PHOTO CONTEST: Win a Neil Young Guitar Pick*
White House, Washington, DC
Photo by Hounds That Howell
Uwe "Computer Age", Hounds That Howell and yours truly made the rounds this weekend in Washington, DC. We can testify that Uwe "Computer Age" truly rocked in the free world at the White House in Washington, DC -- amongst other local spots.
Also, we spoke with Uwe "Computer Age" about the 13 Neil Young & Crazy Horse concerts he attended and his view from the rail. Listen here on Thrasher's Wheat Radio Hour - Show #51. [To download, right click on link, save target as, pick destination folder: the podcast will download. Select your preferred MP3 audio player and play file.]
We'll have some more on the adventures of the "Singers Without Concerts" coming soon!
2nd, last month, we announced a contest for Thrasher's Wheat Radio T-shirts.
Thanks to all who entered and are supporting Thrasher's Wheat Radio on It means a lot to us, so THANK YOU!!!
We recently notified the winners and your shirt will be shipping soon.

Played by Neil Young on "Cortez The Killer"
Hippodrome, Baltimore, MD, April 28, 2011
Photo by Thrashette
So here's the deal...
1. Send us a picture of your Thrasher's Wheat Radio T-shirt in action.
2. Let us know a little bit about how the photo came about.
3. Send us your entry to ( by October 1 with SUBJECT line: Photo Contest - Thrasher's Wheat Radio T-shirt
4. Include your name and postal mailing address (with *country*).
All finalists will be sent a Neil Young *Guitar Pick. We haven't figured out what the Grand Prize will be as of yet, but we'll just promise it'll be something cool.
The Arkansas Girls
(Click photo to enlarge)

On The Beach with Thrasher's Wheat Radio
Author Dave Zimmer
for Neil Young & Crazy Horse Concert Tour
Koln, Germany, July 2013
Hamburg, Germany, June 2013
The Carolina Sisters
June 2013
(Click photo to enlarge)
So you say you don't have a t-shirt?
Here's how you too can have your very own Thrasher's Wheat Radio T-shirt. You'll be supporting our Thrasher's Wheat Radio coverage of the 2013 Europe Concert Tour of Neil Young & Crazy Horse.
Don't Be Denied!
*Neil Young Guitar Pick: Herco Flex 50 Guitar Pick (It's the kind that Neil uses. Not one he has used.)
Labels: neil young
It's spelled PICK. Proper name = "plectrum" !
Thanks Nate!
Why do i keep ...
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