Pegi Young: 1952 - 2019

Pegi Young: 1952 - 2019
2014 Annual Bridge School Benefit Concert
Photo: Jessica Christian, The Chronicle
With great sadness, we confirm that on January 1st, after a yearlong battle with cancer, Pegi Young - mother, grandmother, sister, auntie, musician, activist and co-founder of the Bridge School - passed away surrounded by her friends and family in her native California. We request that the families' privacy be respected at this time

Such A Woman : Pegi Young 1952-2019 | NYA
"You are such a woman to me"
Thanks Pegi,
for being such a wonderful mother
to our children.
You live on inside of them
and the many you have touched.
Pegi Young, the singer-songwriter who co-founded the Bridge School with ex-husband Neil Young, has died at age 66— Rolling Stone (@RollingStone) January 3, 2019
Neil Young - "Harvest Moon" (inspired by Pegi)
The @bridgeschool family is saddened by the loss of our friend and co-founder, @pegiyoung. Her vision has changed the lives of children worldwide & we will do our best to continue her mission. Please keep us and her family in your thoughts and prayers as we keep the dream alive.
— The Bridge School (@bridgeschool) January 4, 2019
There are no words I have to express the sadness I feel at the news of @pegiyoung’s passing. May she Rest In Peace, and condolences from the whole Nelson family.
— Lukas Autry Nelson (@lukasnelson) January 3, 2019
In Memoriam: Musician and Bridge School Co-Founder Pegi Young ::
— Relix (@RelixMag) January 3, 2019

From 'Neil Young: Heart of Gold' Film
Rest in sweet peace #PegiYoung . Our friend. And a warrior for children and families everywhere. Thank you. It’s all too short.
— Nils Lofgren (@nilslofgren) January 4, 2019
Neil & Pegi Young - GRAMMY's 2014
See Neil and Pegi Young sing "Four Strong Winds" at Live 8 in 2005
— Rolling Stone (@RollingStone) January 3, 2019
Singer-songwriter Pegi Young, who was married to Neil Young for 36 years, has died of cancer at 66. Pegi was the inspiration for Neil's love songs 'Such a Woman', 'Unknown Legend' and 'Once an Angel.'
— CBC News Alerts (@CBCAlerts) January 3, 2019
Pegi Young & The Survivors w/ Special Guest
Farm Aid 2012 Concert - Hershey, PA
Photo by thrashette
We are devastated at the loss of Pegi Young, a good Farm Aid friend, an inspiring, talented artist and an incredibly kind, considerate human. Pegi passed away on New Year’s Day following a year-long battle with cancer.
— Farm Aid (@FarmAid) January 3, 2019

Pegi Young, musician & former wife of Neil Young, dies at 66
— billboard (@billboard) January 3, 2019
INTERVIEW - Pegi Young: Charitable Work and Songwriting Help the Healing Process | Guitar Girl Magazine :
Pegi Young: I was surprised to reflect on that myself. I came into the game late in life, according to some rulebook. I’ve been able to continue recording, and I’m quite pleased that I’ve been able to carve out this time in my life to do this. When I went into the studio to make my first solo record [Pegi Young, 2007], I’d been doing backgrounds and some professional stuff with Neil.
But I was very shy and not at all self-confident about my ability to carve out a career for myself. Even in the later years, when people asked why I didn’t do this earlier, I didn’t know how, first of all, but I did not have the confidence. I was terribly shy and I still am, but when I get onstage I let my other side come out.
So sad to hear of the passing of Pegi Young, Neil's former wife. Pegi was a talented musician with a kind heart who blessed a lot of people with her spirit. Her talents & example will live on. Peace and love to her family. #gonetoosoon #rip #love #peace #music #Legacy
— Randy Bachman (@RandysVinylTap) January 4, 2019
Pegi Young has died following a battle with cancer
— Pitchfork (@pitchfork) January 3, 2019
Rest in Peace Pegi Young - Pegi and I shared a Birthday and every year we would do the birthday buddy email exchange...This was just a few weeks ago...she sounded very positive, being the warrior that...
