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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

WRAPUP: Neil Young w/ Crazy Horse's Love Earth Concert Tour Leg #1 - Statistics, Links + More

Like A Hurricane
Bristow, Virginia on May 11, 2024  
 Photo by thrasher
(Click photo to enlarge) 

Now that the Neil Young w/ Crazy Horse's Love Earth Concert Tour Leg #1 has concluded, it's a good time to look back as we look forward.
  Neil Young w/ Crazy Horse's Love Earth Concert Tour Leg #1
via Sugar Mountain
 (Click photo to enlarge)


Via Sugar Mountain, we can see that the recently completed tour drew relatively deeply from the albums Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere, Zuma and Ragged Glory with 4 songs each.

Interestingly, the setlists varied with 35 songs drawn from across 18 different albums ranging from 1960's Buffalo Springfield (Last Time Around) up to 1995's Mirror Ball.

The concerts with the most songs played was Camden, NJ - May 12 and Queens, NY - May 15 with a total of 19 songs.

There were zero concert performance debuts or unreleased song performances, unlike last year's NEIL YOUNG 2023 COASTAL TOUR.

As noted in the recent Rolling Stone article by Andy Greene, the Love Earth Concert Tour is a "homage to the mastermind behind the band's best work, producer David Briggs." A careful analysis of the Crazy Horse set songs (excluding the solo set) shows all songs produced by David Briggs except "I'm The Ocean".

More Neil Young concert statistics @ Sugar Mountain (thanks Tom! Sorry to miss you on this leg.)  

More on the “Love Earth Tour”: Neil Young w/ Crazy Horse Concerts  (see concert reviews).

 “Love Earth Tour”: Neil Young w/ Crazy Horse Concerts

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At 5/31/2024 09:42:00 PM, Blogger wsanjose01 said...

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At 6/03/2024 04:29:00 PM, Blogger Dionys said...

Is there anybody out there? Or is it that everybody shut down for the time being until the "Love Earth Tour" will resume? No speculation on the progressive raking with "Early Daze" and the indication that there will be another CSNY live album. Not a word on the passing of Johnny Barbata, the guy who did the summer's drumming on "Ohio"?
Or is it that the onslaught of releases in the last couple of years and the foreshadows of NYA Vol. III have everybody holding their breath?
The Scotzman appears to be the only one "blogging till the power goes out".
After four days of constant rain, widespread flooding of southern Bavaria subsiding via the Danube we could use some distraction.

At 6/04/2024 11:01:00 AM, Blogger Abner Snopes said...

Dionys! I am here! I just listened to the entirety of Homegrown. I would place "Vacancy" in the category of great and disturbing songs. The thing vibrates with a clear anger. I am taking the time to listen to Neil as I cannot go to a show. I am "decompressing" from a lot of work and travel. So "Hawks and Doves" (which I love), "Comes a Time" and that ramshackle, misshapen thing of beauty, American Stars n' Bars. I hope Bavaria recovers quickly and that you are well.

At 6/04/2024 02:59:00 PM, Blogger Alan said...

@ Dionys : We are still here! Hang in there! So scary to have unprecedented flooding. The “New Weather” is bloody dangerous! Who’s gonna stand up and save the Earth?

In Gaza it’s raining bombs & bullets which I paid for with my tax money. “Make bread, not bombs.” Uncle Sam built a quick pier to deliver aid but it fell apart immediately, with zero aid being delivered to the starving people trying to survive there. Bombs we can deliver, food not so much. I digress…

It’s true, Dionys, you asked if we are all holding our breath until the next tour leg resumes. Yes we are. Superstition may be playing a part!

I am so grateful I got to see the 2nd night of the tour in San Diego. I was very encouraged by what I heard the Horse do live!

Health & Happiness is the great hope for all. Long May You Run!

