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Friday, August 10, 2012

Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Outside Lands Festival, August 10, 2012

Neil Young & Crazy Horse
Outside Lands Music Festival, San Francisco, CA., Friday, Aug. 10, 2012
Photo Gallery by Josh Withers - Outside Lands - 2012
(Click photo to enlarge)

From The Music Mix | by Leah Greenblatt:
But for all of that, what Outside Lands is mostly about is the music – more than 60 bands over the course of 3 days — and on Day 1, the music was all about Neil Young.

You could hear Neil’s influence in Two Gallants, a powerful two piece who played early on Friday (and even though there’s no Neil in L.A.’s Fitz and the Tantrums, it was hard not to think the latter were booked to provide angst-free modern-soul diversity). Beck covered “After The Gold Rush” mid-way through a typically brilliant set, and Dave Grohl started talking about Neil three songs into the Foos show. “We’ve got a lot of songs to play, and the quicker we play them, the faster I get to see Neil fu*king Young,” he said. The crowd cheered, which was slightly surprising – for a lot of people at the festival, Grohl & Co. were the big ticket, and an abbreviated set wasn’t what they were looking for.

Not surprisingly, the crowd went berserk again when Crazy Horse hit the stage. They’ve been playing together off and on for 43 years, and they’ve probably played every possible permutation of every note of every song, yet somehow they’re still able wring out sounds both unexpected and new. There’s an almost umbilical connection between Neil, guitarist Frank “Poncho” Sampedro, bassist Billy Talbot, and drummer Ralph Molina, and it’s never more apparent than when they’re on stage.

Outside Lands saw them run the full gamut of Young’s catalog – Neil did an acoustic version of “Needle and the Damage Done,” and the band powered through a 13 minute take on “Love and Only Love.” But it almost didn’t matter what songs they played; as extraordinary as they may be, what makes Crazy Horse exceptional is the subtext, and the subtext is pure heart.

Neil Young may not be a better guitarist now than he was 30 years ago, but he’s a deeper guitarist, and playing with Crazy Horse seemed to give him the room he needs to go all the way to his core.
One of the newer songs – possibly called “Giant” – ended with at least four minutes of the same note played over and over again, and it never let up. Neil and Poncho — playing in the pocket of Ralph and Billy — somehow made playing one note for four minutes feel exquisite.

(Thanks Unknown!)
Neil Young & Crazy Horse
Outside Lands Music Festival, San Francisco, CA., Friday, Aug. 10, 2012
Photo by Anda Chu/Staff
(Click photo to enlarge)

From by Jim Harrington:
I'd spend the last two hours of the night with Neil Young and (by far) his best band, Crazy Horse. It'd been so long since the last time I'd seen the Bay Area rock legend perform with the Horse that I'd almost forgotten just how powerful an experience it can be.

The group played a number of fan favorites, including "Powderfinger" and "Cinnamon Girl," but mostly it jammed. And then jammed some more. A Crazy Horse jam isn't for everyone. It can include some tiresome passages, which would even make a String Cheese Incident set seem interesting, but it always builds to something meaningful. At times, it can even be transcendent -- and those moments were in no short supply during Friday's set.

It was strong ending to Day One. Yet, the best news of all was that the party was just getting started.

From Neil Young and Crazy Horse Mix the Old and New at S.F.'s Outside Lands Festival - San Francisco - Music - All Shook Down by Ian S. Port:
Most bands giving a headlining performance at a major festival would keep their set list to the greatest hits side of things. Or perhaps play a bunch of songs off the record they just released. Not Neil Young and Crazy Horse. They spent nearly half of their two hours last night trying out new tunes from their upcoming album -- songs no one except Young obsessives have heard yet. "Ontario" and "Walk Like a Giant" both sounded like classic, dirty Crazy Horse dirges, but our favorite was the new acoustic song about hearing Dylan's "Like a Rolling Stone" for the first time. There wasn't a single selection from the album of Americana covers Young and Crazy Horse put out this year.
Young and his mates aired a towering version of "Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black)" that nearly keeled us over with its power. The song -- which has Young laying down a guttural riff and insisting, "Rock and Roll will never die" -- confirmed the larger theme of the set. When he sang, it's "Better to burn out/ than to f-f-f-f-fade away," dragging it out and leaning over to taunt the crowd, it felt like all of Golden Gate Park was on the receiving end of some very rare and hard-earned wisdom. Here, with his snarling visage and snarling guitars, Young's age was a trump card, an exalted status only he and his bandmates possessed.

They may not have done what most fans would've wanted. But they'd certainly earned the right not to.

Neil Young & Crazy Horse

Neil Young & Crazy Horse

Neil Young & Crazy Horse will be performing tonight at the Outside Lands Music and Arts Festival, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California.

Neil Young & Crazy Horse (Lands End Stage) 8:10pm – 9:55pm

Got a report? Drop a comment below.

Check Sugar Mountain for setlist updates and Chronological Grid, Recording Summary, Statistics and Extras.

