INTERVIEW: Neil Young on ‘Paradox' film @ SXSW | American-Statesman/Austin360
From Our SXSW conversation with Neil Young about ‘Paradox,’ his archives and more | American-Statesman/Austin360 by Peter Blackstock:
American-Statesman/Austin360: How did you assemble the material for the film?Fill interview at Our SXSW conversation with Neil Young about ‘Paradox,’ his archives and more | American-Statesman/Austin360 by Peter Blackstock.
Neil Young: The instrumental passages we did were all written for this film. Three songs — “Peace Trail” and “Pocahontas” and the long instrumental of “Cowgirl” (1969’s “Cowgirl in the Sand”), those are old songs obviously, although “Peace Trail” is only a year old. “Diggin’ in the Dirt” we wrote that for this, Lukas and Micah and I. And of course Willie’s song “Angel Flying Too Close to the Ground,” sung by Lukas, is maybe the highlight, a classic. It’s like these two guys (Lukas and Micah) are American treasures, both of them. They’re continuing on the work their dad has done so well for so many years. It’s a beautiful thing.
You must have known them since they were little kids. At one point did you realize, hey, these guys might be good for my band?
The first time I remember thinking that is, Willie and I were standing onstage at Farm Aid in Milwaukee, maybe eight years ago, something like that. Lukas was playing, and it was just the (Promise of the Real) trio, and it was amazing. It was just stunningly great. And I was just standing there with Willie and saying, “You must feel great about this, to see those guys out there.” It’s just always felt good to see them. Now I’m playing with them, and they’re fantastic. It’s like they know: They’re in the river, they know the flow. They inherently know, and they have no fear. All those guys in that band, nobody has any fear. They’re not concerned with anything more than music. They know nothing to be scared of; they’re not trying to prove anything.
Lukas has said that his priority is playing with you, but he’s getting really good on his own and had a big record last year. How do you balance the needs of your band with your desire to encourage his own work?
I want him to do everything that he wants to do. And as soon as I’m ready to go out and play a tour, I’m hopeful that they’ll be ready to go, too. Right now I haven’t got the new music that I need to go out and play a tour, a Neil Young tour. I need to have a bunch of new songs, because it gives me something to get my teeth into. And then the (older) songs will hang off of them. And they hang on for dear life, those songs. But I can’t do it without the new songsm so I have to wait for the new songs to come.
You’ve done music-and-film projects before. Was “Paradox” different?
It’s just a continuation of music. We made the music that we felt like making. We knew we had a couple of scenes that we should create some themes for, and so we did them. In one case, we borrowed heavily from one of my existing songs to make a new musical track, and make an instrumental out of one of my old melodies. Another couple of songs are jam songs where we just went with the flow; we didn’t think about it much. Everything was so much fun. I mean, the drumming on one of those —is insane. Tato (Melgar) and Anthony (LoGerfo) had all these drums, the’re all banging away in the studio, and we’re just going nuts. On another one, I took my harp and I said (to the band), “You play the melody to ‘Love and Only Love,’ and I’ll play my harp and feed back through my amp.” And everybody just keep playing, and we’ll just keep playing that for a long time. We had a great time; it was fun.
Here is the new trailer for the film "PARADOX" directed by Daryl Hannah with Neil Young + Promise Of The Real & Willie Nelson.
As previously reported, will stream the film globally on 23 March, the same day as the release of the movie's soundtrack.

Director: Daryl Hannah
w/ Neil Young + Promise Of The Real & Willie Nelson
(Click photo to enlarge)
More on Cover & Track Listing: PARADOX Soundtrack Album - Neil Young + Promise Of The Real, April 20 Release.
Labels: daryl hannah, film, interview, neil young, promise of the real, sxsw, willie nelson
Wow! And Neil wrote a novel! And.... no tour until new songs arrive? But I love the newer songs! Aren't they new enough? We shall see. I hope to see Neil play live as many more times as possible. Thanks for the news, Thrasher! Alan in Seattle
Play THE VISITOR and PEACE TRAIL live in their entirety Neil. That's 20 songs right there. I don't get it. It's not like he's gonna play 20 new songs
The Rolling Stone interview is the motherload of all Archives related interviews from Austin. Worth the read. Summary: There is a VOL2 Box set in the wings, but it will be CD. Also, only about 25% of the Archives material has been loaded to the NYA website....and more info...Another interview mentioned the subscription price will be $1.99/month.