In the meantime I am doing a deep dive into some unreleased Jimi Hendrix music that made its way into my hands as a gift from one of our TW regulars. I know life is going well when people are giving me fantastic Jimi Hendrix music which has somehow not yet been officially released to the public. Listening also to the Hendrix Hollywood Bowl show from early 1967, opening up for the Monkeys! And these gifts are in my ears because of the TW community on this blog. Thrasher has spoken about the generosity of the TW crowd; I am here to say, it’s true! It reminds me of the very positive vibe one could enjoy at the Grateful Dead shows back in the day. Thank you TW & friends!

So life goes on in the meantime. We are bound to cover (just) a little more ground! See you on the rail before long. 🙏🏼

Your Brother Alan in Seattle

At 6/04/2024 04:45:00 PM, Blogger Dionys said...

Due to pleistocene sediments Munich is a safe place when the hard rain's coming down, but all around us people have been dragging sand bags, pumps and buckets. We are into our final exams at school. I had an oral exam yesterday with a student that has been carrying buckets all weekend to drain her grandma's house.

# Abner
Great and disturbing songs: more recently I thought "Glass Accident" to be one of that kind. Also had a disturbing crisis situation with my parents, both beyond 80 years old involving broken glass.
# Alan
Hendrix: I always wanted to dig deeper, but can't take it everyday. I went to the EMP (MoPOP) in Seattle once staring at one of his guitars. Any recommendation what to listen to, beyond the obvious greatest hits?

At 6/04/2024 05:44:00 PM, Blogger Alan said...

@ Dionys : South Saturn Delta is excellent. Live at Winterland 4 CD box set is spectacular (Lil Wing, slow & best version)(the 1 CD version misses too much)… live at Los Angeles Forum is great, live in Atlanta is fantastic, all extra Band of Gypsies albums such as Live at Fillmore East. Never buy video of Jimi at Berkeley, but audio is good if you can find it. First Rays of the New Rising Sun is his final intended studio album, and has great stuff, maybe not as great as his 3 original studio albums.

Cheers! -Alan

At 6/04/2024 05:55:00 PM, Blogger Alan said...

@ Dionys : Band of Gypsys live 3/4 sets = Songs For Groovy People, Atlanta Pop is called “Freedom.” This

At 6/04/2024 07:55:00 PM, Blogger Alan said...

RIP Johnny Barbata. Thanks for the music! Ohio is one of the most important Rock songs of all time, bringing to mind the lack of “Free Speech” and “Freedom” we have in the US. In a way, nothing has changed since the Vietnam War protest, except the draft was halted.

Rest assured, the 1% is doing great on this doomed planet. They just don’t like dissent. Our “News” is about as independent as it is in Russia or North Korea.

But as long as I can eat my “Freedom fries” we must still have freedom. We certainly are free to buy guns unchecked. Freedom from mass shootings, not so much.

And yet, awe can still “Love Earth” and help in ways. Earth : It’s all we’ve got!

But there is an album on the way I am excited about: Early Daze. You got that right Dionys. CSNY should prove to be quite good also.

Your Brother Alan in Seattle

At 6/04/2024 09:07:00 PM, Blogger Dan Swan said...

@Dionys : I’m still here as well. So sorry to hear about the flooding in your surrounding area, as well as the issue with your parents. My late wife and I took care of elderly parents for 16 years, and it can be very stressful at times. My heart goes out to you during this difficult time.

Also….I’ve been completely dumbfounded by the fact that a previous President of these less than United States has been convicted of 34 felonies, yet is still allowed to run for public office. This vile human being has poisoned our nation in ways that challenges my faith in our system. A system which was intended to protect our freedom. But it appears that our freedom is, and has always been, a myth.

……As for Jimi Hendrix recommendations…. The posthumous release just titled BLUES is definitely a favorite of mine. It certainly covers many of the songs that had a strong influence on Jimi during his early years. As well as another posthumous release called The Jimi Hendrix Concerts released in August 1982. This is a remarkable collection of live material. But if you struggle with extended exposure to Hendrix, I feel that his one performance of Machine Gun on the Band of Gypsys album (side one track two) may very well be his most significant performance ever.

