TICKETS: Mountaintop Film by Neil Young with Crazy Horse
Tickets for the advance screening of Mountaintop: Neil Young with Crazy Horse on Tuesday, Oct 22 are now available here.
Film description:
A raw and extremely unfiltered look at the process of Neil Young with Crazy Horse making their 1st album in 7 years. Witness the laughter, tensions, crusty attitudes & love of a rock & roll band that’s been together for 50 years as they share their passion, first and foremost... for the music.
A 2 minute preview trailer of ‘Mountaintop Sessions’, a documentary film about the making of COLORADO, by Neil Young & Crazy Horse was posted in September and below.
Neil Young posts on Neil Young Archives:
“Captured for you in living color, this document is sure to run 92 minutes. You may be surprised to learn some of the deep secrets of the process as you laugh your ass off in a theater near you.[Emphasis added.]
One night only and there is a reason for that.”
As noted earlier, ‘Mountaintop Sessions’ will be released in over 100 theaters world-wide the week the album COLORADO debuts, in October. Along with the preview trailer, is an essay by Bill Bentley on the Neil Young & Crazy Horse studio recording process which is a must read for both content and style.
Bentley writes that: "Neil Young is a born filmmaker. The same sounds he hears in his head he sees with his eyes. He wants to share with those who want to join his journey." Bentley continues to capture the essence of Neil & The Horse: "It's like a 360-degree exposure to what Young's music really is: a life force that sustains not only him but also his audience."
Typically, comments on YouTube cover the usual standard tired, tropes on Neil Young and his music. The latest wrinkle is the realization by some that Neil is "a dirty old man", as he once admittedly (and somewhat semi-proudly) sang of himself on the album
Neil Young got into the director's chair for 'Mountaintop,' a doc about Crazy Horse's first album in seven years, 'Colorado'
— Rolling Stone (@RollingStone) October 11, 2019
From Abramorama takes theatrical rights for Neil Young film “Mountain Top”: (Thanks HtH!)
“The only thing better than working on a Bernard Shakey film is working on another Bernard Shakey film,” Abramorama CEO Richard Abramowitz said in a statement. “Providing fans around the world with the opportunity to see how Neil and the band put it all together is a particularly rare and exciting experience.”More on Neil Young & Crazy Horse recording the album COLORADO.

Neil Young & Crazy Horse's new album "COLORADO" is now available for pre-order. Order here. (Please shop locally & independently. But if you can't, we appreciate your supporting Thrasher's Wheat by clicking this link . Thank you!!!)

Billy, Neil, Nils, & Ralph - April 2019
via Neil Young Archives | Times Contrarian
photo: dhlovelife
Neil says: "One night only and there is a reason for that.” Well, we got our tickets and can't wait for this "one night only" w/ Crazy Horse!
Labels: album, crazy horse, film, neil young, poster, studio, trailer
Is Mountaintop still scheduled to play in Europe on Nov 18th, and will there be tickets for sale on the Archives?
More importantly, is Finland included? If not, I would love to help reach out to some beautiful local art house cinemas!
Good question Darth.
This is all we know. Might we suggest a LTE to NYA?
good luck and please report back
No Albuquerque showings. Maybe it will hit NYA one day?
Our local theater, Silverspot in Chapel Hill, does this stuff all the time and had a pretty good crowd for "Human Highway" a while back.
Wonder why they opted out for this? Can the North Carolina fans write some letters to the Chapel Hill Silverspot management in favor of "Mountaintop"?
Contact for locals (it won't help for out of town folks to contact them):
P.S. There were a couple of times (Lansing, Michigan and Rochester, Michigan) where I had a similar experience that the sound engineer had with ol' Neil. Have a feeling seeing this in the theater is going to bring up some emotional memories for me from the last century.
As Neil has stated on NYA, the film will be coming out in December as a bonus disc with the deluxe edition of the CD. Seeing on the big screen would be awesome. I’ll be checking to see where it’s Playing in AZ.
Loved the trailer as Neil was quite cranky about getting the right sound. Love his passion.
I’ll be at Harkens Theatre on October 22nd @ 7pm in Flagstaff Arizona. Looking forward to having an experience with Neil and the Horse.
Neil comes off like a prick on the preview. Seems kinda forced to me, Neil's gotta play the "grumpy old man". Yet again, Briggs and Poncho not being there leaves a huge void. Neil has surrounded himself with folks who never question the master, no matter how much he rages. Love and only love, right guys?
@ Richie - Did you see the Prairie Wind studio sessions earlier this week in Hearse?
Did you see how neil worked with Emmylou Harris on her background vocals? Coaching along, offering tender support.
It was really truly touching how neil & emmy would glance back and forth, both looking and approving in a collaborative spirit and smiling joyfully when realizing they nailed it.
such a joy to see & hear
Totally relate to Neil having the "muse" held up because of technology screwing up. Do think now that you can interact with the your inspiration a little better given we are in a free will universe and you sort of have to give the "muse" permission to help you. Otherwise, it is like that Wim Winder movie "Wings Of Desire" where the angels, who are really multidimensional beings, can only watch and wait.