Carnival is an intricate song. I would pay $100 just to see Neil and the band play that one song! Video of "in the making of" would be nice! But I would rather see a whole set. I have seen Neil and PotR play 4 or 5 Peace Trail songs live twice in one day in Idaho in Oct 2016. The band was playing in the sun when I rolled up. I walked into the place in the afternoon during the sound check, which turned out to be a rehearsal of new songs plus Surfer Joe & Moe the Sleaze! Neil wailed on his Grunged out Blues Harp and ripped open the Heavens. He played more Seating Hard Core Distortion threw his Harmonica than the world has ever witnessed. So glad I could be there to witness this (twice!). Alan in Seattle
Searing, not seating.
Through, not threw... but let me tell you. He was throwing it out there! One of my all time favorites. Up there with Old Princeton Landing in 1996, which I enjoyed on 6 nights. I have been very lucky.
Did Neil really say, "There will be Archives Vol 2 (on Blu ray!!!)? I need to read again and search.
Alan. It's in the rolling stone interview. But NO. It won't be on Blu-Ray. It will be a CD set. I'd give the Archives Team (or what's let of them) at least a year to get the artwork for the book and box together.
The interview doesn't say no blue ray. It says archives volume 2 box. So I imagine it should be about the same box as volume 1.Great interview I must say. Crazy horse and potr no big tour this year,his muse tells him to take a break and work on the archives.So looks like Farm Aid,Pasadena,CA, and Quebec shows with potr this year and more 24/7 work on the archives. And I laughed when Uncle Neil's Homegrown was said by Neil.Alchemy Live is finished and he mentioned Toast,how many years have we heard that Toast. And he mentions Dume,6 unreleased era Zuma tracks,69-70 unheard crazy horse tracks. Sounds like Neil was doing a lot of interviews the last few days at the Paradox premiere.Keep the releases coming Neil I like it.Its a good time to be alive and a Neil fan.So much to look forward too. Keep Rockin'
Was at movie last night everyone that read thrashers is going to be fucking thrilled the music is spot on play it loud super reverb effects Darryl is awesome and clearly hears his music like us. And CK the guy who shot it did amazing sound is awesome boys are awesome Willie what can u say And Neil can’t do wrong they where smoking so much uncle Neil’s homegrown that when the music starts they have to tie them selves down !!!!!!
Thanks everyone for updates.
Great RS article highly recommended.
@ron - so cool you guys could make it! Must've been a fun night.
Bumped comment here:
@Soldier Steve: "The record company really wants me to put out another (box set) and we’ve prepared a Volume Two and it’s almost there. ... We have to put it out with the compromised sound of a CD. It's not gonna sound as good as the website, but you can take it with you."
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I suspect he will release it on Blu ray. Why CD and not Bluray? A "Box" is the Blu ray. The CD is not as much of a Box. Given the chance, I know I will buy it! Or Santa Claus will hook me up! Please, Uncle Neil... Give us the Archives on glorious Blu ray so I can play it in my home theater!
Right on. Earth has its troubles, but at least we have these very special recordings on the way. I have been following Neil closely since 1988, and it has been a very rewarding journey. The recordings and the live shows being highlights. This film looks to be a great addition to the collection. It sounds like just my cup of tea!
Yes Alan I agree.We need volume 2 on blue ray. I bought volume 1 on blue ray on the day it was released in 2009.Im currently waiting on fye to restock the smaller box version on CD. I can't see volume 2 not being released on blue ray when everything that gets put out now is blue ray.My kids movies that I buy are regular DVD and blue ray in the same case. Plus you can buy new releases in 3D and blue ray. The Rust Never Sleeps movie blue ray is absolutely amazing picture and sound.
Getting back to talks of his works of the past 18's all great!!! Just listened to the visitor....peace trail and storytone back to back and they really are fantastic!!! It's all GREAT and we're lucky to have Neil still getting it the way....Paradox was intriguing......I loved cowgirl jam at Indio .....what an incredible jam!!!!
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