Peace 🙏

At 6/04/2024 10:29:00 PM, Blogger wsanjose01 said...

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At 6/04/2024 11:22:00 PM, Blogger Alan said...

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At 6/04/2024 11:38:00 PM, Blogger The Metamorphic Rocker said...

Between personal stressors and the pressures of the world at large in 2024, it’s difficult to find time and mental energy at the moment, much as I enjoy our little Neil-centric cyber enclave. “Sky is fire, hell is blue.”

I recently watched the Silver & Gold live DVD, filmed in Austin, TX during Neil’s 1999 solo tour. These songs, although deceptively gentle, are emotionally piercing. The S&G/Looking Forward tracks may be some of Neil’s most introspective and quietly revealing. If certain songs hadn’t been donated to CSN, the S&G album itself could almost have been another Sleeps with Angels (albeit in a gentler mode). Songs like Daddy Went Walkin’ and Red Sun are sometimes misperceived as campfire singalong fluff. Knowing a bit about NY’s experience as a child of divorce, however, a couplet as simple as “My old dad went walking one day/pushing tall weeds right out of his way” can take on a different complexion. Think about it.

And what of Red Sun? “On the grassy hills of the railroad, where we cut through the fences and over the crowd, where the wind is blowing right through your hair, I dreamt that my mama and daddy would were there…” How many children from hurting families have dreamed about their parents reconciling, rediscovering some kind of true love for each other, or just not fighting anymore?

I’m glad Razor Love made it onto S&G—because it really is the missing piece that puts these songs, which might seem a bit wispy or trifling at first, into a fuller context, reflecting directly on the trauma of abandonment, the emotional vulnerability of the child when “your old man became fascinated with his own plans. He cut you loose, your mother too. There wasn’t a thing that you could do.” After digesting Razor Love, the subtle tension behind Daddy Went Walkin’ and the sheer, yearning will to love exhibited in Red Sun both make a different kind of sense.

At 6/04/2024 11:40:00 PM, Blogger Alan said...

wsanjose 01 : Go to Bend without tickets and enjoy the show for free in the recreation area. From a bridge over the river, or all over the recreation park, parking there! Go early. Concert attenders park here as well. It’s all close. You can sit riverside from the downtown side and hear well! Sit on a rock, chill…

I can’t make it to Bend this time.

@ Dan : yes, strange times. And the US senate is Sanctioning the International war crime tribunal! With 40+ Dems joining to vote to punish them for noticing War crimes were in progress! This is all theater. But rest assured, to save Gaza, Trump is not your man. He literally said “Finish them.”

And the Right doesn’t seem to care what Trump obviously did. He hired a porn star for sex and bragged about it in Tahoe at a golf celeb event. And they say he is a. Christian. What a joke! The guy is nuts. Bad things will happen if he makes it, or loses. His jackass army will go hurt somebody with a nod from Trump. He is a murderous fool, with a wannabe Dictator complex.

Trump and the Republicans seem to hate the Palestinians even more the. The Democrats, which is amazing, since Biden has been handing Israel loads of weapons for many years. Biden now says “enough” as Gaza concludes its transformation into a destroyed wasteland unfit to live in. This was their plan, it seems. Many intentional massacres apparently. It is most concerning that the US Govt is ok with Genocide for some. Thanks for showing the Dems how to be Hawks, Hillary.

Bernie Sanders could not be allowed the nomination in 2016. That is why the DNC picked her. The primary vote means nothing.

And yet, the young people dare to speak Truth to Power! The Big Shift may yet be at hand.

Your Brother Alan in Seattle

At 6/05/2024 12:00:00 AM, Blogger wsanjose01 said...

