions.
That said, if Neil doesn't personally deliver the box to my doorstep, along with a turkey sandwich from the great deli down the street (hold the mayo, please), I'm going to stomp my feet and whine to everybody on the Internet! ;)
Whadda say...two Years till Volume II ??
Trying to help ya get past 1966 AG ;o)
Mick, I don't know how well the BDP-1500 handles the Archives but I'll tackle your question. Bear in mind that I don't have one, so I'm going off what I found online.
The BDP-1500 doesn't support BD-Live out of the box. However, with a firmware update (i.e., a software upgrade) that I believe was made available last October for free, the system will support BD-Live. You'll have to find a 1 GB or larger (I recommend at least 2 GB since they're so cheap, or even 4 GB) flash drive into the USB port. At that point, you should be ready to go.
For what it's worth, the one BD-Live download made available so far was 72 megs. That's for a 2 1/2 minute song. So, you're looking at ~35 min. of audio per gig (not exact due to the nature of DTS-MA audio files), and this doesn't include any video downloads. Plan accordingly, which is why I recommend 4 GB or larger flash drives.
Good luck!
Oh, and for those who aren't tech-savvy, gig = GB = gigabyte. Sorry if my last post confused you.
AG -
In your opinion, what is the most unique song, video, artifact on Vol1?
hope you can answer this....
Archives Guy,
OK, I'm on the timeline right now and there is no white push pin where there once was. I can bring up the download log but the list is blank. Now I will connect to the internet. I guess this will be less of a problem when I get another cable. But just so you know.
AG -
IMPORTANT Question - I dont currently have standard internet access at my apt. However, i do use an AT&T wireless data card that plugs into my laptops USB drive, providing relatively high speed access.
Will i be able to use this Data Card on a BluRay player, and get BD-LIVE updates?
Wow, what a sweet version of 'I Wonder'.
Anyway, so I plugged in got the song, 'unplugged' and still had the song.
But when I escape back to the PS3 menu and the go back to the archives it is gone. For sure.
F#%#n' Red Sox
Unique questions-
song- 1956 Bubblegum Disaster, Slowly Burning
video- film clip from the bootleg record store
artifact- that's tough, but I like the original lyrics to Cinnamon Girl, and Neil's Sultan/Aurora letter to himself.
There have been many questions about this topic and I have a few simple guidelines.
1- it needs to be a Profile 2.0 player
2- for BD-Live use it needs an ethernet port or WiFi capabilities.
3- make sure that you load the latest firmware for the player.
3- look for a newer model player. The older Profile 2.0 players came from early development and tend to be sluggish in their performance of the Archives discs.
4- Stick with name brands, avoid close outs of older models
5- Don't buy something just because it is the cheapest. In shopping for electronics, cheapest usually leads to disappointment.
6- Do your homework. Read reviews, test players.
Were any of the "lossless" formats considered for the MP3 downloads? Apple Lossless, FLAC, etc?
I understand your perspective on quality between MP3 and DVD or Blu-Ray audio, but there are times for me when when coal trumps diamonds.
For instance, I can listen to anything on my iPod anytime ... versus my time with a Blu-ray player will be limited to when my family isn't using the TV hooked to the Blu-ray player.
That is, when we can afford a Blu-Ray player. I'll be buying the Blu-Ray set and using the MP3 downloads until such time we can buy a Blu-Ray player and enjoy the full set. Hence, the MP3 downloads are greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Data card question-
I pretty sure that card won't work to get you internet access with a BD player, but I'll ask the smart guys.
I think the player would need a program that can see the card and understand how to connect thru it.
The Archives.....even bigger than APPLE!
You've got me stumped on this one. I'll ask the smart guys and get back to you.
Whatcha mean? Sox are ahead and Big Papi got a homer tonight.
any idea of when there being shipped out ?
your question has been forwarded.
What version firmware does your PS3 have?
You can find this under System Information.
I'm up to version 2.76.