— Jay Blakesberg (@jayblakesberg) January 3, 2019
Interview: Pegi Young & The Survivors - New Album 'Raw'
"We looked at all the songs we had and I just put together this initial sequence and, you know, it was perfect," Young says. "It told a story. I kind of look at it as a soundtrack to the seven stages of grief. You've got anger, then shock and disbelief. As we go through the album, the later songs show my growth and ... I can't say total acceptance, but I think the last song, that wonderful Don Henley song ["The Heart of the Matter"], talks about forgiveness. That's really where it's at, you know?"
Pegi was real rock n roll. She was a fierce defender of the #disabled. She was real. #RIP #PegiYoung
— Mari-Anne Kehler (@MaKehler) January 3, 2019
Pegi Young was a singer/songwriter, activist and musician, whose career includes solo work as well as being frontwoman of Pegi Young & The Survivors.
— Recording Academy / GRAMMYs (@RecordingAcad) January 4, 2019
Neil Young - "Unknown Legend"
"She used to work in a diner
Never saw a woman look finer
I used to order just to watch her float across the floor
She grew up in a small town
Never put her roots down
Daddy always kept movin', so she did too."
Pegi Young's best songs: 10 great tracks from the undersung songwriter
— billboard (@billboard) January 3, 2019
Pegi Young, Singer-Songwriter and Ex-Wife of Neil Young, Dies at 66 @pegiyoung
— American Songwriter (@AmerSongwriter) January 4, 2019
Pegi Young's Backup Vocal Debut: The 66th Academy Awards | 1994
Music (Original Song): Philadelphia in "Philadelphia" Music and Lyric by Neil Young
Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, Monday, March 21, 1994
RIP, Pegi Young. World’s greatest special needs mom.
— Ursula Koenig (@ursulakoenig) January 3, 2019
~~ Pegi Young, 2016

The Iron Horse, Northhampton, MA - April 10, 2012
Photos by Steve Babineau | Facebook
Upset that her son, Ben, who has cerebral palsy, was not getting the education he needed, Pegi Young helped start the Bridge School for children with severe physical and speech impairments. Ms. Young, a former wife of Neil Young, was also a singer
— New York Times Arts (@nytimesarts) January 5, 2019
"I came into my own, you might say, in terms of putting out my first record quite late in life," Young says. "And yet there's some authors and photographers and even probably recording artists that didn't really hit their stride until their mid-50s. Some people write a lot more and put out a lot more product than I do, but I'm pleased with what I've been able to do in the last decade, and I don't see this as my last record by any stretch.
In some ways it's like a new beginning, even."
Full interview @ Pegi Young Premieres 'Too Little Too Late' Video, Talks Learning 'To Live In New World Order' After Divorce | BILLBOARD by Gary Graff.
2015 Bridge School Benefit Concerts:
October 24 & 25 - Shoreline Amphitheater, Mountain View, CA

Bridge Parents Present Roses for Pegi's 25 Years of Support
@ Bridge School Benefit Concert 2011
Photo Gallery by By Jay Blakesberg Photography

Consider Donating to The Bridge School in Memory of Co-founder Pegi Young, Dead at 66
— David McPherson (@mcphersoncomm) January 5, 2019
So sad to hear of the passing of @pegiyoung. A wonderful, courageous woman. A lovely artist. And an amazing mother and a crusader.
— Elton John (@eltonofficial) January 4, 2019
The world needs more people like her.
Elton xx
The Story of Neil and Pegi Young
— Eric Knight (@eric_knight) January 4, 2019

Neil Young, Ben Keith, & Pegi Young
Ben Keith's Birthday - March 6, 2010
Photo by Ernie Hernandez Jr
30 years of hugs with Pegi at Bridge School. She was so much more than an Unknown Legend to us.
— hounds that howl (@runnerfromperu) January 3, 2019
Pegi interview in 2017:
“I hope that others who have gone through loss, who have gone through heartbreak — be it divorce, death or other forms of loss — will be able to connect with it,” she said. “I’m not the only one to go through late-in-life divorce; I’m not the only one to suffer a major heartbreak.
And I won’t be the last.”
