Thrasher's Wheat Radio 2.0 Vodcast - Episode #9 | 9-11 Memories, Our Troubles + Farm Aid 2021 | Hosted by

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This week's episode honors the 20th anniversary of 9-11, the thrashers recent troubles, and previews Farm Aid 2021 logistics, as well as, a look back with Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real @ Farm Aid 2019 Highlights - Alpine Valley, Wisconsin .
Recently, we premiered Episode #1 of a revamped Thrasher's Wheat Radio 2.0 Vodcast/Podcast -- after a longer than expected hiatus -- in honor and celebrating Thrasher's Wheat 25th Anniversary: 1996 - 2021.
(See all episode links @ Podcast Archive: Thrasher's Wheat Radio 2.0 | Hosted by
Labels: archives, neil young, neil young archives, podcast, radio
Welcome back!
It was nice to hear you on the radio show again, Thrasher. That is one huge tree! I am a fellow tree hugger. Peace will prevail. I wish you ease in recovery. Thank you for your commitment to the Neil Young community! We love you. Hang in there. Alan in Seattle
Hooray you're back!
Welcome to your future Thrashers. ✌️
Peace 🙏
NYA has been very busy since you’ve been gone. Much to discuss and share. All in good time.
Peace 🙏
So happy to see you back Thrasher. Just saw a new concert up on NYA. It is 8/29/1987. Looks great! I also noticed that since it is concert of the week it actually plays on the app. I hadn’t realized that it allows that. Older concerts still don’t but very cool that the current one works!
HG, shout out to you for the heads up on the app availability of the Concert of the Moment. I was able to listen to the first few tunes of the show and this made my morning!
Hey Hey,
Thanks to all for your support during this challenging period.
As we mentioned in the vodcast, it will take us some time to get our lives back on track.
"Now I won't be back till later on
If I do come back at all
But you know me, and I miss you now."
some day ...
peace & love,
great to hear your voice, sending strong and positive thoughts. Building back takes time!!
and another thing, on my mind yesterday, what the hell is wrong with Rolling Stone magazine? These lists are so incredibly stupid and they don't really contribute to any "debate" at all. They need to get back to something that resembles a music review and some journalism. This is a clown show. I did not even check to see if there are Neil songs on "the list"- I am assuming so.
Good to see you and yours bouncing back!
From McDonough’s SHAKEY, pg 614-615: It all started out on the road with the Horse back in August and September 1987, where, in between the acoustic and electric sets, Young performed a trio of songs with Poncho on organ and guitar tech Larry Cragg on baritone sax. “I was the horn section,” said Cragg. “All of a sudden Neil said, ‘Okay, you’re doin’ it.’”
NYA should include credits on these timeline performances! Cragg killed it!
Not easy to plug up the holes left by T&T's mishap. (Hope things are turning for the better!)
So I add some musings of no import and blatantly off-topic to fill the blank.
I was giving Prairie Wind a closer listening lately. I always had somewhat mixed feelings about the album. Playing it loud in the car this morning, I was struck by the echoes (forebodings) of some song of later days. “It’s a dream”, for instance, with the elaborate orchestral accompaniment, would have fit in beautifully in Storytone (an absolute favourite album of mine, by the way). And “Prairie Wind” clearly foreshadows Peace Trail (in particular “Indian givers”). It is definitely NOT all one song, but it is intriguing to hear how NY came up with styles and production tricks in 2005 that would recur later. Part of his highly creative and distinctive late style.
Talking about forebodings: Checking up on the well-known Time interview by Josh Tyrangiel (Wednesday September 28, 2005) about the Prairie Wind album, I was struck by this passage on wishing to leave California and turning to the Rockies and Canada. Perhaps it has been noted here before, but it struck me for its predictive value.
“I’m a Canadian. I’d like to vote in the U.S. election because I feel like I’ve got just as much right to vote in them as anybody else. I’ve lived here for so long, paid taxes for so long and my kids have to register for selective service. I guess I could be a dual citizen, but if I ever had to give up my Canadian citizenship to become American I wouldn’t do it, because I wouldn’t want to hurt Canada. I love Canada. As I get older, more and more I start singing about Canada. My wife’s a California girl, so she loves to be near the ocean, and I love to be near her. So I’m probably going to be here longterm. But a part of me, I don’t know, maybe I’ll get a cabin up in Canada so when I’m older I can sit on the gold coast up in B.C. and look around. Or be up in the Rockies up there around Banff or something. I wouldn’t mind going back, being part of it again.”
Greetings to all!
Hello. It seems we can carry on here in the comments section. Do any of you have stories to share of your favorite Neil Young concerts, or something amazing or funny that happened around it? I know I do. I propose we start telling stories and post Neil Young related stuff, as we have been.
