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Thursday, April 07, 2011

Exclusive Preview Video of Neil Young's New Album "A Treasure"

The excessive and overwhelming traffic to the Tech Notes film has taken down the servers for

In an effort to keep this available to the world at this time, we have activated the previously forbidden YouTube version of Tech Notes.

You may now view, download, embed and share Tech Notes from the YouTube location.
It is also enabled for use on mobile devices.

thanks for your support and viewing.

-Archives Guy

It is with great pleasure that we bring you an exclusive official preview video of Neil Young's new album "A Treasure".

The video is quite unique and hilarious with Neil himself explaining how the audio and video footage were edited together from various sources.

The "Tech Notes" video has been somewhat controversial recently with an inadvertent link leak. (What's being referred to as "ShakeyLeaks".)

As we posted yesterday on release details of A Treasure from Archives Guy:
Last week the serendipity of the ever unfolding tapestry of now brought to the Web a leak of the 14 minute promotional film that Neil made to explain a Treasure.

It is titled 'Tech Notes'.

This film was pulled from distribution with the cooperation of the fan base and Rust community, but will go live to the world in the coming days on this site.

A Treasure
Neil Young & The International Harvesters


At 4/07/2011 08:06:00 AM, Blogger SONY said...

definately a (((((Shakey)))) video

At 4/07/2011 08:42:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Neil you're just great.
Just one thing: come to Europe with the Twisted Road!

At 4/07/2011 08:51:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Who saw this coming? From to Le Noise to more Barn.
This just once again proves my answer to the question I get alot, "What is you favourite Neil album?"
My answer has always been, and still is- "The next one"
Can't wait.
Also, thanks to Shakeyleaks.

At 4/07/2011 09:19:00 AM, Blogger Harm said...

The tech notes make my mouth water! That Grey Riders is so great, the original soundtrack video used for that song is great too, Neil just forgets to sing after the big solo and extends it a little.

At 4/07/2011 09:30:00 AM, Blogger wardo said...

Has anybody figured out what he's saying under the dubbed "BLU-RAY"?

At 4/07/2011 10:34:00 AM, Blogger punkdavid said...

@Wardo: Probably saying "DVD" or "video". They dub in "film" a couple times at the end as well.

And a thumbsup to Thrasher. By avoiding youtube, and posting through this video player, this is about the only video that I've ever actually been able to get through the firewall at my office! :-)

At 4/07/2011 11:00:00 AM, Blogger tuned4life said...

Neil, This is great. No words to describe how grateful I am for all that you've given and continue to give. Personally I like the album cover. Brings back fond memories of when I was 12 yrs old raking hay with a 1947 Farmall Super M. Looking forward to Trunks of Memories yet to come. Doug S Warsaw N.Y.

At 4/07/2011 11:11:00 AM, Blogger Old Black said...

Thank-you Neil - You truly are an inspiration on how to live a life. Growing old gracefully is such BS.

At 4/07/2011 11:12:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks Thrasher.
You deserve the honour of the proper heralding of this video.
Likewise, TREASURE must be for Neil a way of remembering & paying tribute to dear friends.
Go "Grey riders on the morning sky."

At 4/07/2011 11:14:00 AM, Blogger Crris said...

Thanks Thrasher.
You deserve the honour of the proper heralding of this video.
Likewise, TREASURE must be for Neil a way of remembering & paying tribute to dear friends.
Go "Grey riders on the morning sky."

At 4/07/2011 11:21:00 AM, Blogger Sharry said...

Thanks for posting this, Thrasher. And thanks to Neil and Co. for putting this together. The Tech Notes are fun to watch and I enjoyed Neil's explanation.

At 4/07/2011 11:36:00 AM, Blogger Mother Nature on the Run said...

Rock'it'out on a country roll.

At 4/07/2011 11:37:00 AM, Blogger Mother Nature on the Run said...

Two thumbs up to Thrasher from Mother Nature!

At 4/07/2011 11:38:00 AM, Blogger Cornell said...

So what was all the fuzz about when this clip was withdrawn the first time and we were summoned not to watch and/or distribute it.
And now only a few days later they release the exact same clip.
I guess someone stepped on someone else's dick.
I will buy this release (as always), but I still keep a nasty taste in my mouth.

At 4/07/2011 11:43:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Glad this release is not getting CANCELLED, as Archives Guy intimated it might last week.

