UPDATE: Thrasher's Wheat Radio Europe 2013 + New Podcast Download
for Neil Young & Crazy Horse Concert Tour
June 2013
(Click photo to enlarge)
Here's a quick update for all of the supporters of Thrasher's Wheat Radio (on WBKM.org) goes to Europe 2013.
At this point, shipping has begun of t-shirts and buttons to everyone who pledged support prior to the beginning of the summer tour in Europe of Neil Young & Crazy Horse. International orders are shipping first and then domestic (USA). So hopefully everyone in this first wave should have their gifts in the next week or so. Just in time for the 2nd tour leg.
If you pledged support after we began travel in late May, then your gifts will be sent out in the next wave, next week. Again thanks for everyone's patience. Let us know if you have any problems or haven't heard back from us at thrasher@thrasherswheat.org .
And thanks for your support and generosity, of course. Again, if folks have an issue with this proposition, see here.
Latest Thrasher's Wheat Radio Podcast Now Available for download
This week's Thrasher's Wheat Radio Podcast is now available for download. Saturday, June 29, 2013: What's coming this Fall? Spirit of Neil in Paris - Thrasher's Wheat Radio Hour - Show #42
Interested in Supporting Thrasher's Wheat Radio Europe 2013?
We still have 2-3 more legs of Neil & Horse coverage to provide in the coming months and are still looking for support from our loyal and faithful readers here on Thrasher's Wheat, our radio listeners and the entire Neil Young fan community. We still have quite a few unpaid bills from the trip that we're trying to defray, so please bear with us.
To celebrate our golden moment with Neil Young and Crazy Horse in Europe this upcoming week we are real happy to announce the final spin on our commemorative T-shirt. Organic, spun 100% cotton without the use of any pesticide....using only biofuel.... We diligently sought the most environmentally friendly piece of clothing on the planet and found it here....in Vermont. At non-profit WBKM.org and ThrashersWheat.org, we dream daily of the farmer in the great NorthWest. This shirt benefits that cause without hurting anyone or anything. The shirt won't make the difference but you can bet all those that wear it are trying. In honor of the Sacred Mother, help stoke the dire need to get together thru the muse and save Mother Earth. Grab a shirt and wear it.....WE GOT A JOB TO DO: WE GOTTA SAVE MOTHER EARTH!
We've printed t-shirts & buttons(see above) with the Thrasher's Wheat Radio logo and we'd love to send you one to say thanks for supporting Thrasher's Wheat Radio Goes To Europe. Here's the deal:
Solo Acoustic Support Level: Thrasher's Wheat Radio button
Crazy Horse Electric Support Level: Thrasher's Wheat Radio button + Thrasher's Wheat Radio Goes To Europe T-Shirt
ALL ACCESS SPONSOR Support Level: Here's your opportunity to Program a Quarter Hour of a Thrashers Wheat Radio Episode. You Create a 15 minute personal Neil Young set list which will be broadcast during a Thrashers Wheat Radio episode. You pick the songs and tell us to whom each song or your segment is dedicated. Hey, give a shout out to Neil and the Horse! Prior to broadcast we may be able to record you dedicating each song and play them on the air. (Note all material and dedications requires prior approval of WBKM Radio and Thrashers Wheat in their sole discretion).
Plus Thrasher's Wheat Radio button + Thrasher's Wheat Radio Goes To Europe T-Shirt
Choose your support level and we'll ship as soon as we can!
Solo Acoustic Support Level: $5.00 USA & $8.00 International/Non-USA
Crazy Horse Electric Support Level: $35.00 USA & $40.00 International/Non-USA
ALL ACCESS SPONSOR Support Level: $100.00 USA & $105.00 International/Non-USA
To support Thrasher's Wheat Radio Goes To Europe , donate securely using PayPal. Only your credit card is necessary to apply directly & securely. No PayPal account setup is necessary.

Only your credit card is necessary to apply directly & securely. No PayPal account setup necessary. (NOTE: Any excess donations will be contributed to helping The Bridge School, Farm Aid, Musicares, and other worthy causes.)
Your donation must include shipping address, including country. Also, if supporting at Crazy Horse Electric Support Level or ALL ACCESS SPONSOR Support Level, include your T-shirt size (Large or Extra Large) in NOTES field. (First, login, then enter $ amount, and before confirming, complete field "Instructions to merchant")
Feel free to get in touch with us on any questions at thrasher@thrasherswheat.org .
We'll continue to make this historic tour coverage happen so that we can bring the music and magic of the Neil Young & Crazy Horse Alchemy World Tour to all of those who are unable to make it to Europe this summer.
This is really all up to you -- our loyal and faithful readers here on Thrasher's Wheat, our radio listeners and the entire Neil Young fan community.
And of course the TWR crewmates: Eric, Tony, & Howell. And the Haram Sisters, too!
Berlin - June 2, 2013
Photo by Paolo Brillo
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Thanks for keepin' on Thrasher!
Heard 'When God Made Me' on the radio today, that's a first!
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