2011 INTERVIEW: Neil Young Discusses The International Harvesters and "A Treasure" Release
From a nice, expansive interview with Neil Young in 2011, he discusses the International Harvesters band and the archives release, A Treasure.
The video is rather intimate look at the different musicians and Neil's memories of their time together. Neil discusses the late, great Ben Keith on steel and slide guitar and Rufus Thibodeaux on fiddle, along with living legends Spooner Oldham and Hargus “Pig” Robbins on piano, Tim Drummond and Joe Allen on bass, Karl Himmel on drums, Anthony Crawford on guitar, banjo and mandolin among many others. Many of them were already paragons within the country music world and their notoriety has only grown in the years since. “I just love to hear those guys,” Young says. “They’re all country music legends.”
Also, the Comment of the Moment (which inspired this post) is from Jim McKelvey
Yeah, listen to what Neil Young says about playing in the Grey Riders band here and specifically at 8:51 on this video...Hey Jim, thanks for the drop by. Great clip and reminder on Grey Riders Hargus "Pig" Robbins. Also, warm memories of the late Ben Keith by Neil remembering him so fondly.
"I couldn't go anywhere where he couldn't go farther," Neil Young talking about Hargus.
Really hope that the "archives" project that Neil Young is doing will start to include live shows like Bruce Springsteen is doing. Over this weekend Bruce announced a show from 1999 that got me to thinking wouldn't it be amazing to get some of the '99 solo shows that Neil did. Maybe he could do a matrix mix of the soundboards with some of those amazing Schoeps mic'd audience recordings that surfaced back in the Yahoo Rust era? Seems like the archives website is positioned perfectly to give us 16 to 24 bit live recordings from pretty much his entire career. Now, I think there is something fishy about no live Buffalo Springfield recordings given all the times they played for Bill Graham who was clearly a recording nut and he clearly liked the Springfield, too. That is plain weird but here is an example of what Neil could do based on what Bruce is doing...
The show I want the most, however, is that three day stand at the Canterbury House in "A Squared" pretty much on/within the "very moment" that Neil Young became a star after the debut of CSNY live that included Woodstock, just a month before recording "Country Girl" for Deja Vu and the live debut of some of the "After The Goldrush" songs already penned or covered. Both of his bands, Crazy Horse and CSNY, were getting the recognition that the Springfield didn't get beyond the hit single on their debut tours just months before the Canterbury House recordings. A lot of the introductions to the songs from the 1969 Canterbury House are already up on the Archives under the "video" heading as I've stated before.
Those three days of Canterbury House recordings (please release all three!) I would like to request be followed by releasing complete shows that included Hargus "Pig" Robbins just before the very first Farm Aid. There is a little bit of Hargus on "The Treasure" but not enough since it didn't include the "Old Man" or the stunning "Down By The River" that band did. Now, as I've mentioned before that show at Meadowbrook Music Theater, that included Nicolette Larson opening and later joining the Harvesters/Grey Riders I might add, was the one that I got to talk for a good bit with Neil. We talked about "Neil & Me" and then the next day he arranged an interview with Willie Nelson for three hours the following week. That story with Willie about the first Farm Aid got my co-byline on a front page story in the Detroit Free Press. My parents got to see me go from a paperboy with 90 dailies and 130 Sunday papers to a writer published on the front page and I have Neil Young to thank for that.
From "Shakey" about this particular tour...
"Shakey" excerpt
The song "Campaigner" teken from shows from 1976 would be a nice thing to offer as a download on the Neilyoungarchives pages, too. 1976 was a very good year!
Sugar Mountain - "Campaigner"
Yes, Bruce and Bob have done a lot on their concerts and rarities releases. And do agree that we should really start to see Neil flood NYA once the paywall setup is in place.
Could be part of the setup w/ some stealth gigs like back earlier this year w/ CH & POTR? Maybe announce subscription service, stream some live gigs, and then the HUGE track drop. MOAD (Mother of all DROPS)
More background on A Treasure, Release Details on A Treasure and Tech Notes Preview Video. Also, see more interviews with Neil Young.
Also, see Meta Review: A Treasure - Neil Young & The International Harvesters.

Neil Young & The International Harvesters
LISTEN - A Treasure by Neil Young & The International Harvesters on Amazon.com
Labels: archives, international harvesters, interview, neil young
Neil Young, Willie Nelson, preceded by: The BAND, Jesse Colter, Waylon Jennings, & then Neil Young & The International Harvesters w/Willie on a few Songs suited for that Duet backed by The Harvesters & after I taped that one, Live AID a few Months later w/ Willie using a Lyric sheet to be sure he had it right,
Absolutely gorgeous Music - in the Stadium where the Patriots play. Amber Jean, Blaze Of Glory, Unknown Legend was a Beautiful Song in either version/tempos. Treasures to be sure.
Btw- I think Neil Young had the very most, well used Stage time at Live AID:CSNY & THE IH {WHY¿ BECAUSE WE LIKE IT!
phil colons made $240-$250 Million $$ that year alone & as a Solo Tour-$90 Million on average but ruined the LED Zeppelin Reunion by not knowing the 3 Songs. That guy required a Grand Piano & his big Drum kit for a chance to torpedo Zeppelin's Set. You don't get on the Stage if you don't know how to Play the Songs. I bet phil colons didn't put $1 in the L.AID Donations pot.
I saw Neil & the I H play where the Patriots played & the Eagles played. Please get back to Berkeley for the Greek Theatre w/The Horse & Nils. That's the WAY w/A Lotta Love. ✓🐄💨🥀💨🌹
I thought I had. I was glad to see International Harvesters where the Patriots played & then where the Eagles played for Live AID🐄💨. I saw that Greek Theatre 2016(±) w/The Promise of The Real in Berkeley. 🥀©💨®🌹THAT was the best Setlist of that Tour & as they cryptically noodled around the intro to it I heard 1'🎵'...then another'🎵' & among other notes as camouflage- no one knew. I yelled out "MISTER SOOUUL!" in my ['NTTune'] warmth of recognition & People turned to me from my front & a L-R semi-circle around me & as if to ask'How do You KNOW that?'then it really got off & going: Dadda datah dat-da dah da datda dat-dah datda dada dat-da dat dah dat-dah:Well, Hello 🎼
Please let me know if that "20 minute" long version of Down By The River" that Hargus & the other Gent (Joel) were on that he says was 'completely insane' ever saw the light of day (yet).
I'm trying to figure out if my request for that long version of Down By The River that was "completely insane" ever came out (yet). I was so blessed to see The IH twice in BIG Stadium Events & both w/Willie singing with Neil! For me I'd have a hard time choosing between more 'Berlin' Shows & more IH Shows. Night and Day but still the same way. I was 'addressed' by Security at the 1st one w/THE BAND, >>>Willie because I got brave & had a pair of shotgun Mics that'd fold up like an arm at the elbow, carbonized black metal about the diameter of a .22 cal bullet for some Military assassin's gear & w/what looked like Silencers at the end as chokes, collars.
They drew attention to someone who said that a Guy w/ a gun & a Silencer/ flash suppressor as the collar was wearing a backpack in the front (across my chest) w/those 2 sticking out of each side. I never tried to cross them to see if they were working as sharply as expected to -like the spread they're supposed to be able to adjust to get R & L differentiations/spacing, spread (not unlike two bullets going across the same path but not interrupting each other); more like a few laser pointers: ^\.↓./^...
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