Calgary - Neil Young & Crazy Horse, Alchemy Tour - 11/13/12

Neil Young & Crazy Horse will be performing tonight at the Scotiabank Saddledome, Calgary, AB, Canada.
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Labels: 2012, concert, crazy horse, neil young, review, tour
The concert tonight at the Calgary Saddledome was FANTASTIC, opening with "the sadies" a Toronto group, who was exellent and i will be see ore of if i can and followed by Los Lobos, who other than forgetting that they were in Calgary, were also very good. Neil was in great form tonight and seemed to be really having a great night, his mix of the new album and hs old classics well very well assembled and he just kept on playing and playing! sure he went over his estimated play time for the evening and I REALLY DO appreciate his hard work. Crazy horse was in top form as well and the sound was so loud that your ears crackeled, it was just perfect, the sound man was a real pro to get that guitar to sound so hard without clipping at all, clean and mean it was. This was the first time ive seen Neil Young and Crazy horse and wish i had not waited 35 yrs to go...oh well, once in a lifetime event i suppose. If you didnt go, you cheated yourself, it was a truly perfect night!
no wonder Mother Nature is on the run in the 21 century, we got a guy who wants to walk like a giant on the land. Little cat feet Neil Young, or maybe you never got the memo. Unlike the the great wall, we really can see your ego from space Neil Young.
Don't know, Anonymous, he still is the author of Lost In Space. And he's a nice cat because he performed Helpless last night specially for you. How cool is that?
last night in Calgary was something else!! Last time I saw Neil with Crazy Horse was back in '96 and I swore I'd never miss another opportunity to see them again. 16 years later I finally got my chance. The entire show was mind-blowing from the first note of Love and Only Love to the encore of Helpless reworked and sped up in a way that I hardly recognized it at first and then grinned from ear to ear the moment I did. I think it's safe to say that their rendition of Cortez the Killer was one of the finest live performances of all time. I genuinely hope to hear a recording of that one someday. Thank you Neil, Billy, Frank and Ralph. I won't soon forget last night.
Helpless in Calgary:
Great show last night. Second time seeing Neil, first time seeing Crazy Horse. I've listened for years, and always regret not having seen the 96 tour (I was young and poor), but this made up for it. Totally missed the Sadies set, what time did it start? I've seen them before, and they are great. Los Lobos, I had never heard anything other than their hit, but they were awesome. That sax should have been louder.
Neil and the boys were beyond amazing. I was on the floor, as close as I could get without being crushed. Fumes were wafting everywhere, but this is pretty standard. Everyone was really into it from my view (expect for some small scuffle that didn't last long, not sure what happened there).
The new songs sounded good, I haven't heard the album yet, but "Walk Like A Giant" was epic. That ending was perfect, minutes of gentle feedback and Neil twisting that knob (the Whizzer?).
I know he always does a small acoustic set, and Neil will always do what he wants, but that was the only low point for me. I've heard "Needle" so many times, it didn't do much for me. And the piano song, I really don't care for any of Neil's piano songs, sorry to say. But at least it was brief.
Best ones for me were Fuckin' Up and Cortez. So so good. Cinnamon Girl didn't seem as inspired as it could have been, but Mr. Soul was on fire. The encore, Helpless, was interesting, but I might have to hear it again, it was so different from the normal arrangement.
Again, best concert I've seen in a long time, and so happy I got to see the Horse live.
@ Anonymous (Mother Nature), I doubt that Neil is expecting anyone to take his lyrics literally. Don't you understand the evocative nuance that epitomizes Neils work? I envision Neil, desiring to walk strong and tall as he once did..whistling to notify mountain lion while walking through the redwoods (giants if you will). Also, Neil is acknowledging mans desire to have his way over nature. Additionally, he is experiencing his own pending frailty.. and his own experience of activism...and so on. That is why he is a master because he creates music that allows for multiple associations.
He just couldn't help it!
That Helpless rendition sounds like he did a Bob Dylan to it, you know, where Bob can't sing his own songs the same way twice.
I didn't check it out, but I do wonder if that is the first time Crazy Horse has played that song together. I know Neil did it with the International Harvestors kinda country style at Austin City back in the 80's. Either way, it works with the rock and roll of this tour.
The first time he did it with Crazy Horse was in late 1976. And even then a few times (like three or four times maybe). But he basically played it like the studio version with a harmonica on his neck, this was likely the first time ever he truly rocked it, with the lead guitar replacing the harmonica lines.
A great night! From the opening OH CANADA, through the opener of LOVE AND ONLY LOVE, with not even a slight pause in guitar growl, right into "Look out, mama, there's a whit boat comin' up the river!!..." POWDERFINGER could be retitled POWERfinger, it was such a charge! I admit, prob like a few faithful RUSTIES, I had a basic idea of the set list, but it only truly made me study up on the new songs (Ontario, Walk Like A Giant, Twisted Road, Ramada Inn and Singer Without a Song). I knew FUCKIN' UP was gonna hit, but DAAAAMN!! And then only to follow that with CORTEZ?!! Are u shittin me??!! So beautiful. I've seen Neil 3 times now and am 3/3 for Cortez. All diff, all powerful in they're own right. Thanx NY&CH for blowing the roof off. As Uncle Neil greeted us early on with,"Right at home in the SADDLEDOME!" Damn right! The encore of HELPLESS totally threw me for a loop with the arrangement. I was thinking we were in for HURRICANE, but nope! No big loss, as a cherished every note and chord churned out and wrung from guitars, bass, drums and vocals. Many thanx and praises to NEIL YOUNG, PONCHO SAMPEDRO, BILLY TALBOT and RALPH MOLINA and crew.
P.S. To all those complainers/whiners who were hoping for a greatest hits show, u have NO CLUE what NEIL YOUNG & CRAZY HORSE means. Go get tix for Barry Manilow or something. Suck it. Ha!
first time seeing neil was in 74 with crosby stills nash. My first album bought was 69 release with crazy horse,"everybody knows this is nowhere" AMAZING BAND & NEIL IS THEIR LEADER. NEXT WAS THE RUST NEVER SLEEPS TOUR 78, NOW THE HORSE IN 2012, I FEEL SO BLESSED TO SEE THEM AGAIN & TUESDAY NITES SHOW AT THE DOME JUST FILLED ME TO THE BRIM WITH GOOD OLD FASHION ROCK, BEST "GARAGE BAND" GOING, TRUE GRIT....
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