At 4/07/2011 12:14:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Neil mentions "and footage we've taken from the internet". I'm a bit chagrined by this considering all the secrecy about the archives and the rumors of one inch video tape and laser disks. Perhaps they were destroyed over the years or maybe they were all illusion after all. Purchasing a bluray with video from youtube, makes as much sense as buying "greendale the movie" in HD.

At 4/07/2011 12:15:00 PM, Blogger Mother Nature on the Run said...

Two words, "Southern Pacific."

There has been a youtube video of Neil and IH doing this song live that should go down in music history.

It's part of the "Shakey" and "Don't Be Denied" story that was reduced to either "his heart wasn't into it" or just omitted entirely.

Watch the video and tell me if you think "Young's heart didn't seem to be into it." ("Shakey" pg. 549) Fifty some pages later, Young is actually telling Jimmy in the interview, "I was trying to hard. But I don't care what people think of my country music. They can stick it up their ass if they don't like it."

Sounds like to me that Jimmy wasn't paying attention to what Neil was saying when he was being interviewed.

End of vent. Enjoy the flowers.

At 4/07/2011 12:59:00 PM, Blogger Dull Tool Dim Bulb said...

Top of the Heap. Thanks Neil.

At 4/07/2011 01:22:00 PM, Blogger Dan1 said...

Love this video of Neil explaining their methodology for putting this project together ... however you describe it (naysayers be damned)its one long perpetual archives project to capture Neil's rich history of different stages, genere's, ect... and with Blue Ray these guys are committed to marrying the audio with the visual and recreate the whole scene as completely as possible in an organic format and they're tinkering in these video labs (not so disimilar to rebuilding lincoln volt) to make it as good as it can be. Not to wade into the contraversey of economics but its virtually a given that Neil will LOSE money on this new album simply because of the painstaking cost of creating such a rich multimedia experience from segments of disparate clips ... Seems to me its more of a hobby for Neil and a labor of love ... no typical artist out there would ever consider such a project, no studio would ever go along with such a thing, Neil's built an infrastructure or else it would never come to fruition ... shows you why he's worlds ahead of everyone else and how true passion trumps everything else ... just glad to be along for the ride.

Thanks Thrasher as always for all the time and effort to host this fabulous forum.

At 4/07/2011 02:19:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 4/07/2011 02:21:00 PM, Blogger Sandy Horne said...

I absolutely cannot wait!! Had no idea we would get something this soon after Le Noise. I lucked out and go to see "Tech Notes" before it got pulled. Glad everyone now has the chance. Very interesting and entertaining.

Thrash, you and your wife are just the best!! Don't know what I would do without you. Your efforts are much appreciated. It is just so great to have a community I can share my appreciation for The Man and his music with!!

Geez, I thought I was obsessed until I found this site!! I mean that in a good way.


At 4/07/2011 02:22:00 PM, Blogger Joe said...

I had always heard that Neil was filming every concert....I heard this back in the EARLY 80's...I asked Elliott this in Charlotte on the Broken Arrow tour and he said that Neil had filmed almost everything...maybe that is crap, maybe stuff was lost or maybe he did not film the IH tours?
two things i would LOVE to see are a full Bluenotes show(with TTN) and the full Solo Trans show...and the full Live in Berlin show...and AND and and//////

At 4/07/2011 03:36:00 PM, Blogger Dmitri Karamazov said...

What a wonderful, Glorious experience it will be to hear the angelic tones of Ben Keith, one more time!


I can't wait!

At 4/07/2011 05:00:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 4/07/2011 05:02:00 PM, Blogger punkdavid said...

@ Everybody:

Everybody said...
Neil mentions "and footage we've taken from the internet". I'm a bit chagrined by this considering all the secrecy about the archives and the rumors of one inch video tape and laser disks. [snip]Purchasing a bluray with video from youtube, makes as much sense as buying "greendale the movie" in HD.

He never said he got the videos from "youtube". Archives Guy solicited videos from fans on the Rust List and elsewhere over the past year, so I'm sure the quality is better than a 360p .flv file,

At 4/07/2011 05:31:00 PM, Blogger Powderfinger said...

TW...there's the video, and there's the shirt!

At 4/07/2011 06:56:00 PM, Blogger SONY said...