But I propose we increase the quantity of comments. Got some Neil Young musings? Song analysis? Fond memories to share? Favorite albums? I have told some of my stories before but it looks like it may be time to re-tell some stories. You people are intelligent, fun, and you have great taste in Neil Young music.
I know Thrasher would be glad that we kept this blog active in his absence. Let’s Roll! Alan in Seattle
Good insight, Minke. I like what you had to say. I wasn’t blown away by Prarie Wind. I will need to give that another listen. I am a fan of Storytone and Peace Trail. I was over the moon when Neil made Peace Trail. Alan in Seattle
Agreed. Unrelated: I read a list of Jimi’s “10 best posthumous release songs. I am a huge Hendrix fan. In my view, the list they made had zero of his 10 best posthumous song releases. The greatest song in this category IMHO is Little Wing, live at Winterland. 2nd thru 4th on the list would from one album: South Saturn Delta. The studio versions of Power of Love and Message To Love are epic, massive, glorious guitar passages. They even eclipse the live Band of Gypsys versions. The 4th song is a searing, powerful electric blues version of Midnight Lightning played in hard-hitting Blues style. It sends a chill up the spine as much as his 18 minute version of Voodoo Chile on Electric Ladyland.
What does this have to do with Neil Young? Well, Neil is a fan of Hendrix. The two of them were peers, although Neil says he didn’t really hear what Hendrix accomplished fully until after his death, or after he crossed paths with him. Does Neil Young read TW comments? Probably. At times. I bet Neil is a bit concerned about Thrasher right now. And, Neil might be listening to some music from other artists a bit during lockdown. Alan in Seattle
I look forward to hearing the next album from Neil. I liked Colorado. I love it when Neil picks up the electric guitars… or the acoustic guitars.
Any updates on content of NYA? All you NY fans, please post updates here. Got a thought to share? Much Love to TW and the NY Community. Alan in Seattle
Dan, would you be willing to post some of these things in comments on the blog? It seems Thrasher may not yet be back for a bit longer than we all had hoped. Alan
@ Alan - thanks so much to you Dan, Abner, Ian and others for keeping the Neil news flowing and helping to separate the wheat from the chaff.
Right, the building back better business is taking longer than expected. surprise.
we have not really had a chance to think too much about the future. As thrashette likes to remind me: "Alchemy, baby!" (EQUAL TIME: PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE"
We're mostly focused on the now, today and living in the moment.
This is actually a very healthy thing for us as we do spend quite a bit of time on our journeys thru the past and contemplating a better future.
The news has been turned off for sometime now.
So keeping it REAL.
Living in the NOW.
peace & love,
Minke, interesting comments. I think Alan is right, we can help the Thrashers by carrying on with some commentary, etc.. I always thought very highly of Prairie Wind. The songs are far more literal and have lost some of Neil's imaginative power, but they make up with a direct look at mortality. "Falling Off The Face of the Earth" and "It's a Dream" are great songs, even if they did not make the Rolling Stone Clown Show. I have never even listened to Storytone. I confess. Most of Peace Trail I found awful (sorry), especially songs like Texas Rangers. These are songs that attempt to recall his best songs, they are immediate and abstract but they stink like sewer gas (Glass Accident is another). Milky Way was, for me, a kind of recovery of the younger Neil songs. Opaque but powerful. Hope everyone is well.
ps - here's something that we might consider ...
Robert Broadfoot has been posting to NYA a summary of some of Neil’s most interesting answers to Letters to the Editor.
Here's a subset randomly grabbed for contemplation & discussion.
This notes for you Alan!
Albums / Songs / Timeline Concerts
The first six albums in the Official Bootleg Series are "all mastered and ready to press. Just no factories to produce it. Most of it will come in 2022.” Neil says there are already more albums planned for the series than the six already announced.
Neil raises the possibility of issuing a new edition of Archives Vol. 1 containing new material not in the original edition.
Archives Vol. 3 is now planned to cover the years from 1976 to “1987 or so” and not 1990 as was previously announced.
“Ragged Glory is coming in 2022”, which presumably means the reissue of Ragged Glory with four extra tracks subtitled Smell The Horse.
“We are looking at Canterbury House as an NYA album”, says Neil, though he does not say what an “NYA album” might actually be when compared for example with a normal album. Possibly separate song audio files put together in the form of an album compilation to appear as an album in the File Cabinet as well as on the Timeline/App together with more information and credits? Who knows?
Asked about recordings from “other projects” appearing on NYA, such as Imagine from the America: A Tribute To Heroes Telethon, Neil says “We are looking at that.”
Videos / Movies
Neil describes the available footage of the 1984 Crazy Horse Catalyst show, thought to have been planned for Archives Vol.3, as “rough video”. Does this mean perhaps it won’t be ready for Archives Vol. 3?
The film of Mirror Ball Live in Dublin with Pearl Jam from 1995 is currently due next year: “We have a movie with PJ coming in 22.”