Dude. Bend is a 6 hour drive. If I went I'd have a descent ticket. Yes I know you floated last year.

At 6/05/2024 12:25:00 AM, Blogger The Metamorphic Rocker said...

While I heartily appreciate where Dan and Alan are coming from, these comments are a fair example of why I often forgo dipping my toe in the rhetorical waters. Or at least, this deeply troubled, overcast mood is part of it. Of course, pretending the problems aren’t there doesn’t make them go away. Neither does isolating oneself. Still, there are days when it feels like a “big shift” just to put one foot in front of the other. I’d apologize for being such a downer—but on reflection, it feels like a reasonable response to what I’m reading here.

If it’s a consolation to anyone, the John Lennon Mind Games box set comes out in July. There’s something to look forward: it’s one of Lennon’s most optimistic albums and too few people are familiar with it. “Intuition… it takes me everywhere.”

At 6/05/2024 02:21:00 AM, Blogger Alan said...

Check out this live Particle Kid track “Hollyweird.” He tips the hat to Hey Hey, My My @ 3:20’

Brother Alan

At 6/05/2024 09:54:00 AM, Blogger Abner Snopes said...

Indeed, our current situation is a "downer." It is so hard to return to the states but I am thinking we need to fight on as hard as possible. I am convinced that this is the turning point.

At 6/05/2024 02:53:00 PM, Blogger Dionys said...

It appears to me as if crossing the 50th birthday equator one starts looking back. When "Silver & Gold" was released in 1999 Neil Young had shared this world with his by then deceased mother for 45 years and his dad for almost 55 years. Demographically the North American societies for a long time were kind of ahead compared to Europe (higher standard of living, better medical options until the 70's) especially with regards to old age people. Twenty years later this side of the Atlantic we have caught up ... and get caught up in experiences as they are to be heard on "S&G". Back then I could not relate to these songs. Looking at how things are nowadays I remember watching my parents' TV, it was that great moonlanding episode... Growing old(er) myself with my parents at my side I came to the conclusion that this is a process of similar significance, something no generation before us has ever experienced. And of course it makes one wanting to go back to the days of innocence, the days when the other Neil stepped out of this bizarre contraption.

At 6/05/2024 03:26:00 PM, Blogger thrasher said...

Hey Hey - thanks everyone here for keeping the homefires burning.

Really appreciate the community spirit while we took a bit of a break post Leg#1 of tour.

Now just getting ready for leg #2.

Latest TW post up now on Early Daze, the latest Neil Young with Crazy Horse Album Coming on June 28

Thanks for readin' & Keep on rockin'!

At 6/05/2024 06:55:00 PM, Blogger The Metamorphic Rocker said...

Abner, My baseline position is what I like to think of as “cautiously optimistic”—but even that may come across to some as being a wet blanket. From an American POV, we may well be at a crossroads. My (possibly naive) hope is that, if we can achieve the best (or least worse) outcome in November, the “national mood” may stabilize and even brighten a bit. Federal election years are typically more stressful, especially when living in one of those oh-so-special “swing states”. With each cycle since 2016, feeling just compounds. I am fatigued and it’s not just me.

As much as I understand frustration with the status quo, Trump is (quite frankly) a pathetic candidate. Always was. Anyone with self-respect should demand better leadership and representation than that. Usually I might not be so blunt—but why should I hold back when others have been equally unguarded with their views?

As to S&G, my overarching point was the importance of childhood emotional experiences in setting patterns for adult connections. S&G is all about love, the desire to create a cohesive, healthy family structure, and the fear of losing it.

At 6/05/2024 08:43:00 PM, Blogger Richie Cruz said...