This is great stuff. Neil Harvester soup where the peas are just green corn. This production has a great flavor with high tech specs and old home movies, slick and fancy, down and homey, shakey and stirred. I said before I had watched the whole thing - this is gonna be FUN. He continues to outdo himself. He's crazy uncle Neil alright. Thank God. He brings the best out of himself in new ways all the time. I truely believe he redefines artform. And usually just by being creative with what he's got nearby.

At 4/08/2011 01:42:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks Thrasher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes, definetely a Shakey movie

At 4/08/2011 07:45:00 AM, Blogger Harm said...


And as Neil said, many people want to see a picture, cause they think it's about the picture, but it's not, it's about the sound. Blu-Ray > DVD > CD > mp3.

Just as simple as that, moreover, Blu-Ray, with Java, allows for more navigation possibilities than DVD. That's why NYA must be owned in Blu-Ray format, to properly enjoy the navigation and experience NYA the way Neil envisioned.

At 4/08/2011 11:35:00 AM, Blogger SONY said...

There's more to the picture
Than meets the eye
Hey Hey My My

At 4/08/2011 11:41:00 AM, Blogger Davie said...

Fantastic, thanks Thrasher, Archives Guy & Neil!


At 4/08/2011 12:33:00 PM, Blogger The Loner said...

I am really looking forward to this one after watcging the preview. I did not really get what was happening last week, but that does not matter much now. Thanks

At 4/08/2011 12:51:00 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Could there be a better time to be a Neil Young fan? 'Le Noise' is STILL fresh for me - a long overdue Grammy win - Juno award - a spring solo tour about to get underway - and now 'A Treasure'?

A sincere thanks and nod to you, Thrasher for creating and running this fantastic website! I know we have clashed over the past few months over things strictly political in nature, but I hope that you know nothing was personal.

I'd love to buy you and Thrashette a beer (or more) in Richmond if you're attending that show. My guess is of course you are.

Peace and love (Lennon's good-bye)


At 4/08/2011 01:41:00 PM, Blogger thrasher said...

Just a followup on the Tech Notes video we posted yesterday.

We had quite a reaction to the video and saw quite a surge in normal traffic levels at Thrasher's Wheat. Thanks for all the comments & feedback!

Again, apologies for the early posting on Wed night. The mixups were on the TW end as we were juggling a bunch of stuff and crossed some wires.

It's really great after all the hoopla surrounding the Tech Notes video that this is finally out there. Seeing Neil in all of his ragged glory is always a treat.

And thanks to Archives Guy and the folks at Shakey Pictures for letting us be part of the Treasure rollout by providing TW exclusives. Quite an honor and somewhat unique for a fan based blog.

It's an exciting time to be a Neil fan and we're all awaiting a busy spring with solo shows, Buffalo Springfield tour, Treasure Bluray, and who knows what else?!

At 4/08/2011 01:42:00 PM, Blogger NYF said...

Yes, looking forward to the new blue ray of Treasure. just wondering why the Austin city Limits show with Neil and the International Harvesters was never released in a DVD or blue ray?

At 4/08/2011 01:44:00 PM, Blogger NYF said...

why has there been no release of the Austin City limits show with neil and the International harvesters????

At 4/08/2011 01:50:00 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

ok I'll be the new doc

At 4/08/2011 01:50:00 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

ok I'll be the new doc

At 4/08/2011 02:24:00 PM, Blogger MARIAN M. said...


Any chance of your coming to New York for April 24 & or 25?

Marian M.

At 4/08/2011 05:31:00 PM, Blogger Archives Guy said...

The excessive and overwhelming traffic to the Tech Notes film took down the servers for a short time ago.

In an effort to keep this available to the world at this time, we have activated
the previously forbidden YouTube version of Tech Notes.

In addition to watching here on Thrashers Wheat, you may now view, download, embed and share Tech Notes from the YouTube location.
It is also enabled for use on mobile devices.

thanks for your support and viewing.

-Archives Guy

At 4/09/2011 02:30:00 PM, Blogger thrasher said...

@MARIAN M. - sorry, no NYC for us. B-more & philly

@AG - thanks! updated.

At 4/11/2011 07:04:00 AM, Blogger MARIAN M. said...


Maybe next time.... I sure would love to meet you and your lovely Thrashette.

I've got my ticket!!!!!

Marian M.

At 4/18/2011 09:26:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...


At 4/21/2011 09:16:00 AM, Blogger doc said...

Johnathan...what was wrong with the old doc? lol



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