Asked if the movie Journey Through The Past will be rereleased on DVD or Blu-ray, Neil answers “We will be doing that soon. It is currently all in the shute.”
Film of the 30 September 2018 Philadelphia Tower Theater solo show is “coming soon”.
NYA Stuff
NYA applies the term “unreleased” to Neil’s recordings if they were “never released as audio”. This therefore means songs released only on video media do not count as "released" in that specific sense.
Neil answered a suggestion that Crazy Horse’s own albums should appear on NYA by saying “good idea”. In a separate letter, Neil said Ralph Molina’s last solo album Love & Inspiration should be getting an airing on NYA as a guest album soon.
As a separate financial enterprise, NYA currently has some 26,000 subscribers but is not yet breaking even.
Archive Crawls / Reader Requests…
Neil is asked for another “ripping” live version of Last Dance as a dying wish. He says he remembers one in particular and will try to find it.
Neil says he has considered performing again in “tiny” venues with “hundreds rather than thousands” in the audience.
A Neil thought for the day: “The moon is a beautiful way to keep track of things”.
Neil confirms that none of his master tapes were lost in the Universal Studios fire in 2008.
“John Hanlon has stepped back and is not working too much for me now. We all miss his stuff.”
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I tried to post an album review / reflection that was apparently over 4096 characters. I tried to edit it down and repost. I am being held back by technology. Agh!
Alan in Seattle
Upon further enjoyment I noticed that credits are included on the app version of the Great Woods ‘87 show, but only the four Horse men are mentioned. How’s about some love for Larry?
This concert is really standing out as a gem now. From within the decade-on Rust Never Sleeps framework, Neil showcases new nuggets like Last Of His Kind and This Note’s For You as well as the first preview of Freedom to come with Someday in the solo set, presents Life tracks Mideast Vacation and Long Walk Home that deftly top their studio counterparts even in this rough mix and with the dubious technology of the time, delivers singlehandedly and with the band performances of several 70s chestnuts that could be called top-tier keeper takes (the segue of Dance Dance Dance to Love Is A Rose is a real treat for the Archives enthusiast), debuts not three but four future Bluenotes standards including a heavy-as-hell Don’t Take Your Love Away From Me and a second, rocking rendition of This Note’s, and nails the epic closer with a blistering quartet of legendary tunes to send everyone home exhilarated. I was four hours away but ten years old when this show happened. I had no idea what I was missing but it was right around the corner.
Tomatron, thanks for this, I am going to watch. I was at a Great Woods concert in 1982, Trans and Shocking Pinks. Went over like the proverbial lead balloon. I also had to fend off several really drunk guys.....
In May 1987 I saw the show in Munich. Ticket sales were really down during this European tour and they arranged for a much smaller venue with maybe 2000 memebers of the audience, that's a lot smaller than the huge Olympic Hall (space for a crowd of 15.000 and more if needed). What I witnessed was one of the resurrections of the Horse, no less. It's all on Muddy Track, a very revealing document for those who were there. At one point one can see an irate Neil Young, raging about the dire venues of this tour and the band being at the top of their game at the same time. "When you're lost in the rain in Munich and it's past Easter Time too and your gravity fails and negativity won't pull you through ..." With this other concert online now my chances that the Munich concert of 1987 will appear as a patron's wish are rather slim I guess.
Very exciting how these shows are starting to roll out. New show up as concert of the week (and yes it is on the app!). It is with the Lost Dogs 4/14/89. Setlist on sugar mountain looks great!
Very exciting how these shows are starting to roll out. New show up as concert of the week (and yes it is on the app!). It is with the Lost Dogs 4/14/89. Setlist on sugar mountain looks great!
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New concert of the week is up. 4/14/89 with the Lost Dogs! Setlist looks amazing. So great these shows are rolling out regularly.
Nobody can replace the immense work and dedication Thrasher has demonstrated over the years. But perhaps we honour his labour best by feeding this chatbox with our stuff once in a while and keep it going. I kind of like the auto-activity displayed here. Full of non-sequiturs. I love those.
The recent concert of the week with the Lost Dogs reminded me of something I have been pondering on for some time now. As much as I love Crazy Horse, I am also fond of Neil Young’s other collaborations, because they bring out a different kind of musical persona in him. One of those combinations is the short-lived stint with The Restless, basically consisting of a quartet with Rick Rosas, Chad Cromwell and Frank Sampedro. It strangely emerged out of the Bluenotes sessions, which had an entirely different character.
