Private Gig Report: Neil Young + Promise of the Real - Paris, Jan 25 2016

"Fuckin' Up"
Neil Young + Promise of the Real - Paris, Jan 25 2016
w/ Billionaire Eduardo Carmignac on backup vocals
Photo via Rocker Paris
Neil Young + Promise of the Real performed a private concert at Théatre Mogador in Paris on Monday, Jan 25 2016 for Risk Managers at Carmignac, an asset management firm run by billionaire Eduardo Carmignac. Eduardo Carmignac is ranked at #1190 on Forbes World's Billionaires list with a real time net worth estimate of $1.54 Billion.
#neilyoung #promiseofthereal #carmignac #Mogador
The real thing
— RockerParis (@irockinparis) January 26, 2016
From Rocker Paris, SETLIST:
Acoustic set
After the Gold Rush (solo piano)
Heart of gold
Long may you run
Mother earth
Out on the weekend
From Hank To Hendrix
La vie en rose ( by Guitar player on piano )
... ?
Till the morning comes/ Creeple Creek Ferry
Unknown Legend
Ambulance Blues
Harvest moon
Electric set
Everybody knows...
love and only Love
Fuckin' up (With M. Carmignac on backing vocals for the first part of the song)
This was the first ever live in concert "Till the Morning Comes" and fourth-ever "Cripple Creek Ferry", per Sugar Mountain Setlists.
From Rocker Paris: (Translation from French)
Secret private concert for the asset management fund of Mr Carmignac, a rock fan (euro) billionaire who once brought the Rolling Stones to the Théatre Mogador four years ago in 2012. Time flies.
Back then the news spread like wildfire, and gaining entry was a total shambles. Tonight all was quiet in front of the theatre; sign of a well-kept secret.
Everyone stood sensibly in line. Inside, security was tight (as per anti-terrorism measures) and you couldn't put one foot in front of the other without falling over a security guard, a member of staff, or a hostess (all charming).
Upstairs a buffet was provided prior to the concert and entry into the holy of holies (the balcony in our case); the stage sported an impressive backdrop, with a whole range of objects stuck on the wall (see photo).
Neil Young sat at the piano alone. So began a grandiose concert that lasted more than two hours. Part one: acoustic piano / acoustic guitar / organ. He was joined by the Promise of the Real (featuring Willie Nelson's two sons).
A perfect setlist – nothing but old songs – the very best (our favorites).
Down in the front stalls, fans were whipping up the atmosphere, but up on the balcony it was like a cold shower for bankers who weren't expecting a show like this: some old guy with his acoustic guitar and harmonica. Only "Heart of Gold" garnered sparse applause. A surprise came with "La Vie en rose", performed on piano (and in French) by the guitarist, as Neil looked on, amused.
"Harvest Moon" closed the acoustic set.
Then it was straight into the electric set. The group of youngsters who accompany Old Neil bring the power of plugged-in guitars; softly-softly, in a manner of speaking, for the first songs (Words, Winterlong) before warming up... and then, for the dumbfounded financiers with fingers in their ears, it was run for your life! Once again they were amazed; if they found the first part of the concert soporific, now they were terrorized by a deluge of fire.
We left them to their sad fate and dived into the stalls to make the most of the end of the show, with apocalyptic versions of "Love and Only Love" and "Fucking Up", Mr Carmignac joining in on backing vocals for the first part of the song.
The next concert in Bercy will be incredible, and we may be treated to a few new songs, as this concert was the climax of a few days in Paris spent recording a new album.
Merci Hounds That Howell for assistance from the glass enclosed news center @ Thrasher's Wheat International Headquarters, located just outside of The Emerald City, about 10 miles from The Mansion on the Hill, home of Oz.
Labels: concert, neil young, promise of the real
It seems like NY has sold his soul. Sad.
Money talks, bull$hit walks.
Dear oh dear what on earth is going on? Think I'll stick with the three shows in June.
Neil being Neil! Get over yourselves. A full moon on Sunday, a new album, recorded in Paris, mon Dieu!
Well, whatever one might think of this, we must say that the irony and richness of a billionaire singing "Why do I keep Fuckin' Up"? is very rich indeed, in more ways than one.