Honestly, I do think there was a big change in energy for humans interaction with the muse at the end of 2012 but Neil had been dealing with the fickle nature of a musical muse showing up and leaving just as quick for decades before that. Go back and read the original stuff the Mayan elders said about this period in history and flush what the news said about it down the toilet. The Mayan's simply nailed this period in history right now and I honestly think between now and the next Solstice is going to make your head spin. Doesn't feel like everything hidden is coming to light right now in every way?
Have been on a bit of a study of Native Americans and they pray for help giving their permission for the ancient ancestors to help them. They give respect to seven generations forward and seven back. The clash that happened was that the European folks were straight line linear and the Native Americans lived in multidimensional circles and cycles. It is my sense that they feel future and past ancients around them with the only barrier being visual in terms of interacting with their life force.
Have a respect for Neil's honest approach to filming creative stuff like this new "Mountaintop" and it reminds me of the "Muddy Track" hotel scene at the start of the film where he tells them he wants them to film warts and all.
@Thrasher- I wouldn't expect Neil to be grumpy towards someone like Emmylou, she's a fellow artist. And I don't think Neil is a mean guy or anything like that, but I do think he is a little nasty towards his underlings, a trait that he has exhibited other times. I love the guy but I don't think that's one of his better qualities.
@ Jim - very interesting as always. much thanks.
we never quite bought into the whole 2012/Mayan calendar business. that said, we are familiar with the concept of "The Quickening" and what folks are feeling. It is a real feeling, for sure.
For most of us of a certain era, the widespread arrival of the Internet in ~1993, marked the beginning of "The Quickening". We value your understanding of time travel and how it relates to Neil's muse and lyrics. All of the esoterica is often way too much for folks to handle or grasp. But rusties are some of the smartest, most aware out there and get much of neil's message, as well as, TW's journeys towards that Big Shift.
Frankly, our opinion is that many are stuck in a time loop where events keep repeating. And it is infuriating -- to a degree -- when you realize that you're living through the 3rd round of Presidential impeachments in one's life over a relatively short period.
But not to digress...
@ Richie - thanks for clarification here. we misunderstood your original comment apparently.
So you're referring to Neil busting on Hanlon at beginning? hmm. at the end, Hanlon is getting the supreme Neil compliment from Neil about how much he likes the sound.
actually, that just seems to be the way neil is in his drive towards perfection, in terms of capturing what he hears in his head. We're not sure Hanlon was getting any different treatment than Briggs ever did.
only The Horse could say for sure on Hanlon & Briggs. maybe someday The Horse will wage their own heavy peace?!
Like Ralph said on Facebook, "Not disrespect, frustration ... Dumb saying this, but it happens with all musicians, duh."
Not listed on the official website, but Austin Film Society is also showing the premiere on 10/22.
Artistic temperament does not conflate with “prick.” These rare people, with so much aesthetic ability, are prone to perfectionism in the practice.
So apparently most everyone here wouldn't mind if their boss spoke to them the way Neil speaks to the people working for him?
Once again, I love Neil, I just don't worship him to the point where I can't realize when he's acting like a jerk.
When a musician claims you are going to "laugh your ass off" about something, this is usually fair warning that you should brace yourself. Musicians simply aren't funny; only one step removed from American comedians. Neil, however, is funny, and I'm looking forward to this film.
As for the antics with Hanlon, it's all just part of the ritual of making a Crazy Horse record. I wouldn't be too concerned. These guys are friends and have been making records together for decades. It's a bit of one-way banter, a way of keeping everyone on their toes. This is pretty respectful stuff as far as rock bands go.
Also worth noting that Neil is very aware that they are making a film, and he is no stranger to method acting. A friendly tea party sounds like an enjoyable way to spend a Sunday afternoon, but filming one would not make for the most engaging of rock 'n' roll films. As you'd expect, they have picked a clip with a bit of drama to use as the trailer.
I agree with Richie that Poncho and Briggs are missed. I hope that Poncho will work with Neil again in future, even if on a non-Crazy Horse record (some of Neil's best bands ever have seen Poncho paired with different rhythm sections, with fantastic results). He's a hugely important guy in Neil' music. Neil has been known to make great records without him, however.
Scotsman, I might not be a very nice person as I thought the sequence with the sound guy was pretty funny. I took note that he didn’t seem upset.
Dear Thrasher,
I am excited for movie night to see Mtn top. I look forward to the new album, as always. I am grateful for your positive words in the comments section. Light a Candle, indeed.
Neil was very grumpy about the sound at soundcheck in Idaho years back with PotR. This did not concern me. And his music seared as he played his harmonica thru his guitar effects. It was an unbelievable set in soundcheck and a fantastic show that night!
I am so glad he continues to do his thing! I look forward to all the movies. I will soon rewatch JttP on my Blu Ray surround. Cheers to you for doing what you do with this blog. You have enriched my life. Trump and the DNC do what they do. I endeavor to smile at the world and it’s people, and my family. Ice caps are melting.
That doesn’t mean I must become a dark hearted creature.
Peace and Love.
Alan in Seattle
Sent from my iPhone
Dirty Old Man was from Chrome Dreams II - not
@ Jonathan - thanks. corrected.
btw, look what floated up this weekend. check comments from 2011
same as it ever was ...
Thrasher - lol yea I enjoyed revisiting my expert analysis from 2011...
Trump 2020
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