Now Avaliable! Thrasher's Wheat 20th Anniversary T-Shirts
It has been a long, long road since 1996 and we plan to make 2016 a year of celebration. A celebration maybe not so much of our little blog website or even of Neil Young. No, a celebration of this wonderful little community we joined back in 1993 that eventually became known as "The force of Rust".
The Rust community is -- without a shred of doubt -- the tightest and coolest group of music fans running in history... online or offline.

Rusties @ The Healing Pole & Medicine Teepee
Shoreline: 2015 International Rust Fest Bridge Concerts
To say that the power of Rust changed our lives would be a vast over statement. That said, to some degree, it became our mantra to stay "rustie" at all times. To be the rust is to know the rust. And rusties understand that statement. Or as we sometimes say, "It's a rustie thing and you wouldn't understand".
What many may not realize, is that Thrasher's Wheat is now the longest continuing running website dedicated to a single topic operating under the same "management" and mission on the Internet.
Which is all fine and well, but at the moment, we just want to share the joy of Neil and the Rust community.
So here's how you -- our dear TW readers and supporters -- can help us celebrate this milestone. Thanks to our dear friend Geoff, we've come up with a Thrasher's Wheat 20th Anniversary t-shirt.

Thrasher's Wheat 20th Anniversary: 1996 - 2016
Design by Silver Moon Art & Design
(Click photo to enlarge)
And we want all of our readers to have one. We will be diligently seeking the most environmentally friendly approach for our commemorative T-shirts. Each shirt will be uniquely hand tie-dyed under the Maui sun (by tie dyers who were trained within the Grateful Dead family tree). Our intention is to connect the encourage greater connection through sincerity, fun, and focus. The shirt won't make the difference but you can bet all those that wear it are trying.
To proudly have your very own Thrasher's Wheat 20th Anniversary T-Shirt and celebrate our golden moment with Neil Young community, here's the REAL deal:
Unplugged Solo Acoustic Support Level: Thrasher's Wheat 2015 Supporters (folks who supported TW last year*)
Plugged Electric Support Level: Thrasher's Wheat 2016 Supporters (folks who are newly supporting TW in 2016)
Choose your support level and we'll ship as soon as we can!
Unplugged Solo Acoustic Support Level: $35.00 USA & $40.00 International/Non-USA
Plugged Electric Support Level: $40.00 USA & $45.00 International/Non-USA
(* In order to qualify for the Unplugged Solo Acoustic Support Level price, you must have made a donation -- in any amount -- to Thrasher's Wheat during the calendar year 2015. It's our way of saying Thank you!)
To support Thrasher's Wheat 20th Anniversary T-Shirt, donate securely using PayPal by clicking the DONATE button below.. Only your credit card is necessary to apply directly & securely. No PayPal account setup is necessary.
Only your credit card is necessary to apply directly & securely. No PayPal account setup necessary. (NOTE: Any excess donations will be contributed to helping The Bridge School, Farm Aid, Musicares, and other worthy causes.)
Your donation must include shipping address, including country. Also, include your T-shirt size (Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large (XL), Extra Extra Large (XXL), or Extra Extra Large (XXL)). NOTE: Please add $5 for Extra Large (XL) and Extra Extra Large (XXL). For Extra Extra Extra Large (XXXL) sizes, Please add $8. Specify shirt size in the "Instructions to merchant" field after entering $ amount and before confirming purchase. All orders must be submitted by March 4. Shipment delivery estimate of late April/early May.
Feel free to get in touch with us on any questions at .
This is really all about you guys & gals out there -- our loyal and faithful readers here on Thrasher's Wheat, our radio listeners and the entire Neil Young fan community.
Let you freak flag fly & Don't be denied!
Rusties Ascend to Shoreline for 2015 International Rust Fest Bridge Concerts
(w/ T-shirt designer Geoff @ Silver Moon Graphics and TW Tour Manager Hounds That Howell)
peace & love,
thrasher & thrashette
Labels: neil young, shirt
Congrats! We're all so much richer for your efforts!
Many thanks for so many years of such a great site!!
Love the shirts!
Thanks Dan!
It means that much to us to mean that much to you.
It will be a hippie's dream to wear a shirt like that in Helsinki and Berlin in July. Impressive design!
Eero - Yes, our buddy Geoff did a fine job with the design and his Hawaiian buddies will be doing some impressive tie-dying as well.
Shirts should be shipped well in advance of Summer Tour. So enjoy. And be sure to send us a photo of the shirt on the rail in Europe!
Hi Thrasher, I`d like to confirm my order of an XXL tee, I just received a letter from my card company regarding the transaction, my postman has been on the bad acid and the letter ended up on cloud nine, or in a bush in my front garden!
I`m sorry for all the mis-communication so I`ve decided to make contact via the blog, please confirm if you see this, I will also email you direct, peace and love, Richie
Richie - please check Spam folder.
On 08/14/2016 03:28 PM, thrasher wrote:
> Hi Richie,
> Yes, sorry about all of the confusion, also.
> At this point, we really don't have anything to offer.
> I've cc'd you hotmail account also.
> Earlier, you started a PayPal charge reversal which I responded to explaining the August shipping date. It would appear that the charges were not reversed based on your Amex statement.
> Would you like a refund or the shirt?
> Thanks for reading!
> Keep on Rockin'!!!
> Thrasher
> On 08/13/2016 03:33 PM, Richie Walker wrote:
>> Hi Thrasher,
>> Seems to have been a lot of confusion over my order due to communication issues, for which I`m sorry for any misunderstandings on my part.
>> I`ve attached copies of communication from my card company, seems my postman has been on the bad acid, I only received the letter this evening. It was found in a bush in my garden!
>> Please contact me to confirm receiving this email and the status of the order, I will contact Amex to confirm the order ASAP, it is now Saturday evening.
>> Could you also send email confirmation to
>> I have also attached the communication from Amex,
>> Peace and love, Richie.
Hi Thrasher, I was wondering if the 2nd addition of the 20 year anniversary T's have been shipped yet I remember previously reading somthning about early August and I have not received it yet.
Mark Kelly
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