Certainly having a net worth estimate of $1.54 Billion giving you a rank at only #1190 on Forbes World's Billionaires list must hurt deeply and cause much despair. We're sure that Mr Carmignac must ask him self this very question everyday. Such a pity....
Maybe Mr Carmignac made a special setlist request? Afterall -- as they say -- he who pays the piper calls the tune.
btw, we didn't see "Ordinary People" on the setlist.
Lastly, we are reserving full judgement on all of this until a more detailed understanding of this event surfaces. Sometimes there really is much, much more to the picture than meets the eye...
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Thanks! The video of Till the Mornin Comes > Cripple Creek Ferry is so sweet!! … always amazed how Neil brings these songs back to life and makes them sound as fresh as the first time they were played … I'm guessing Neil played Ambulance Blues to address the inevitable doubters who would surface regarding this private gig:
So all you critics sit alone
You're no better than me
for what you've shown.
With your stomach pump and
your hook and ladder dreams
We could get together
for some scenes.
Was Ambulance Blues Played Solo Or With Potr?
@Dan1 - brilliant. We venture to state that Neil always plays songs appropriate to the moment.
Agree that Ambulance Blues was played to head off the inevitable doubters.
We often say that Neil fans and TW readers are some of the most astute folks around and your comment's insight proves it once again. thnx
A possible backer for the dead duck that is Pono
Full setlist included Wolf Moon and People Want To Hear About Love (see Sugar Mountain).
Also, RockerParis posted this update:
Please Note:
A rumor spread quite fast that Neil Young was recording an album in Paris just because the band was seen these last few days in a recording studio (Studio Ferber to name it) in Paris. We wrote it here...sorry!
In fact, and after calling the right person, NOT AT ALL the band & Neil were just rehearsing (on saturday & sunday) there for the private concert @ Théatre Mogador.
Where's Corey McCormick?
Corey's touring in Japan, old POTR pal John Avila (Oingo Boingo) is filling in
Where's DH ?
It's a good bet if Neil was in the studio then everything was recorded. What a deal, a surprise Neil Young show. I could care less why he plays, where he plays, who he pays, who pays him or any other stupid reaction as to why Neil does what he does. Se la vie, he's earned the right to do as he damn pleases. Great set list with some of the recent 'hits' from Monsanto. Sounds like a good time to me. All alone the captain stands.....
Til the morning comes? Wonder if that was a tribute to David Bowie, who wrote "kooks" as a tribute to that song.
They may have rolled tape, but it's unlikely they had much time in two days to mess with new material (if there indeed is any ready) between getting Avila up to speed and working out the tunes that hadn't previously been played with POTR (Till the Morning/Cripple Creek, Ambulance Blues). Plus you would think they'd wait for Corey before starting a new album.
And no actual Monsanto songs in the setlist, just a couple from the album (Wolf Moon, People Want to Hear About Love). Probably not the right setting to get too political.
Was mulling this over again and had also wondered if this guy was a potential backer for PONO. Either way the sight of a billionaire getting stage time as a backing singer with Neil is not a sight I ever expected to see.
I tend to agree that in all likelihood the Studio Ferber time was to rehearse for the gig.
I am with Sony.
Get over yourselves, indeed.
A private gig ain't a crime as far as I know.
Music is music, and I am just grateful NY has so much passion and energy and is making music. With the sad loss of Bowie, one is more acutely aware of the fleeting presence of the giants.
Pono is about music, whether you or I want to plunk for it or not. If the rich French guy loves music and helps with Pono, fantastic. Even Richard Nixon has got soul.
Frankly disgusted. Till the morning/dollar comes. See you in Glasgow Neil. But not looking forward to it half as much after reading/seeing this fucking sell out. Soo disappointed...
Let's take a breath or two and analyze:
A professional musician getting paid to play his songs...
Sure, the exact nature of the show isn't typically what we expect from Neil, but when has he ever given us what we expected? Neil gets a hall pass from me on this one. He still isn't singin' for Pepsi and he isn't singin' for Coke.
And, if memory serves, way back in '73 he was:
"playing his songs for the highest bid"
"oh friend of mine, don't be denied"
Just enjoy whatever aspects of Neil and his music you like, and treasure it while you can.
