Comment of the Moment: Buffalo Springfield Reunion - 2010
Photo by Joe "The Drummer" Vitale
The TW Comment of the Moment is from RARE VIDEO: Buffalo Springfield 1986 Rehearsals by Richie C.:
That Saturday Bridge show in 2010 was one of the greatest live music experiences of my life. What a night in the rain.
Dancin along to Billy Idol right after the Giants got into the World Series was an absolute blast, even though Billy really had no idea why the crowd was going THAT crazy! Pearl Jam gave us a great set, including their tribute song to my home, Santa Cruz. Seeing Kris Kristofferson was a treat, though Merle Haggard's absence was the only bummer of the night.
All of it led up to Buffalo Springfield. You could feel a real nervousness in the air, as no one really knew what to expect, but as soon as we heard Richie's voice on "On The Way Home", everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Richie sounded perfect, Stephen looked and played better than I had seen in a long time, the backup guys were the perfect choice, and of course, Neil was Neil. Their performance was far far better than anyone could have hoped. From my seat, I had a great view of Emmylou Harris backstage swaying along to the music, she stayed in that spot for the entire time they played. When they broke out "Burned", I figured I was having an out of body experience. At the climax of "Bluebird", Stephen and Neil looked at each other with total "WOW" looks, total magic.
I've seen a lot of shows in my time, and that's one that really stands out as one of the truly best.
Thanks so much for the memories there of Bridge weekend 2010 Richie! Quite a weekend of musical history being made.
Joe Vitale, Stephen Stills, Richie Furay, Neil Young and Rick Rosas
Photo by Eleanor Stills
More on RARE VIDEO: Buffalo Springfield 1986 Rehearsals.
Also, see complete reports on 2010 Bridge School Benefit Concert (24th Annual) with reviews, photos, YouTube videos and commentary.
Also, see The Triumphant Reunion of The Buffalo Springfield, Pearl Jam and Neil Young @ 2010 Bridge School Benefit Concerts.
More on 2010 Bridge School Concert Highlights: Pro Shot Video on YouTube.
Also, see Buffalo Springfield, Pearl Jam & Others: "Rockin' in the Free World" @ Bridge Concert.
And Revisiting The Significance of The Buffalo Springfield.
Finally, here's the bottom line ... The Significance of The Buffalo Springfield Reunion: The Lefsetz Letter

Buffalo Springfield Reunited - 10/23/10
Photo by Thrashette
Labels: bridge school, buffalo springfield, concerts
I got a COTM?!? Right on, thanks Thrasher!
I know Neil has mentioned releasing the Wiltern Theater shows in 2011 featuring the Springfield, but honestly I wish he would put out that first performance at the Bridge. It really was that good, plus the crowd was having such a good time. It really was a special experience.
oh yeah Richie!
There's been a bit of a CotM void for awhile now.
As we said to Dan earlier, is it Neil's sadness that's gotten everyone down? Or something else afoot?
Anyways, thanks again for the Bridge/BS memories. Quite a weekend of musical history being made.
We feel pretty lucky to witness. There haven't been too many concerts that we've been to that approach that level of history.
We recall that just b4 BS came onstage, virtually every performer that day, stayed and could be seen all around the stage edges to watch what would go down. Don't think that's ever happened at Bridge.
So it was nice to re-visit that weekend. Kind of brings a tear to the eye that the Bridge concerts are no more or just a shadow of what was the event of the season.
great COTM, I regret never going to a Bridge concert. One of my favorite Neil moments is with REM on Country Feedback. It is on Youtube (music venue for the technologically limited).
@ Abner - definitely, on REM & Country Feedback. It's on the 25th Anniversary DVD.
As for YT being a music venue for the technologically limited. we'd suggest more along the lines of financially limited.
Those prime Bridge seats were major, major donation $'s. The year Mccartney played, tickets were going like low 4 figures.
Yes, I remember my wife saying- "well, that is a bit much." We had to add all the money for travel and lodging, etc..I also love that version of "Going to Shiloh" with Leon and Elton, one of my all time favorites. The list goes on, Neil's musical life is so beautifully varied and diverse.
