Neil Young - "Happy Mother Earth Day"
Happy Mother Earth Day!
From Farm Aid 1990, Neil Young sings "Mother Earth".

Happy Mother's (Earth) Day!
Mother Earth by Neil Young
With your fields of green
Once more laid down
by the hungry hand
How long can you
give and not receive
And feed this world
ruled by greed
And feed this world
ruled by greed.
Oh, ball of fire
In the summer sky
Your healing light,
your parade of days
Are they betrayed
by the men of power
Who hold this world
in their changing hands
They hold the world
in their changing hands.
Oh, freedom land
Can you let this go
Down to the streets
where the numbers grow
Respect Mother Earth
and her giving ways
Or trade away
our children's days
Or trade away
our children's days.
Save Mother Earth for another day...

The Inconvenient Truth of Greendale
Be the rain.

t’s as quiet out here as it looks, folks, and it’s lovely. It’s a long road ahead, but I’m proud to be moving along, part of the change. It’s Earth Day, and I’m reminded that I love her. We need to save her. Mother Earth is in trouble, and every idea to help her has merit. I’m one idea, and proud to be one. LVLincVolt
Labels: neil young
How fitting that Earth Day was partially founded by Ira Einhorn - a cold blooded murderer (look it up).
Worship God - not the Earth.
Not true, but thanks anyway
Millionaires espousing how to save the planet? Nice to be able to bring these subjects to the table but music doesn't change anything.
Never saw that one before, though it's the base track to the Ragged Glory closer. Thanks Thrasher!
That's not worship, its stewardship. And 20 years on he's still right. Every little bit helps too.
That one is the passion of singing a song in full bloom to me. Naked, raw, delivered. Laying it out there for all to feel and feel some more.
From Wikipedia:
"Einhorn claimed to have been master of ceremonies at the first Earth Day event in Philadelphia in 1970. He claimed to have been instrumental in the creation and launching of the Earth Day event itself. However, other event organizers dispute his account."
In any event, even were it to be indisputable that he was a co-founder, and is a murderer, I'm not sure on what basis that is fitting. I don't know that much about Earth Day, but I'm going to assume that the vast majority of backers and supporters are sincere in their wish to preserve and protect the earth, as opposed to rhetorically wishing to murder it.
Also, although there may be people who "worship" the earth, along the lines of the concept of "Gaia", again I'm going to assume that most people just want to support good stewardship of the earth, and that does not categorically equate to worship.
But more than anything, IMO all of creation is synonomous with God. There is only oneness, and therefore the earth should be treated with the same reverence we treat all things of God, and like SONY says, every little bit helps.
A Friend Of Yours
Like so many folks, we try and make Earth Day everyday. As they say, there is no Planet B.
How anyone can be opposed to clean air & water has always been a mystery to us...but then again .. many things are a mystery.
It's all one song. A song of love
What anon 4/22/2013 01:41:00 PM was trying to do was an ad hominem:
And that´s a logical fallacy, so the argument is invalid.
About the worshipping god not the earth part, well I know what I´d choose because of one of the two things I know for a fact that it´s there, but each to their own I guess.
Personally I don´t need occasions such as Earth Day or Record Store Day because I try to make every day earth day and at least every other day record store day and so should everybody, because why not? Those relationships are symbiotic and that´s a fact of life! Those days are mere remainders and not once a year celebrations like christmas.
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fucking doubters...
@4/23/2013 06:31:00 AM - thanks for that. Yes, we're quite familiar with the tactic altho it continues to baffle us as to why these doubters put so much energy into these attacks?
Maybe because we're winning?
If you're ever curious as to the minds of these doubters, we've done some research here .
Neil:as always honest and motivated.
God, I cannot believe I just spent like two hours reading a series of endless diatribes from idiots, and well-restrained responses from the "admin / moderator" of this righteous source of NEIL YOUNG NEWS.
My head really hurts now.
Keep up the good work, Thrasher. Don't let the bastards get you down.
-- Eric in sunny FLA
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