TODAY: Farm Aid 2012 Concert
UPDATE: See Neil Young News: Farm Aid 2012 Concert Wrapup

The Farm Aid annual concert will be today at Hersheypark Stadium in Pennsylvania.
The Farm Aid 2012 Lineup:
2:40 p.m. Pegi Young and The Survivors
3:05 p.m. ALO
3:30 p.m. Lukas Nelson and Promise of the Real
4 p.m. Jamey Johnson
4:40 p.m. Grace Potter and the Nocturnals
5:20 p.m. Jack Johnson
6:20 p.m. Kenny Chesney
7:15 p.m. Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds
8:15 p.m. John Mellencamp
9:15 p.m. Neil Young and Crazy Horse
10:15 p.m. Willie Nelson and Family
And on the HOMEGROWN Stage, Brent James & the Contraband
Farm Aid Webcast, from 8-11pm on September 22, watch Farm Aid 2012: A Backstage Pass. You can also hear the concert on Willie Nelson's SiriusXM channel 56, Willie's Roadhouse, beginning at 2 pm EDT.
Photos © Paul Natkin/Wire Image
Got a report? Drop a comment below.
Also, see set lists on Sugar Mountain.
Got tweet? Got Neil? Tweet us at ThrashersWheat (thrasherswheat) on Twitter. Hash tag #neilyoung.
Also, use #farmaid hashtag for concert tweets for feed capture.
Details on Farm Aid official site and Farm Aid Blog.

UPDATE: See Farm Aid 2012 Concert Wrapup - Reviews, Setlist, Videos, Photos
Decided it was a bad idea to take my family. I have three extra tickets and I am driving alone from Mercer County, NJ. Anyone interested?
Hello Thrasher, will we get to hear thrashers wheat radio tonight? I think the guys that host the show are at farm aid? I listen to every show its fantastic. Looking forward to what the Horse play tonight. Keep On Rockin!
This webcast sucks! its just clips and not even live
yes it sucks...youtubes tomm...
What the f#!K is the problem? Last year's webcast was flawless and this year it's a Piece Of Crap !!! I don't mind if it is not "live", or having to stay up late, but if they do not play NY & CH and Willie & Family's sets IN THEIR ENTIRETY then it will NOT be Only Love Can Break [my] Heart !!!
-- Eric
2012-09-22, Hersheypark Stadium, Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA
Farm Aid 2012
w/ Crazy Horse
Love Like Water // Country Home / Ramada Inn / Mr. Soul / Homegrown / Like A Hurricane // Will The Circle Be Unbroken / Roll Me Up And Smoke Me When I Die
From the looks of it, Neil is eating way too many inandout burgers and fries and not enough homegrown salad. No joke. He's gotten way lardy around the middle and belly fat's a killer. Now he's going out on a grueling tour at 67 carrying that fat around? He better get his body together or he's gonna be playing with brother Ben way sooner than he was planning on. I'm dead serious. The connection between belly fat and cardiac disease, including sudden death, is strong. Neil, man, lose the fat. Have that misguided wife of yours can her lousy stage act and get to work in the kitchen actually doing something productive for one of the world's greatest living (at the moment) singer/songwriters. Would hate to lose you too soon. Look where LA's burgers got him.
yea pegi get back in the kitchen and make neil some fuckin' salads!
Mr Soul & Neil Young Speech
What a pathetic post by, guess who, 'anonymous' above.
ugh, once again neil shows his utter disregard for his fans by not allowing his set to be broadcast live on sirius. almost every other artist was broadcast, but of course not neil. no, that would be TOO FUCKING SWEET for the poor fan at home, sitting around on a saturday, waiting with excitement to hear the man.
saw the two songs on the webcast though...looks like neil fell off the pot wagon already! and yes, he is getting fat, but i'd put it a bit more delicately than dipshit anon.
What has his potbelly got to do with anything? Look at these videos instead and listen to the great renditions.
Coutry Home
Like a Hurricane
I see he broke out Country Home, a track I was begging for at Lake Tahoe. He could do one of those performing Ragged Glory in its entirety promotions. at least we now have youtube, a few years ago we didnt. Im grateful.
I tweeted thrasher twice and sent him a fuckin' email two days ago to tell him about this and he hasn't responded to either, but 3 minutes of Walk Like A Giant is streaming on The full song goes up on th 25th. Here's the url
There should be something about this on the main page.
Thanks for the YouTubes. We'll post soon.
@Medward - sorry about the disconnect. Over the past few days, we've been focused on getting to Hershey, catching up with old & new friends and enjoying a tremendous day of music and awareness building.
At the time, we didn't feel a brief sample took precedence over the Farm Aid event.
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