Hello again, Thrasher, Dan, Abner, Richie, and all you good people. Good COTM, Richie. That would have been a show to attend. And what a tour It Might Have Been. Woulda been. But, the Muse runs by like a squirrel, and Neil is off again in that new direction.
The Bridge shows I attended in 1995 and 1996 were incredible experiences. The Bridge shows were always a huge treat.
I was hilariously hoodwinked by the April 1 announcements, and what a load of fun that was! Thrasher pulled off some great comedy, and Dan's reaction itself was priceless. I commented on it but lost the comment, this time from my desktop Mac. And yet, the Neil world keeps turning.
Neil Young has built the NYA platform in such a way that it will continue to bring pleasure and joy to the Neil Young fans, even in the distant future. Live shows will continue to pop up, perhaps even lost albums. Neil Young has, by respecting and offering his Art, given us fans the ultimate gift. If only Jimi Hendrix had more time to create his Art. He was prolific to the extreme during his lifetime. We have so much Hendrix Art to enjoy. But he died at age 27.
@ Thrasher : Fret not. We are not going anywhere. Your efforts are much appreciated, even if the comments aren't as consistently thrown onto each post. Maybe some more folks will pitch in. We always like to hear from folks who don't post much, or have never posted. Nattering Nabobs of Negativism cannot extinguish the Fire of Love that we Share in the Celebration of Art from our Hero, Neil Young. Long Live Neil Young.
The sun is shining up there above the clouds and wind. Dog bless this day.
Another thing I have been doing is volunteering for Trail Improvement in a local city park. An enormous tree fell and there was a huge amount of debris on the trail. I have had so many good times in the hiking park over the decades. I decided to clean it up. I cleared the trail and then I continued, moving some dirt and replanting some ferns that had been uprooted, some large, some small. It gave me a lot of satisfaction to take the "worst" stretch of trail and transform it into "the best." Natural Beauty, before and after the hand of man touched the Earth. And some people park there at the entrance on a fairly busy road and sit for a bit, and then they throw their trash on the ground. They probably don't even hike. Trash begets more trash. I pick it up and dispose of it.
It's like when The Loner revisits us, leaving only trash talk. But that trash is insignificant; we have something better to enjoy. We who revel in the beauty & richness of Neil Young's life's work, we see the bountiful treasures, and we rejoice in them. 3 more live recordings from 1971?! It is an embarrasment of riches. We are humbled by Uncle Neil's accomplishments. We delight in the knowledge that more, lots more, is on the way. No little dark cloud is going to block the light from our Neil Young world.
The Artist himself is sad. I'd like to cheer him up. We know the world is in tough shape, and the humans are so good at reaping chaos. Entropy is weaponized in the Global Warming man has caused. Our fragile planet cannot hold out much longer and continue to offer man the shelter and sustenance life requires, the crops now depending on a weather cycle gone Haywire.
It is so hard for one man to make a difference in this troubled world. But Neil Young does make this world a better place (and so does TW!). NY has made the human condition more richly rewarding. And he has dreamed up ways of bringing awareness to the Environmental threats we face on Earth. He was seemingly addicted to creating music for (himself &) us for so long.
I type, edit, and again look to the skies, now blue, beckoning me to venture forth and enjoy. Have a great day.
Your Brother in Seattle, Alan
I have to say, I'd had so much fun at the Bridge Springfield concert. I was parked in my lawn chair on the side of the field about halfway up the hill with a small bong on my lap. I had just finished exhaling a voluminous cloud and had put away my material when someone tripped into the haze and shouted, "Hey, someone's smoking pot!" Billy Idol rocked the joint, his drummer looking like a crazed version of Monster, of Muppet fame. Then the Buffalo came on, and I joyously sang along to each and every song. It was so good that I couldn't wait to see them again in Oakland. Thanks Neil, Richie, Steve et al for a truly memorable performance. I've been to many, many concerts since '67, but this was truly one of my favorites!
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