Concert Reviews: Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Kingston, Ontario, Oct. 5
Neil Young & Crazy Horse will be performing tonight at the K ROCK Centre, Kingston,Ontario, Canada.
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Neil Young & Crazy Horse
Don't Be Denied!
Labels: 2012, canada, concert, crazy horse, neil young, ontario, review, tour
Amazing concert, Neil rocked the house down. Gotta love powderfinger, cortez, and like a hurricane....and his psychedelic pill material was amazing too. What an amazing guy, 66 and he rocks like he's 26
Just got back to Toronto from the show. It was great. Only 12 songs but 2 full hours. Walk Like a Giant was the highlight for me, though Ramada Inn is excellent. Glad I waited to hear the new songs live. I had somehow never seen Hurricane before, so was very happy to see it get played. Hope that Roll Another Number gets back into the setlist for Toronto next month!
Went to hear what we know and it was too much jamming and self indulgence for myself and friends.I didn't mind some of the new but wanted more of the old. I have heard him before with Crosby and Stills and no comparison. I saw lots of people leaving so that tells you I wasn't alone
Funny how "Anonymous" knows about this blog and can complain about the show when, if, with even the most cursory research here, he would know what he was getting into when he supposedly bought tickets.
I swear that there's one troll who just keeps cutting and pasting the same bundle of cliches, over and over.
Sounds like the crying baby needs a diaper change. Waaaa!
@Zuma Band - yeah funny isn't it? We might live a thousand years and still not know what it means...
"When faceless and anonymous
Come to beat down your door
And say you're all washed up and done
You can just say they have nothing in store
To touch this soul
Because they just don't know
They just don't know
The way
The way
The way"
Zuma, I think you're right. There's like one or two trolls who continually cut and paste the same tired, exaggerated garbage over and over again.
Anonymous it's not possible you have friends
I seen him in Windsor on the October 3, 2012. everyone here in windsor said they wanted more of the old stuff he only did 3 oldies, they gave me a CD with my ticket and the best song was Susana the best song on it wasn't even played and the encore was terrible 1 song! and no audience precipitation / interaction at all. was expecting a lot more and everyone I talked to said same things... Love the artist though don't get me wrong....
Gotta Love Neil...always true to himself...
Have waited my whole life to see this man live..."Tonight's the night!"
Can't wait to see him rock (in London)
always a fan
I see Dennis D Menace complaining about no "audience precipitation".... thank god for that ;-) Get rained on by the audience? No thanks! Looking forward to London tonight. We will create our own damn audience participation - you can count on it!
I love the new stuff, too, but just because someone else doesn't, that doesn't mean they're a "troll." Newspaper reviewers also have mentioned people complaining and walking out of the concerts, does that mean the reviewers are trolls who weren't actually at the shows, too? Grow up, people, it's a big world with room for lots of different opinions.
The show was awesome. The new stuff sounded great. Walk like a Giant was fantastic. Ramada Inn was tremendous. Fuckin up was out of this world. Like a Hurricane, cortex, powder finger were immaculate. Was in a trance the whole time and was blown away. Didn't see anybody leaving. The ovations were loud and thunderous. I wanted more and more...
Looking so forward to Shakeys show(my 5th time) tonight in London Ont.! So much new stuff from Neil Is awesume! A real true Artist who doen't really care what the presss thinks,, btw cd's are for the pastgreat songs, live for new!I remember seeing Greedale in Toronto in 90's , people bboed and some fools walked out, Neil was great, the whole new "unreleased" album was played! NO one does that! only Neil!! Bruce S
Kingston concert was AWESOME! Neil and The Horse rocked the place in completely authentic, inspiring way... Loved the feeling with Crazy Horse. 15 minute "Like a Hurricane" encore was a great moment in life. Grateful to be there... I hope my seatmate Mike from Belleville in Section 102 Row 1, Seat 8 provides a review as he was knowledgeable and articulate about music whereas I just FEEL it. Rock on, Neil - it was a joy!
in regard to playing unfamiliar tunes, saw him in Edmonton with International Harvesters back in 84. I was pleasantly blown away that he came out "country" and absorbed every new tune he played...continued to hope that songs would be released some day and thank you Neil for "Treasure," I remember each tune and live was so special. What a band. Sadly missing this tour but if I was there, would gladly take in what he puts out...It's art from the heart. Give it up for Neil tonite London!