Hey AG,
Just letting you know that we've playing the Preview disc 0 on a Panasonic BD35 and it works like a dream.
Downloads, hidden tracks, all good.
We get a little "squeaking" when playing the songs in the filing cabinet and looking through the photos/press/memorabilia at the same time.
It's a great experience and we can't wait until the real McCoy turns up!!!
Anon @ 9:14 - I'm 99.9999% sure the card won't work. Computer hardware needs drivers in order to work when plugged into systems. (Think of it as giving the system the information necessary in order to communicate with the new hardware.) These drivers vary depending on the system. You can have hardware with drivers for Windows, Linux, Macs, etc.
In theory, could you have drivers for standalone BR players? Yes. Is this likely? Not at all. Every manufacturer has its own way of doing things. Why write dozens of drivers that only a tiny subset of people will use?
Now, if you can find a way to rig the card to work with a router - it's possible sometimes if you're really creative - you might be able to plug the BR player into the router. How would this work with your setup? Beats me! You're on your own. ;)
As an alternative, people should be able to post the material they download to the Internet. It'll be encrypted - unless they're naughty - but the techniques used should let you put it on a flash drive (if your player supports them) and then play it on your player. You might have to get creative with the directory structure on the flash drive but, again, you're on your own. Check places like AVS Forums for more info.
Good luck!
Thanks again for your feedback. In your opinion is the ps3 still the best player for the Archives
Some of the BD players in the market place don't have hard drives. BD Live downloads are stored on an SD card and they don;'t come wit the BD player. I bought a 16GB SD card for AUD $150.
My point is that if you are comparing BD players make sure you see what storage media they use.
P.S. AG do you know when the Archives Vol. 1 will actually be mailed out. Our Preview disc was postmarked in Belgium!!
I agree with you on the data card thing, think you explained it well.
As far as the BD-Live downloads being encrypted, yes they are and they can't be read by anything except the BD player with a NYA disc in it. A lot of effort and advanced programming went into ensuring that.
Mick- I don't work for Sony but I love my PS3 and have tested every aspect of every disc numerous times with it.
Sony and Samsung, in general, seem like the top BD player manufacturers from what I've seen.
Good points and thanks for the player review.
Shipping questions-
I don't have any answers for you...I'm on the creative team and don't really know about commerce, orders and such.
Any information on the actual despatch date of Archives Vol.1.
Is June 2nd the despatch date or will they hit my mailbox on June 2nd!!
I have been doing a countdown on Rust for the Archives!!! I'd love to be able to post on June 2nd ARCHIVES BLAST OFF!! :)
Sorry I didn't see your reply.
A FAQ on the Archives on Neil's or Warner's site would be very helpful!!
A lot of people are confused about what media to buy and what they get with it (MP3s, BD download, etc).
When will Neil's Archives site become live?
P.S. All my cropped up questions are coming up now!!
No matter how many times you ask, I still have don't have these answers for you...sorry.
AG - Are you a fan of Neil Young, the musician (not the man)?
We crossed comments there.
Tell me what the confusion is and I'll answer. I think that the order page is pretty straight forward, but maybe not.
I am actively working on the Archives site and the FAQ page. It should be up before June 2nd.
fan question-
If I didn't like the music, I'd have a pretty hellish job.
I am a member of the Archives team who works on Neil's music and film projects.
Don't forget that a lot of people don't read everything on the Archives either on Rust or TW
Some of the questions on the Archives by confused people:
" when Blu-Ray gets the latest uploads, would owners of the MP3 Download Card obtained through DVD purchase at least get the audio MP3 ?"
"I had planned to get the Archives DVD and CDs but read somewhere (can't remember where) that the Archives Blu-Ray and DVD will have MP3 downloads. Does that only apply at Neil's site? Reason I ask is it seems to be cheaper at Amazon.
"Are the individual Archive discs available thru' Amazon?
"Will all of the photos on the discs be available in the book that accompanies the BD and DVD version?