Over the past years I have been returning frequently to a video of a concert of NY and the Restless in St Louis on January 11, 1989:
It is a rare document of this short tour that brought him to only a few places in the US, to Australia, New Zealand and Japan in early 1989, but there the band was renamed as the Lost Dogs. Around this time, Young must have discovered his second or third youth (Everybody knows being 1, Rust Never Sleeps 2) and turn it into volume acrobatics and an almost violent stage performance. The way he starts off after the acoustic first part (with gems like Someday, Wrecking Ball and For the Turnstiles) with Heavy Love, Cocaine Eyes and, further on in the electric set, On Broadway, are just … brutal. Evidently, not all the songs are as good as those on this show. Some Crazy Horse songs (Cinnamon Girl) are considerably less fit for this team, but still they also burst out of the seams and exude tons of energy. The Eldorado songs are the absolute pinnacle. Watching this show, you feel the adrenaline surging as in a good old-fashioned punkrock fracas.
His podium rage lasted only a bit longer, culminating in the absolutely outrageous performance of Rockin’ in the Free World at the Saturday Night Live show, in another gilded new collaboration with Charlie Drayton and Steve Jordan -- and Poncho -- which is perhaps rocking even more than the Rosas-Cromwell team. Such a pity that this other combination did not produce more. Then the leaves turned as suddenly again and Young moved to the other extreme and went on a (quasi) solo tour.
Wouldn’t it be great if the Bootleg project would eternalize some of this amazing, a bit overlooked, and to my taste, marvelous short phase in Young’s performing career? Anyway, it is absolutely worthwhile to watch the St Louis concert. Strange that it has only a few views. Don’t forget to bring your tranquilizers (no, no don’t do these things) or herbal tea. Check it out.
I am with you. Bring on the Punk Rock fracas! I am very keen on hearing recordings from Eldorado era. Cocaine Eyes would be crazy live! All the grunge from the man himself. With Lost Dogs!
Minke, I am jealous you were able to post as many words as you did. I have been unable to successfully post a review I did if Peace Trail due to 4096 character limit. I tried boiling it down, down, and down sone more. I have had trouble posting to TW off and on for several years. There was a stretch of over a year when I couldn’t / didn’t post anything at all. The era you speak of is dear to my heart. We have heard the quiet chapter which followed. Give us the Big Guns, Uncle Neil! Alan in Seattle
Hell yes to that suggestion! I just tried to post a longer reply and was unsuccessful once again, thwarted in my attempts to post on the blog. Super annoying. Tried to post review of Peace Trail and failed numerous attempts, too many characters it said. Cut it down and cut it again. No luck. Agh! Alan in Seattle
F yes to the Eldorado live request!!!! -Alan in Seattle
@ Minke - great comment which we would normally post as a Comment of the Moment!
@ Alan - thanks for your diligence here.
Let us explain what you're experiencing here w/ your comments. At this time, comments are set on Moderation. So the comment is posting but being held until released. Thus you're not seeing immediate publishing.
We did see your email and will attempt to publish review separately.
we're considering making occasional Open Thread post similar to NYA#1 days to keep discussion flowing during our "forced sabbatical".
Thanks again to all for your support and keeping the candle burning here @ TW!
Thanks Thrasher. I can calm down now. I am happy to know it’s not some Tech company blocking me. 😂 Much Love My fellow friendly NeilYoungians!
Alan in Seattle
@Minke : Brilliant! What a show! Young and the Restless, Jan 11, 1989! I will enjoy it more than once. Believe it or not I listened to the electric portion last night as I fell asleep(!). ADD makes this possible?
So Neil’s guitar loses power entirely for some reason and he is hung out to dry by his ineffective (?!) stage crew / challenging gear failure of some sort. Rick and drummer keep playing, Neil wonders where his crew is. He says “This never happens to Ratt.” He props Old Black upright standing on his feet, neck in his belt buckle, and he literally plays AIR guitar! But Rick and drummer carry on and eventually Neil gets his Amp back and he returns to the song, killing it! I think I heard Cocaine Eyes before I drifted off to sleep. I shall return and watch it again.
This is near the top of my Unreleased Live Neil list. Mirror Ball “I’m The Ocean” in a live show is right there too. And Dream Machine, Dock of the Bay, with Booker T & the MGs. I caught the last show with both but the memory of the Dream Machine is fleeting. Dock of the Bay was gorgeous. All right, off to bed. I’ll throw the SL show on again now. I dig posting on TW, my favorite Internet location, and reading what you people have to say. The TW Universe is full of smart, passionate folks with incredible taste and insight into Neil Young music. Share your musings, Alan in Seattle
During the song Heavy Love
I really enjoyed watching/listening to the NY and the Restless concert recommended by @Minke - thanks for recommending. What a setlist and performances despite the tech problems Alan refers to. Very interested to see the Eldorado era songs live, and great versions of DBTR and Hurricane too. Rick the bass player looks so young! And he gets to introduce the band and a song too. Great to see Ben performing with Neil too - need to find more footage of Ben and Neil if we can. Two hours very well spent - thanks again. Ron
Good stuff!
When I want to revisit this era, I youtube the song "Road of Plenty"
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