Also, see Neil Young & Crazy Horse 2012 Concert Tour Reviews and the right, middle sidebar for continuous real time RSS feed updates.

Don't Be Denied!

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Thursday, August 09, 2012

Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Lake Tahoe, NV, August 9, 2012

Neil Young & Crazy Horse

Neil Young & Crazy Horse

Neil Young & Crazy Horse will be performing tonight at Lake Tahoe, NV - Harveys Outdoor Arena.

Got a report? Drop a comment below.

Check Sugar Mountain for setlist updates and Chronological Grid, Recording Summary, Statistics and Extras.

Also, see Neil Young & Crazy Horse 2012 Concert Tour Reviews and the right, middle sidebar for continuous real time RSS feed updates.

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Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Concert Review of the Moment: Neil Young & Crazy Horse - A Weekend on The Rocks

Neil Young & Crazy Horse 08.05.12
Photo by kmartini
(Click photo to enlarge)

It would seem by all accounts that the 2 concerts by Neil Young & Crazy Horse at Red Rocks, CO this week were quite epic.

Universally, the concerts were hailed as return to form by Crazy Horse who showed little if any rust.

Which brings us to our Concert Review of the Moment, "A Weekend on The Rocks" from I Listen So You Don't Have To. Our favorite types of reviews fall into two categories: 1) from those intimately familiar with the artist and can express all the nuances of the concert and 2) those who have no clue about the artist and who come away from the experience as believers.

This review falls into Category #2...
Walking into Neil Young last night, we were just hoping for some songs we recognized. We were hoping for a ‘greatest hits’ show. Without a background on Neil Young or Crazy Horse, it was the most we could hope for.

What we got was 2+ hours of music we’d never heard before. What we got was the experience of a lifetime.

Coming from someone who doesn’t care for jambands, I could have listened to these survivors from another generation jam for hours! I didn’t realize what an incredible electric guitar player Neil Young is. And watching him onstage with Crazy Horse, all in white shirts and blues jeans, back-to-back jamming like they were put on this planet to do just that, told me all I needed to know to justify a crowd that shows up 3 hours early. Young might always have a nasty look on this face, but there was no doubt that those men on that stage were having just as much fun as the fans overflowing from the rows between the monoliths.

But to sit here and give you a rundown of songs and humorous quips (“here’s one I wrote this morning…called Cinnamon Girl”) would act as a pale shadow of what I can honestly say was one of the best shows I’ve ever seen. (all factors considered)

Literally more metal than jamband, last night’s performance made me lose respect for myself. How I can be so into music and so blind to the songwriting and performing genius that is Neil Young? The fact that I’m going to work on answering that question is what made this show a life changing experience. Singing along with the set closer, “Hey Hey, My My (Into the Black)”, there was no doubt that while so many have died, Neil Young & Crazy Horse are here to make sure rock and roll never will.

More from I Listen So You Don't Have To.

Also, see more concert reviews of Neil Young & Crazy Horse at Red Rocks, CO.

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Tuesday, August 07, 2012

FREE CONCERT*: Neil Young & Crazy Horse @ Global Festival - Great Lawn, Central Park, September 29, 2012

A new concert date has been added for Neil Young & Crazy Horse this fall.

Neil Young & Crazy Horse, Foo Fighters, Black Keys, Band of Horses and K'naan will perform at the Great Lawn in New York's Central Park on September 29th as part of the Global Festival, a concert designed to bring awareness and funds to the cause of ending global poverty.

"Global Poverty Project organizers are hopeful about their tuneful approach to activism. "Since 1981, the proportion of people living in extreme poverty has been halved to 25 percent. While progress has been remarkable, there's still a long way to go," he says. "Music and movements go hand-in-hand: from ending the slave trade in the 1800s through the freedom chant against apartheid in South Africa, music has been a key part of social change, and that's still so true today. It gives us an outlet to express that which we care about in the most meaningful and passionate of ways, which is the whole point of the Global Festival: it's equitable, so anyone can get involved in uniting so many people and non-profits around one cause. It's become a lot bigger than any of us have ever dreamed."

*For more details, see Global Festival - Great Lawn, Central Park, September 29 2012.

Also, see Neil Young & Crazy Horse 2012 Concert Tour Reviews.

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Sunday, August 05, 2012

Neil Young & Crazy Horse Concert: Red Rocks, CO - 8/5 & 8/6/12

Crazy Horse
Photo by Tina Hagerling,
(Click photo to enlarge)

Nice photo gallery from by Tina Hagerling.

Neil Young and Crazy Horse - Over and Over - Red Rocks - 8/5/2012

Just check out the jam with Poncho and Neil around 6:00 or so.

Also, concert report by bh on

Thanks bh!

More comments below \/ \/ \/ .

Neil Young & Crazy Horse

Neil Young & Crazy Horse

Neil Young & Crazy Horse will be performing tonight at Red Rocks, CO.

After the tour opener on Friday of Neil Young & Crazy Horse in Albuquerque, New Mexico, all bets are now off.

Got a report? Drop a comment below.