There are just some of the questions from the past 3 days.
I would strongly suggest to put the FAQ on Neil's site ASAP!!
Thanks AG. Think will see how the Samsung BDP-1500 plays archives initially and check the faqs etc before deciding way forward, as looks like will need a new player to get the BD live stuff . I can wait, as I will still be able to access that down the track. Great work you and the team have done on this all by the way. It really is new territory. Cheers Mick
I remember awhile back there being mentioned a list of players compatibale with the Archives. i can't find the post where I thought I read that. Is this still the case or will there be a list of tested players? Thanks!
Version 2.45
More like Big Sloppy.
Though that was a touching moment.
Good fans.
I'd start with updating your PS3 to the latest version and then test again.
Red Sox Fans: The most educated, best behaved, fanatical and best looking in the NATION!
Goooooo Red Sox Nation!
Johnny Rocket!!!!
is the book for the cd set the same as the blue ray set? and when is the fork in the road vinyl released?
AG -
if i paid you 10K (under the table), would you ensure that Neil's Bottom Line show, 1974, is added to Vol 2?
Thanks in advance!
From on eof AG's previous Q & A sessions
Sony Playstation3
Sony BDP-S350
Sony BDP-S550
Samsung BD-P1500
Samsung BD_P2500
Samsung BD_P2550
Panasonic DMP-BD35
Panasonic DMP-BD50
LG BD300
FYI - My PS3 with 2.76 and the Internet disabled will not display previously downloaded and played bdlive material either. The push pin doesn't display. After enabling the Internet and restarting the disc I can see the bdlive material again. I've got wireless so I'm fine leaving the internet on all of time.
Stringman, have you thought about purchasing your SD cards online? newegg.com has some 16 GB SD cards ranging from AUS$45-65. Newegg doesn't ship outside the U.S. (and maybe Canada), unfortunately, but I'm sure there are other online retailers that will. Of course, shipping and possibly customs fees will be extra. Or who knows, maybe a fellow Wheatfielder will offer to get one for you? :) Either way, paying AUS$150 for 16 GB is criminal.
Hi Doug,
Thanks for the suggestion.
I did do some research and the card had to be a minimum standard (i.e. speed) so I couldn't buy a cheapie. Also 16 GB is sort of new'ish (32gb is THE latest) so it wasn't too cheap.
I wasn't sure how much BD download Neil was going to give me so I went high.
If anyone in Australia is interested, I just spoke to Warner Australia and they advised Archives Vol. 1 will be available in stores June 19th, however they couldn't give me a price! "It's a big package so we are trying to work that out"
Thanks Sigma
I have pre-ordered through Neil's site.
I am hoping for a delivery date in the 2nd week of June.
19th June in Australia will be great but I wouldn't hold my breath knowing previous release dates.
As for an Aussie price - only time will tell!! :)
Stringy, I think I will order through DVD Planet, they have the cheapest price I have seen!
With the way the Aussie dollar is going I think it will be a lot cheaper from there then from the retailers here. And as you said it will probably be pushed back in Oz!
Hello. Stringman, just curious, where did you hear that your card had to be a certain speed (or "Class," to be more specific.) That really shouldn't make a difference and I couldn't find any info about the BD35 requiring a certain class. Extra speed is nice but I can't understand why companies would require a certain speed. I'm not even sure machines can tell the class of a card but I could be wrong.
No worries. I just want to make sure you have a legitimate need for all that speed. :) Speed is good, especially for things like high-def video recording, but the difference shouldn't make enough of a difference on BR players to justify a premium price.
Sigma 6 and Stringman,
I ordered the bluray set and cd set from NY.com as well, because warners aus does not have the presence it once had here and you never hear about their releases until very late, was talking to a Independent retailer about this. Plus wanted the preview disc and single fo aurora/sultan.The exchange rate has gone up 15-20% for us since I started looking at it late March, lets hope it holds or keeps improving for at least the next few weeks. Also waited this long , did not want to leave anything to chance! I did note the standard dvd set was on sale (for post june 2 dispatch) via an aus ebay seller for $299 excluding postage. We may well be better off , given bluray would be significantly dearer again Cheers Mick
ok I have a question -
Will the 'live performance series' always be released in a linear time line? So far we've had 1969, 1970, 1971...
