Neil Young Splits The Difference on Times-Contrarian | NYA
Neil Young is splitting the difference on Times-Contrarian | Neil Young Archives.
In today's Times-Contrarian, the headlines reflect both a Left and Right viewpoint on Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s report on President Donald Trump's "Russian Collusion". The front page editorial content marks a notable shift to a "balanced" perspective. While it is unclear whether this is just a blip or foreshadowing of greater balance, it undoubtedly will trigger some -- as everything seems to do these days -- no matter how inconsequential or trivial.
The last time Neil Young tried to maintain balance was back in 2006 during the "Living With War" album launch and the massive blowback from the release.
Once completed, Neil played the album for his label Reprise and than immediately gave a live interview to CNN. For many fans, this was Neil at his finest -- speaking truth to power.

Neil Rocks on CNN
"Living With War" would eventually become rock's "Fahrenheit 9/11".
His website Living with War Today presented perspectives from a wide range of opinions while featuring downloadable protest songs written and performed by songwriter/performers from all over the world.

Thrasher's Wheat highlighted on Neil Young's
Here at Thrasher's Wheat, we've previously discussed the false choice driven by "controlled opposition" where the Left and Right is really a duality trap. Divide and Rule. With control over both the Left and Right messaging, voters are herded into the choice of "The Controllers" either way. They win, we lose. (Or -- if you prefer -- Northern Man, Southern Man and The Un-Civil Wars of Donald Trump & Neil Young.)
But we digress... (but if you want more, here are our thoughts on proposals and solutions or
Politics of CSNY Freedom of Speech Tour).

Freedom of Speech: CSNY 2006 Concert Tour
Tour Updates, Setlists, Concert Photos Links
Labels: donald trump, neil young, politics
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he looks allot like HST in that pic
Balance during LWW era? It was certainly not balanced, which is why half the country reacted as it did. Neil has never been "balanced," a consistent liberal aside from brief flirtation with Reaganism in the 80s. He's not balanced now. Both-siderism is a pretty lazy take, as there are CLEAR substantial differences between the two political parties. Luckily Neil generally does not fall into that trap
@ Matt & Jes - sure, valid response here.
To clarify. By "balance" here's what we were referring to -- the "LIVING WITH WAR TODAY" website setup for the album.
As you may not recall, because of the blowback to the one sided view (see "Let's Impeach The President"), Neil setup the LWW site so that it presented a whole side of rebuttals and published all sorts of counter "conservative" viewpoints.
Unfortunately, it seems the web pages are no longer accessible via NYA.
hope that helps
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