Thrasher's Wheat Radio 2.0 Vodcast - Episode #11 | BARN - New Neil Young Album + Farm Aid 2021 Highlights | Hosted by

Hosted by
This week's episode previews a song from BARN, an upcoming Neil Young w/ Crazy Horse Album + Farm Aid 2021 Highlights.
Earlier this year, we premiered Episode #1 of a revamped Thrasher's Wheat Radio 2.0 Vodcast/Podcast -- after a longer than expected hiatus -- in honor and celebrating Thrasher's Wheat 25th Anniversary: 1996 - 2021.
(See all episode links @ Podcast Archive: Thrasher's Wheat Radio 2.0 | Hosted by
Labels: archives, neil young, neil young archives, podcast, radio
have you considered turning the blog over to someone else until you are able to do it again?
Needs a bit of lightning up - I fell asleep
@ Art - thanks for suggesting. Probably the main obstacle is who wants to volunteer to run TW? Certainly open to suggestions. Interested?
@ Andy - say, interested in volunteering to run TW for awhile? Maybe you can help us lighten up the place? Heard any good neil jokes lately?
OTOH, last we checked, most rusties prefer music over comedy. but maybe you can find that happy place in the intersectionality of music and comedy?!
So these two guys walk into a bar……….
I think it should be "lightening up" Andy, Good Lord not "lightning up." Thrashers have had enough of that.
There is nobody offering or capable of doing that, it seems. Who among us could take his place? He is obviously active with the blog. He is ramping up his activity on it. He really knows Neil Young, the subject of our interest, and he knows us. Unless Thrasher decides he wants to solicit a caretaker of the blog, it’s not our business. We who have followed the blog for decades don’t think any other could carry the torch as he does, with support from Thrashette. We are grateful to the blogger. Until the power goes out, long may he run…. The blog. He would bring it up if he needed to or wanted to. It’s not your place to suggest it. Alan in Seattle
Thrasher may not be a TV host, but he is ours. And we love him, just as he is. I enjoyed the video. It’s not a TV show. Why criticize what he gives it away for free on this blog? Your criticism is not welcome. Do not erode support from our Hero blogger who carries the torch for all of us for all things NY. NYA is very cool, an official Neil Young web site. But we need an Indie place to go to enjoy our Hero Artist / Musician of focus, Neil Young. Thrasher has been feeding our souls for decades and we do not welcome suggestions of how he could do better on his 2nd medium, video. He is a tireless booster of our favorite cause. He is also a deeply intelligent man who carries wisdom, scientific knowledge, and awareness of the fate of the Earth on his shoulders. Neil Young maybe would not be the best choice to host a video show. We are so Grateful that TW marches on, year after year, and we don’t throw banana peels in Thrasher’s path ahead. We nurture the one who enriches our lives on the blog. True, some just come here to complain about the Greedy Hand. But most who post do so naturally. Thrasher has answered his calling. Do not persuade him to walk away from it. Send him some money, perhaps. Pay him a compliment. Or shut up. Alan in Seattle
… and tell the owner he needs to change it. The locals tar and feather them and run them out of town on a rail.
Or perhaps “Shut up.”
Maybe I got carried away with my objections. Are you actually considering someone else taking the helm? I could not do it… I would not be reliable enough, or regular enough. If it is a burden, I can understand. But your level of activity seems good to me, in light of conditions. I support you two on your journey / recovery. Thanks for having accomplished SO Much with TW over the many years. You are inspiring. Alan in Seattle
… So Far! Long May You Run!
Right you are. I worry about anyone else running it, although we have many intelligent and fun people who may have those kinds of abilities.
Until next time: Fight On. Alan in Seattle
@ Alan - thanks for all of the support here.
we'll manage and come out on other side eventually ... someday.
frankly, if we were looking for a volunteer, we'd want someone with high neil enthusiasm, knowledge, engagement skills, etc.
someone like Alan in Seattle! :)
compensation plan is low, but rewards are high. apply now
I finally noticed this! Thanks a lot, Thrasher. I take it as a great compliment that you would even consider me to take over the blog temporarily or otherwise. I don’t consider myself worthy of it but you made me think with your reference. I am not a very organized person and I may have a shortage of relevant things to say, topics to post. You are really plugged in to the Neil Young universe. But you made my day with your words. I would never want TW to run out of steam. Neil Young soldiers on and so must we!
At times in my life I have gotten bored with the middle of the road and headed for the ditch more than once.
Thanks for doing what you do, sir! We patiently enjoy your posts as you regroup and rebuild. I probably could not have handled the negativity you have withstood to keep the blog going when numerous nabobs of negativism have tried to undermine our collective spirit and good will. It must be time to play the FitR album again.
There is so much trouble in the world. One thing I am truly grateful for is the continuing output of Neil Young. And this blog. Such a tiny part of the feedback is negative chaff nowadays. Thank you Thrasher / TW! You are a light in the darkness. And the day is at hand. It’s time to hop on my bicycle and go ride up some steep hills. Got to keep myself I. Shape in case I ever get drafted by TW. I would vote against myself, but your words have lifted me up today. It will be that much easier riding up the hills! Alan in Seattle
I just replied and may have lost the note I just typed, or it may be that comments are being managed by the blogger. Suffice to say, you give me a great compliment in pegging me as a potentially worthy Blogger at the helm of your magnificent machine, TW. Thank you. I will now head off to ride my bicycle up some steep hills and endeavor to stay in shape, despite the passing years. I shall not cynically look at the Artist and blame them for any shortage of levity. Keep on Bloggin’! Alan in Seattle
Ha ha! I am humbled by your compliments! “I am not worthy!” We want you! Alan in Seattle
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