For example, could we see next year - 'Live At The Hop Farm 2008' released, or 'live in 1975' released? I know there was a 1992 show planned.
Also, could we see unreleased studio albums like 'Homegrown' released on cd as part of a series somewhat independent of the main archives boxes, in a similar way to the live performance series? (I know 'Toast' was mentioned)
The BD35 manual stated that it had to be be a certain "class". I probably overbought 'cos I have a need for Neil speed!! LOL
Thanks for your concern.
The way the aussie/us currency is going the price of the Archives here is looking better every day!! Maybe Neil should hold off releasing the Archives until the currency is at par!! LOL
I wouldn't hold my breath for the eBay seller to deliver on time. The only way they could achieve that is if they were a press reviewer and received a preview copy. I believe only Blu-Ray copies were handed out.
Power outages galore here (northern NSW) so let's hope this gets out.
Sorry for posting this question here but I didn't know where else to ask it.
I have ordered the Blu-Ray from Amazon so don't get the advance copy of the first disc. Has anybody found any hidden extras on it and if so what? I was a little disappointed to see that from the Elektra session the song I Ain't Got The Blues isn't included.
Cheers in advance
Hey Stringy,
We just had those storms here on the Gold Coast, very intense! Maybe we should have a Archives listening party :-) I just put the deposit down on my new stereo today!
Hey Anonymous
Yes there are a few hidden tracks on the Preview disc. Whether the preview disc and the actual disc 0 from the Archives are the same remains to be seen.
I'm in Byron Bay. We've had storms the whole day with a lot of blackouts.
Maybe we should have a listening party. I've got all the equipment so I'm happy to host. I have a mate about an hour south who'd love to come as well.
I tried looking at the Timeline without the network connected and I can still see the BD Live downloaded file and also play them. Panasonic BD35.
stringman..how are u ?/warwick here..greville..for anyone in asutrlia..warners have told me they are NOT suppling the blu ray version in australia..only the dvd/cd version
which is going to be available in stores on the 19th june..(we hope)..no price yet..iam getting a few regular neil fanatics blu ray versions from the usa..hope to have them from my supplier very very close to the 2 june...unfortunetley with freight these will be very expensive..gimmee a hoy of i can help..
anon asks:
Also, could we see unreleased studio albums like 'Homegrown' released on cd as part of a series somewhat independent of the main archives boxes, in a similar way to the live performance series? (I know 'Toast' was mentioned)
I reply:
So you can buy those twice too????
I know you've said no Bluray- no future Downloads...just wondering why? With the MP3 download card why not just put up future finding/artifacts up there?
also, lets say by the time NYA Vol.2 comes out and I have a bluray player, etc. Then can I get ALL the previous downloads that were available to NYA Vol.1?
Thanks for all the info..his has been great.
Hi AG,
Many thanks for all your responses and info! Did someone say "Toast"? Do you know anything further about a release date for Toast? I have been (trying to be) patient since 01 April 08. Thanks.
Dear AG,
Just a curiosity about Perf.Series.
I appreciated it very very much.
Will it cover the entire NY's career or just early years?
Sincerely I hope for double or triple cds with highlights from every tour he did. I think is an essential "compendium" of the main Archives, very precious.
Oh, one quick question; is there any other player other than the PS3 that has wireless compatibility?
I had to leave the conversation last night, but will stop by a bit later today to catch up.
A few short comments-
The CD edition comes with a 16 page booklet while the BD and DVD editions have the large book. The CD booklet contains all the track listing plus song and production credits...no pictures. Individual disc sales each have an insert with them with track listing plus song and production credits.