Willie Nelson's ranch, 1984
Photo by Joel Bernstein
Pegi, you will be missed by so many.
The Bridge concerts are your enduring legacy and you brought so much joy to so many children and their parents and teachers. Those standing ovations at the end of each night we'll always remember. You have been a tireless advocate for kids with special needs. We saw and felt the love at the Bridge concerts we attended over the decades and feel very blessed to have been part of those special moments with you and the large extended Young Family.
And now she Sleeps with Angels -- Ben "Long Grain", L.A., & Rick.
Peace & love forever,
Labels: neil young, pegi young
This is very sad news to hear. She deserved a happy ending after everything she's been through. I hate you, Cancer, and all the heartache and sorrow you leave behind.
Pegi RIP
My heartfelt condolences to Neil, Ben, Amber, Zeke and Daryl Young on the passing of
Pegi young. I know she is in your hearts and those of her fans. She will be missed.
Very sad news - so Young.
Absolutely awful news, so sorry to hear this. Condolences to her children and immediate family.
A true unknown legend.....
Wouldn't be nice if her songs where on side bar on NYA site..
Very sad to hear this news. Condolences to her family.
Such a kind & talented lady.
R.I.P. Pegi
What a beautiful soul! Fly on!
The Muse. An amazing woman. Responsible for many musical highlights for Rusties. May her generous nature live on forever.
The Muse. An amazing woman. Responsible for many musical highlights for Rusties. May her generous nature live on forever.
So sorry.💜
Rest in power, Pegi, you made a huge difference in your life! I'm wearing my Bridge School Benefit 2010 tshirt today in honor of your great contributions to the Bridge School and to us all.
Totally agreeing with Sal Paradise -- albeit I think that "too bad" is too gentle -- and I have no idea what this means RE cancer victims: "We are all responsible for our own misery."
RIP Pegi! Thank you for your grace and generosity of spirit!
Thank you for giving Neil the space to create all these years!
Thank you for taking care of Neil so he could do what he does so well!
Thank you for your dedication to the Bridge School and for providing such an amazing opportunity for all those kids!
Long may you Run!!
RIP Pegi! Thank you for your grace and generosity of spirit!
Thank you for giving Neil the space to create all these years!
Thank you for taking care of Neil so he could do what he does so well!
Thank you for your dedication to the Bridge School and for providing such an amazing opportunity for all those kids!
Long may you Run!!
....... Peace be upon her
..... somewhere on a desert highway, she rides a Harley Davidson
......... her long, blonde hair flying in the wind
...... if we don't see you no more in this world,
...... we'll meet you in the next one .. in peace
whoa. stunning news. I had no idea. So many great memories of many Bridge School shows. The way she cared about each kid and introduced them. How she gave updates on that years school progress. "and now I get to introduce my husband. Please welcome him. Neil Young!" Its a sad day. Pegi was lovely and will be missed.
Some say Cancer.
I ain't No doctor.
But I say a Broke Heart weakens the will to Live.
Kicks wide open the opportunity fer all kinds of ailments & Ills.....
Disgusting hypocritical statement. Have some respect.
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I just lost my dad on November 30, 2018 to cancer after he was diagnosed in February of 2018.
He was 73 & was born 9 days after Neil in 1945.
Life on Earth is brief.
1 Corinthians 13:12
If Pegi passed on January 1st, shouldn't the dates be 1952-2019?
and what is a Baltimore Thrush?
How about making your own breakfast Senor Keksalot rather than wanting someone to make it for you?
Maybe Neil was making her miserable; maybe she was making him miserable - only they know the truth. You cannot guarantee anything Senor.
All I know is that she was the inspiration for a great many of Neil's best songs and his muse for many years.
As Neil said recently ' I am just doing what I do and letting the chips fall; everyone in their lives has ups and downs.' You do not live with someone for more than 30 years without mourning their passing. Neil and his family have my deepest sympathy.
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Thank you Pegi for all you have done, bringing awareness, hope and money for research, for those suffering with CP. You will always be remembered for your dedication and hard work. RIP, love.
Very sad news. We had the pleasure of meeting her after she played a very small place in Michigan a few years ago. There was only about fifty in the crowd but they gave a great show and hung out after the show. She will be missed.