Take my advice
don't listen to me
may have needed it to pay off Pegi - look out for Nash's pay off tour coming this year
Well said TopangaDaze! The nay'sayers are out in force on this one, I suppose they're all just f**kin' up...
If it allows Neil to continue making $100k donations while still supporting a variety of charities and good causes, then why not?
It is 1971. Radio Luxembourg is playing an entire side of After the Goldrush. The signal fades in and out of the opening verse of "Tell Me Why"; vanishes and reemerges during "Only Love Can Break Your Heart." The guitar solo of "Southern Man" falters and crackles back as the coda of "Till the Morning Comes." No wonder I never learned to play any of those songs accurately.
Elvis Costello, Unfaithful Music & Disappearing Ink.
hey folks! why do not we start collecting money among ourselves and ask Neil to play for us in a private concert (Rome Coliseum?) we can ofer him more money for the rarely played live songs........ (jeez this was really a bad news.....)
S'il vous plaît excusez mon français. Je suis d'accord avec Topanga Daze. Son un grand fan de Neil Young. Passez une bonne journée! Viva la France!
Carmignac is a major shareholder of Monstanto with over €110 million.
What an irony !
@ Christophe - the irony indeed. If only Carmignac had sang "A Rock Star Bucks A Coffee Shop" or "Monsanto Years"?!
Any link for your info?
Still trying to get a handle on this. This Carmignac guy just flies Neil and crew over for a private part gig because he likes his music? Maybe that's the whole story? Or maybe there's more here?
A link:
Hey All, I want to put this Carmignac Monsanto connection in perspective. Yes corporate filings showed his company owned MON. Based on research it appears that it is isolated to his firm's Commodities Fund, which is logical as it is a commodity related company. I saw an information sheet on that fund and MONSANTO did not even rate in the top 10 holdings. Based on these publications I believe it is irrational to say he is a "Monsanto supporter." While one web site reported his firm is the largest holder of MON in Europe (or France) it is a mere blip in one fund according to what I found. I don't think Neil should be castigated by our community for this appearance and his host's investment activities.
Many thanks to Hounds
You have to be kind of paranoid -- secretly convinced your hero will let you down -- to think the author of the Monsanto Years has suddenly become a corporate shill.
NY may sometimes be wrong, but no one seems more sincere
merci beaucoup Hounds That Howl.
A bit of gnashing of teeth on this one. As Keith B points out, paranoia strikes deep... and into some it has crept.
We continue to reserve judgement on the whole event. It was a private event and we can respect that. And we've been over the whole Neil and the intersection of art & commerce before.
The last time waded into this quagmire was when the Gigs 4 The Gulf tour tour was announced back in 2010. That was when Don Tyson donated free food/chickens to displaced Gulf residents in the aftermath of the BP blowout.
May there come a day when good deeds do actually go unpunished...
The businessmen crowded around
They came to hear the golden sound
There we were on the Mogador Stage,
Playing our songs
for the highest bid.
We played all night
The price was right.
To be fair, there's a significant difference between this and the Tyson collaboration.
Let's be very clear: the Tyson company are the epitome of what Neil is singing about in his "evil corporation" songs. Corporate greed, individual greed, manipulation, widespread environmental destruction brushed under the carpet, human rights abuse, animal name it, Tyson have been up to their neck in it. The Monsanto Years might well have been titled "The Tyson Years". But Neil seems to give these guys a free pass for some reason.
But doing a well-paid private gig for a rich man in finance? Personally I don't see that as troubling. If he was doing private gigs for factory farming corporations like Tyson Foods (like Willie Nelson) whilst telling us all not to eat factory-farmed food, then perhaps alarm bells would then start ringing.
And yes, John Tyson did plead guilty to bribery ("illegal gifts") charges in 1997, but "paid the fine to break the law". Sound familiar? Too rich for jail. See here:
And another comparable incident here, nearly 15 years later:
There are no doubt other incidences that we didn't get to hear about; disguised as other generous or charitable acts. This is why it is sensible to be wary any time Tyson try to associate themselves with Neil; they are taking advantage of his generosity and openess to promote their own brand; a brand which stands against everything he believes in.
Pretty Freaky story. I checked three times to see if I was reading the
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