I have plenty of "self-respect" and I'm counting down the days till I can vote for Donald J Trump on November 5th. And if he's in a jail cell, even better. America was built by rebels, and has now become an oligarchy of a Uniparty. Clinton, Bush, Obama, Biden. Not a whiff of difference between any of them, just a bunch of selfish, hypocritical War Pigs. If anyone here wishes to give some solid reasons to vote for a 50 year political grifter like Joe Biden, please feel free to do so. Apparently you must like high grocery bills, high priced gas, out of control rents and mortgages, and the potential for World War III to begin at any moment. Not to mention voting for a walking corpse who can barely put two sentences together, has a crackhead for a son, and quite possibly took some inappropriate showers with his 11 year old daughter. And, oh yeah, has weaponized his justice department into a Gestapo unit perfectly happy to jail anyone who goes against him. Like Trump or not, if you think what's happened to him in New York was a fair deal, I can't begin to describe how much disrespect I personally have for you.

As I stated before, if you voted for Joe Biden in 2020, you were foolish. If you vote for Joe Biden in 2024, you're a traitor.

And I'm not the only one feeling this way. Millions of folks, of ALL colors, are waking up to this deceit and will be voting for Trump in November. You should too.

At 6/06/2024 12:02:00 AM, Blogger The Metamorphic Rocker said...

I have no interest in indulging personal animosities but I didn't set the tone. When I look at MAGA diehards, I often see fear, paranoia, spite, and blind rage. And if their role model, idol, north star, and superhero is Donald Trump, it's not surprising. When you're born into wealth, maybe being emotionally and intellectually maladjusted won't hinder your success. Most of us, however, have to draw on inner resources at some point. I'm surmising Don never learned that lesson.

For their own good, I hope some people are eventually able to find another source of enjoyment or meaning in life. I'm sure a lot of these folks have legitimate pain, but Trump isn't going to bring you happiness in the end. Nor will any politician. Try planting a garden. Take up watercolor or bird watching. You may be surprised how much less ugly the world looks when not viewed through Trump-tinted goggles.

At 6/06/2024 10:30:00 AM, Blogger Alan said...

So Trump will lower my grocery bill? Trump cares about no one but himself. He did break the law to the tune of 34 felonies and he should go to prison. Nobody told Trump to pay a porn star for sex while his wife was having a baby. He did that all by himself.

Biden, Trump, they will not save us. They work for the 1%. Biden has brain damage, Trump is an idiot. What a contest.

@ The Metamorphic Rocker : Good advice about taking up bird watching, etc. We all have hobbies. Neil Young music is one of our common “safe places” to enjoy. But Neil doesn’t like Racists, he doesn’t like war, he loves Earth, and most of us feel the same way.

I don’t believe in any politician and I feel that those who do are foolish. It looks like the whole shit shack is going up in flames.

We better hope that a Big Shift occurs or the humans will soon fulfill our destiny as planet wreckers. I hope Jesus comes back soon and burns up our politicians with some magic thunderbolts.

Your Brother Alan in Seattle

At 6/06/2024 03:44:00 PM, Blogger The Metamorphic Rocker said...

Abner, I agree these conversations are important and I appreciate the mental stamina they require. A complicating factor is when, as with Richie’s comments, you get substantial concerns freely mixed with things you’d rather not dignify with a response. I’m most likely to engage when I sense a willingness to listen and consider the other POV. A person can be fully intelligent and insightful, yet they may have switched off all critical thinking. I’m not sure how to address that, especially via a blog post footnote.

I’m not inclined, here and now, to write a thesis in defense of my political and moral values. I’m willing to acknowledge that I can be an opinionated curmudgeon. I try to be self-reflective and I look for the same in others. All I really know is compassion. And if that doesn’t work, I’m uncertain where to look for common human ground.

At 6/06/2024 04:42:00 PM, Blogger Abner Snopes said...

I understand MR. I'm tired of being attacked and threatened.

At 6/06/2024 08:35:00 PM, Blogger Alan said...

I worked with a Radiologist who explained that due to Biden’s brain surgery for aneurism repair, he did have brain damage from it. This MD was a right wing fanatic, but his “diagnosis” may be 100% correct. Or not. Biden seems to have brain trouble, as does Trump, of course!