I'm normally against banning commenters from websites but perhaps Thrasher will make an exception for Senor Rude...I remember a certain 'LA Johnson' several years back that got his ass booted from here for being an asshole.
We never know what goes on behind closed doors of a marriage, unless you were behind those doors and even then, you likely see it through your eyes only.
66 is awfully young to die. It's a short time on earth. Enjoy the music. RIP Pegi Young
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Thanks most everyone here. We're a bit out of pocket at the moment to deal with this. But we'll get back later this evening.
Farewell Pegi, and sing with the angels. You left behind a legacy of caring, love and kindness for those who suffered from difficult circumstances. My heart goes out to all who knew you and those you helped.
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Such a lovely woman with so much talent and I had truly wished she had got her happy ending. All the great things she has done for children with special needs, the BSB, and trying to carve out a career for herself after so many years taking care of others. I have no idea what went wrong in the marriage, but my condolences go out to her immediate family, and for her friends who loved her. She will be missed.
Harvest Moon
Don’t pretend that you are intimately aware and judge Neil as if you have the right. You are pouring salt on a deep wound to cast stones without knowing what the hell you are talking about. With fans like you, who needs enemas? (Spelling correct). Alan in Seattle
Pegi, You started out as an Unknown Legend and then helped build a Mansion on the Hill for children and families. Great memories of all of those BSB hugs. Play on with Long Grain, Rick with LA by the camp fire. Thanks for your love, your light and laugh.
LA Johnson was politely removed - he or she made comments regarding Neil's dreadful albums of the last decade - I don't recall any rude or personal remarks and it's not a time to resurrect any of that. This site is for personal opinions and TW didn't agree with them. A sad day for all Neil fans.
Moderators please clean up the trash on here -- a sister gone home - - rest in peace pretty Pegi
So on Bridge School wonder if Neil will restart it? It would be a very respectful thing to do..Don't you think?...Pegi I'm sure of loved that.
Rest in Peace sweet Pegi
A little love and affection
In everything you do
Will make the world a better place
With or without you
Sad news.I hope that those close to Pegi get the support they need. Thank you for being part of the reason I've smiled for so long.
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"Surprised" does not begin to cover my reaction when I read this news. As others have said, thoughts go out to Neil and most especially to their grown children. It is, undoubtedly, devastating for all of them.
This is the first time I have commented on TW for some time. One reason is that I lost my own father last spring, not yet eight months ago. His death was sudden, so not the same thing as a prolonged struggle with cancer, but heartbreak is heartbreak, no matter how long you had or didn't have to prepare yourself. As I'm sure many folks can attest, losing someone can alter your focus and leave less time--and energy--for other parts of life. Some situations (and some people) require longer than others to begin picking up the pieces, to reach a stage of grieving at which you can get back to some of the things you used to do. It's partly because the news of Pegi Young's passing resonates with my own recent experiences of loss that I feel compelled to take the time to speak again.
From one grieving family to another, the grieving and the pain are real, and unlike anything else I've experienced. Just trying to process the permanence of it can overwhelm you to the point of numbness. Even in cases of lengthy terminal illness, I think there is a sense of "here one day and gone the next" that is utterly shocking to the system. Things can't be the same, but with determination, love, patience, and strength, it's possible to carry on with a fulfilling life. Look for ways to remember the good times and celebrate the life that was. And most of all, be there for one another--do your best to communicate. It's not always easy, but it's important to establish patterns that serve your emotional health and that of your loved ones, whatever those patterns may be for your particular situation.
Thanks, lastly, to Thrasher for judiciously keeping this thread clean and respectful. To be thoroughly honest, I was dreading reading some of the comments as soon as I saw this headline, given some of the discussion we've had in the past on Neil and Pegi in combination with the internet's general propensity for bringing out the worst in some people. I'm pleased to see the troubling comments posted earlier are now largely gone.
All best to my fellow Neil Nuts. We've hit a terribly sad note on which to open 2019, but I feel there is still love to burn.