Dear Anonymous who feels let down,
How much did you spend on a ticket? What did you expect to hear, and what was that expectation based on?
Did you expect a specific set list, delivered in a specific way?
If you did buy a ticket, it wasn't cheap, which compounds your disappointment in the show you experienced.
The ticket price was probably close to what a good meal would cost in a very nice restaurant. Usually one has an idea of what to expect from the restaurant, and one gets to select from a menu of options. And, true,even the best restaurants have off nights.
However, going to see Neil Young and Crazy Horse isn't like going to a restaurant. You don't tell him what to present to you. If you are not familiar with what he has been doing recently the internet allows you to know quite precisely what he will play and how he will play it. To claim to be surprised and let down is no fault of his. The responsibility is yours. You made an investment of your time and money with ZERO clue about what you were buying, based on a vague, half baked familiarity with a few of his hundreds of songs.
To finish the restaurant analogy, don't go to a Thai restaurant and then complain that the food was too spicy.
Great to see a few different songs being added (Cortez, Hurricane, Tonight's The Night). Travelled up to Red Rocks for those shows, so was hoping to hear a few different songs next week in Austin.
That damn keyboard thing has always been teasing me, hovering above the stage, and never come down at the 9 electric Neil shows I've been lucky enough to see. Like A Hurricane at ACL, please.
Interesting that he is playing Cortez ... I thought that maybe he might have retired Cortez this tour in favour of Ramada Inn.
I thought starting the concert with the whole audience on their feet singling O Canada like it was a hockey game was totally bizarre, though not necessarily in a bad way. I knew from the internet that he would be doing jams on newer material, and for older stuff I'd be lucky even to get Cinnamon Girl, which I'm not a big fan of. So for me Cortez the Killer was a hugely unexpected and wonderful surprise. But I loved the "self-indulgent" jams on Walk Like a Giant, Fu**in Up, and a bunch of other songs that I don't even know what they're called and couldn't care in the slightest. What a show. 2 hours of pure power and musicianship. I've never figured out how a quartet can get that kind of "wall of sound." Unforgettable.
@The Zuma Band: Now that's the way you respond to people - with rational argument, not name-calling. Hopefully some other folks will start to follow your example.
I also went last night and am still thinking about it. I heard some people calling out for songs and I was kind of side eyeing them and I even said to one guy near me, he doesn't play that with the Horse.
There are Neil Young fans and then there are classic radio station listeners. Whaddya gonna do ?
As for this fan, I loved every second of it. I loved the joy the guys were sharing on stage, I loved the emotion in Neil's voice, and I pretty much had my mind blown with the musicianship and the performance ART, yes ART displayed with Hey Hey, Walk like a Giant, and with Like a Hurricane.
It was my privilege to be there and I encourage anyone going to a show to do some homework about Neil and Crazy horse so you understand what you are in for and make an informed choice.
I saw people walking out at Red Rocks. Not a lot, but some. One kid (well, to me he was a kid) stood up about 5 minutes into the feedback ending of WLAG, flipped off the band, and walked out. But I seriously doubt that he was someone who would come to this site.
I get that not everyone is into what Neil does. For some reason, that has never bothered me. To each his own I supposed. I have also never felt the need to try to convince someone they are wrong about what they think. Is that even possible??
It would be about as futile as someone trying to convince me that I am wrong for practically worshiping the man, his humanity, and his music.
If we all felt the same thing and believed the same way, what a bland and uninteresting world it would be. So, I really have no issues with folks of differening opinions, as long as they are respectful of the other point of view. And that goes both ways.
SO, Happy Saturday to my brothers and sisters who share the spirit.
Peace, Sandy
Oh, and in response to a comment posted recently, I would love to see a thread in which we could write/see comments about the book. I have read many reviews, but have not heard much from "us" yet. I'm thinking not everyone has had a chance to read it yet.
I hate you Mathhew L. Go die in a fire.