The NYA Performance Series of live shows will cover Neil's entire career and may not be released in chronological order.
Yes, purchasing Vol 2 later on will give you access to all the Vol 1 BD-Live downloads. It's all one archives.
Just so everyone knows, NYA Vol 1 will released on June 2nd. This is not a test, we have passed the point of no return. The button has been pushed.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled program.
Ah c'mon AG!... is this some kind of belated, sick April fools joke!
Is there a doctor in the house?
Is there any software program which allows to send the high quality audio signal from a PC to an external receiver? I believe that PowerDVD, etc, downsample the 192/24 signal to 96/24, but I'm not completely sure. I'm talking about the digital signal here. I think that if you use the analog output, then you can send the pure 192/24 signal to the external receiver.
Is the Greatest Hits DVD a dual layer or a single layer DVD?
'BIG CHIEF' from the MotorCity say's "GO WINGS" !!!!
AG --
I just wanted to say you and the whole creative team are FREAKING AWESOME!
-- D
AG --Re: your comment:
"The NYA Performance Series of live shows will cover Neil's entire career and may not be released in chronological order."
So, I have to ask, will it also cover Mr. Young's "Time Fades Away" period? (I hope...!)
-- D.
1973? i think that falls within the timeframe.
dunno..I'll have check. My first guess is dual layer.
why? or as they say in Quebec, pourquoi?
Will (when will?) Neil's officially released albums (Everybody Knows This is Nowhere, Broken Arrow, Greendale, Rust Never Sleeps, etc.) be re-released on Blu-ray at 24/192? I am interested in the entire catalog on Blu-ray! I do hope that Neil and Warners have embraced Blu-ray to the extent of releasing all the previous records as Blu-ray, can you provide any insight?
Thanks for helping us out here.
June 2, 2009!!
Just hope preorders dont exceed the first BD production run. I'd be gutted to get a "this item temporarily out of stock..." email from amazon uk on June 3.
Congrats to the whole of team Neil for preserving and exceeding the original vision. Just great.
I have a HP Pavilion dv7 - 1055ea laptop with an Optiarc BD ROM BC-5500S ATA Device drive. Software is Quick Play (I've downloaded the latest version). I've tried loading the preview disc with and without an internet connection. With the connection 'on' it downloaded the timeline,but never reached the end (timeline box & menu box inactive). Without the internet connection I get the picture of The Squires + music, but the loading bar just goes round & round without ever finishing. I've left both running for over an hour with no success. Can you help please?
My suggestion is to try using Power DVD 9. It should be for free and I believe it is one of the best Blu Ray PC players.
hello..bought my panasonic..???pd?60 today..latest model..works a dream..getting the preview disc tomoorrow before the essendon tigers game..and will be having some neil fans over to check it out during the week..but how do i download the upcoming extra,s onto my blu ray plyer??my computer is on another room..im usless with computers and all this stuff...anyone in asutralia..know what i need now??..cheers wazza
Hey Wazza,
thanks for the info on Warner's Blu-Ray policy in OZ!!
That Panasonic is a good one. I have the baby version (BD35).
I presume you have the internet connected via a router or modem. If it is a router then all you need is an Ethernet cable long enough to go from the back of your Panasonic to where the Modem/router is kept. measure it and buy one at Dick Smith's. If you have a modem (instead of a router) then you have only 1 connection so whenever you are downloading Neil's Archives stuff you will have to swap the cables from the PC to the modem to the Panasonic to the Modem.
Also with the Panasonic you will need to buy an SD card so that it can store its downloads. It doesn't have a Hard drive.
I bought a 16GB for $150 but they are much cheaper when they are smaller (8GB).
Good luck
Email me if you have problems
Hello Robert, I have too a Panasonic Bd 35. I am having problems in listening to the music while I am navigating through photos or memorabilia with the NYA Preview disc. The problem is that while doing that, the sound skips for 2 seconds every time I press the enter button on my player remote control for viewing the memorabilia.