Neil far from silent ... song of the day: such a woman , hearst theare: Harvest Moon Video
Heartwarming ... so beautiful to watch them dancing in the video and see Pegi so lit up
Sad day ...
Sono profondamente addolorato. Di fronte alla morte non so mai cosa dire, a poco valgono i discorsi. Un altro po’ della mia vita che se ne va...
A word here from your moderator hosts.
To say that these have been difficult days here @ TW is an understatement. Of course our hearts go out to the Young families. Our sincerest apologies for some of the highly inappropriate comments which appeared above before being removed.
We heard from many who were grieving that were made even more upset by coming here and reading those comments. We are deeply saddened that those who would come here for comfort, consolation, and fellowship over Pegi, ended up despairing even more.
This isn't the time or place for us to get into how comment moderation works here @ TW. Most of you know the drill.
Finally, we have gone back and done a major update above by including interviews, video and rare photos.
Please. Show Pegi and The Youngs the respect that they have earned and deserve.
I'm still reeling from this very very sad news. I fondly remember those times I was up close to the stage and Pegi made eye contact and smiled at Me. I was fortunate to beiefly meet Her in Kingston Ontario in 2009. My heart goes out to Her Family and friends. I still grieve the loss of My wife who passed away almost 9 years ago. "It's like I have a big hole in My side where someting used to fit". Once again, My condolences. Sincerely, Doug S.
@ Ian Kertis: Thank you for your kind and caring words. My wife and I have been dealing with many losses over the past several years and you have been able to put into words the feelings and difficulties involved in losing family. I can’t add anything else to your post, as you have stated it so perfectly but I felt compelled to thank you just the same. My heart understands and your words have been comforting.
Peace and love to all who are grieving.
30th BSB 2016 I Dont Want to Talk About It
I am shocked! I never knew Ms. Young in life, but I felt like I did through Mr. Young's work. She leaves, through those songs and through her own giving, a legacy of light. May her loved ones find peace and have long memories of a loving and gifted woman.
So sad.She's gone forever,but will be remembered by her music and her attitude towards other.A good woman died.Rest easy.Condolances to all family and friends.Cees Mostert.
I feel worse for Ben Young. Hes had to struggle so hard his whole life. Please god protect him, make sure Hes safe, and that he is very well taken care of.
A wondrous human spirit , that touched so many , in so many different ways .
It is so good to read of the many heartfelt thoughts , feelings , and to see the pictures of smiles .
I'll share a strong memory ...... A special night in the summer of 93 , a warm August evening in Toronto at the CNE . A lineup for the ages with plenty of love in the air .
Blues Traveler....Sound Garden ... Pearl Jam ...Booker T and the MG's .
Neil Young .
In between songs , to the stage on the right I caught a glimpse of Pegi , with her camera taking pictures of the crowd , I gave her a holler and flashed a peace sign and welcomed her to Canada . She lowered her camera , and shared with us ... that beautiful genuine smile .
Thank-you Thrasher , for allowing us to share memories in the celebration of a wonderful spirit .
So so sad. Condolences to everyone who loved this lovely lady.
The London Times carried an in depth obituary Saturday although led with 'discarded wife of the singer Neil Young'.... 'it took the trauma of divorce for Pegi to write some of her best songs'...I wasn't aware of her early life covered briefly here. RIP
For Pegi
Thanks to all who shared their heartfelt thoughts on Pegi and her legacy.
We're shattered here @ TW and have posted a followup:
Neil Young's Official Statement on Pegi Young: 1952 - 2019 + An Appreciation
As we suggest, consider donating to The Bridge School in Pegi's memory, as "your charitable donation makes a significant difference in the level of support we are able to provide to children and their families locally, nationally and globally," the school states on its website.
On a 'lighter' note, I'm absolutely loving that Ben Keith Birthday photo! Never seen it before. I like how Neil rolls his joints, look just like mine.
@ Syscrusher - well, if you take a closer look, you will see that Neil is holding .... a candle from Ben's birthday cake.
Bah! You totally ruined that photo for me now. Oh well, good eye though, I thought it looked tapered at the bottom. And who woulda thought a candle would put a smile like that on Ben Keith's face! Ah the good old days...
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