Neil Young on The Daily Show

Neil Young appeared on Comedy Central's The Daily Show, hosted by Jon Stewart, last night.

Neil seemed in good spirits and humor and bantered about the making of the film "Heart of Gold".

"This film has totally turned about 400 folks in the United States against me."

"I really like to get to a place where I'm out of touch -- which is not too hard for me ...sort of like falling off a log."

"Hey, Carl [Neil's dog], if you're watching this."

Stream the entire video on Comedy Central Videos.
Over on Stereogum, a mini transcript of the show's lead in to the Colbert Report:
STEPHEN: Hey Jon, lemme tell you something. Neil Young is the best songwriter of the last forty years. The man sings it like it is. Remember his great song about Kent State? Where the brave National Guardsmen take on those anti-American peacenik hippies? Great stuff.
More on the day and song that proved to be a turning point in the Vietnam War.
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I really enjoyed the interview. It seems that Neil is becoming more open to the public. I would really like to see him publish an autobiography, after the archives are out.
Can anyone fill in some background on the King story discussed on the Daily Show? Jon seemed to bring it up as a well known story.
old king from harvest moon
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