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Thrasher loves to get comments. So a couple of new features have been added to the sidebar to highlight comment activity.
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Also, Thrasher's Wheat has added a Hot Topics section in the sidebar for posts receiving the most reader comments. Here are a few that have been seeing a bunch of comment activity:
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Long-time fan of Neil Young for over 20 years. After this childlike 180 attack on the President and the war I'll be tossing my concert T in the trash. Neil Young can take his barely tolerable off-key singing and retarded guitar solos back to Canada & complain about his own Govt.
Long May You Rot Neil Young
I agree 100% with the dumb guitar solos, mine are mucho better.
Stephen Stills
I found that and thought you might be interested
greetings and salutations...
i have decided to approach this subject via this site given yr obvious propensities. i have been a fan for a while, i went on tour with neil and crazy horse back in 1970, i think but it could have been 1971? but anyway...i have been listening to a particular show over and over...which nobody else i know is even aware of.
the date is 4/14/96.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yup it's an opl....old princeton landing show...and to me it seems to warrant some kind of collective acknowledgement for it's heavy magical content....which is yet forthcoming. this is without the shadow of a doubt, to my ears anyway (and i'm a musician now for over half a century...): the absolute best example of what neil and crazy horse could deliver live. i know there are other prime examples, needless to say, but why is it that nobody has even heard this show for the most part, and why do i feel so compelled to even bother you with this crazy notion? that it is inexorably the best recorded neil and crazy horse live? yup, in a hole -in-the -wall bar with 200 person capacity... therefore it should be italicized so all you other folks might perchance hear it also. maybe you already know but i would love to hear whether it is even on yr radar. at that time, i was embroiled in acupuncture school in santa cruz, and my friends told me that these shows were about to commence, but i was in wicked exam mode and couldn't rationalize driving up to the venue on a night before the giant mf exams. i did manage to see the catalyst show in may which was great but that venue is so damn years later i found these shows had been recorded well, and this show, the one with the very long pocahontas, and the very long cortez....has been emblazoned on my brain.... my question to you.... is have you heard this show from start to finish? my email is
thanks very much for yr site, and yr patience.....
yrs, joseph
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