TONIGHT: Neil Young on The Daily Show
The Daily Show - Nov 28, 2012
"I don't know how it happens, but when I'm singing and playing with Crazy Horse, I'm a different guy. I write a different thing, I see things differently, I see deeper pictures, I'm able to write and express myself much deeper in a certain way that I can't do with anybody else."
PART #1 - The Daily Show - Nov 28, 2012
Exclusive - Neil Young Extended Interview
In this exclusive, unedited interview, Neil Young discusses book Waging Heavy Peace, explains the importance of family, his relationship with Crazy Horse, and the need to be on the road.

The Daily Show - March 8, 2006
Neil Young will be on Comedy Central's The Daily Show, hosted by Jon Stewart, tonight, November 28th.
Neil Young was in New York City for a November 27th gig with Crazy Horse at Madison Square Garden (see concert reviews from last night.)
Neil Young was last on The Daily Show on March 8, 2006 discussing his new film "heart of Gold".
Here's a transcript of the show's lead in to the Colbert Report:
STEPHEN COLBERT: Hey Jon, lemme tell you something.Also, note that Ask Neil Young on Twitter about his book "Waging Heavy Peace" session tonight has been postponed.
Neil Young is the best songwriter of the last forty years.
The man sings it like it is. Remember his great song about Kent State? Where the brave National Guardsmen take on those anti-American peacenik hippies? Great stuff.
Labels: daily show, jon stewart, neil young
Great interview! Book, ghost, Ben, CH, Spinal Tap, Sandy...
thanks for posting Shamrock, we are now in luck.
Thought Jon Stewart was a great interviewer, very deferential to Neil.
Neil & CH playing a Sandy benefit concert at Borgata thurs dec 6th ... think he'll play Hurricane?
unless you live in Canada.
Or anywhere else in the world but the US for that matter... :-((((
I can watch it in Sweden. Very unusual that an American talkshow let us Scandinavians watch videos on their homepages!
my favorite part was the beautiful girl walking toward him with little white plastic things in her ears and he feels so sorry for her. Stewart seemed to do some homework on the book too.
Good to see him!
It works in The Netherlands too.
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I'm afraid i will never get used to watch American TV.
This living Rock-legend deserves an in-dept interview WITHOUT commercials
This note's for the daily show .
Fucking waste of time .
For those of you who cannot view the interview in your country, here is a small taste (transcribed).
Stewart: Please welcome a rock legend, Mr. Neil Young.
enthusiastic applause
Stewart and Young shake hands and sit down at table with copy of Waging Heavy Peace in the middle of table.
Stewart: Thank you for coming.
Young: Thank you for inviting me.
Stewart: Before we talk about your new book, I wanted to quickly talk about Walk Like a Giant, which is a new song on your new CD with Crazy Horse. One of the younger guys who works for me showed me some video of the song from your show the other night in Ottawa. He also said that a lot of folks are reported to get up and leave during the song, which includes several minutes of feedback. So my question is, what the fuck are you doing. These folks paid $200 bucks....
Young: Its all part of my master plan, Jon. You see, for me, the ultimate concert would see everyone in the audience get up and leave. Then I know that I would truly have reached the source. My former producer, the late David Briggs, always talked about getting closer to the source. A lot of my new songs, such as Walk like a Giant, are based on two simple chords. I am working on some songs now that would pull it back to one chord as I try to get even closer to the source. It might be E minor on one song, A minor on another, and G on another. I would not use the same chord on the entire CD, at least not to start.
Stewart: Your kidding right? We'll be right back
Goes to commercial. Returns.
Stewart: We are back with Neil Young. You are reportedly working on your own MP3 player, called a porno?
Young: That's Pono, Jon.
Stewart: And its supposed to give more resolution? More information? Are you sure you want people to hear all of the information on a song like Walk Like A Giant? Maybe 5% is enough? Are you worried that you might hurt somebody if you give them 100%?
Young: We'll include a warning on the machine that it is not recommended with any Neil Young and Crazy Horse songs...
Crowd laughs...
This works in Canada.
Thank you Jimbo
Billie in Calgary
Thanks for the link Jimbo.
Neil is still master of the "tongue in cheek" retort..ya just gotta love him!
personally I'm really warming to PP..loving the new songs the more i hear them..walk like a giant is a great singalong song..which i endeavour to do with my windows fully up..fkd if i know what the people next to me would think pullin up at traffic lights!...still working out the length of the ending of the great wonders of being a faithful neiler i suppose!
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