No problem like this for you? Or any particolar suggestion for solving the situation?
Hi Davide,
I have the same problems. The skipping and slight squeaking only happens when I play the music through the filing cabinet and look at the photos/clippings/etc at the same time.
No sure what the answer is. I will ask a few others to see whether they are having the same problems or if it only the Panasonic BD35s.
Hi Stringman
No joy with Power DVD9 either I'm afraid. Exactly the same response as with Quick Play.
Any other ideas out there?
I don't know If you have read any of my comments over the past 6 months, but the whole BD on PC thing just isn't ready for prime time, especially on such a tech forward product as this Archives set.
In my tests, I've found Hollywod titles even have issues playing well on computers.
We has has success with Arcsoft's TotalMedia Theatre, but other software players aren't up to the task, yet.
Our tech team tells me the following:
inDVD and PowerDVD have been tested and have issues. The developers are working on them and will hopefully have updates before the disc is released.
-Archives Guy
In addition to my question above, I'd also like to ask if the archives development, and your efforts, are taking place on the Broken Arrow Ranch or elsewhere?
Archives Guy;
What is the release time frame for the Fork In The Road Blu-ray?
Also; Is "Toast" a release possibility for 2009, on Blu-ray?
I love the acoustic Bad Fog on Volume One; but I hope you guys include the Gretsch electric version from the Tonight's The Night sessions on Volume Two.
Thanks again for this great product of quality.
I can't tell you right now what is scheduled for release, but I like that you like Blu-ray 24/192.
greendale did already come out on DVD-A, which is 24/176.
Development ranch or elsewhere? Ranch AND elsewhere is the answer.
Have a good weekend.
-Archives Guy
I don't have release dates, but Fork In The Road BD (known as "Get Around"), is almost done and has much more content than the DVD did.
Toast isn't close to completion, but exists in stereo and 5.1 surround.
Just to nicely correct Archives Guy;
Greendale was out in DVD Audio; in Stereo 96khz 24 Bit; and Surround 5.1 96khz 24Bit. The resolution was not in 176khz 24 Bit. The surround mix in that high resolution is probably the best version of electric Greendale; of course the best acoustic version; is the DTS 96/24 mix of Live in Dublin (Viscar Street).
Neil's DVD Audio titles in 176khz 24 Bit stereo include; Hawks/Doves, On The Beach, Reactor, Stars N Bars.
Road Rock Vol One; Neil's first DVD Audio; is in 96khz 24 Bit 5.1 and stereo.
The 30th Anniversary DVD Audio release of Harvest, which is surpeb, includes a 192khz 24 Bit stereo mix and 96khz 24 Bit 5.1 mix. It also includes the famous Neil listening to Words echoing through the hills; playing with dirt and drinking a Coors video.
The quality of DVD Audio; although short life span; was first rate. Blu-ray has the same audio quality but with HD Video and so much more storage for extras.
to all the aussies...good news is that ya local indie store will have usa imports wednesday/thursday.well the best store will anyway....awesome..
Thanks for saving me the work, I was going through my stack of Neil's DVD-Audios before I noticed you had compiled the list. I don't know how many of us have the full compliment of DVD-Audios and CD/DVD combos that have been released, but they are some of my most prized possessions.
I just finished listening to the Harvest 24/192 DVD-Audio just to get ready for the Archives 24/192. I noted how smooth and even the sound is on it, but overall the sound is a bit dark/reserved on the highs. Maybe its that the backing noise floor is so black, kinda swallows up some of the high end freqs. I find that thats gotta be due to the Harvest mix, not the 24/192 representation, because the CD and vinyl mix are similarly dark. Regardless, whenever I focus on any sound in the Harvest 24/192, be it the snare or the harmonica or the high hat or ride, its clearly separated from any other sound and my mind gives me images of silk and other high resolution threadcount fabrics as well as curved glass surfaces. Don't laugh, its just what my mind does when it hears sound so purely represented compared to CD or an MP3.