Check Sugar Mountain for setlist updates and Chronological Grid, Recording Summary, Statistics and Extras.

Also, see Neil Young & Crazy Horse 2012 Concert Tour Reviews and the right, middle sidebar for continuous real time RSS feed updates.

Photos of Rusties On Facebook
(Click photo to enlarge)

Thanks Jim M!

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PHOTO GALLERY & Concert Review of the Moment: Neil Young & Crazy Horse @ Albuquerque, New Mexico

Billy, Poncho, Ralph & Neil
Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Albuquerque, NM, Aug 3, 2012
Photo by Steve Snowden/Getty Images North America
(Click photo to enlarge)

From Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Albuquerque, New Mexico concert, a report by Morning Son:
I'm happy to report that the Horse is alive, thriving, and joyous. My ears are still ringing today from last night's glorious cacophony.

I'm so happy.

I was lucky enough to be standing with a friend in the pit, directly front and center, about 10 feet from Neil, last night in Albuquerque. ABQ has been getting hit with triple digit temps, but thankfully clouds rolled in in the afternoon and provided surprisingly perfect weather for this occasion.

I wasn't sure how the Horse would sound after such a long layoff, but just a few seconds into the first tune, "Love and Only Love," my worries were eased and I shouted to my friend, "THIS SOUNDS SO FUCKING GREAT!" It was the Horse at its sonic best. As a Crazy Horse aficionado, it could not have sounded more wonderful. How perfect to see the Horse so close up. I would close my eyes to immerse myself in the magical guitar onslaught, and when I opened my eyes, it was such a visual treat -- almost a shock -- to see the Horse huddled up close right in front of me, like in my living room.

I wanted to convey something that has only been briefly touched on in the reports: I have never seen Neil and the Horse (whether live or in videos) so happy, particularly in the second half of the set. Neil was smiling ear-to-ear for much of the show, as was the rest of the Horse.

Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Albuquerque, NM, Aug 3, 2012
Photo by Steve Snowden/Getty Images North America
(Click photo to enlarge)

One cause of this is that Pancho kept kicking Neil in the ass. The first time he did this, Neil didn't seem amused, but that didn't deter Pancho, who quickly kicked his ass again. The second time, Neil couldn't hide a grin, and Pancho kept doing it, and Neil was so fucking joyous. I was thinking, "what happened to the Neil who always looks morose and angry?" This must have been Neil's carefree, happy twin brother.

The Horse was deliriously ecstatic. What a joy to see the first show of a tour, when it's all brand new for them! I've done it before, but it was so fun to flip Pancho off and to have him return the gesture during Fuckin' Up.

One thing that has not been reported, that was sweet to see -- at the end of the main set, I could see Pancho and Billy backstage. They were locked in a tight embrace, rocking back and forth, for about 15 seconds,. After nine years, it was their first show with the Horse and they were clearly so gratified. I was so happy for them. What a privilege to see such an emotional moment between two brothers of rock and roll! They had finally arrived back to their place of self-actualization -- it was as if they had been rescued from nine years stranded on a desert island.

Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Albuquerque, NM, Aug 3, 2012
Photo by Steve Snowden/Getty Images North America
(Click photo to enlarge)

The new songs were GREAT. Some of the most magical moments came as he sang about first hearing "the magic of Like a Rolling Stone" as well as the Grateful Dead on the radio. These lines elicited much approval from the crowd.

The new lyrics were phenomenal. He sang about wanting to change the world, but not quite getting there (or something to that effect). YOU GUYS WILL LOVE THESE SONGS!!!!

Neil put his heart and soul into the show, and clearly put his all into writing the new songs as well.

I had expected the first part of the show to be Americana stuff (just like the Greendale shows), and Neil played me for the fool by playing only one tune from the album!

On thing that this resident of the Land of Enchantment appreciated is that Neil ended the show by saying "Thank you New Mexico, Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Taos, Las Cruces." That was loved by the crowd.

What a magical evening! Seven wonderful world premieres! Eardrum-splitting, glorious Crazy Horse Sound! Neil Young happier than I've ever seen him, ten feet from me! A front and center experience that cannot be duplicated!


As you can tell, I am in Crazy Horse glory right now!!


Thanks Morning Son!

Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Albuquerque, NM, Aug 3, 2012
Photo by Steve Snowden/Getty Images North America
(Click photo to enlarge)

More on Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Albuquerque, New Mexico concert with reviews, photos, videos, tweets, etc.

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"There's more to the picture
Than meets the eye"



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I was hoping it was a lie"

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A Journey Through the Past

Neil Young's Moon Songs
Tell Us The F'n TRUTH
(we can handle it... try us)

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~~ Fannie Lou Hamer

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Show Me A Sign

"Who is John Galt?"
To ask the question is to know the answer

"Whosoever shall give up his liberty for a temporary security
deserves neither liberty nor safety."

~~ Benjamin Franklin


(Between the lines of age)

And in the end, the love you take
Is equal to the love you make

~~ John & Paul

the zen of neil
the power of rust
the karma of the wheat