OK. Lets quickly summarize the last few NYCH tours (at least that I saw):
- alchemy (2012) - mix of old classics and new unreleased material
- greendale (2003) - entirely new unreleased material set to a production, with two or three classics for encore
- broken arrow (1996) - wonderful mix of classics and new material from broken arrow (released just prior to tour). included some long long songs off the new album that nobody know, plus buffalo songs and many many others.
- weld - ragged glory. same great mix of songs new and old with major feedback sessions.
- Life - third best garage band tour (1986). amazing tour, with mix of classics (reworked) and a bunch of songs from the life album that had not yet been released (prisoners, inca queen, mid east vacation etc...).
my point: its all one song. the only down side of the new tours is that there is no surprise. You've all heard ramada inn and walk like a giant before the show. too bad. imagine seeing it for the first time in person, like we did in the good old days like 1986 and 1991. You youngsters don't understand how great concerts used to be - the surprises. the complete absence of annoying cell phones.
If only dylan had recorded his life's performances the way neil has - believe it or not, Dylan was a great life artist in his prime up to around 1988. but instead he's a punchline and looks rediculous at 70 on you tube these days - yikes.
all this to say, please ignore the trolls and lets absorb every moment of what is likely the last nych tour with a healthy fit band.... Long live Neil...
Holy Ole liftin Bald Headed Nelly
That there Kingston ( Born in Ontario ) show was beyond .
The magic of new sounds tweaked from the Fenders , mid song was simply incredible , the Einstein hair and theatrics of the crew , had me howlin with laughter !!!
There was a palpable , very strong feel , with every song .
Before the show in the hotel lobby , had a brief chat with Ralph Molina , that lad knows his baseball , he was gracious enough to stop fer a photo , what a treat !
Very curious to me why for the first time of the twenty six shows I've been privileged to see over the years , that before pickin up a guitar , Neil Young chose to share in singin of Oh Canada , had me in tears .
Was it Kingston , the home of our founding father Sir John A MacDonald, or maybe Ontario and his family connection there .....
Who knows ?
Long Live our Sovereign . the Queen
Long Live the Gracious Horse EH !
Anon 5:50: Me? Wha'd I do? I'm very happy to have driven you to the point of unintelligible rage, though.
Didn't you get anything at all out of it? It's just mind blowing that this is the experience, after witnessing this fountain of creativity erupting right if front of you, that you had.
"Meh, he didn't play the songs I wanted to hear, the new stuff was mediocre and lots of people were leaving."
It's the same tired narrative, blah, blah, blah, blah, spiraling into infinity.
Then there's the fact that most of the reactions I've seen so far to this tour are more along the lines of:
"OMG that was transcendentally amazing, my brain erupted in a fountain of joy and I nearly had a heart attack!"
"Neil was levitating on a wave of solid sound, and shot into the sky like a rocket ship of love!"
"A field of electric, hallucinatory euphoria engulfed the crowd, and we were all swept into the sun, merging into one fantastic blob of cosmic awesomeness!"
"My consciousness split into a billion tiny fragments and flew around the earth in all different directions at the speed of light!"
"Pac Man flew out of my mouth and..."
Well anyway, you get the idea.
Don't worry Matt!! If you catch on fire I will "Be The Rain" and put it out!!
"You've all heard ramada inn and walk like a giant before the show. too bad. imagine seeing it for the first time in person, like we did in the good old days like 1986 and 1991"
So far I've somehow managed not to hear the new songs on PP at all ... not sure if I can make it till MSG but will try ...
People walkin out of a Neil Young show is to be expected .... its been that way forever cause he plays what he wants ... which if you really know whats good for you is what you should want ... but there's always a greatest hits crowd who ends up thinking they're in for an oldies show and they get slapped in the face with something they didn't expect ... the question is HOW MANY walk out in disgust ... the troll acts like its half the audience when its generally a small minority ... second, its a bit curious to have a complainer stumble across TW and post a negative review because they expected Heart of Gold and got Walk LIke a Giant ...
I'm only half way through the book. its something to be savored, let's not rush everyone yet, there's plenty of future for us to discus the book in. It's a powerful experience reading his raw honest writings a thoughtful chapter at a time.
Wow, what a set list in Australia posted above!