I was going to mention the 24/96 mix on the DVD supplement to the black Greendale album as well. I actually prefer the sound of that to the 24/96 DVD audio. To me it seems more forward and clear and Billy's bass on Grandpa, Sun Green and Be The Rain is amazing when seriously cranked. Maybe the video of the guys in the recording session brings more realism to it as well, but I just love the black Greendale DVD.
Anyway, I can't wait for more of Neil's work to be released in 24/192 and am really looking forward to the future releases in high rez Blu-ray as well.
Thanks again Archives Guy!
Question: Who is shooting the video and interviewing Neil behind the barn on the Harvest DVD-Audio: Joel Bernstein or David Briggs? Elliot? Other?
Archives Guy,
Yes I have read your comments re BD but was living in hope - till the preview disc arrived. Unless I see any +ve news regarding software updates I'll have to take the PS3/Player route.
Can't thank you enough for all the Archives news.
Thanks for the correction on the greendale DVD-A.
I, of all people, should have known that the stereo track was 24/94. With the surround mix on there, also we ran out of room to go higher on the stereo.
The 24/96 stereo track on greendale "black" should be exactly the same as that on the DVD-A stereo track.
On the "Behind The Barn" interview that would be the late great David Myers shooting with LA Johnson on sound plus another guy whose name escapes me right now.
As a piece of arcane trivia, when the surround mix was created for the interview, we located the spot behind the barn where Neil had been lying and set up 5 Neumann mics in a surround array. Then we placed two big PA speakers where the original truck had been and played Words thru them at full stun.
This created a natural surround recording, bouncing off the hills just like in the original moment. The new recorded was mixed with the original interview to create the same experience for the listener that Neil had.
Have a nice weekend...and go listen to that Barn Interview!!
-Archives Guy
ps- that wasn't dirt that he was playing with in the interview!
hint- cow pasture.
I wonder if Neil knew what it was at the time...
So I don't think that the version of Words in the barn interview is the studio or even the Journey Throught the Past soundtrack version, isn't it a long outtake version from the ranch recording sessions. Neil said he wasn't happy with it yet...
The surround array for that interview is really cool, I would have never guessed that you would have gone to that extent... Also the echo effect when Elliot Mazer was clapping in the other interview is cool as well and must have been re-recorded with a mic array as well?
I emailed Joel Bernstein a few corrections for the archives discography website a while back, but I wasn't sure if he was still involved, anyway they didn't get incorporated. Since you are on the inside and are nice enough to talk to us, I'll pass them along to you.
1) On the Harvest page, the note "*Recorded live at Royce Hall, UCLA, Westwood, CA, Jan. 30, 1971" should be a ** double asterisk note for Needle, not the orchestra cuts.
2) On the Zuma page, I believe the track Through My Sails is missing Hawaii recording location/date and production credits.
3) On the Buffalo Springfield Box Set page, carriage return is needed between Cyrus Faryar and Jim Fielder.
Does this qualify me for a complimentary blu-ray archives set?
Archives Guy,
Arcsoft's TotalMedia Theatre works fine - that's saved me buying new hardware. Thanks a million.
AG -
Why did the Filmore East release only include 6 songs? Is that all that was usable, or is there more lurking in, errr, The Archives?
Glad to hear of your success. Keep that software updated for best results.
We are here to help.
-Archives Guy
I think that that the Mazer audio is original off the Nagra.
Good catches, thanks. I'll pass them on.
You are a good proofreader, but a free archives set takes years of hard work. :-)
Thanks for the input.
-Archives Guy
Hello AG. Two non-technical but no less pertinent questions: Will Neil be doing interviews to support the Archives, or does he feel they sufficiently stand on their own?
And will the accompanying book definitively clarify some of the shrouded-in-mystery and myth of such sessions as those with Jack Nietzsche in '67?
Congrats on 'pushing the button'
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