They are both deeply flawed leaders who are not thinking well. Just look at Gaza and their nearly identical positions on it. Sociopaths. Same with the US MSM which tells us all what to think. When we care not for the victims of Genocide, we are sociopaths. US foreign policy is bombs, not bread. What a shame.

Trump brags about passing tests that are designed for people with head injuries, and he brags about putting his pants on.
But mostly I feel that Trump has transformed our society by being a horrendous asshole. He has inspired legions of assholes that it is a good thing to be a total asshole. And they have gone forth and reached higher heights in assholedom. Like on Jan 6th.

Always your Brother Alan in Seattle

At 6/06/2024 08:56:00 PM, Blogger The Metamorphic Rocker said...

So am I, Abner—impatient with the intimidation tactics that seem to pass for civic engagement in some people’s minds. Tired of loudness, aggression, vulgarity, and hollow braggadocio being venerated as good leadership. Tired of domestic terrorists wrapping themselves in the flag. Tired of upheaval caused by people who seem to want everyone else to be as fearful and angry as they are.

#45 is a symptom, not the disease itself. Or perhaps it would be more apt to call him a carrier, a vector. To me, he looks (and acts) like he somehow from pages of Rabelais’s Gargantua. Or maybe a Jonathan Swift satire. In other words, a grotesque caricature of humanity’s basest tendencies. Unfortunately, unlike a genuine figure of the carnivalesque, Mr. “I’d encourage them to do whatever they want” has no redeeming, revivifying, or life-affirming qualities about him. Falstaff had earthy charm to offset his various repugnancy.

In case anyone didn’t catch on, I’m being deliberately hyperbolic. Unlike a lot of right-wing reactionaries, my sense of irony is intact. If there’s one thing tinpot tyrants and machismo-addled authoritarians can’t tolerate, it’s self-awareness, which leads to individual thinking. After all, what could be more American than directly telling people who to vote for?

Part of self-respect is having the humility to examine your own foibles, to try and imagine yourself as others see you. Remembering how ridiculous humans (including myself) can look isn’t just a psychological release valve—it’s part of maintaining perspective. Carnivals, festive periods used to be times when social rules were reversed or deconstructed to keep everyone sane and humble. Unfortunately, we now seem to have come to a place in society—an inflection point, if you prefer— where the Saturnalia games have become everyday living, leaders resemble Mardi Gras parade creatures, the Feast of the Ass has been drained of all its humor and paradox to become the standard liturgy… in other words, the inmates have taken over the asylum and the monkeys are running the zoo. Every time Trump’s face pops up on thousands of digital screen, Caliban looks in the mirror and weeps.

At 6/07/2024 12:23:00 AM, Blogger Alan said...

@ The Metamorphic Rocker : I loved what you had to say there, and

@ Abner Snopes: Yes, I agree… half the reporters who discussed global warming in2023 have been threatened.

Trump has his dog whistle for white supremacists / Racists. They are his people, and he is theirs. His father redlined real estate for whites only communities. Trump is a dummy but he knows how to work the mob. I expect dozens if not more people will die just for his words, fanning the flames of white gun toting maniacs.

Soon enough the water wars will start. Water is worth much more than fossil fuel, especially on a hotter planet. By then perhaps some dumb asses will stop denying Global Warming.

And Biden / US gives weapons to Israel to commit war crimes.

Your Brother Alan in Seattle


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"consciousness is near"
What's So Funny About
Peace, Love, & Understanding & Music?


Show Me A Sign

"Who is John Galt?"
To ask the question is to know the answer

"Whosoever shall give up his liberty for a temporary security
deserves neither liberty nor safety."

~~ Benjamin Franklin


(Between the lines of age)

And in the end, the love you take
Is equal to the love you make

~~ John & Paul

the zen of neil
the power of rust
the karma of the wheat