Yeah I hear about people walking out in droves in these comments but in Windsor at the end of the show the place was still full to the rafters so it couldn't have been that many. They missed the most amazing version of Tonight's the Night that I've heard yet. I sure hope the Windsor performance is on the Alchemy album; it really did send a chill up and down my spine.
I absolutely adore Neil and have been a fan since "Old Laughing Lady". I have gone through the decades of his ups and downs and Rust, Harvest and Heart of Gold shine high. Last night I heard some of the new, I liked it and even saw me loving it BUT, give the crowd a bit of the old, since many of us are that, very old followers
Based on the set list he DID give you a 'bit of the old', so what's your problem?
This comment has been removed by the author.
I don't think that everyone is a fan of the big Crazy Horse sound and the long jams. Many from the audience expect some favourite hits from the folk-pop albums as ATGR, Harvest, CAT or Harvest Moon.I can understand and respect their point, though I can't agree with them.
From the beginning, Neil loves to introduce in concert many new songs(see the Harvest songs on the 1971 tour or the Harvest Moon songs in 1992). This a constant of the artist. If really you love the artist and his music, you know and expect that this always happens in concert.
Anyway, songs as TTN, HHMM, Cortez, LAH, Mr Soul, Roll Another Number, Cinnamon Girl are really "classic" staples of the Crazy Horse repertoire.
So Tired.
Neil is following almost exactly the pattern of the Weld tour.A mix of newer/classic Crazy Horse songs, long feedbacks, quite similar set to Weld, fewer songs. Probably the only difference is the omission of the classic Rockin In The Free World.
I don't see instead similarities with RNS, except for the stage.
So Tired.
Did people expect Neil to play Rust Never Sleeps verbatim? He is still producing great new tunes and isn't on some sort of desperate for relevance/reunion/ cash tour like many of his peers.
I really enjoyed Walk Like a Giant and Born in Ontario. That tune, the anthem and the displayed Maple Leafs all made me smile and be proud of the fact that this genius is from my home province. The high for me , personally, was Cortez. I have seen him play that tune several times over the last 30 years and its always my high-light.
Hell I would pay good money to see Neil even he pulled out his old Shocking Pinks tunes because for an Icon like Neil its just his presence that is so inspiring.
Go and catch his Tour and every tour he does after this. You want to able to say you saw this legend.
I have heard it all before. The same thing as going to a Willie Nelson concert. If you want to hear the greatest hits album, stay home and listen to it on your stereo. Leave the concert tickets available to the true fans. Neil is pure genius. Walk Like a Giant was a high point for me. Also enjoyed Powderfinger.
Hey Genius. Just out of curiosity, what do you consider the only 3 oldies he played? By my count, he played 3 oldies alone after 5 songs, and I'm not including the national anthem, just so you are clear.
If Ragged Glory is now considered "old" stuff then put me in the camp who is voting for some more "old" ... as long as it doesn't come at the expense of the new ... but really my personal desires aside I find if Neil's into it its usually a mind blowing experience new, old, or in between ... even songs you've never heard before can rock your world if he's got the passion ... call me a heretic but when I read the set lists and see Cortez I kinda roll my eyes and say, "heard it 1,000 times" but then I remember most of those "1,000 times" blew my mind because he only puts it into the set list if its 'relevant' to him now ... don't get me wrong I love Cortez as much as the next guy but hoping for 'LOve and only Love' or 'Change you Mind' or 'No Hidden Path' ... or the next classic of which it sounds like a few are on PP
I was really looking forward to seeing Crazy Horse for the second time (last time was Ragged Glory tour) ... what happened to the volume guys? I was hoping to both hear the band and feel the bass in my chest, and then it occurred to me, the average age of a Neil fan is around 55/60 I suppose it would be simply too loud for them.. ah well..
We were at the London Show on Oct 6th. We got last minute tickets in the top row and I can tell you the house was mostly full. Very few left.
The band was fantastic. They played their hearts out. Their harmonies were incredible. Some fun theatrics. I was truly impressed. A most 60's like show .
It was a pleasure to see such mastery. Perhaps some came expecting only the hits. Well he played a lot of favourites and some new ones too. It was his show folks. An artist has the right to present it as he wishes. And in my opinion he did it well. I am more than thankful that I was there. A night I will not forget.
Here is my review/memories from this concert:
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